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《Journal of Technology in Human Services》2013,31(1-2):149-163
Summary This article specifies the knowledge and skills needed by human service professionals in order to utilize the potential of information technology for better care delivery. The conceptual foundation proposes an integrative approach that views management, case management and treatment as one integrated process in the human service agencies and which must be reflected in the information system design. A course for graduate students that incorporates this concept was developed in two schools of social work during a three-year period and is presented in details. 相似文献
软件和信息服务业是上海经济新的支柱性产业和重要增长点。目前,上海软件和信息服务业仍集中在以浦东和徐汇为核心的中心城区,但有向外围扩散的趋势。目前存在的主要问题是产业布局差异化不足、郊区产业配套能力不足、产业园区辐射能力不足。上海应针对地标区域、中心城区、外围区域、传统产业集聚区和新兴区域,采取不同的信息服务业发展思路;针对现有信息服务业基地和新兴发展区域,采取不同的产业发展政策。 相似文献
《Journal of Technology in Human Services》2013,31(1):35-49
The immediate future of human services and information technology is examined in terms of their unifying principles and potentials. Effects on human relationships are used as a departure point to forecast changes in professional training and work and changes in the problems people experience. Professional training will incorporate high skill levels in the use and application of information technology. Changes in professional work may include more home based work and more automation of professional tasks. Changes in the problems people experience are addressed in four areas: (1) near consequences of life in an intellect intensive society; (2) human services subject to dramatic improvement; (3) information technology as a "male" technology; and (4) the growth in social support networks. Suggestions are made to explore the conjunction of human service work and information technology. 相似文献
《Journal of Technology in Human Services》2013,31(3-4):83-98
Information technology is increasingly being used in the human services, but reports suggest that some professionals are resisting its introduction. Some accounts for this resistance emphasise the role of the technology's physical attributes. It may, however, be due more to mistaken assumptions by some professionals about the role of the technology in generating information in human service contexts. Information as a concept has different interpretations according to its usage. It is the author's contention that there has been a failure to differentiate between the use of the concept in different settings and this is a possible causal factor in producing resistance. This paper examines information as used in communication theory and the human services and emphasises the need for a thorough examination of the role of information in professional social work education and practice. 相似文献
《Journal of Technology in Human Services》2013,31(3-4):207-212
No abstract available for this article. 相似文献
智慧城市的发展紧密依托物联网、云计算和移动互联网为代表的新型信息科技,从而使城市达到"智慧"的状态。然而,"智慧"格局所暗含的安全隐患,却使新技术在为智慧城市带来无限愿景的同时,也给城市管理与社会安全带来严峻挑战。从上海未来城市建设和发展的角度思考,在智慧城市赖以支撑的庞大信息体系中,对信息技术不同层次的安全问题需要区别认识和对待,同时也不能忽略技术以外的措施与应对策略。具体做法是:借鉴国外经验,建立关键信息基础设施保护早期预警与响应机制;建设与完善信息安全法制体系与诚信系统;政府与企业和社会机构合作,提升全民网络安全意识。 相似文献
This study puts forward a variable clique overlap model for identifying information communities, or potentially overlapping subgroups of network actors among whom reinforced independent links ensure efficient communication. We posit that the average intensity of communication between related individuals in information communities is greater than in other areas of the network. Empirical tests show that the variable clique overlap model is indeed more effective in identifying groups of individuals that have strong internal relationships in communication networks relative to prior cohesive subgroup models; the pathways generated by such an arrangement of connections are particularly robust against disruptions of information transmission. Our findings extend the scope of network closure effects proposed by other researchers working with communication networks using social network methods and approaches, a tradition which emphasizes ties between organizations, groups, individuals, and the external environment. 相似文献
Michelle Stewart‐Thomas 《Gender, Work and Organization》2010,17(4):406-432
Using data from the 1998 National Congregations Study, I present empirical evidence that shows that the gender of a congregation's leadership makes a difference in the likelihood that a congregation will participate in a social service programme. The results from binary logistic regression indicate that the odds of congregations with women head clergy participating in a social service programme are four times greater than those with men head clergy. In addition, as the percentage of women on a congregation's governing board increases the probability that a congregation will participate in a service project also increases. The specific types of social service programmes a congregation pursues also differ by gender of leadership, with women‐led congregations significantly more likely to pursue service projects that could be labelled feminine while avoiding programmes that are clearly feminist. To explain this gendered behaviour I incorporate Acker's (1990 ) theory of gendered organizations. 相似文献
集体行动(群体事件)是我国转型期较新的社会问题,信息传播在其中扮演着重要的角色。本文从议程设置、大众传播的理论出发分析在这些集体行动(群体事件)中信息传播的环境,对信息环境环境化形成的媒介、意见领袖、受众三方面的原因进行了讨论。 相似文献
Margaret Sherrard Sherraden John Stringham Simona Costanzo Sow Amanda Moore McBride 《Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations》2006,17(2):156-173
International voluntary service (IVS) has a significant and growing presence worldwide. IVS is a policy and program tool used for international development aid, humanitarian relief, and promotion of international understanding. In the last century, forms of IVS have proliferated, while research on scope, effectiveness, and impacts has lagged behind. We propose a typology that addresses duration, nature of service, and degree of “internationality.” Further, we identify IVS networks and support organizations that bolster the capacity of IVS sending and hosting organizations, and in this process create large and little recognized international institutions of cooperation. Building on the typology, we suggest program, policy, and research implications to advance knowledge of the role of IVS, its role in global civil society, and impacts it may have on human conditions and cross-cultural understanding.
