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民办社会工作组织经多年发展已进入新阶段,重新审视、定义其与政府间的关系,对我国社会治理创新、现代社会工作制度建构、社会组织健康发展均具有重要意义。通过文献梳理发现,当前研究范式有以下弊端:其一,在解释中国政府与非营利组织的关系中,存在着缺少基础和立场、宏观界定难以解释具体现实、静态分析忽视了非营利组织能动作用的结构性倾向研究的困境;其二,非营利组织的行动研究明显呈现积极和消极两类对立观点。由此,提出以结构化理论为分析框架,以资源依赖理论为具体分析方法的新框架。分析发现:民办社工机构的诞生、发展无不依附于政府的资源与政策,但机构亦有能动性,通过主动介入重塑环境以适应其成长;民办社工组织与政府之间的关系呈现结构性引导的特征。  相似文献   

灾害救助中中国政府与非营利组织互动模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,我国救灾领域的社会资源控制主体日益多元化,特别是在汶川地震以后以非营利组织为主体的社会力量在灾害救助全过程中呈现出持续性深度参与的态势。但是,由于我国政府应急管理体系对于非营利组织参与灾害救助缺乏系统的制度规定,自发无序、救灾效果不明显等问题逐渐显现。因此,以汶川地震以后芦山地震、岷漳地震、鲁甸地震三次重大自然灾害中政府与非营利组织互动为典型案例,根据当地社会组织的发育情况和政府部门的协调能力,探讨和总结出群团组织协调模式、半官方NGO协调模式、民政部门协调模式三种互动模式。在此基础上,逐步探索出针对灾害救助中各阶段的不同特点,使政府与非营利组织之间形成深度良性互动,进而能够充分激发社会资本活力的差异化立体灾害救助模式。  相似文献   

西方非营利组织问责理论主要有:资源依赖理论、利益相关者理论、委托-代理理论和管家理论。这些源于经济科学的主流理论在应用于非营利领域时解释力有限。面对非营利组织问责问题,各理论不仅存在诸如问责近视、过度问责、象征性信息、多重问责失序、问责优先性错置、虚假代理和管家疑虑等操作性弊病,还有根本性缺陷。建构非营利组织问责理论,不仅要兼收并蓄,还要从非营利世界的自身规律和问题中寻找出路。同时,西方非营利组织问责理论能够为探索本土化的非营利组织问责理论提供借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

陈靖一 《社科纵横》2011,26(5):29-30
非营利组织作为解决政府失灵和市场失灵的第三部门已经在当今社会发挥着越来越重要的作用。独立性,作为非营利组织的一大重要特性,对于非营利组织补充政府职能,促进社会发展有十分重要的意义。本文从我国的国情出发,分析政府和企业对于非营利组织的影响,提出有利于保持非营利组织独立性的相关建议。  相似文献   

刘宏波 《社会工作》2009,(13):56-57
缺乏资金是我国非政府组织发展面临的最大问题,收入自力更生能力不足是这个问题的主要原因。据清华大学NGO研究所对1508家非政府组织进行的调查结果分析,41.4%的非营利组织认为资金缺乏是最突出的问题。  相似文献   

缺乏资金是我国非政府组织发展面临的最大问题,收入自力更生能力不足是这个问题的主要原因。据清华大学NGO研究所对1508家非政府组织进行的调查结果分析,41.4%的非营利组织认为资金缺乏是最突出的问题。  相似文献   

随着我国市场经济的发展,非营利组织作为独立于政府和市场的第三种力量,越来越多地参与到社会公共事务的管理中,逐渐成为完善社会服务,推动社会福利发展的重要力量。然而非营利组织在发展过程中,也逐渐暴露出了自身的局限,存在着筹资困难、运行效率低等问题。本文通过分析非营利组织管理的现实困境,探讨解决困境的路径,提出了非营利组织管理的创新模式——企业化管理模式。并试图从绩效管理、资金管理、营销管理、人力资源管理等四方面探讨非营利组织企业化管理模式的构建。  相似文献   

美国非营利组织在社区发展中的作用及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钟广静 《探求》2009,(1):62-66
本文主要考察美国非营利组织的运行模式,讨论其在社区发展的地位和作用。通过对洛杉矶社区发展局的青少年服务项目案例分析,揭示美国非营利组织发展对我国搞好社区建设的启示作用。  相似文献   

