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Prior research on parenthood effects has typically used single-sex models and estimated average effects. By contrast, we estimate population-level variability in partners' changes in housework hours, paid work hours, occupation traits, and wages after becoming parents, and we explore whether one partner's adjustment offsets or supplements the other's. We find tradeoffs between spouses on paid work adjustments to parenthood, but complementarity in adjustments to housework hours, occupation traits, and wages. The effect of parenthood on wives' behaviors is larger and more variable than on husbands' behaviors in every domain. The modest variation between husbands in work responses to parenthood explains little of the variation in the motherhood penalty, while variation in wives' own behaviors plays a larger role. We refer to this pattern as tethered autonomy: variation across American couples in work responses to parenthood is shaped primarily by variation in wives' adjustments, while husbands' work acts largely as a fixed point.  相似文献   

We develop a game theoretic model of conflict and empirically test its predictions to study the emergence of social hierarchies in small groups. Previous research shows uncertainty about actors' ability may lead to more conflict; conflict demonstrates actors' ability and establishes relationships of dominance and submissiveness. Since we assume uncertainty regarding ability to be a crucial cause of conflict, we focus on the effects of different information conditions. We posit that actors know the distribution of abilities in their group and vary whether or not they know (1) their own ability and (2) their interaction partners' interaction histories. Our results from a laboratory experiment closely match qualitative model predictions. Most importantly, conflict produces information about actors’ ability, which reduces subsequent conflict. In an exploratory analysis we investigate to what extent gender, social value orientation, risk preferences and a competitive personality account for the quantitative discrepancies between model predictions and subject behavior.  相似文献   

While preference-based explanations play an increasing role in economics and sociology, the accurate measurement of social preferences deserves more attention. Most laboratory experiments measure social preferences by studying the division of “a cake that nobody had to bake” (Güth and Kliemt, 2003). This article reports results of the first ultimatum game experiment with bargaining over waiting time. The experiment was created to avoid effects of windfall gains. In contrast to donated money, time is not endowed by the experimenter and implies a natural loss to subjects. This allows for a better measurement of the inherent conflict in the ultimatum game. We implemented three anonymity conditions; one baseline condition, one condition with anonymity among subjects and one double-blind condition in which the experimenter did not know the division of waiting time. While we expected to observe less other-regarding behavior in ultimatum game bargaining over time, our experimental results rather confirm previous ultimatum game experiments, in which people bargained over money. The modal offer was half of the waiting time and only one offer was rejected. Interestingly, anonymity did not change the results significantly. In conclusion, our experiment confirms other-regarding behavior in the ultimatum game.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have shown the importance of incentives as well as of attitudes in explaining pro-environmental behavior. Reported attitude effects, however, are generally rather small and exhibit considerable variation among studies. Different theoretical perspectives can account for this finding: whereas theories of rational action suggest additive effects of costs and attitudes, the low-cost hypothesis and dual-process theories imply interaction effects - in different directions, resulting from different mechanisms. The present study tries to overcome the shortcomings of past research by using advanced statistical methods to test competitive hypotheses in the context of post-consumer waste recycling. We utilize data from a natural experiment on recycling participation in Cologne/Germany (= 1882) in which the incentive structure for recycling changed due to the conversion of the recycling scheme from a drop-off system to curbside collection. In order to avoid self-selection bias, we conducted pre- and post-treatment surveys and applied conditional fixed-effects regression models. We found that curbside collection had a strong impact on recycling participation and attitudes had a moderate effect. The interaction is negative but statistically insignificant. Our findings contradict the low-cost hypothesis and provide some evidence that environmental concerns moderate the effect of the recycling scheme. We cannot, however, reject the rational choice proposition of mere additive effects.  相似文献   

近期,笔者对广东十五所高校的两千名学生进行了一次关于网购行为状况的调查,调查结果显示,网络购物给大学生的全面发展带来了机遇,同时也使大学生的全面发展面临着挑战。基于马克思主义关于人的全面发展理论为视角,坚持从政府、学校、社会、个人四个维度对大学生的网购行为进行引导,促进大学生的全面发展,是高校思想政治教育义不容辞的课题。  相似文献   

The relationship between religion and gambling has only rarely been investigated in sociology and related fields. Prior studies have found that religion, broadly defined, deters gambling, with different religious traditions exhibiting varying degrees of deterrence. Our study, a quantitative analysis of a recent representative sample of U.S. adults, theorizes and tests how three different dimensions of religion affect three distinct forms of gambling. Religious tradition and religious service attendance are found to reduce the likelihood of casino gambling and lottery play; while religious salience is the only dimension that constrains online gambling. We argue that these findings reflect variation in the social visibility, time intensity, and broader legitimacy associated with gambling forms, and that this variation is crucial for understanding the deterring effects of faith.  相似文献   

