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进入新世纪以来,日本首相小泉纯一郎不顾中国等亚洲国家的反对连续六次参拜靖国神社,严重地干扰了中日关系的正常发展,甚至导致两国国民情感的严重对抗。本文以靖国神社参拜问题为切入点,从催化中日民间对立情绪、强化中日“经热政冷”局面和加深中国对日本“入常”的疑虑三个方面,阐述靖国神社参拜问题对当前中日关系的影响。  相似文献   

伴随我国人口老龄化、家庭小型化和预期寿命的延长,高龄老人作为一个特殊群体日益受到社会各界的关注。社会工作者也应当做好老龄化社会到来的准备,将高龄老人作为一个特殊群体,运用适合高龄老人特点的方法对其情绪及行为问题进行干预。鉴于高龄老人心智能力的变化特点,本文尝试运用心理学的合理情绪疗法,帮助社会工作者为高龄老人提供更科学和人性化的支持与干预。通过一个案例,分析合理情绪疗法在各个阶段运用相应技术纠正高龄老人不合理观念的过程及作用,说明合理情绪疗法在高龄老人社会工作中的可用性。  相似文献   

Since the 1960s, social science surveys have aimed to assess respondents' attitudes towards gender roles. In this paper, a model-based clustering approach towards gender role attitudes is proposed in contrast to commonly used dimensional methods. Working from a role theory perspective, we expect different profiles in the population when it comes to role expectations. Using data from the German General Social Survey in 1991 and 2012, we identify attitude patterns via multi-group latent class analysis, taking differences between Eastern and Western Germany into account. Five latent classes representing different combinations of role expectations towards couples and parents and varying levels of intensity are distinguished. Attitude change is assessed by comparing latent class prevalence over time, while statistically testing for measurement equivalence. The analysis reveals a regionally variable decrease in traditional role models: Eastern Germany exhibits a faster pace of ‘de-traditionalization’ and less potential for role conflicts regarding working mothers.  相似文献   

儿子对老年父母的照顾:香港夹心代的境况与态度的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过研究香港中年夹心代对老年父母的照顾模式发现,儿子对父母仍存在积极的照顾,特别在经济及感情的照顾上,儿子的参予不见得比女儿少。并从老年父母的角度来了解中年夹心代的责任。研究发现不论由中年夹心代照顾者看其对老年父母的责任,抑或由老年父母的角度看儿子的责任,也都认为儿子应照顾老年父母,及在现实的情况下,儿子实际上亦有施予照顾,且其参予不见得比女儿少。不过,两代间对中年夹心代对家庭成员的责任则出现不一致的看法。中年夹心代倾向优先照顾其本身的儿女(即第三代),其次才是照顾其老年父母,再其次是照顾其配偶。  相似文献   

Factor analysis is often used to study environmental concern. This choice of methodology is driven by predominant theories that tie environmental attitudes to the multidimensional construct of environmental concern. This paper demonstrates that using a clustering method such as latent class analysis can be a valuable tool for studying environmental attitudes as they exist within a given population. In making the case for the value of latent class analysis in this context, we examine UK public concern for the environment and how this concern is associated with pro-environmental behaviours. To do this we use responses to DEFRA's 2009 Survey of Public Attitudes and Behaviours towards the Environment, which is still the most nationally representative survey of its type in the UK. Grouping respondents according to homogenous response patterns, we identify four classes of people, defined by their concern for the environment: Pro-environment, Neutral Majority, Disengaged and Paradoxical. To understand how these attitude classes are associated with behaviour and socio-economic status, class membership probability is regressed onto education, income and social grade, as well as 16 measures of environmental behaviour related to transport, food, recycling and home energy conservation. The results contradict most previous research with the environmental attitude classes by being highly predictive of environmental behaviour.  相似文献   

随着更多的女性外出就业,核心家庭无暇完成孩子的抚育与照顾功能。基于传统伦理,老人来到子代的家庭组成"临时主干家庭",完成照顾孙代责任。在对石家庄市"临时主干家庭"个案调查的基础上,分析这一家庭形态的代际关系及家庭生活实践。临时主干家庭作为家庭功能实现的现实策略在于,一方面勾勒出当代中国家庭动态的家庭结构形式;另一方面,从临时主干家庭的互动实践中,可以看出老人在双方互动中权威地位的衰落,处于家庭中的附属地位。  相似文献   

冲突性话语的直接冲突回应容易引发矛盾升级、产生冲突,恰当的缓和回应策略则可以有效缓减冲突、推动交际的顺利进行。以人际和谐管理语用观为语用理据,立足现有语料,探讨了医患工作会话中听话人如何借助缓和回应策略——间接冲突回应与语用缓和语,回应说话人的冲突性话语,分析了缓和回应策略具有表意含蓄性、交际和谐性、情感顺应性的语用特征,具有发泄负面情绪、增进人际和谐、实现预期交际目的的语用功能。  相似文献   

