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Accounting for the time individuals spend below the poverty line is an important dimension in order to design social policies to fight against poverty. The literature is currently aiming to construct a consistent aggregate measure of poverty over time that takes into account individual income lifetime profiles. It is however, far from clear which aspects of the specific patterns of poverty spells should be included. Using longitudinal data for Spain, this paper shows that the effect of spell recurrence on poverty dynamics is relevant. Poverty exit and re-entry rates vary not only with personal or household characteristics but also with spell accumulation and the duration of current and past spells. In general, our main findings support that an aggregate intertemporal poverty index should incorporate full individual poverty lifetime trajectories accounting for both poverty and non-poverty spell durations.  相似文献   

Recent demographic studies document movement of poor people from both urban and rural places to depressed rural communities. Such migration redistributes poverty to rural areas and further concentrates it within them. This article presents a case study of one depressed community in New York that became a migration destination for urban poor people, causing dramatic increases in poverty rate, welfare rolls, and service needs. On-site research showed that the community's attraction was inexpensive rental housing that had become available after loss of manufacturing jobs prompted a middle-class exodus. The lack of jobs was not a deterrent for low-income inmigrants, though, because many of them had limited job skills and other employment barriers and would have had difficulty getting or holding a job anyway. Similar processes of economic decline, population loss, and poverty inmigration appear to be occurring elsewhere also. The article identifies community-level impacts and policy implications; it concludes with suggestions for further research needs.  相似文献   

Despite its centrality to contemporary inequality, working poverty is often popularly discussed but rarely studied by sociologists. Using the Luxembourg Income Study (2009), we analyze whether an individual is working poor across 18 affluent democracies circa 2000. We demonstrate that working poverty does not simply mirror overall poverty and that there is greater cross-national variation in working than overall poverty. We then examine four explanations for working poverty: demographic characteristics, economic performance, unified theory, and welfare generosity. We utilize Heckman probit models to jointly model the likelihood of employment and poverty among the employed. Our analyses provide the least support for the economic performance explanation. There is modest support for unified theory as unionization reduces working poverty in some models. However, most of these effects appear to be mediated by welfare generosity. More substantial evidence exists for the demographic characteristics and welfare generosity explanations. An individual's likelihood of being working poor can be explained by (a) a lack of multiple earners or other adults in one's household, low education, single motherhood, having children and youth; and (b) the generosity of the welfare state in which he or she resides. Also, welfare generosity does not undermine employment and reduces working poverty even among demographically vulnerable groups. Ultimately, we encourage a greater role for the welfare state in debates about working poverty.  相似文献   

Abstract The changing relationship between work and poverty in non-metropolitan (nonmetro) America is documented using data from the 1980 and 1990 March supplements of the Current Population Survey. Specifically, this paper assesses changing differentials in the proportion of poor people who are working; documents the rapid rise in poverty among nonmetro and metropolitan (metro) workers during the 1979—1989 period, especially among young adults and females; and provides evidence of growing inequality between metro and nonmetro workers, a pattern that cannot be explained by differences in work attachment, human capital, or job characteristics. The results imply that poverty is a persistent if not increasingly harsh reality for workers in rural America.  相似文献   

1. Several factors may affect an elderly client's use of medications: polypharmacy, potentially leading to interactions; over-the-counter drugs taken without a physician's knowledge; noncompliance or poor compliance with medication regimens; and ageist beliefs. 2. Psychiatric nurses must be aware that the signs and symptoms they observe may be the result of normal physical or biological aging, psychosocial changes, disease-related changes, medication side effects, or a drug interaction. 3. Nurses must ask two questions when psychotropic drugs are used with elderly clients: What will be the onset, duration, magnitude, and characteristic action of a specific drug in an individual; and What are the characteristics of an "ideal" medication?  相似文献   

The purpose of this research study was to increase our understanding of how families living in poverty successfully meet life challenges. Family resiliency provided the theoretical framework for examining family coping and adaptation. This study used a purposive sample of women (N = 128) in families with children attending Head Start. All families lived below or at poverty level, most with 11th grade education or high-school/GED diploma. Content analysis methods were used for data analysis. Results of this study identify the characteristics that promote competence, including how individual, family, and environmental factors are potential stressors that also may serve to promote family resilience. The data indicate that family love and mutual support, as well as faith, help stressed families cope and maintain meaning in spite of lack of control over life circumstances resulting from economic poverty.  相似文献   