随着民众网络意见表达的常态化,网络舆论表达呈现出自发、不可预料及无组织的集群性特点,故从集群行为视角出发,对当前青年在网络舆论表达中无序的表现及其原因进行分析尤为必要。文章分析了网络集群行为中青年舆论表达的对抗性、极化性与泛娱乐化等无序表现及其原因,提出以大数据技术阻隔负面信息传播、高效透明机制应对错误言论以及话语体系培育纾解话语狂欢等举措,以期推动青年网络舆论表达的健康有序发展。  相似文献   

互联网知识经济时代,在线知识付费平台因能帮助用户解决知识过载带来的知识焦虑等问题,受到了用户的高度关注,得到了极大发展。通过总结国内外用户在线知识付费研究取得的成果与存在的不足,发现已有研究中关于用户在线知识付费的类型、途径等方面的研究还较为欠缺。未来研究可基于在线知识付费平台参与者视角深入探讨相关问题,包括用户视角、平台视角、知识供给者视角和关系视角。  相似文献   

目前,我国共享经济产业尚处于发展初期,其在蓬勃发展的同时也带来了较多的监管问题,对消费者和政府造成了较大困扰。针对当前我国共享行业的监管困境,以防范合谋为关键点,提出共享经济监管服务外包策略,建立共享企业和第三方监管机构与政府部门的动态演化博弈模型,对共享企业与第三方监管机构之间的合谋行为、政府的监管行为进行分析,并通过数值仿真对模型结果进行验证。研究结果表明,政府的监管力度、惩罚力度、第三方与共享企业合谋的负效用、努力经营成本等参数均会对合谋行为产生影响。适当加大政府的监管力度与惩罚力度、敦促第三方监管机构与共享企业降低经营成本,有利于共享行业健康发展。  相似文献   

国家为缓解高校毕业生就业压力,明确要求社会各界鼓励和支持大学生自主创业。作为互联网时代成长起来的当代在校大学生,其生活和思维方式已被"网络化",能够深刻认识到大学生创业实践网络平台的诸多优势。从在校大学生创业实践的现状、网络化创业实践平台的思索、"周先生文玩手作"网店运营反思等三个方面进行研究,以期能为在校大学生创业途径的探索,互联网创业意识的培养,创业综合能力的提高提供借鉴和参考,促进大学生以创业为就业,缓解毕业生就业压力。  相似文献   

In Step-Level Public Good (SPG) situations, groups of individuals can produce a public good if a sufficient number of them contribute. In SPG situations it is thus only rational for any group member to contribute if according to the beliefs of that group member her contribution is essential to the production of the public good. An individual's estimate of the impact of their contribution on the likelihood of public good production is known as their efficacy. The classic efficacy – cooperation hypothesis holds that individuals will be more likely to contribute if they estimate their contributions to be more necessary. Based on a game theoretical analysis of the SPG game, we contribute to the literature by identifying two distinct components of efficacy, viz. material efficacy and contextual efficacy. The former is based on objective characteristics of group members (such as resources, power, or skill) and the latter on beliefs about the material efficacy of other group members and expectations concerning their behavior. We present evidence from three experimental studies, showing how information on the distribution of material efficacy in the group can break the monotone material efficacy – cooperation relation. In addition, contrary to what one would expect based on both the efficacy – cooperation hypothesis and game theory, our results show that the effects of material efficacy are not mediated by contextual efficacy, both forms of efficacy having significant effects on behavior.  相似文献   

Early – or childmarriage (before age 18) may diminish women's ability to exercise agency, or their capacity to act upon their goals. Using a propensity score adjustment approach, we analyzed data from 2394 married women ages 35–49 years who participated in the 2006 Egypt Labor Market Panel Survey (ELMPS). We examined whether women's first marriage at age 18 or older was associated with their post-marital agency, measured in terms of their influence in family decisions, freedom of movement in public spaces, and unfavorable views about intimate partner violence against wives. In bivariate analyses, women's age at first marriage was positively associated with their decision-making and more equitable gender attitudes. However, once we controlled for selection into age-at-first-marriage groups, there were no significant differences between the two age-at-first-marriage groups in any dimension of women's agency. We examined the sensitivity of the non-significant age-at-first-marriage effects to possible violations of the strong ignorability assumption and the results did not alter our conclusions. The assumption that women's age at first marriage is a proxy for their post-marital agency, as defined here, warrants further study.  相似文献   

This paper studies whether exposure to anti-immigrant sentiment in the online context affects the willingness to support an openly anti-immigration party, and shows how gender moderates the effect. We designed an online experiment in which participants were invited to an online forum to discuss immigration issues. We manipulate the social acceptability of xenophobic views by exposing participants to an increasing proportion of comments with anti-immigrant content. As a proxy for open support for anti-immigrant policies, we ask participants to donate to a well-known German party with a strong anti-immigration discourse: Alternative für Deutschland (Alternative for Germany). We find no evidence that exposure to increasing social acceptability of xenophobic content affected the willingness to donate. In an exploratory analysis, we find that women are particularly reluctant to donate after the anti-immigrant comments raised normative concerns. The results can shed light on the heterogeneous effect of counter-normative discourses on support for anti-immigrant parties.  相似文献   

