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Relationship quality for married couples typically declines after the birth of a (first) child, as parenthood brings new identities, stresses, and responsibilities for mothers and fathers. Yet, it is less clear whether nonmarital relationship quality follows a similar trajectory, particularly given the greater selectivity of nonmarital relationships that persist over time. This paper uses data from the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study (N = 3,459) with latent growth curve models to examine relationship quality (measured by mothers' perceived supportiveness about fathers) for married and unmarried couples over nine years after a child's birth. Findings suggest that marriage at birth is protective for relationship supportiveness over time, net of various individual characteristics associated with marriage, compared to all unmarried couples at birth; however, marriage does not differentiate supportiveness compared to the subset of unmarried couples who remain stably together. Also, unmarried couples who get married after the birth have more supportive relationships compared to all unmarried couples who do not marry—though less so when compared to couples who remain stably together.  相似文献   

There is a well-established relationship between union status and health within the general population, and growing evidence of an association between sexual identity and well-being. Yet, what is unknown is whether union status stratifies health outcomes across sexual identity categories. In order to elucidate this question, we analyzed nationally representative population-based data from the National Health Interview Surveys 2013–2014 (N = 53,135) to examine variation in self-rated health by sexual partnership status (i.e., by sexual identity across union status). We further test the role of socioeconomic status and gender in these associations. Results from logistic regression models show that union status stratifies self-rated health across gay, lesbian, and heterosexual populations, albeit in different ways for men and women. Socioeconomic status does not play a major role in accounting for these differences. Findings highlight the need for specific interventions with lesbian women, who appear to experience the most strident disadvantage across union status categories.  相似文献   

社会资本与农村社区建设的可持续性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
农村社区建设必须树立可持续发展的理念,只有以可持续性的战略对待之,农村才能成为农村居民安居乐业之地。文章从社会资本的概念与理论出发,认为中国农村社区建设的可持续性之关键在于必须有良好的内在发展机制,而这个机制就是农村社区中社会资本的重构与开拓。文章首先指出了社会资本对于农村社区建设的意义,然后分析了目前农村社会资本的缺失,提出从四个方面重构社会资本,以推进农村社区建设走向可持续发展之路。  相似文献   

Parents’ influence on young adult sexual behavior receives little attention compared to influence on adolescent behavior. Yet effective parenting should have lasting effects. Even fewer studies examine parents’ influence on sexual behavior of both foreign and native-born young adults. Using the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (Add Health) Waves I (1994–95) and III (2001–02), we examine longitudinal associations among mother-daughter relationship quality and nativity during adolescence and young adults’ risky sexual behaviors of condom use at last intercourse, number of sexual partners, and STI diagnoses (N = 4460). Women, 18–26 years old, who had good mother-adolescent daughter relationships have fewer partners and STIs in the past year. Second generation women have worse mother-adolescent daughter relationships, compared to third generation. Relationship quality does not explain associations between nativity and risky behavior. Lasting associations between relationship quality and risk behaviors suggest that reproductive health interventions should enhance mother-adolescent relationships.  相似文献   

通过对陕西省白水县“社区主导型芡展试点项目”开展前后试点社区和非试点社区的追踪调查,对采集的数据进行统计分析,发现试点社区居民在社区参与、社区信任、社区互助上要比非试点社区居民有更大幅度的提高。通过外部推动,形成农村自治组织、增加公共品的供给,是培育农村社会资本的有效途径。  相似文献   

In a departure from most studies of the causes of racial residential segregation that focus on the three main factors of economics, preferences, and discrimination, this paper examines one of the mechanisms through which segregation may be perpetuated: the housing search process itself. Data come from a 2004 face-to-face survey of an area probability sample of African American and white householders living in the three counties of the Detroit metropolitan area (n = 734). These data are used to address three research questions: (1) What are the strategies people use to find housing, and are there racial differences in those strategies? (2) Do whites and African Americans report similar or different experiences in the search for housing? (3) Do the locations in which people search for housing vary by race? Results show that once controlling for the type of search and background characteristics, the search strategies are generally similar for whites and blacks, though more so for buyers than renters: for example, black renters use more informal strategies and networks than do white renters. Analyses that look at the features of these strategies, however, reveal some significant racial differences. Search experiences are similar in terms of length and number of homes inspected, but other objective and subjective questions about the search show blacks at a disadvantage compared to whites: African Americans submit more offers/applications for homes, report more difficulties, and are much more likely to feel they were taken advantage of during the search. The racial characteristics of the communities in which blacks and whites search are quite different: whites mainly search in white communities, while African Americans search in communities with a variety of racial compositions. The paper concludes with a call for further research on housing search strategies, with particular attention to the role of social networks.  相似文献   