周蔚 《社会工作》2009,(22):62-64
本文是一项对社区康复中非营利组织运作机制的探索性研究。基于对上海市Z社区“阳光之家”机构的调查发现,作为社区康复承载方之一的非营利组织在社会转型过程中出现机构内部的能力退化和外部社会支持网弱化的现象。在此基础上提出构建内部增能链和外部支持网的设想,这种双向发展的运作机制有助于推动非营利组织可持续性地开展社区康复工作。  相似文献   

论政府与非营利组织合作模式构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马力 《学术交流》2007,(4):86-90
伴随着社会主义市场经济体制的建立与日趋完善,政治体制改革和社会改革也相继进行政府与市场、政府与社会的关系面临深刻的变化和调整,正确处理政府与市场、政府与社会、政府与公民的关系就成为政治体制改革成败的关键。政府职能转变为我国非营利组织带来良好的发展机遇;同时,非营利组织的发展也必将极大地促进我国经济体制改革。在新的历史条件下,探讨我国政府与非营利组织发展的问题具有重要而深远的意义。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore how employees of Korean nonprofit organizations perceived characteristics of innovative organizations. The social-validation method (first, an open-ended question is given; and later, ideas collected from participants are used to make an instrument) was used to collect the data. Thirteen employees representing a variety of nonprofit organizations in South Korea participated in this study. At the first stage of the study, participants were asked to generate a list of characteristics of innovative organizations. A total of 125 characteristics of innovative nonprofit organizations were summarized into the 25 most often mentioned characteristics. At the second stage of the study, all participants were asked to rate each of the characteristics on how important they were for an innovative organization. Among the highest-ranked characteristics of innovative organizations were: having a clear organizational vision and mission statement, having transparent financial and accounting processes, having a leader who is open-minded and flexible, being responsive to clients’ needs, and having employees who share the vision and mission of the organization. The pattern of agreement among participants indicated a low degree of consensus. Implications were suggested based on the findings.  相似文献   

Objectives. In this article we examine political advocacy by nonprofit organizations. Relatively little is known about the types of organizations that participate in advocacy, their characteristics, the issues for which they advocate, and the resources they devote to it. This is especially the case for nonprofits that operate at the state or local level. Methods. Using data from a large survey of Indiana nonprofit organizations, we use logistic and multinomial regression to determine which organizational characteristics relate to participation in varying levels of advocacy. Results. We find that the size of the organization, its access to information and communication technology, its charitable status, and, in some cases, the field of activity in which it operates all help predict nonprofit advocacy. The age of the organization, its reliance on government funding (except when substantial), and its proximity to the state's major economic and political center do not generally help differentiate nonprofits that advocate from those that do not. Conclusions. Our findings suggest that most nonprofits are ambivalent about advocacy. Some do no advocacy at all; many participate in some form of it although it does not constitute their primary purpose or mission; and only a small minority devotes considerable resources to it. However, these patterns differ systematically by type of nonprofit.  相似文献   

This article develops linkages between two separate fields of research, namely work on post‐industrial welfare states, and work on nonprofit organizations. It pays particular attention to the emphasis on personal services and the “cost disease” hypothesis found in the former, which places strong constraints on improving pay and job quality in the nonprofit sector. At the same time, it argues that the post‐industrial welfare states literature, despite its emphasis on personal services, has largely ignored the significant and growing role of nonprofits in delivering these services, and thus the potential of these organizations to shape their relevant labour markets. This poses the question about the relative weight of productivity‐related wage restraints in personal services versus the capacity for agency by nonprofits. The final section of the paper engages in a critique of the “cost disease” hypothesis to suggest that space exists to improve pay and job quality in nonprofit personal services, despite productivity‐related constraints.  相似文献   