Poverty measurement and the analysis of the progress (or otherwise) of the poor, whether it is societies, families or individuals, is beset with difficulties and controversies surrounding the definition of a poverty line or frontier. Here, borrowing ideas from the mixture model literature, a new approach to assigning poverty-non poverty status is proposed which avoids specifying a frontier, the price is that an agent’s poverty status is only determined to the extent of its chance of being poor. Invoking variants of Gibrat’s law to give structure to the distribution of outcomes for homogeneous subgroups of a population within the context of a finite mixture model of societal outcomes facilitates calculation of an agent’s poverty status probability. From this it is straightforward to calculate all the usual poverty measures as well as other characteristics of the poor and non poor subgroups in a society. These ideas are exemplified in a study of 47 countries in Africa over the recent quarter century which reveals among other things a growing poverty rate and a growing disparity between poor and non poor groups not identified by conventional methods.  相似文献   

American prosperity in the second half of the 1980s together with the booming economy of the 1990s created the impression that American households have done well, particularly in terms of wealth acquisition. In this paper, we develop the concept of “asset poverty” as a measure of economic hardship, distinct from and complementary to the more commonly used concept of “income poverty.” We define a household with insufficient assets to enable it to meet basic needs (as measured by the income poverty line) for a period of three months to be asset poor. The results reveal that in the face of the large growth in overall assets in the U.S. and a fall in standard income poverty over the period from 1983 to 2001, the level of asset poverty increased from 22.4 to 24.5 percent. We also find that asset poverty rates for blacks and Hispanics are over twice those for whites; that asset poverty rates fall monotonically with both age and education; that they are much higher for renters than homeowners; and that by family type they range from a low of 5 percent for elderly couples to 71 percent for female single parents.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper documents changing patterns of concentrated poverty in nonmetro areas. Data from the Decennial U.S. Census Summary Files show that poverty rates—both overall and for children—declined more rapidly in nonmetro than metro counties in the 1990s. The 1990s also brought large reductions in the number of high‐poverty nonmetro counties and declines in the share of rural people, including rural poor people, who were living in them. This suggests that America's rural pockets of poverty may be “drying up” and that spatial inequality in nonmetro America declined over the 1990s, at least at the county level. On a less optimistic note, concentrated poverty among rural minorities remains exceptionally high. Roughly one‐half of all rural blacks and one‐third of rural Hispanics live in poor counties. Poor minorities are even more highly concentrated in poor areas. Rural children—especially rural minority children—have poverty rates well above national and nonmetro rates, the concentration of rural minority children is often extreme (i.e., over 80% lived in high‐poverty counties), and the number of nonmetro counties with high levels of persistent child poverty remains high (over 600 counties). Rural poor children may be more disadvantaged than ever, especially if measured by their lack of access to opportunities and divergence with children living elsewhere. Patterns of poverty among rural children—who often grow up to be poor adults— suggest that recent declines in concentrated rural poverty may be short‐lived.  相似文献   

We estimate the effect of minimum wages on poverty for Canada using data from the Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (SLID) for 1997 to 2007 and find that minimum wages do not have a statistically significant effect on poverty and this finding is robust across a number of specifications. Our simulation results, based on the March 2008 Labour Force Survey (LFS), find that only about 30?% of the net earnings gain from minimum wage increases goes to the poor while about 70?% ??spill over?? into the hands of the non-poor. Furthermore, we find that job losses are disproportionately concentrated on the poor. Our results highlight that, political rhetoric not-withstanding, minimum wages are poorly targeted as an anti-poverty device and are at best an exceedingly blunt instrument for dealing with poverty.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to analyse the causes leading to social exclusion dynamics. In particular, we wish to understand why an individual experiencing social exclusion today is much more likely to experience it again. In fact, there are two distinct processes that may generate a persistence of social exclusion: Heterogeneity (individuals are heterogeneous with respect to some observed and/or unobserved adverse characteristics that are relevant to experiencing social exclusion and persist over time) and true state dependence (experiencing social exclusion in a specific time period, in itself, increases the probability of undergoing social exclusion in subsequent periods). Distinguishing between the two processes is crucial since the policy implications are very different. The results suggest that both individual heterogeneity and true state dependence are related to the probability of experiencing social exclusion.  相似文献   

