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社会公共生活需要公共秩序.建立公共秩序需要以公共政策的产生为前提,公共秩序也是公共政策的最终归宿.公共政策既以公共利益为取向,为构建公共秩序提供了基础,又以公共权力为依托,为构建公共秩序提供了可能.公共政策通过对社会公共价值的权威性分配,来实现公共利益,从而也为社会生活建立起新的公共秩序.公共政策由于其自身的特点和在社会公共生活中的特有功能,逐渐成为社会规范体系的核心,在构建和谐社会中发挥着非常重要的作用.  相似文献   

论国民公益意识的培育与民间公益组织的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韦朝烈 《探求》2007,(2):49-52
国民公益意识的培育是民间公益组织和社会公益事业发展的必要条件;公益价值观是影响国民公益意识和公益行为最根本的因素。因此,通过建设公益文化来培育国民公益价值观,提高国民公益意识,是促进我国民间公益组织和社会公益事业发展的一个重要途径。  相似文献   

李萍 《唐都学刊》2004,20(3):105-109
公共行政不只是公务人员的活动,还应包括广大公众,因此动员公众参与到公共事务之中,就成为公务行为的重要内容。在我国,公共参与动员有着特别的意义,要从公共行政伦理建设的角度重视公共参与的动员,并切实地促成积极的公共参与的实现。  相似文献   

公共领域的异化:哈贝马斯视域中的"公共性"危机   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
哈贝马斯对于公共性的关注,是基于近现代的社会背景提出并加以讨论的。从批判功能上说,它被称之为“公共性”;从存在空间上而言,应为“公共领域”(即政治公共领域),它处于私人领域与公共权力领域之间。“公共性”观念不仅具有解释性功能,而且具有批判性功能。由于私人领域的扩展或公共权力领域的膨胀,因而存在这样的发展趋势:公共性过多,公共领域忽视并削弱甚或侵占了私人的权利;公共性过少,公共领域当中秘密日益增多,批评的公共性失去了其原则力量。也就是说,公共领域与私人领域的相互渗透导致社会国家化、国家社会化同时发生,因而公共性处于危机之中。其中,哈贝马斯最为忧虑的便是社会的国家化,因为它将致使公共性原则及其批判功能不断消解致使公共领域异化,真正的公共领域将不复存在。  相似文献   

后现代公共行政理论与当代中国公共行政   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姚迈新 《探求》2008,(5):23-28
后现代公共行政理论是20世纪90年代在公共行政领域提出的一种具有批判和建构意义的先锋派理论,它对传统公共行政理论尤其是理性官僚制进行了较为全面深入的质疑和批判。文章首先介绍了西方后现代公共行政理论的概况及两大流派之间的异同。在此基础上,联系中国公共行政面临的环境与现实,指出中国公共行政正处在传统、现代、后现代因素混杂的阶段,距离后现代公共行政理论的主张和思路,尚存着相当的差距。对中国公共行政而言,后现代公共行政理论兼具重要的现实价值和思想价值。  相似文献   

There has been considerable recent discussion of the impact of public service reforms on the work ethics and motivations of public service workers. In this article we draw upon recent research on the ethical dilemmas facing regeneration workers in order to look more closely at the role of values in the working lives of public service professionals. Focusing on the commitment to social justice, we argue that such values find expression in two interlinked ways, as something workers have and as a process of giving value to different goods. Our research reveals that while both aspects of values are rooted in people's life experiences the second dimension is more contingent and relational. While public service reforms appear to have less impact upon workers’ pregiven values, they can and do have an impact on the way in which these values find expression in attachment to different goods. To understand the effect of such reform processes on workers’ motivations we therefore need a more complex conceptual framework than that provided by either simple public sector ethos/private sector ethos distinctions or by models of economic individualism offered by writers such as Julian Le Grand.  相似文献   

论公众参与公共气象服务的重要意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公共气象服务属于公共事务,涉及广大社会公众的共同利益,公益性是公共气象服务的本质属性之一,公众参与公共气象服务具有内在的合理性和必然性。当前我国公众参与公共气象服务存在着地方气象部门对公众参与公共气象服务重视程度不够,公众参与公共气象服务的领域不宽,公众参与公共气象服务的水平不高等问题。公众参与是我国建设服务型政府的必然要求,公众参与公共气象服务的意义在于:保障公众的气象权,提高公共气象服务的公众满意度;提供服务信息,实现公共气象服务的最终目标;维护公共利益,有效防止气象部门的权力垄断;增进理解互信,共同面对气象预报风险;扩展均等服务,促进社会的稳定与和谐。  相似文献   

The acceleration of structural reform in the Russian economy dictated by the logic of the transitional period inevitably gives impetus to layoffs and mass unemployment. The reform of the economic mechanism is taking place in a period of gravest crisis, which has gripped literally all aspects of social life. Under these conditions, the experience of countries with a developed market economy in reducing the severity of the employment problem is extremely important to us. In the last six decades, state employment policy in these countries has been transformed into an extensive and relatively balanced system of measures which make it possible to correct processes in the labor market. Public works programs have become one of the important directions of this policy.  相似文献   

