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When people form beliefs about the trustworthiness of others with respect to particular matters (i.e., when individuals trust), theory suggests that they rely on preexistent cognitive schemas regarding the general cooperativeness of individuals and organizations (i.e., social trust). In spite of prior work, the impact of social trust on relational trust—or what Russell Hardin (2002) calls trust as a three-part relation where actor A trusts actor B with reference to matter Y—is not well established. Four vignette experiments were administered to Amazon.com Mechanical Turk workers (N = 1388 and N = 1419) and to public university undergraduate students (N = 995 and N = 956) in order to investigate the relationship between social trust and relational trust. Measures of general social trust and particular social trust produced statistically equivalent effects that were positively associated with relational trust. Political trust, however, was statistically unrelated to relational trust. These results support the idea that people rely on schemas and stereotypes concerned with the general cooperativeness and helpfulness of others when forming beliefs about another person's trustworthiness with respect to a particular matter at hand.  相似文献   

探究司法如何应对民意,就必须加强对民意形成过程的认识和理解."群体极化"理论对网络时代的民意形成机制有较强的解释力.理论上,群体极化效应主要由两个机制形成:名誉机制和信息机制.中国因其国情也给群体极化效应提供了特殊要素,尤其是互联网时代的交流模式加剧了群体观念极化的频繁发生.本文以论述"群体极化效应"为主线,加入对关于民意形成机制的其他成果的简单综述,以期能够引起法学界对民意本身的重视.  相似文献   

在社会问题的视域下阐述我国乳业发展的重大障碍———信任危机的形成;以社会学的视角阐述国内乳业的信任被破坏的过程、我国乳业信任环境以及消费者真正理性缺失的现状;此外,从经济角度综述了我国乳业发展的障碍,从消费者风险感知、媒体、社会信任体系不成熟等方面做了社会学的归因分析;最后,对于我国未来乳业发展的前景提出了制度和理性的诉求。  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that individual-level factors such as socio-economic disadvantage and discrimination account for lower levels of generalized social trust of immigrants when compared to natives. This study examines how individual and contextual economic conditions impact such trust gaps. We argue that—beyond objective economic circumstances—evaluations of economic opportunities matter for immigrants’ integration, and for their social trust. Using data from the European Social Survey 2012, 2016, merged with regional economic conditions, results from two-way fixed effects multilevel models show that gaps in social trust are wider in regions where the state of the economy is predominantly evaluated as being prosperous. Additional tests show that, in those regions, immigrants report higher levels of discrimination and lower levels of satisfaction with social life. This study adds the important finding to the literature on social inequality and immigrant integration that favorable economic conditions may, paradoxically, increase native-immigrant trust asymmetries.  相似文献   

The literature on political parties suggests that strong partisan identities are associated with citizens’ effective interaction with the political system, and with higher levels of political trust. Traditionally, party identity therefore is seen as a mechanism that allows for political integration. Simultaneously, however, political parties have gained recent attention for their role in promoting societal polarization by reinforcing competing and even antagonistic group identities. This article uses General Social Survey data from 1972 – 2014 to investigate the relationship between partisan strength and both political and generalized trust. The findings show that increases in partisan strength are positively related to political trust, but negatively related to generalized trust. This suggests that while partisan strength is indeed an important linkage mechanism for the political system, it is also associated with a tendency toward social polarization, and this corrosive effect thus far has not gained sufficient attention in literature on party identity.  相似文献   

随着民众网络意见表达的常态化,网络舆论表达呈现出自发、不可预料及无组织的集群性特点,故从集群行为视角出发,对当前青年在网络舆论表达中无序的表现及其原因进行分析尤为必要。文章分析了网络集群行为中青年舆论表达的对抗性、极化性与泛娱乐化等无序表现及其原因,提出以大数据技术阻隔负面信息传播、高效透明机制应对错误言论以及话语体系培育纾解话语狂欢等举措,以期推动青年网络舆论表达的健康有序发展。  相似文献   

新媒体构建起一种新型的社会语境和媒介生态,媒介的融合诱发了社会变革,新媒体语境下的网络舆论因而呈现出多种异化与畸变现象,给社会管理带来了冲击与挑战。如何在新媒体语境下有效地引导网络舆论,已经成为社会管理范畴的重要课题。因此,需要通过议程设置重构、完善网络问政机制、加强网络社交管理、规制政府行为失范、提升主流媒体公信力等途径,实现对网络舆论的有效引导,从而促进虚拟社会与现实社会得以健康稳定、和谐有序地发展。  相似文献   