Neighborhoods provide resources that may affect children's cognitive and behavioral outcomes. However, it is unclear to what degree associations between neighborhood disadvantage and outcomes persist into elementary school and whether neighborhood disadvantage interacts with household disadvantage. Using data from the 2010–2011 Early Childhood Longitudinal Study‐Kindergarten Cohort (N = 15,100 children) merged with census data from the American Community Survey, this study examines associations between neighborhood poverty and children's math, reading, and behavioral outcomes at kindergarten and first and second grades. Findings indicate that as tract‐level poverty increases, children's achievement worsens after controlling for child and family characteristics. These associations persist into second grade and are stronger for children in poor versus nonpoor households. Findings suggest that neighborhood disadvantage may contribute to poorer achievement scores, particularly among children with few household resources, but that household disadvantage and other characteristics largely explain behavioral outcomes. Research and policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Sincc 1982, the elderly poverty rate reported by the U.S. Census Bureau has fallen below the rate for the nonelderly population. This is cited as evidence of the success of U.S. social policies to benefit the elderly. But lower elderly poverty rates are an artifact of the fact that a lower, more stringent poverty line is applied to the elderly living in one- and two-person households, who constitute 85% of elderly persons. If the same poverty standard is applied to the elderly as to the nonelderly, the poverty rates are the same or slightly higher. The poverty line was originally based on the cost of an adequate diet. The lower standard for the elderly was based on the fact that the elderly consume fewer calories than nonelderly adults. This article shows there is no justification for this lower standard, and recommends its elimination. The overall nutrient requirements of the elderly are not lower, and the elderly spend a higher proportion of their budgets on food and on other necessities (shelter, health care) than the nonelderly. Alternative units of analysis examined under different income-pooling assumptions also show that poverty rates are not lower among the elderly than the nonelderly.  相似文献   

Parenting behaviors are influenced by numerous factors, including individual, family, and community contexts. Ecological systems theory suggests that these systems as well as interactions among the systems coalesce to influence the parent/child relationship in multiple ways. When challenges exist within and across these systems, child abuse and neglect can occur. While a significant body of research has delved into parsing the relative importance of neighborhood-level versus individual-level predictors, little is known about the complex ways in which interactions across ecological systems might enhance or hinder parenting behaviors. The current study seeks to fill this gap by answering the following research question: (1) Are there interactive effects of individual and neighborhood poverty on the risk of child maltreatment? Structural equation modeling was used to analyze data from 946 parents at Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) clinics in Franklin County, Ohio. Living in higher poverty neighborhoods is associated with higher levels of maltreatment irrespective of individual poverty status, but there is not a corresponding decrease for those living in lower poverty neighborhoods. These findings suggest that both individual poverty status and neighborhood poverty matter for child maltreatment and that there does not appear to be a compounding effect of being both poor and in a poor neighborhood, nor is there a protective effect when poor but living in a nonpoor neighborhood.  相似文献   

Since 1982, the elderly poverty rate reported by the U.S. Census Bureau has fallen below the rate for the nonelderly population. This is cited as evidence of the success of U.S. social policies to benefit the elderly. But lower elderly poverty rates are an artifact of the fact that a lower, more stringent poverty line is applied to the elderly living in one- and two-person households, who constitute 85% of elderly persons. If the same poverty standard is applied to the elderly as to the nonelderly, the poverty rates are the same or slightly higher. The poverty line was originally based on the cost of an adequate diet. The lower standard for the elderly was based on the fact that the elderly consume fewer calories than nonelderly adults. This article shows there is no justification for this lower standard, and recommends its elimination. The overall nutrient requirements of the elderly are not lower, and the elderly spend a higher proportion of their budgets on food and on other necessities (shelter, health care) than the nonelderly. Alternative units of analysis examined under different income-pooling assumptions also show that poverty rates are not lower among the elderly than the nonelderly.  相似文献   

The relationships between poverty and children’s health have been well documented, but the diverse and dynamic nature of poverty has not been thoroughly explored. Drawing on cumulative disadvantage and human capital theory, we examined to what extent the duration and depth of poverty, as well as the level of material hardship, affected changes in physical health among children over time. Data came from eight waves of the Korea Welfare Panel Study between 2006 and 2013. Using children who were under age 10 at baseline (N?=?1657, Observations?=?13,256), we conducted random coefficient regression in a multilevel growth curve framework to examine poverty group differences in intra-individual change in health status. Results showed that chronically poor children were most likely to have poor health. Children in households located far below the poverty line were most likely to be in poor health at baseline, while near-poor children’s health got significantly worse over time. Material hardship also had a significant impact on child health.  相似文献   