面对当代世界发展的新趋势、新要求,习近平总书记从人类命运共同体的角度出发,在新型国际关系的论述中提出了合作共赢的理念,发展了马克思主义唯物史观中社会共同体思想,尽显中国特色,体现出了共产主义人类文明发展、零和博弈摒弃、中国文化体现、解决世界问题的中国方案等价值理念,为世界发展作出了中国贡献。  相似文献   

We use data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (Add Health) to examine the role of family relationships in explaining why interracially dating youth have poorer psychological wellbeing than youth with same-race partners. Results indicate that interracial daters experience more symptoms of depression and anxiety and poorer family relationships than do same-race daters. The additive effects of their lower levels of family support and poorer quality parent-child relationships, however, do little to explain interracial daters' more negative wellbeing outcomes. The negative effects of interracial dating hold similarly for boys and girls and among White and Black youth. Interracial dating less negatively effects the depressive symptomatology of Hispanics, though, and actually appears to “protect” Asian youth from depressive symptoms. Our findings highlight the psychological wellbeing risks faced by many interracially dating youth and the protective benefits of close and supportive family relationships for romantically-involved adolescents in general.  相似文献   

学习分析技术在教育教学中的应用,其根本目的是为了构建新的教学法,更新教学与管理的方式。针对高校大学英语线上、线下混合教学无法有机融合的现状,S-ISAL(Space-based Information search and Analysis Learning)应运而生,它是基于网络学习空间的信息搜集与分析的教学模式,将学习分析技术引入大学英语混合式课程中。探究该教学模式在大学英语教学中的适切性和实效性是文章的研究重点,目的是为了实现大学英语线上、线下教学优势互补,为大学生在线英语学习提供更具个性化的学习内容和路径,并提升大学生自适应学习能力和在线学习绩效。  相似文献   

In this paper, we present results from measuring physical disorder in Los Angeles neighborhoods. Disorder measures came from structured observations conducted by trained field interviewers. We examine inter-rater reliability of disorder measures in depth. We assess the effects of observation conditions on the reliability of reporting. Finally, we examine the relationships between disorder, other indicators of neighborhood status, and selected individual outcomes.Our results indicate that there is considerable variation in the level of agreement among independent observations across items, although overall agreement is moderate to high. Durable indicators of disorder provide the most reliable measures of neighborhood conditions. Circumstances of observation have statistically significant effects on the observers’ perceived level of disorder. Physical disorder is significantly related to other indicators of neighborhood status, and to children’s reading and behavior development.This result suggests a need for further research into the effects of neighborhood disorder on children.  相似文献   

Do print media significantly impact political attitudes and party identification? To examine this question, we draw on a rare quasi-natural experiment that occurred when The Sun, a right-leaning UK tabloid, shifted its support to the Labour party in 1997 and back to the Conservative party in 2010. We compared changes in party identification and political attitudes among Sun readers with non-readers and other newspaper readerships. We find that The Sun's endorsements were associated with a significant increase in readers' support for Labour in 1997, approximately 525,000 votes, and its switch back was associated with about 550,000 extra votes for the Conservatives in 2010. Although we observed changes in readers' party preference, there was no effect on underlying political preferences. The magnitude of these changes, about 2% of the popular vote, would have been unable to alter the outcome of the 1997 General Election, but may have affected the 2010 Election.  相似文献   

全媒体时代,网络舆情犹如一柄双刃剑,既可塑造负责任的政府形象,也能给政府造成负面影响.尤其在面对突发公共卫生事件时,如何更好地引导网络舆情成为互联网时代对国家治理体系和治理能力的重大考验.在此次新冠肺炎疫情的处置中,暴露出网络舆情引导的不足,要求我们在引导原则上始终不渝地坚持党的领导,秉承"堵""疏"并行的引导策略,积极发挥主流媒体与自媒体的引导主体合力,采取灌输与浸润互补的引导方式,在引导内容上将国家宏大叙事与百姓细微生活相结合等方面加强和完善网络舆情体系建设.  相似文献   

Numerous studies indicate sexual intercourse, especially when it occurs early in adolescence, increases youths' risk of mental health problems. However, no research has examined whether the association between sexual intercourse and mental health varies by romantic relationship inauthenticity, or the level of incongruence between thoughts/feelings and actions within romantic relationships. Using data from a subset of romantically-involved Add Health respondents, we measured sexual involvement in romantic relationships and applied sequence analysis to reports of ideal and actual romantic relationship to measure inauthenticity within adolescent romances. Regressions of depression symptoms indicate that the magnitude of the positive associations between sexual intercourse and girls' mental health is most pronounced in relationships characterized by high levels of relationship inauthenticity and that there is no association between sexual intercourse and girls' depression at low levels of relationship inauthenticity. Having sexual intercourse is positively associated with depression symptoms among boys, but relationship inauthenticity does not alter this association. We discuss the implications of these findings for research on adolescent sexuality and programs aimed at enhancing youth sexuality development.  相似文献   

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