如何处理党员成分多样性与党的阶级性、党的先进性的关系,历来是中国共产党理论上要回答、实践上要解决的问题。以毛泽东、江泽民为代表的中国共产党人在不同的历史条件下进行了艰辛探索,体现了中国共产党人解决这一问题的主动性和创新性:立足国情,与时俱进,反对党员成分问题上的“唯成分论”;坚持党的先进性要求,把党员成分多样性与保持党的先进性统一起来,着重于思想建党原则。  相似文献   

涉外民事法律关系调整方法主要有两种:其一是采用冲突法规范选择准据法的间接调整方法;其二是运用实体法规范直接确定国际民事关系中各方当事人的权利和义务关系。冲突法规范调整方法有其合理的一面,但也存在着机械、僵化的一面;而实体法规范虽然被认为是调整涉外民事关系的最佳选择,但在目前,其调整的范围和作用仍然有限。因此,有必要继续重视和加强对冲突法规范的研究。  相似文献   

This study applies latent trajectory methods to the analysis of temporal changes in homicide rates among large US cities across recent decades. Specifically, annual homicide rates for 157 large US cities are analyzed for the 30 years from 1976 to 2005. We address the fundamental questions: Did all of cities experience similar levels and patterns of rise and decline in homicide rates over these three decades? Or is there hidden or unobserved heterogeneity with respect to these temporal patterns, thus leading to the identification of more homogeneous groupings of the cities? And if latent homogeneous groupings surface, is membership due to specific structural characteristics found within those cities? Evidence is found for the existence of four latent homicide rate trajectories. After identifying and classifying the cities into these four groups, multivariate statistical techniques are used to determine which social and economic characteristics are significant predictors of these distinct homicide trends. Criminal justice measures are also included as controls. It is found that larger cities located in the South with higher levels of resource deprivation/concentrated poverty, higher income inequality, higher percentages of the adult male population that are divorced, higher unemployment rates, higher percentages of youth, higher percentages of the population who are Hispanic and higher numbers of police per capita are more likely to be in a higher than a lower homicide trajectory group. Higher percentages of the population enrolled in colleges and universities and locations in states with higher incarceration rates are characteristics of cities associated with membership in a lower homicide trajectory group.  相似文献   

Adolescent exposure to violence and substance use are both public health problems, but how neighborhood context contributes to these outcomes is unclear. This study uses prospective data from 1416 adolescents to examine the direct and interacting influences of victimization and neighborhood factors on adolescent substance use. Based on hierarchical Bernoulli regression models that controlled for prior substance use and multiple individual-level factors, exposure to violence significantly increased the likelihood of marijuana use but not alcohol use or binge drinking. There was little evidence that community norms regarding adolescent substance use influenced rates of substance use or moderated the impact of victimization. Community disadvantage did not directly impact substance use, but the relationship between victimization and marijuana use was stronger for those in neighborhoods with greater disadvantage. The results suggest that victimization is particularly likely to affect adolescents’ marijuana use, and that this relationship may be contingent upon neighborhood economic conditions.  相似文献   

Despite increasing levels of work–family conflict (WFC) among North Americans, few scholars examine the broader contexts in which these conflicts occur. I address this gap by examining how the neighborhood of residence impacts WFC, with a focus on social inequality and disadvantage across neighborhoods. I hypothesize that neighborhood disadvantage may impact WFC directly—by introducing ambient stressors that inhibit individuals from successfully balancing competing domain demands, and indirectly—by undermining the psychological resources that would combat the harmful effects of disadvantaged contexts. Using individual and census-level data from Canada, I consider both objective and subjective measures of neighborhood disadvantage and find that, overall, individuals in more disadvantaged neighborhoods are worse off because these contexts increase WFC, while reducing the psychological resources that would otherwise buffer these deleterious effects. However, some of these associations vary by gender. I discuss the broader implications of these findings for neighborhood effects and WFC research.  相似文献   

We analyze intra-family support among Palestinians living in Lebanon, using detailed household survey data from the refugee camps and Palestinian communities in Lebanon and latent class analysis technique. The study uncovers five latent classes of familial exchange. Two different theoretical models—the solidarity and reciprocal exchange—are used to examine the link between patterns of assistance and labor market conditions. Contrary to the solidarity account, we find no evidence of high familial assistance among the unemployed, or those excluded from the labor market, and this is true regardless of type of exchange. However, the camp population is more likely to engage in exchange relations than their non-camp counterparts. The married, loners, educated, employed, and those with stronger ties to relatives are more likely to be money exchangers. The findings are similar for care receivers, but age and gender figure prominently here. Some policy implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

We develop and empirically test a theory concerning host-society natives' beliefs about whether immigrants should culturally assimilate into the host society or preserve their own cultural norms. We argue that when national identity is a source of intrinsic utility, the longevity of national identity influences a national identity's perceived resilience to an ostensible immigrant threat and, thus, affects natives' beliefs about the need for immigrants' cultural assimilation. Empirical evidence based on data from countries of wider Europe supports our theory. An expert survey-based measure of the longevity of national identity, first, exhibits a robustly negative effect on the strength of natives' preferences in favor of immigrants' cultural assimilation and, second, is an important contextual moderating variable that shapes the effect of individual-level characteristics on their beliefs. Thus, host-society natives' beliefs about the necessity of immigrants' cultural assimilation versus accommodation of cultural diversity reflect a historically-rooted sense of national identity.  相似文献   