Researchers often explore health (care) beliefs as a function of individual characteristics; yet, few consider the role of context in shaping both beliefs and the behaviors that are informed by them. As a sociopolitical construct, ethnoraciality provides a concerning source of bias in studies of health (care) beliefs because it inhabits both individual and contextual forms. This study examines whether the ethnoracial context of the residential area where sexual minorities live is associated with a particular health (care) belief – sources of trustworthy health information – and considers how ethnoracial group membership status differentiates these ecological associations drawing on mediation and moderation models. Using data from the 2010 Social Justice Sexuality Project, our analysis shows that sexual minorities who live with high concentrations of Latinos and Whites are less likely to rely exclusively on medical professionals for trustworthy health information than those who live with high concentrations of Blacks. Moreover, exclusive reliance on medical professionals for health information among Black and Latino sexual minorities is stronger in co-ethnic communities (predominately Black and Latino areas, respectively). The analysis also documents status and contextual differentials and status-context contingencies of reliance on the Internet, social networks, and multiple agents (“triangulation”) as sources of health information. Findings suggest that place-based co-ethnic networks may facilitate disease prevention among Black and Latino sexual minorities by improving the quality of their relationships with sick role gatekeepers and breaking down the silos of the medical complex. The study concludes by considering the value of a place-based approach to alleviating health disparities among sexual minorities vis-à-vis the health care system.  相似文献   

Although many studies have examined determinants of child health, fewer have explored factors explaining regional disparities in child health outcomes. In the Peruvian context, we examined the relationship between regional disparities in child malnutrition and local variation in health resources (health care resources and the socioeconomic environment). Using the Peruvian 2007–2008 Continuous Demographic and Health Survey (N = 8020) and governmental administrative data, our analyses show that 1) only selected types of health care resources (medical professionals and outpatient visits) are related to child nutritional status, 2) local poverty predicts nutritional status net of household characteristics, and, most importantly, 3) a significant portion of regional differences in child malnutrition are explained by local poverty, whereas health care resources are not associated with regional disparities. These findings suggest that the local socioeconomic environment is a key determinant of both child health outcomes and regional disparities in these outcomes.  相似文献   

社区矫正是源于西方国家的一项司法制度,引入我国后,如果没有科学、合理的社区制度性功能定位,社区矫正将会失去其原有的品性,最终演变为社区的矫正.当前实践中的社区矫正制度种种困境根源在于对社区功能的误解,其根本的出路在于重塑一个具有共同的利益和情感基础的、能对其成员进行教化的社区.  相似文献   

Reports from academic and media sources assert that many young people substitute non-vaginal sexual activities for vaginal intercourse in order to maintain what could be called “technical virginity.” Explanations for technical virginity, however, are based on weak empirical evidence and considerable speculation. Using a sample of 15–19-year-olds from Cycle 6 of the National Survey of Family Growth, we examine technical virginity and its motivations. The results suggest that religious adolescents are less likely than less-religious ones to opt for non-vaginal sex over total abstinence. Abstinence pledgers who are virgins are neither more nor less likely than nonpledgers who are virgins to substitute non-vaginal sex for intercourse. Moreover, religion and morality are actually the weakest motivators of sexual substitution among adolescents who have not had vaginal sex. Preserving technical virginity is instead more common among virgins who are driven by a desire to avoid potential life-altering consequences, like pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.  相似文献   

高校与社区共建研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新形势下社区文明建设尤为重要。高校在占有人才优势和知识优势的前提下 ,应急党政所急 ,尽团员所能 ,组织团员青年志愿者参与社区活动 ,为青年文明社区建设作贡献 ,充分发挥其在社区两个文明建设中的生力军作用。本文对建设文明社区的重要性、高校共建的优越性、共建的内容和成效以及共建过程中存在的问题作了深入的研究  相似文献   

A two-part latent growth mixture model was implemented in order to examine heterogeneity in the growth of sexual harassment (SH) victimization in college and university students, and the extent to which SH class membership explains substance use and mental health outcomes for certain groups of students. Demographic risk factors, mental health, and substance use were examined as they related to chronically experienced SH victimization. Incoming freshmen students (N = 2855; 58% female; 54% White) completed a survey at five time points. In addition to self-reporting gender, race, and sexual orientation, students completed measures of sexual harassment, anxiety, depression, binge drinking, and marijuana use. Overall, self-reported SH declined upon college entry, although levels rebounded by the third year of college. Results also supported a two-class solution (Infrequent and Chronic) for SH victimization. Being female, White, and a sexual minority were linked to being classified into the Chronic (relative to the Infrequent) SH class. In turn, Chronic SH class membership predicted greater anxiety, depression, and substance use, supporting a mediational model.  相似文献   

