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We study effects of explicit and implicit interethnic attitudes on ethnic discrimination in hiring. Unlike explicit attitudes, implicit attitudes are characterised by reduced controllability, awareness or intention. Effects of implicit interethnic attitudes on ethnic discrimination in the labour market remain under-researched. Moreover, previous experiments on the effects of explicit interethnic attitudes on discrimination have important drawbacks. We use data from a laboratory experiment (n = 272) consisting of an Implicit Association Test, a questionnaire and a recruitment test in which participants reviewed résumés representing fictitious applicants who varied regarding ethnicity, gender, education and work experience. Participants graded applicants and selected applicants for an interview. Results show that only explicit interethnic attitudes affect discrimination in grades, but both explicit and implicit interethnic attitudes increase discrimination in selection.  相似文献   

心理疾病污名是加诸在心理疾病患者身上的耻辱标记,主要指由与心理疾病有关的刻板印象引发的社会地位丧失和歧视.研究证实污名的存在会妨碍患者的治疗和康复,污名问题由此引起世界卫生界的广泛关注,其中的一个研究热点就是关于污名影响的研究.标签理论和修正标签理论对污名影响机制进行了分析;污名对心理疾病患者及相关人群的各种影响可从两个方面进行衡量:公众污名和自我污名;抗议、教育和接触是减少污名的有效方法.未来在中国文化背景中开展的心理疾病污名研究,应紧密结合传统文化分析污名的影响机制,并对应对污名策略的可行性进行探索.  相似文献   

This paper modifies previous research on discrimination by measuring different aspects of discrimination across 39 industrial segments of the labor market during an interesting period—the late 1960s. Operating within a standardization framework, we show how simple functions of multiplicative log-linear parameters can be meaningfully interpreted as measures of racial discrimination across and within industry categories. Our results indicate that there is substantial variation across industries in the degree and kind of discrimination.  相似文献   

劳动关系是市场经济条件下最基本、最重要的社会关系。建设和谐劳动关系是落实科学发展观的本质要求,是整个社会和谐的基础。新劳动合同法是构建和谐劳动关系的重要保证,本文由此引出了对用人单位构建和谐劳动关系的几点思考。新劳动合同法的实施对企业构建和谐劳动关系具有里程碑意义。  相似文献   

Despite a large body of research examining the impact of discrimination on health, the ways in which perceived discrimination may lead to disparate health outcomes through a sense of self and system consciousness is less understood. The current paper is concerned with both mental and physical health consequences of discrimination, as well as mediating pathways among African American and White women. Indirect effects analyses examine mediating paths from discrimination to health outcomes via structural awareness and self-esteem, using data from the Women's Life Path Study (N = 237). Our findings suggest that discrimination is both directly and indirectly associated with health outcomes for both Black and White women, mediated by individual (self-esteem) and group-level (structural awareness) processes. Evidence from this study indicates that discrimination is associated with heightened structural awareness, as well as lower self-esteem – both of which are related to poorer health. Discrimination negatively affected health across three domains, although the mechanisms varied somewhat for Black and White women. Broad implications of this research for interdisciplinary scholarship on the effects of discrimination on health and health disparities are discussed.  相似文献   

The sociological literature on workplace inequality has been relatively clear regarding racial disparities and ongoing vulnerabilities to contemporary structural and employer biases. We still know little, however, about the consequences of age and ageism for minority workers and susceptibilities to downward mobility. Coupling insights regarding race with recent work on employment-based age discrimination, we interrogate in this article African Americans and Whites, aged 55 and older, and the extent to which they experience job loss across time. Our analyses, beyond controlling for key background attributes, distinguish and disaggregate patterns for higher and lower level status managers and professionals and for men and women. Results, derived from data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics, reveal unique and significant inequalities. Relative to their White and gender specific counterparts, older African American men and women experience notably higher rates of downward mobility—downward mobility that is not explained by conventional explanations (i.e., human capital credentials, job/labor market characteristics, etc.). Such inequalities are especially pronounced among men and for those initially occupying higher status white-collar managerial and professional jobs compared to technical/skilled professional and blue-collar “first line” supervisors. We tie our results to contemporary concerns regarding ageism in the workplace as well as minority vulnerability. We also suggest an ageism-centered corrective to existing race and labor market scholarship.  相似文献   

