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The Asian extended family has been characterized by the principle of ‘interdependence’ between generations in praxis. In gerontological literature, it is known as ‘generalized reciprocity’ which extends between generations. To explore the concept of interdependence further, and to examine its translation into reality within multigenerational families, a qualitative research study involving three-generation families was conducted in Singapore. The results of 30 interviews are reported from a total of 10 families. The different aspects of interdependence and its impact on the emotional components of relationships between generations will be described, within the context of a fast modernizing city. The implications of findings for policies, services and intergenerational programs conclude the paper.  相似文献   

This study draws data from the Family Life Project to examine parenting behaviors observed for 105 mothers and grandmothers raising an infant in rural low‐income multigenerational households. Multilevel models are used to examine the relationships between maternal age and psychological distress and parenting of the infant by both generations. The findings indicate that young maternal age is a risk factor for less sensitive parenting in the presence of other risks, including psychological distress. Further, young maternal age is associated with negative parenting behaviors by grandmothers only. Grandmothers and mothers displayed similar levels of negative intrusive parenting, but different factors were linked to the observed parenting of each generation. These findings contribute to understanding the benefits and risks of three‐generation households.  相似文献   


This study examines differences in the level of independence in decision-making experienced by three generations of immigrants and the moderating effects of age, sex, and ethnicity. Data for this study were obtained from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. Results indicate generally less independence in decision-making among first-generation immigrants relative to their higher-generation counterparts; however, the relationship varies significantly with ethnicity and age. Among Latinos, adolescents' level of independence increases across successive immigrant generations to a much greater degree than among other ethnic groups. Age further contributes to this interaction, with evidence of greater increases in independence with age among first-generation immigrant Latinos. Findings demonstrate that cultural traditions with regard to parenting and adolescent socialization are important not only within ethnic groups but also within immigrant generations.  相似文献   

Multigenerational households are increasingly affecting both the individual and family as well as community organizations and social policies. Social work and other family studies students can profit from educational modalities that use adult learning applications through a systems life-course perspective, the whole family aging over time. Family simulation software—addressing multigenerational families, such as two or more adult generations living together—builds on a previous paper (Marriage & Family Review, Feb. 2015). Social class, among other demographic and environmental variables, is emphasized. Agent-based family social network simulation of multigenerational families can facilitate experiential learning. An automatically generated life events report, based on both factual data and specific family characteristics, can be used as a classroom case study for role playing and assessing.  相似文献   


This article reports findings of an MSW interdisciplinary practice curriculum experiment. A diverse group of students at ten schools of social work were provided with specialized fieldwork and training. The agencies represented a broad array of services, fields of practice client populations and professional disciplines. Students encountered frequent interdisciplinary disputes and often found social workers coordinating interdisciplinary teams, a role upon which social work curricula rarely focus. This specialized experience seems to have not only enriched students' preparation for interdisciplinary work, but also deepened their understanding of social work as a unique discipline.  相似文献   


This article explores the relationship between zoning regulations and co-residential family caregiving in the United States. It first provides an overview of U.S. housing policies, especially zoning. We then describe major changes in family structure and composition in the United States with their implications for caregiving and discuss how multigenerational housing options, particularly accessory dwelling units (ADUs) in single-family homes, can help support family caregiving. After an overview of zoning policies and actions that inhibit ADU production, we document current trends, incorporating information from a small non-random study of ADU activity we conducted in 2004. Finally, we present recommendations for promoting more multigenerational housing as a supplement to other family support programs (e.g., dependent care assistance, family caregiver payments) and as a source of affordable, supportive housing for those families choosing co-residence as their eldercare solution.  相似文献   


Eight mature graduate students formed a simulated Citizen Jury to deliberate on the ethics of the genetic engineering of an embryo for the singular purpose of enhancement of the offspring. After three separate sessions the “jurors” came to a rational majority consensus disavowing such a practice, and delineating the reasons for the negation. These include issues of freedom and autonomy, inequality, the negation of natural evolution, and the implications for future generations. Parts of the verbatim deliberations as well as some reflections following the deliberations are presented.  相似文献   

