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如果有一个地方,能让"面朝大海,春暖花开"幻化成现实,那就是青岛. 青岛是一个上天格外眷顾的城市,拥有山、海、湾、滩交互映衬的海滨美景.青岛又是一个梦幻般的城市,变幻多端的天气,呈现给我们一个童话般的世界.  相似文献   

从<俄狄浦斯王>到<俄狄浦斯在科罗诺斯>,俄狄浦斯的命运呈现了理性对抗虔敬、理性向虔敬转化的轨迹.索福克勒斯正是借助俄狄浦斯的故事告诚城邦的统治者,必须同时面对并接受人的必死和人的虔敬,并在城邦的政治生活中审慎地处理自然与神圣、理性与虔敬之间的关系.  相似文献   

Objectives. Although urban scholarship has come to better understand the dynamics of black political incorporation in the United States, to date scant empirical attention has been paid to an important element of minority representation in local politics—the rise of black mayors. The present study addresses this gap in the extant literature. Methods. We analyze incidences of black mayoralties by fitting standard pooled and random effects probit models to a panel of 309 cities observed between 1971 and 2000. Results. Although cities' racial profiles are strongly associated with the incidence of black mayoralties, black representation on city council, black educational attainment, and reformed governments increase the odds of black mayoral emergence. On the other hand, southern location continues to depress the rise of black mayoralties, as do partisan elections, particularly in cities where no racial group constitutes a majority. Conclusions. Although our results partially confirm extant research on the diffusion of black mayoralties in American urban politics, they also call into question conventional wisdom. Our study emphasizes the need for more large‐N studies of minority representation in urban politics and provides suggestions for how the independent effects of black mayors on municipal policy outcomes might subsequently be analyzed empirically.  相似文献   

Objectives. This article analyzes competing explanations for variation in the relative size of contemporary police forces in larger U.S. cities. The featured explanation is conflict theory, which previously provided much evidence for a racial threat thesis but limited evidence that racial insurgency affected police mobilization in the 1960s and 1970s. Methods. The study sample consists of the 66 cities with a population of at least 250,000 in 2000. Aggregate data from the Bureau of Justice Statistics, Congressional Quarterly's America Votes, and the U.S. Census Bureau are combined with a content analysis using the Lexis‐Nexis regional news database to generate the data set. OLS regression modeling is applied to the analysis of this cross‐sectional data set. Results. This analysis shows that the size of contemporary police forces is substantially shaped not only by the legacy of the 1960–1970 wave of racial unrest in the United States, but also by reaction to racial disorders in the 1980s and 1990s and by the prevalence of racial minorities in the current population. Conclusions. Police departments' relative force size in 2000 is not only a result of incremental growth from the size attained by 1980, but also is dramatically shaped by whether the city experienced a race riot from 1980–2000 and, to a lesser extent, the size of the minority population and the violent crime rate. City wealth is a less robust indicator; and there is no evidence that either community ideology or the degree of uptake of community policing matters.  相似文献   

徐艳萍 《唐都学刊》2011,27(6):103-106
47岁的有一半黑人血统的巴拉克.胡赛因.奥巴马竞选直至当选美国第44任总统,吸引了全世界人的眼球。他的当选创造了历史,成为美国历史上第一位黑人总统。他的胜利不仅是他一人的辉煌,而且也承载了美国多少代人的梦想和企盼。事实上,巴拉克.胡赛因.奥巴马是循着前人的梦想(美国总统亚伯拉罕.林肯、黑人诗人兰斯顿.休斯、美国著名黑人民权领袖马丁.路德)一路走出的黑人总统。  相似文献   

Moral identity, defined as a self-consistent commitment to lines of action benefiting others, is described in the contexts of adolescence and poor, urban neighborhoods. A model of moral identity development is proposed. According to the model, stable characteristics of the individual and the individual's family, in conjunction with social attitudes, self-conceptions, and opportunities for the exploration of prosocial action, influence the development of moral identity. Analyses from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth provide support for the model, and demonstrate that urban poverty is associated with few opportunities for development of moral identity. We argue that the provision of these opportunities should be given a high priority both to foster good individual development and as a means for increasing social capital in neighborhoods.  相似文献   

魏义霞 《求是学刊》2008,35(3):47-52
在中国哲学史上,庄子首次对梦予以形上关注.之后,<列子>继承并淋漓尽致地发挥了庄子以梦隐喻人生虚幻不实的做法,致使其思想与庄子呈现出某种程度的一致性.详细的考察将发现,庄子与<列子>所讲的梦实际上存在巨大差异,这种差异分别表现在梦与醒觉、与现实、与道等的关系上.  相似文献   

城市是电影生长的土壤,同时也是电影观察、注视的对象。电影成为城市文化工业的组成部分,见证、记录了城市的成长,城市独有的多变、斑斓的空间恰好也符合电影作为时空艺术的本质需求。电影对城市的记录与想象又促成人们对生活于其间的城市的重新认识,在某种意义上,城市是经电影塑造而成的环境。  相似文献   

The radical changes that are taking place in the country, and which have led to a total crisis both in the political and the economic and social spheres, have affected all segments and groups of the population—men and women, rich and poor, old people and children, and those engaged in physical and mental work.  相似文献   

本文通过实地调查,了解到朝鲜族老年人定居苏州的深层次原因及其饮食、服装、语言等方面的习惯和社区适应的状况,发现他们在城市适应方面保持着显著的民族文化独立性。  相似文献   


Adopted people's dreams were collected and divided into childhood dreams of separation, adult dreams of reconnecting, and postsearch dreams of integrating two identities, the birth family with the adoptive family. The dreams are used to discuss adoptee experience.  相似文献   

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