目前中国正处在社会转型期,社会各个层面突显出来的矛盾较为集中和尖锐,风险社会的诸多关键性议题进入媒体报道的视野。网络新闻评论是网络舆情的重要集散地,在风险认知、风险沟通、风险话题和风险教育等环节起着重要作用。充分拓展网络新闻评论的意见平台、关注微博和微信等新媒体舆论圈、强化主流和权威的声音、培养公众的批判意识等可以平衡社会心态、疏导公众情绪、更好地构筑正能量意见流。  相似文献   

在界定清楚企业社会责任和消费者信任的概念和类型之后,以有机产品消费为例,通过对消费者的访谈发现当消费者感知到一个零售商的社会责任感越强,就会越发信任这家零售商销售的有机产品。而消费者的信任则会转化为购买产品的意愿,从而零售商就会从消费者对有机产品的信任中获益。在公司和它的利益相关者之间,信任是一个核心变量,社会导向的公司可以用信任来改善它们的竞争表现。  相似文献   

实践性社群内社会资本对知识分享的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
实践性社群(Communities of Practice,COP)已被发展为企业内以及企业间知识分享及创造的主要平台,其强调的是松散且非正式的社群架构,而当中的成员组成也是强调自愿加入,所以社群的维系来自于人际关系及社群意识的形塑,即人与人之间的互动也就格外的被重视.本研究以具备实践性社群特质的社群成员为研究对象,在问卷中以社会资本的三大方面为研究角度,企图了解在以创新及知识分享为目标的社群特质下,其社群内人际关系以及社群内知识互动对社群成员的个人知识分享的影响.研究结果发现,除了认知面社会资本外,关系面社会资本和结构面社会资本都对个人在社群中的知识分享有显着影响.  相似文献   

微博中的意见领袖不仅是意见、认知和信息的扩散节点,也扮演着社会"情感领袖"的角色,并体现出鲜明的情感偏向特征,尤其是特定类型的情感传导.基于对新浪微博用户(N=38985)及其每人1000条帖子的采样,对情感和用户类型进行实证分析.研究结果认为:粉丝数越多的微博用户其"情感化"偏向显著增强,而非情感化、无情感的内容显著减少,意见领袖不是冷静、客观、无情感的信息中介,而体现出"后真相"社会情感策动源的特征;微博意见领袖存在特定的情感类型偏向,不是任一种类的情感的加强都与意见领袖地位提升有关,它只偏倚于特定类型;微博情感领袖存在特定的用户类型偏向,进行k-means方式聚类后发现,粉丝量越多、影响力层级越高的用户中,"怒怼型"的比例较高,而其他类型则相对较低.  相似文献   

While research on social capital and health typically focuses on generalized trust (trust in abstract others), questions about the conceptualization and measurement of generalized trust remain, including whether trust should even be considered a part of social capital. We present a new approach to studying trust in the context of health and argue that consideration of the mechanisms through which social capital influences health highlights the central theoretical role of particularized trust (trust in known others). Furthermore, we argue that the effects of trust and social networks on health are dependent on one another. Analyzing data from Waves 5 and 6 of the World Values Survey (WVS), we find that, net of control variables, particularized trust is more strongly associated with self-rated health than is generalized trust. In addition, we find that the predicted effects of particularized and generalized trust on self-rated health are conditioned by membership in voluntary associations and vice versa.  相似文献   

当今时代,伴随着全球化的进程,人们之间的分歧、对抗乃至斗争日益凸显,而当代承认理论恰恰是适应时代需求并寻求解决之道的现实选择。所以剖析承认理论的历史演进和理论旨归,一方面有助于深刻理解承认理论的思想意蕴与精神价值;另一方面,也探究了人与人之间信任淡漠、道德缺失等"承认"问题的深层思想动因,进而为如何消解社会承认问题贡献了理论基础和价值导向,担负起构建共同体的文化支撑和实践导向。  相似文献   

The radius of trust – the width of one's cooperation circle – has been widely cited by scholars from various disciplines as a key factor in the production and maintenance of public good. However, the vagueness in its conceptualization, measurement, and analysis obstructs efficient communication between empirical works, impeding the accumulation of scientific knowledge. This study develops a conceptualization of trust radius as the gradient in the level of trust in specific individuals across social ties of differing strengths. Along with this conceptualization, a new measurement scheme is constructed, which, relative to previous measures, is empirically easy-to-implement and theoretically valid in displaying individual-level variations in trust radius, highlighting trust radius' distinction from generalized trust and affinity with specific trust, and accommodating the differing tie strengths within one's trust network. Finally, this measurement scheme is well integrated in a multilevel modeling framework to study the determinants of trust radius, which is illustrated by two examples.  相似文献   