Family relationships across several generations are becoming increasingly important in American society. They are also increasingly diverse in structure and in functions. In reply to the widely debated “family decline” hypothesis, which assumes a nuclear family model of 2 biological parents and children, I suggest that family multigenerational relations will be more important in the 21st century for 3 reasons: (a) the demographic changes of population aging, resulting in “longer years of shared lives” between generations; (b) the increasing importance of grandparents and other kin in fulfilling family functions; (c) the strength and resilience of intergenerational solidarity over time. I also indicate that family multigenerational relations are increasingly diverse because of (a) changes in family structure, involving divorce and stepfamily relationships; (b) the increased longevity of kin; (c) the diversity of intergenerational relationship “types.” Drawing on the family research legacy of Ernest W. Burgess, I frame my arguments in terms of historical family transitions and hypotheses. Research from the Longitudinal Study of Generations is presented to demonstrate the strengths of multigenerational ties over time and why it is necessary to look beyond the nuclear family when asking whether families are still functional.  相似文献   


It seems that there are no clear and mutually exclusive categories of modernity and traditionalism in modern Africa. Modernity still includes forms of traditionalism and at the same time modernity creates its own traditions in what Kaphagawani terms as C4-Contemporary Confluence of Cultures on the Continent of Africa.

We need to position ourselves somewhere between the over-romanticized idea of a golden era in the past and an overly pessimistic view of the family as a disappearing primary care institution; between the “warm, loving, caring, socially-oriented …” African generations and the “cold technology-oriented” Western generations. This search for a relative social realitywill be dealt with by a narrative/discursive approach. This framework should, for a start, aim towards intergenerational programmes with at least one of three outcomes: transmission of positive values, relevant imageries and a developmental approach.  相似文献   

The extended family used to be relied upon to provide subsistence and care for older people in sub-Saharan Africa. However, recently South Africa has seen a reversal of roles, where older people now provide subsistence and care to younger generations; this role reversal is being accelerated by HIV/AIDS deaths among young adults. In most rural households, the non-contributory old age pension (OAP) that is means-tested is an important factor in making older people breadwinners. Using data from the 2004 Mpumalanga Older People's Survey, we examined the changing role of older people, which has been influenced mainly by changes in household structure and old age pension. Findings show that in 63% of matrifocal, multigenerational households, 76% of older people are the sole providers of household necessities, caring for the sick and grandchildren in increasingly skip-generation households.  相似文献   


Child welfare work is a key field of practice for social work graduates and for graduates of a growing range of disciplines. In the present paper, the authors drew on a survey of 208 child welfare workers and interviews with 28 senior personnel in child and family welfare agencies to analyse perceptions of the educational preparation of social workers and other human science graduates for this field of practice. The findings indicated that child welfare workers and employers are ambivalent about the value of social work and other generic social science and human services programmes as preparation for tertiary or statutory child protection practice, which involves investigation, assessment, and intervention in child abuse and neglect. The authors argue that the social work profession must better balance generic and specialist aspects to prepare graduates for practice in specialist fields of high social work involvement, particularly in tertiary child protection work.  相似文献   


This paper reports on the phenomenon of de facto interdisciplinary community practice to promote the growth and development of NGOs (non-governmental organizations) in Croatia. While there has been dramatic expansion in the role of NGOs in Croatian society, no academic discipline has taken the initiative to provide systematic professional training in community practice theory, methods, and techniques. This study examines the role of intermediate NGO support centers, which partially meet this need by offering consultation, training, technical assistance, mentoring, and coaching. One support center, the Center for Civil Initiatives (CCI), is examined in detail, while additional data is drawn from three similar organizations. Professional staff, outside consultants, and volunteers from these centers usually have expertise in a wide variety of practice areas and academic disciplines. However, they do not operate from an interdisciplinary paradigm or practice model. Core knowledge theories and principles embracing an interdisciplinary approach for work with NGOs should be developed within the Croatian system of higher education. Social work has strong potential to develop the theoretical and methodological knowledge necessary to establish an interdisciplinary practice model for NGO development in Croatia.  相似文献   


“Big data” initiatives that aim to bring together and mine data from multiple databases across government and non-government agencies promise new insights into the delivery of social services. However, as debates in other disciplines have shown, big data poses challenges as well as opportunities. This article provides an overview of the ethical issues in relation to big data, which extends into an examination of the practice issues for big data applied to the social welfare sector. In particular, the claims for objectivity made for big data are problematised through an exploration of what data are available in social welfare and the processes of big data collection and analysis, which are different from, but related to, data integrity. The aim is to stimulate debate within the sector in order to contribute to the development of a critical, cautious, but open approach to social work's latest “electronic turn”.  相似文献   