Data for this study were obtained between September 1986 and May 1987 from a sample of 506 rural poor male heads of household aged 20-50 years who lived in four developed and four underdeveloped villages in Kanpur and Varanasi districts in Uttar Pradesh, India. Poor households were identified as those headed by adult males with earnings under Rs 55/month and as those with less than 2 acres of land. Only persons who considered themselves poor were included. Findings reveal that over 80% of respondents reported that poverty was due to external factors such as fate. 18.77% attributed poverty to their own actions. 16.80% attributed poverty to personal factors. Reasons did not vary by the development level of villages. Only 12.5% reported living in good living conditions. Ideal family size was stated as 2 sons and 1 daughter. 6.3% indicated disapproval of family planning. About 70% had knowledge of at least one method. Almost all respondents were aware of sterilization, and about 50% knew about condoms. High fertility was attributed by respondents to carelessness, lack of planning, religiosity, illiteracy, ignorance, and lack of knowledge of family planning methods. Family planning acceptance among the study population was low. The interpretation of findings is that the rural poor are insecure and alienated and that the locus of control is external. The suggestion is made that Malthusian pressure from population size and density may be more effective in reducing family size in the future. Poor acceptance of family planning is attributed to a lack of social security.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to explore Malaysian adolescents’ perception of poverty and the poor. The data consisted of 79 semi-structured interviews with school children aged 12-13 and 15-16 years old from rural and urban areas in Sabah, Malaysia. According to them, poverty is mainly economic. Their responses about the causes of poverty can be categorised as individualistic, structural, fatalistic and other factors (such as age, geography, land and encouragement). Older respondents from rural and urban areas gave more individualistic and structural attributions compared to the younger respondents. While they believed that government is most responsible to help the poor, other parties such as the poor, public and NGO’s should also work together to alleviate poverty. They suggested that these parties can contribute in terms of donation, infrastructural improvement, education, attitudinal change and job opportunities. Respondents acknowledged that hard work and education are important to improve their standard of living. However, education is regarded as a ticket to seek their fortune elsewhere. These results emphasised the need for the Malay adolescents to learn about not being dependent on the government for employment in order to avoid mass urban migration in the near future.  相似文献   

Unemployment duration and personality   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper focuses on the role personality traits play in determining individual unemployment duration. We argue that a worker’s job search intensity is decisively driven by her personality traits, reflected in her propensity to motivate and control herself while searching for a job. Moreover, personality traits, in as far as they can be signaled to a potential employer, may also enhance the probability of receiving and accepting a job offer.For our econometric duration analysis, we use the well-accepted taxonomy “Big Five” to classify personality traits. Based on individual unemployment data taken from the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) our empirical findings reveal that the personality traits Conscientiousness and Neuroticism have a strong impact on the instantaneous probability of finding a job, where the former has a positive effect and the latter has a negative effect. The direction of the effect on the subsequent employment duration is the opposite. We do not find any significant effects of the personality traits Extraversion and Agreeableness on the duration of unemployment. The personality trait Openness eases finding a job only for female unemployed workers and workers with migration background.  相似文献   

Economic and Psychological Models of Job Search Behavior of the Unemployed   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Economic and psychological theories relating tojob search behavior by the unemployed are considered.There exists a noticeable contrast between the economicapproach which is almost exclusively based on a single model of the rational job seeker, andthe diverse approaches adopted by psychologists.Accordingly, the paper concentrates on areas of researchby psychologists which are relevant to the economic model. The paper starts with an overview of theresearch program in economics. Next, the psychologicalliterature on the general well-being of the unemployedis briefly surveyed; this research might be useful in informing economic studies of theeffects of the duration of unemployment on an individuals search behavior. Two psychological approaches to jobsearch behavior are then discussed, namelyexpectancy-value theory and prospect theory. Findings using theexpectancy-value approach suggest that certainpsychological variables, including normative pressures,might play an important role in job search. In addition, these findings highlight the complexrelationship between job expectations and searchintensity. Finally, it is suggested that the role andimportance of certain psychological variables such asstatus might be expected to vary over the course ofunemployment.  相似文献   

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