Researchers have established that individual religiosity influences sexual behavior and that religious support can increase consistency between personal religiosity and behavior. Researchers are less certain, however, of the effect that religious friendship networks have on sexual behavior. In addition, the effects of network characteristics such as density and one’s position in a social network have not been established. This paper uses a network subsample of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health) to examine the effect of friends’ religiosity on the probability of first sex. We find that friends’ religiosity has an independent influence on adolescent sexual behavior that is similar in magnitude to personal religiosity. We also find evidence that friends’ religiosity has the strongest influence on the sexual behavior of adolescents who are embedded in dense social networks, in which teens’ friends are also friends with one another. These results support the hypothesis that group influences depend on the degree of embeddedness within the network and highlight the importance of studying religion as a property of groups as well as individuals.  相似文献   

据我国《城市社区居委会组织法》的规定,社区居委会是自我教育、自我管理、自我服务的基层群众性自治组织。但事实上社区居委会成为了政府的附属机构,其行政色彩浓厚而自治性不足,这实质是社区居委会在社区管理中的缺位与错位。这种缺位与错位,不仅不能实现城市社区的良好管理,也难以实现城市社区的自治。要改变社区居委会在社区管理中缺位与错位的现状,就应该转变城市基层政府和社区居委会的职能,并加强社区居委会的能力建设,从而理顺基层政府和社区居委会的关系,增强社区居委会的自治性,回归社区居委会的应然角色。  相似文献   

加强和完善社区管理和服务体系具有重要意义。目前,我国街道办事处的职能不明确,条块分割,社区居委会行政化严重,社区公共服务亟待提高和完善,城乡社区服务资源严重不足,社区工作者人数少,工作任务重,社区工作专业化水平不高。因此,要发挥基层政府的主导作用,积极推进街道管理体制创新,健全基层群众自治制度,创新社区管理模式,完善社区公共服务体系,增强街镇和社区实力,推动我国社会工作的社区化。  相似文献   

A large body of literature documents the link between social support, stress, and women’s mental health during pregnancy and the postpartum period; however, uncertainty remains as to whether a direct effect or stress mediating pathway best describes the relationship between these factors. Moreover, specific dimensions of social support that may be influential (family type, sources of support) have largely been neglected. Using data from the Fragile Families and Child Well-being Study (N = 4150), we examine the pathway between social support, stress exposure, and postpartum depression in greater detail. Findings reveal that social support is a significant, protective factor for postpartum depression, and the variety of support providers in a woman’s social network is important, especially in the context of family type. Findings also reveal the importance of considering social support and stress exposure as part of a larger causal pathway to postpartum mental health.  相似文献   

社会主义的本质之一是消灭剥削,但并不等于消灭了剥削,而是存在着需要消灭的剥削,其中某些剥削的存在是有其必要性的。针对社会主义国家中存在着不平等现象,罗默提出了社会必要剥削理论,其理论尽管有不妥之处,但对于正确认识我国社会主义初级阶段存在的剥削问题,科学确立社会必要剥削和社会不必要剥削的界限,最终消灭一切剥削意义重大。  相似文献   

罗默与马克思剥削理论的比较分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
罗默是分析马克思主义学派的主要代表人物。他一方面认为马克思的思想至今依然具有强大的生命力,另一方面又彻底否定马克思剥削理论建立的基石——劳动价值论,并提出一种基于非劳动价值论的剥削理论。通过分析罗默剥削理论和马克思剥削理论在剥削存在的判断依据、剥削的源泉和目的、研究方法科学合理性以及剩余价值特殊表现形式四个方面的异同,指出罗默剥削理论既没有认识到剥削的本质,也没有充足理由驳倒马克思的劳动价值论。  相似文献   

When people form beliefs about the trustworthiness of others with respect to particular matters (i.e., when individuals trust), theory suggests that they rely on preexistent cognitive schemas regarding the general cooperativeness of individuals and organizations (i.e., social trust). In spite of prior work, the impact of social trust on relational trust—or what Russell Hardin (2002) calls trust as a three-part relation where actor A trusts actor B with reference to matter Y—is not well established. Four vignette experiments were administered to Amazon.com Mechanical Turk workers (N = 1388 and N = 1419) and to public university undergraduate students (N = 995 and N = 956) in order to investigate the relationship between social trust and relational trust. Measures of general social trust and particular social trust produced statistically equivalent effects that were positively associated with relational trust. Political trust, however, was statistically unrelated to relational trust. These results support the idea that people rely on schemas and stereotypes concerned with the general cooperativeness and helpfulness of others when forming beliefs about another person's trustworthiness with respect to a particular matter at hand.  相似文献   

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