This paper uses new data from the Los Angeles Family and Neighborhood Survey (L.A. FANS) to examine how neighborhood norms shape teenagers' substance use. Specifically, it takes advantage of clustered data at the neighborhood level to relate adult neighbors' attitudes and behavior with respect to smoking, drinking, and drugs, which we treat as norms, to teenagers' own smoking, drinking, and drug use. We use hierarchical linear models to account for parents' attitudes and behavior and other characteristics of individuals and families. We also investigate how the association between neighborhood norms and teen behavior depends on: (1) the strength of norms, as measured by consensus in neighbors' attitudes and conformity in their behavior; (2) the willingness and ability of neighbors to enforce norms, for instance, by monitoring teens' activities; and (3) the degree to which teens are exposed to their neighbors. We find little association between neighborhood norms and teen substance use, regardless of how we condition the relationship. We discuss possible theoretical and methodological explanations for this finding.  相似文献   

A two-part latent growth mixture model was implemented in order to examine heterogeneity in the growth of sexual harassment (SH) victimization in college and university students, and the extent to which SH class membership explains substance use and mental health outcomes for certain groups of students. Demographic risk factors, mental health, and substance use were examined as they related to chronically experienced SH victimization. Incoming freshmen students (N = 2855; 58% female; 54% White) completed a survey at five time points. In addition to self-reporting gender, race, and sexual orientation, students completed measures of sexual harassment, anxiety, depression, binge drinking, and marijuana use. Overall, self-reported SH declined upon college entry, although levels rebounded by the third year of college. Results also supported a two-class solution (Infrequent and Chronic) for SH victimization. Being female, White, and a sexual minority were linked to being classified into the Chronic (relative to the Infrequent) SH class. In turn, Chronic SH class membership predicted greater anxiety, depression, and substance use, supporting a mediational model.  相似文献   

Researchers often explore health (care) beliefs as a function of individual characteristics; yet, few consider the role of context in shaping both beliefs and the behaviors that are informed by them. As a sociopolitical construct, ethnoraciality provides a concerning source of bias in studies of health (care) beliefs because it inhabits both individual and contextual forms. This study examines whether the ethnoracial context of the residential area where sexual minorities live is associated with a particular health (care) belief – sources of trustworthy health information – and considers how ethnoracial group membership status differentiates these ecological associations drawing on mediation and moderation models. Using data from the 2010 Social Justice Sexuality Project, our analysis shows that sexual minorities who live with high concentrations of Latinos and Whites are less likely to rely exclusively on medical professionals for trustworthy health information than those who live with high concentrations of Blacks. Moreover, exclusive reliance on medical professionals for health information among Black and Latino sexual minorities is stronger in co-ethnic communities (predominately Black and Latino areas, respectively). The analysis also documents status and contextual differentials and status-context contingencies of reliance on the Internet, social networks, and multiple agents (“triangulation”) as sources of health information. Findings suggest that place-based co-ethnic networks may facilitate disease prevention among Black and Latino sexual minorities by improving the quality of their relationships with sick role gatekeepers and breaking down the silos of the medical complex. The study concludes by considering the value of a place-based approach to alleviating health disparities among sexual minorities vis-à-vis the health care system.  相似文献   

How do institutions affect the relationship between an individual's beliefs and their actions? Institutionalized strategies are routine ways of addressing problems that become taken-for-granted in a society. Environmental problems constitute a collective action problem in that personal consumption often conflicts with collective interests. I test whether beliefs about environmental problems have a different impact on a person's pro-environmental behaviors, depending on how addressing collective action problems is institutionalized in their society. In particular, I use level of welfare targeting as an observable, organizational difference among societies that reflects different institutionalized strategies for addressing a prominent collective action problem. I use multilevel models on data from the 2010 International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) and measures of welfare targeting from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) to answer this question. I find that in societies where the institutionalized strategy for dealing with inequality is highly targeted, individuals' beliefs that these problems are important, real, and whether they can do something about them have a greater impact on their actions. The results suggest individuals generalize taken-for-granted strategies of assuring collective welfare to implement their individual beliefs about the environment, making institutional environments important moderators of the strength of the belief-action relationship.  相似文献   

试述日本神道与武士道的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以敬神崇祖为内容的神道是日本民族固有的原始宗教,也是日本民族的主要感情生活方式;以忠诚勇武为内容的武士道是日本封建武士阶级的意识形态,是一种战争道德,经七百年武士统治的积累,已积淀为日本民族精神的重要组成部分。神道以其特有的信仰和祭祀形式,为武士道提供了宗教基础。  相似文献   

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