Multi-level cross-national research consistently shows individual housework arrangements are structured by broader contexts of equality. Across this body of research, the United States is treated as a single entity. Yet, individual-level housework time may vary by state-to-state differences in institutional market, family and legislative logics. To test these relationships, we pair individual-level data from the American Time Use Survey (2003–2012; aged 18 to 64 n = 106,190) with three state-level indices – female labor force empowerment, family traditionalism and state government liberalism. For market institutional logics, we find wives and husbands spend more but mothers less time in housework in states where women have more labor market power. For family logics, we find mothers spend more and husbands less time in housework in more traditional states. For legislative logics, we find women and husbands spend more time in housework in more liberal states. Our results highlight the importance of state-to-state institutional logics on individuals' housework time.  相似文献   

琼州大学新生心理素质调查分析与建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对琼州大学 6 92名学生进行心理素质调查 ,通过分析研究 ,指出琼大新生的心理健康整体素质较好 ,并表现出性别、专业的特点 ,以及存在的一些问题。调查为研究琼大新生心理素质状况 ,早期发现心理问题、提供心理卫生保健服务和预防治疗心理疾病以及建立学生心理健康档案 ,进行心理健康教育等 ,提供必要的依据。  相似文献   

While fertility theories suggest that insecure labor market experiences encourage women to postpone having children, few have examined whether job insecurity perceptions influence fertility in the North American context—an omission we address in the current study. Findings from event history analyses of a panel dataset of Canadian workers (Canadian Work, Stress and Health Study) reveal that perceived job insecurity is salient for women's first birth decisions but not subsequent births. Further subgroup analyses show that the association between perceived job insecurity and likelihood of a first birth is limited to college-educated women and those in low unemployment labor market regions. Among women with less than a college degree and those in high-unemployment regions, the likelihood of a first birth does not vary by respondents' perceptions of insecurity. Results suggest a more nuanced relationship between insecure work and women's childbearing decisions than predicted by traditional pro-cyclical accounts of the economy-fertility association.  相似文献   

知识员工与雇主的和谐关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄维德  金彪 《社会科学》2006,(10):130-136
知识经济时代,知识员工与雇主的关系是企业的主要劳动关系,也是影响企业发展的关键。本文从知识员工与雇主的劳动关系重要性出发,阐述两者之间和谐关系的出发点。通过对知识员工与雇主不和谐关系现状的分析,对如何建立和谐的知识员工和雇主关系进行了研究,为建立更合理的企业劳动关系提供参考。  相似文献   

近年来,我国劳动力市场上对女性的就业歧视现象越来越严重,它不仅侵犯了劳动者的劳动及其他相关权利,而且违背了我国公民在法律面前一律平等的宪法原则及其他体现平等原则的法律规定,具有极大的社会危害性。从当今女性劳动者的就业现状出发,在分析就业性别歧视的概念、判断标准、具体表现以及在立法上存在的主要问题后,提出就业性别歧视的法律应对建议。  相似文献   

基于西方哲学中理性与非理性之争日益激烈,以及现代社会环境和个人因素的原因,西方文学作品中的疯癫形象及其研究日益增多。国外研究中性别疯癫研究、男性研究逐渐取代女性疯癫研究,断代史中的疯癫研究成果丰富,少数族裔研究成为特色;国内多隐喻研究和女性疯癫研究,同时在理论运用、研究深度以及研究文本创新方面存在不足。针对国内研究现状,需要加强男性疯癫研究和跨文化比较研究,此外尝试运用新理论进行文本阐释。  相似文献   

我们需要什么样的劳动力市场制度   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
一个统一、灵活和充满竞争性的劳动力市场是保证中国经济持续、健康发展的重要条件。20世纪90年代后期以来,中国城镇失业率加速攀升,就业形势异常严峻,继而带来贫困、收入差距扩大等一系列问题,社会不安定因素大大增加。在市场经济条件下,政府促进就业,必须充分重视劳动力市场,维护劳动力市场机制的正常运转,让市场配置劳动力资源的作用充分发挥。  相似文献   

信息网络建设:制约劳动力市场发展的一个薄弱环节   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
市场机制优化资源配置的前提是有充分的信息保证 ,劳动力市场的有效运作必须依靠信息支撑 ,信息网络建设是劳动力市场发展的生命线。从计划体制向市场经济体制的转型突出了劳动力信息网络建设的紧迫性 ,由于体制分割、采集手段落后、劳动力市场信息功能单一、职业介绍市场化进程滞后以及管理体制的落后制约了劳动力信息网络的发展 ,也制约了整个劳动力市场的发展。建设一个以准确性、权威性、科学性、快捷性、规范性和延伸性为要求的劳动力信息网络 ,已经成为促进并完善劳动力市场的关键环节  相似文献   