公共选择理论由公共选择学派建立并发展起来,其理论宗旨就是把政治和市场两方面的人类行为纳入单一的模式。弗吉尼亚学派代表人物布坎南始终坚持严格的"契约—立宪主义",也就是公共选择学派的行动纲领。在当代,公共选择理论已经成为公共财政的理论基础,这就要求公共财政决策机制的运行服从于根本性的"规则"的约束,即"立宪约束"。这一国际观点对我国财政体制改革具有深远的影响。  相似文献   

白彦锋 《创新》2011,5(6):69-71,76,127,128
近几年来,我国很多城市公交卡收取的高额押金问题引起了人们的强烈关注。从公共产品基础理论出发,公交系统垄断经营是合理的,但同时应该注意,公共交通等公共产品的有效提供,离不开政府部门的严格监管和公共财政的必要支持。  相似文献   

One of the key questions of justice has become the subject of a discussion that has developed in Izvestia. It can be said that its kernel is the matter of the independence of the judiciary. It is this question that underlies the article by Korenevskii and Sukhodolets, "A Cause of Errors" [Otchego byvaiut oshibki] (Izvestia, No. 61), against which Galkin wrote in his article "The Court and Public Passions" [Sud i ob-shchestvennyestrasti] (Izvestia, No. 91).  相似文献   

二战结束以后,日本由于政治及军事外交的开展受到国际社会和国际法的限制,公共外交成为其摆脱美军占领体制、发展与邻国关系以及谋求政治大国地位的重要途径。通过人员与文化交流、加强对外宣传、推行外向型的文化教育、经济与文化援助以及动漫外交等手段,日本公共外交为达成其外交目标发挥了重要作用。但受其自身独特政治文化及国内右倾化思潮的影响,并受日美基轴及相关政策的制约,日本战后以来的公共外交并没有收到预期的效果。  相似文献   

"知识分子"(intellectual)这个概念是近代才出现的,它与理性、知识在人们的"公共生活"中所起到的越来越突出的作用有关;或者说,人们终于意识到自己的"公共生活"实际上是被理性、知识建构起来的.  相似文献   

In contrast to recent experiences of other innovative programs in both Australia and the United States, the participatory aspect of a social program in an Adelaide working class estate seemed satisfactory to both public officials and residents. The restricted nature of the resident participation, allowing a desirable degree of planning autonomy to officials, may be the key factor. It is suggested that parliamentary regimes may be more capable than the American political system of providing political supervision to participatory programs, thus substantively representing the interests of the poor, and perhaps reconciling participation with planning.  相似文献   

公用事业民营化是一种国际化潮流。本文就民营化的内涵,民营化的国际背景和现实背景,民营化的积极作用以及相应政策建议作初步的探讨。  相似文献   

The tobacco industry remains a formidable influence in thwarting tobacco control efforts, in part because industry leaders have raised policymaker and public concern about how tobacco control might negatively impact tobacco farmers. In this study, we interviewed a random, stratified sample of 528 tobacco farmers in the Southeast and 991 U.S. residents about issues related to tobacco farmers. We found that a majority of the U.S. public expressed the belief that U.S. taxpayers subsidized tobacco farmers. This belief, combined with the strong opposition to tobacco farmer subsidies (15 percent thought there should be subsidies), likely play a role in public attitudes toward tobacco farmers. At the same time, however, we found reasonably strong public support for efforts to help tobacco farmers transition to new enterprises, although the public underestimates tobacco farmer interest in diversification. For example, two of three Americans believe that the government should help farmers make a living other than growing tobacco and over half thought that taxpayers should help pay for such programs. These data illustrate potential common ground for elected officials to consider as they attempt to concomitantly address the needs of farmers and the interests of the public. Ultimately, if the interests of tobacco farmers can be made clearly to the general public, and vice versa, pro-health and pro-farmer policies might well become a reality  相似文献   

余斌 《创新》2015,(2):22-26,126
在公共经济学中,公共支出占据着十分重要的地位。从政府的角度来看,政府的财政支出花在什么地方,政府的职能就体现在什么地方。从社会公众的角度来看,政府并不是唯一的公共经济主体。明确这些公共经济主体的支出,对于我们认识和开展公共经济活动具有十分重要的意义。除了按公共经济主体划分公共支出外,公共支出通常还参照财政支出的分类。这些不同的分类,反映出人们从不同的角度对公共支出的看法和对公共支出的需求。这些公共支出的分类常见于一些公共经济学的教科书中,专门就公共支出的分类进行探讨的文章在国内还很少见。  相似文献   

In our country the birthrate has shown a decline in recent years, and in some areas it is becoming so low that fears have arisen as to whether it is high enough for normal reproduction of the population. What might appear to be a paradoxical development is occurring: with each passing year, the standard of living of our people is rising, a constantly increasing number of families are obtaining new apartments, the network of preschool institutions is increasing, and the cultural level of the population is rising, but the birthrate is dropping.  相似文献   

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