Margaret Sherrard SherradenEmail: |
以布迪厄场域理论来考察不同社会形态下青年与社会的信息互动实践,发现青年与社会的信息互动在具有“位置-权力”关系的场域中展开,“位置-权力”关系通过信息资本的占有而建构。社会形态随技术变革更迭,青年与社会信息互动的场域逻辑与运行机制发生相应转变。从农耕社会到工业社会再到信息社会,青年与社会的互动场域变得多样,并且发生着从家庭向学校再向网络空间的偏向性转换,场域运行的推动力量也从时间权威向结构权威再向认同权威转换。可以说,青年与社会信息互动场域的转换,正是人类在不同社会形态下对“用时间消灭空间”的信息传播时空观的生产实践与社会表征。 相似文献
Jeffrey R. Breese David Richmond 《Sociological Practice: A Journal of Clinical and Applied Sociology》2002,4(1):5-13
This note describes how the enterprises of Applied Sociology and Service Learning can be conceptualized as similar in focus. Both are described as being contemporary social movements within higher education. Offered are examples of how to link the two via classroom exercises and a comprehensive listing of Service Learning resources and organizations. 相似文献
Linda M. Delene PhD 《Journal of American college health : J of ACH》2013,61(6):265-269
Abstract The delivery of services in college health centers is improved through the use of relationship marketing and service quality advancement. Relationship marketing works to attract, maintain, and enhance customer or client relationships with the healthcare provider. The facets of relationship marketing are explored, with the greatest emphasis placed on internal marketing. Higher quality health services come from continuous improvement, a focus on process, and intensive staff development and participation, which build a service culture. 相似文献
发展社会养老服务、完善养老服务体系是我国应对人口老龄化的一项长期战略任务。广东作为我国老年人口最多的省份之一,养老服务体系正面临着养老服务资源短缺失衡、居家养老支持系统缺乏、机构设施与专业人才不足等严峻挑战。为改变广东养老服务建设的滞后局面,必须明确广东养老服务体系的发展目标、理念和原则,大力推广居家养老模式,重力建设社区养老服务设施,调整机构养老服务结构,开放养老服务市场,深化养老服务领域的改革,完善养老服务的配套制度,构建广东新型养老服务的制度体系。 相似文献
上海作为国际大都市与长三角龙头,必须以服务业为主确定区域发展目标,发挥对长三角与中国经济发展的引领与带动作用。但与纽约、伦敦等其他国际服务型大都市相比,上海存在明显的现代服务经济功能缺失,而这种缺失又影响到中国经济的转型升级。如何把上海建设成为现代服务业示范区,如何改变服务业比重始终处于"滞后"状态,如何通过发展现代服务业为进一步生产或者最终消费提供服务的中间投入,本文提出了一些建议。 相似文献
《Journal of Technology in Human Services》2013,31(3-4):425-438
Summary Human service organizations are beginning to utilize computerized information systems for a variety of purposes. This new information technology is expected to have a major impact on human service organizations. However, work to date has explored the impact of information systems designed for administrative and managerial tasks while clinical information systems focusing on direct practice have yet to be studied systematically. In this paper, is described the impact of a clinical information system on the work of line workers and the HSO as a whole. Five stages in the problem solving process are identified: Information collection, information processing, professional judgment, decision making, and action. They are viewed as stages in a feedback loop such that die action sequence of one cycle leads to an information collection stage in the subsequent cycle and so on. The possible impact of a CIS on practitioners at all levels from line worker to HSO clinical leadership is analyzed at each of these five stages. A case example of the CIS developed for the foster care service in Israel is utilized as an illustrative example. 相似文献
法治化是维护国家信息安全的重要措施。为提高中国信息安全的法治保障能力,应尽快制定《中华人民共和国保障信息安全法》,健全国家信息法制建设的框架基础;制定《未成年人信息安全保护法》、《网络游戏管理法》,保障未成年人身心健康成长权益不受侵害;重视提高法律对公民隐私通讯数据保护的能力;健全国家信息安全领域的法律制度与司法机制,强化政府建设与管理信息化的法律责任;严厉打击危害国家信息安全的犯罪行为,构建统筹规范信息网络的高效运营体制;推进信息技术自主创新和系统可控的安全运行模式,依法推进和规范信息网络实名制,严厉打击黑客行为,积极开展保障国家信息安全的国际合作。 相似文献