Internal migration in China during the last three decades, the largest in human history, offers a rare opportunity to understand inequalities in the making. Using data spanning 10 years from China’s largest metropolis, Shanghai, this study assesses how enduring state institutions interplay with the spread of market forces to shape income inequality between migrants and native urban workers. Though the wages of both Chinese migrants and urban workers rose considerably, economic restructuring during the decade under study resulted in diminished privileges for urbanites and subsequently increased collision between migrants and urban workers in the private sectors. These shifts, rather than substantially reducing inequality, have led to an evolving form of inequality, from an initial general blatant discrimination against migrants across the board, to a new and more subtle form of inequality characterized by substantial segmented discrimination against migrants within economic sectors, with the degree of inequality varying from sector to sector. We discuss how this changing inequality reflects complementary rather than competing roles of the state and market institutions in inequality creation and maintenance.  相似文献   

四川省人力资源就业存在一系列问题,包括:劳动力供给旺盛而需求不足,造成部分劳动力未能利用;而除去总量压力,由于劳动者技能、知识结构与市场的需求结构不相符,以及劳动力市场本身的效率欠佳,造成相当部分的劳动力和工作岗位同时闲置;另外,由于一些微观用人机制和宏观的制度安排等问题,造成了劳动力利用不充分的状况。本文从劳动力供给调整、需求调整和改善制度环境三方面提出了一系列旨在解决这些问题的人力资源开发政策。  相似文献   

劳动者的个人信息权是指劳动者对由用人单位收集或存储的,能够反映劳动者特征的具有可识别性的符号系统所享有的知悉、控制并排除他人侵害的权利。在劳动关系中劳动者处于弱势地位,其个人信息权受到用人单位知情权的制约,极易受到用人单位的侵害。劳动者的个人信息权义务主体为用人单位,内容与劳动合同的订立、履行或解除具有一定的相关性,由此可将其归属于劳动权范畴。通过劳动权救济模式比一般私权的救济模式更能保护劳动者的个人信息权。在此框架下,确立遵循利益衡量、最小损害、倾斜保护劳动者为劳动者个人信息权救济三原则。在责任构成要件上,主要考察侵权事实、侵害后果以及二者之间的因果关系,弱化对用人单位主观过错的要求。同时考虑到劳资双方的地位减轻劳动者的举证责任,完善行政投诉、劳动仲裁及劳动争议等多元救济途径,从实质上保障劳动者的个人信息权。  相似文献   

We examine a key modified labeling theory proposition—that a psychiatric label increases vulnerability to competence-based criticism and rejection—within task- and collectively oriented dyads comprised of same-sex individuals with equivalent education. Drawing on empirical work that approximates these conditions, we expect the proposition to hold only among men. We also expect education, operationalized with college class standing, to moderate the effects of gender by reducing men’s and increasing women’s criticism and rejection. But, we also expect the effect of education to weaken when men work with a psychiatric patient. As predicted, men reject suggestions from teammates with a psychiatric history more frequently than they reject suggestions from other teammates, while women’s resistance to influence is unaffected by their teammate’s psychiatric status. Men also rate psychiatric patient teammates as less powerful but no lower in status than other teammates, while women’s teammate assessments are unaffected by their teammate’s psychiatric status. Also as predicted, education reduces men’s resistance to influence when their teammate has no psychiatric history. Education also increases men’s ratings of their teammate’s power, as predicted, but has no effect on women’s resistance to influence or teammate ratings. We discuss the implications of these findings for the modified labeling theory of mental illness and status characteristics theory.  相似文献   

工资决定的行为与制度分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
新古典工资理论很难解释现实的工资差异等问题,新制度经济学把劳动合同的不完全性和劳动市场竞争的不完全性引入,从劳动市场不完全性角度来解释了这些问题。后来的行为和实验经济学研究则给出了不同的证据和结论。这些研究发现,劳动市场参与人是满足行为偏好的,具有公平和互惠动机,公平规范等非正式制度在实际的工资决定中起着重要作用。基于新制度经济学的制度设计,必须和基于行为与实验经济学的规范形成互补,才能真正发挥劳动市场的资源配置作用。  相似文献   

Under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, discrimination in employment on the basis of color is prohibited, and color is a protected basis independent from race. Using data from the spouses of the main respondents to the New Immigrant Survey 2003, this paper shows that immigrants with the lightest skin color earn on average 16-23% more than comparable immigrants with the darkest skin color. These estimates control for years of legal permanent residence in the US, education, English language proficiency, occupation in source country, Hispanic or Latino ethnicity, race, country of birth, as well as for extensive current labor market characteristics that may be themselves influenced by discrimination. Furthermore, the skin color penalty does not diminish over time. These results are consistent with persistent skin color discrimination affecting legal immigrants to the United States.  相似文献   

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