Objectives. This article examines the extent to which nonprofit organizational foundings are determined by various forms of social capital. Our hypothesis is that, controlling for other relevant social, political, and economic factors, communities with higher levels of social capital should experience more extensive growth in their nonprofit sectors. Methods. Using data derived from the Social Capital Community Benchmark Survey and the IRS “charitable organization” Business Master Files, we test our hypothesis using a negative binomial event count regression on nonprofit organization foundings in 284 U.S. counties in the year 2001. Results. We find that two core dimensions of social capital—political engagement and “bridging” social ties—have a significant impact on county‐level nonprofit foundings. Surprisingly, a key element of social capital in the literature, the level of interpersonal trust, does not lead to an increase in foundings of new not‐for‐profit organizations. Conclusions. This study provides further evidence of the strength of political engagement and bridging ties for the vitality of the community. It also shows that the different dimensions of social capital do not manifest a uniform effect on nonprofit sector growth. These results further demonstrate that the growth of a community's not‐for‐profit sector is dependent on a mix of ecological and environmental factors, especially preexisting organizational density, median household income, unemployment, and levels of governmental spending. Overall, social capital can usefully be seen as another key “environmental” factor in explanations of organizational foundings.  相似文献   

Fundraising can be viewed as a systematic activity aimed primarily at raising financial resources for the activities of either an organization or an individual. The inconsistency of this effort usually cannot be blamed on internal factors within an organization, but rather phenomena of a macroeconomic, legislative or societal nature. In an effort to gain an insight into the measure of utilizing fundraising principles in nonprofit organizations, extensive research was conducted for the ninth time among nonprofit organizations in the Czech Republic, the sample of which consisted of 313 fully completed questionnaires. Based on the research results focusing on fundraising, measures were proposed to expand the possibilities of ensuring effective multisource funding for a selected nonprofit organization. One of these options and at the same time the current trend in marketing not only for the nonprofit sector is crowdfunding. Crowdfunding is a new concept of funding projects that has seen a significantly growing trend in the fundraising is part of marketing activities, or at least it is very closely connected with them.  相似文献   

和谐社会,公益先行。作为一种非营利性事业,社会公益事业在缩小贫富差距、缓和社会矛盾、构建和谐社会等方面发挥了重要作用,引起学者们越来越多的关注。国内学者主要从公益事业史学、当代公益事业发展,包括公益事业政策法规、公益组织、志愿服务、企业与公益、宗教与公益等方面进行研究。当然,还有部分学者对国外公益事业也做了引荐。  相似文献   

This study traces elite interlocks between the economic, political, and civil sectors of the United States in the late 1990s. We assess integration and fragmentation through analyzing patterns of overlap and interaction among influential organizations and leaders in these sectors. Network analyses are conducted with UCINET 5 on the Elite Directors Database, a new data set composed of the directors/trustees for the largest organizations in the business and nonprofit sectors in addition to individuals holding positions on federal advisory committees. The complete data set contains individuals holding 3,976 seats from 100 businesses, 109 nonprofit organizations, and 98 government committees. The network structure reveals substantial linkages between organizations and elites within and across the three sectors. Major corporations and their directors are the best integrated in the intersectoral networks. In spite of the tremendous growth of the nonprofit sector, nonprofit organization linkages fail to offer compelling evidence of elite pluralism in the United States.  相似文献   

慈善组织是我国慈善事业发展的基础,公信力则是每个慈善组织的生命力。提升公信力不仅是慈善组织开展慈善活动的前提,而且是其健康发展的需要。结合非营利组织公信力的标准,文章分析了造成慈善组织公信力不足的原因,并就提升慈善组织公信力的措施进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Over the last decade there has been a tremendous growth in the nonprofit sector. Local community centers and foundations are developing Leadership Institutes to educate and assist the burgeoning nonprofit sectors needs for education and consultation. Universities and colleges are also responding to the call for nonprofit education. Since 1990 there has been a 300% growth in universities offering concentrations in nonprofit education. This paper documents how Florida Gulf Coast University, the nation’s newest university, partnered with the Center for Leadership of the local community foundation to conduct a needs assessment of demand for graduate education, training, and consultation in the area of nonprofit management. The partnership began with three focus groups of key administrative personnel from local nonprofit organizations. The survey documented a preponderance of interest in marketing, fund raising and strategic planning across all agencies, regardless of size. Smaller agencies, with budgets of less than $500,000 (52% of the sample) tended to be primarily interested in education, training, and consultation activities involving fund raising and marketing. Comparatively larger agencies tended to be interested in assistance with computer technology, legal and ethical issues, and cooperation among nonprofit organizations. The survey also indicated that that was a high interest among agency staff and board members for a nonprofit management track within an academic degree program or a graduate certificate program in nonprofit management.  相似文献   

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