This article is principally concerned with case management and rurality in the Australian context. While there is substantial literature exploring case management across disciplines and across contexts, there remains a substantial gap in knowledge in relation to the role played by rurality in case management practice in Australia. An emerging body of knowledge associated with human service delivery in rural Australia under the stewardship of authors such as Alston, Cheers, and Lonne, offers valuable links between rurality and human services and draws attention to the specificity of rural work. However, there remains a gap in knowledge about how rural specificity impacts on case management practice in the political, cultural, and socioecological context that makes up rural Australia. Thus, the aim of this paper is to reflect upon contemporary knowledge of rural case management in the light of current literature and emerging trends, and to provoke interest in this topic as an area for further discussion and research.  相似文献   


Population aging in the United States poses a challenge for the present and coming generations: how to financially support the growing numbers of retired people? There is also a need to explore the potential for conflict across generations if young people see themselves as funding a system that may not be able to support them fully when they are older. This paper explores this intergenerational dimension and suggests that such stories of potential conflict are not borne out by research.  相似文献   


Objective: This study assessed the association between ethnicity and family socioeconomic status (SES) as it relates to the prevalence of vaginal douching among female undergraduates in a university community. Participants and Methods: This was a cross-sectional survey conducted between September 2011 and February 2012 among 1,535 female undergraduates using a semistructured behavioral questionnaire adapted by the authors from previous research related to vaginal douching practice. Results: The overall prevalence of vaginal douching was 79.35% and the practice was significantly associated with the mother's age, ethnicity, low SES (educational level, occupation, and monthly income), and area of residence. The father's age and SES were statistically nonsignificant. Conclusion: Ethnicity and low SES of mothers were significantly associated with a higher prevalence of douching in daughters. These factors should be considered among others in any intervention to discourage vaginal douching among college women.  相似文献   


This article has been written to provide the reader with insight into a council run Intergenerational service based in North Tyneside, UK. It involves partnerships between schools and Social Services, who create curriculum led projects. These are primarily school based, that bring generations together from the local community. The focus of the article is a teaching method called Storyline, which through EU funded programmes, became a European model of best practice for Intergenerational learning. It has been developed successfully in North Tyneside to bring younger and older people together, giving them a narrative theme to study which sets intellectual challenges for the participants to respond to.  相似文献   


The understanding of contemporary social problems and challenges in an international and national perspective is a significant issue for social work because of globalisation and social problems are too complex to handle by single actors themselves. The need for interdisciplinary and interprofessional collaboration is important. This paper focuses on experiences from an Erasmus Intensive Programme with the title Human Rights, Public Health and Social Service Challenges on Local Government in the Nordic-Baltic Sea Area. Social work students from different countries interacted with students from other disciplines such as political science, psychology and economy to discuss common challenges and solutions in this field. The analysis of the findings shows students reflect upon human rights issues as universal rights and how challenges presented by contextual differences in preconditions for everyday life between the countries, are reflected from different disciplines/professional perspectives. The paper argues that international and interdisciplinary programmes, where students get the opportunity to meet and to work with overarching and transnational issues, have a great potential for engaging students in global development in a rapidly changing world.  相似文献   


Amy Tan’s The Bonesetter’s Daughter is a fictional account of a Chinese American woman and her mother, a first-generation migrant, who is negotiating dementia in later life. Analysis of diasporic novels can provide insight into migrant belonging, especially the emotional geographies of home and emotional subjectivities of ageing that are not commonly or easily elucidated even by qualitative interviewing methods. This article examines Tan’s construction of ageing as an intergenerational, cultural and emotional process, and highlights the role of storytelling as an everyday home-making practice through which the transnationality of home in older age becomes evident.  相似文献   


Social workers can mobilize vulnerable populations to shape policy decisions about industrial practices that could have adverse impacts on their wellbeing. One such practice is hydraulic fracturing or “fracking” to extract oil and natural gas from shale rock deposits. There is scant social work literature on mobilizing opposition to fracking despite a proliferation of literature from other disciplines. This article documents the campaign in Maryland that led to the adoption of the first legislative ban on fracking in a U.S. state with shale gas reserves, using social movement theory to identify factors that led to this successful outcome.  相似文献   

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