Many studies converge in suggesting (a) that ethnic and racial minorities fare worse than host populations in reported well-being and objective measures of health and (b) that ethnic/racial diversity has a negative impact on various measures of social trust and well-being, including in the host or majority population. However, there is much uncertainty about the processes that connect diversity variables with personal outcomes. In this paper, we are particularly interested in different levels of coalitional affiliation, which refers to people’s social allegiances that guide their expectations of social support, in-group strength and cohesion. We operationalize coalitional affiliation as the extent to which people rely on a homogeneous social network, and we measure it with indicators of friendships across ethnic boundaries and frequency of contact with friends. Using multi-level models and data from the European Social Survey (Round 1, 2002–2003) for 19 countries, we demonstrate that coalitional affiliation provides an empirically reliable, as well as theoretically coherent, explanation for various effects of ethnic/racial diversity.  相似文献   

In the wake of rising levels of income inequality during the past two decades, widespread concerns emerged about the social and political consequences of the widening gap between the poor and the rich that can be observed in many established democracies. Several empirical studies substantiate the link between macro-level income inequality and political attitudes and behavior, pointing at its broad and negative implications for political equality. Accordingly, these implications are expected to be accentuated in contexts of high inequality, as is the case in Latin America. Despite these general concerns about the consequences of income inequality, few studies have accounted for the importance of individual perceptions of distributive fairness in regard to trust in political institutions. Even less is known about the extent to which distributive fairness perceptions co-vary with objective indicators of inequality. Moreover, the research in this area has traditionally focused on OECD countries, which have lower indexes of inequality than the rest of the world. This study aims at filling this gap by focusing on the relevance of distributive fairness perceptions and macro-level inequality for political trust and on how these two levels interact in Latin American countries. The analyses are based on the Latinobarometer survey 2011, which consists of 18 countries. Multilevel estimations suggest that both dimensions of inequality are negatively associated with political trust but that higher levels of macro-level inequality attenuate rather than increase the strength of the negative association between distributive fairness perceptions and political trust.  相似文献   

新媒体环境下社会负面新闻引发的个案极易导致网民愤怒、焦虑的情绪蔓延,声讨、对抗性意见滋生,从而形成网络热点公共事件。以“唐山烧烤店打人事件”为个案,通过分析《人民日报》、财新网、澎湃新闻三大媒体的微博文本,探究主流媒体应对社会负面新闻话语生产的核心思想与影响机制。研究发现,主流媒体面临网络三重话语主体的挑战,基于社会身份和行动逻辑于博弈中回应鲜明立场,框定核心问题,击破质疑和谣言,对话官方与民众。其话语生产逻辑是以官方话语为基础的“正音”,以法治精神为主题的框定,以“立行”为宗旨的国家形象建构,以协商“共意”为框架的媒介治理。同时,在话语呈现中应把握发声时机的隐喻,警惕单一身份夸大的风险衍化议题,防止共情泛化,从制度、责任和文化内核中凸显共同体意识。  相似文献   

eBay的创始人曾经说过,eBay的成功之处不在于其先进的技术或者其创建的全新市场平台,而是建立了人与人之间前所未有的信任.淘宝作为中国较成熟的网购平台,也建立了自己的一套包括交易主体认证、第三方支付、信用评价等在内的信用机制来维护网购信用,但是这样的机制在实施中也出现了一些问题,这些问题也映射出网购市场信用机制的不足之处.要从网购诚信走向网购信用,除了经营理念转变和法律层面的保障外,还需要整个社会信用体系的建立和完善.  相似文献   

Intergroup contact theory has been empirically supported in a variety of social contexts, but few samples have been drawn from rapidly developing nations undergoing severe political and sociocultural conflict. Using 2012 Caucasus Barometer data from the three nations of the South Caucasus — Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia — we test the effect of interreligious contact on various forms of out-group resistance in a region of the world that is both historically and presently marked with severe religious and ethnic conflict. Additionally, we take into account self-selection effects using propensity score matching. Results overwhelmingly support intergroup contact theory in all three countries, but objections toward intermarriage still remain high for treated groups. In addition, there exist significant differences based on the out-group studied, with the contact effects being the strongest for groups posing little religio-cultural or organized threat. Weaker contact effects, though, appear less related to threat and more contextual/out-group specific.  相似文献   

在当前地方政府重大项目运行常引发舆情聚变,新媒体崛起加大相关问题处理难度的背景下,亟待健全重大决策社会稳定风险评估机制,一方面通过重大决策社会稳定风险评估系统理论建构,对理念、主体、客体、内容、程序等系统要素加以明确。另一方面,推进相关舆情分析制度体系创新,做到预警系统建设、汇集分析评估、应急处置引导三统一。  相似文献   

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