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企业工会的“制度性弱势”及其形成背景   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
冯钢 《社会》2006,26(3):81-98
我国现行工会组织及其运作模式源于改革开放前的计划经济体制,相对于当前社会利益分化的现实,这种传统的工会组织及其运作模式存在着三方面的“制度性弱势”:即工会组织对行政主管和企业领导的高度依赖;工会组织无法代表职工的利益;集体谈判、集体协商和集体合同制度缺乏集体行动的合法性基础。  相似文献   

由于市场经济体制中遵循按生产要素分配的分配原则,劳动的价格相对于其他几种要素的价格要低得多,这必然造成劳动者的收入在国民收入总量中的比重偏低,导致劳动者收益普遍偏低,也必然导致市场有效需求不足,进而埋下经济危机的隐患.在我国,集体谈判制度的缺失是劳动者收入偏低的重要原因.由于新旧机制的交替,集体谈判和集体合同制度从认识到实践中还存在一些问题,如集体谈判主体资格不到住、集体谈判机制欠完善、集体谈判缺乏相应的法律保障.只有完善我国的集体谈判制度,才能保证劳动者在初次分配过程中获得更大份额.而保证工会的独立性是完善集体谈判制度的根本途径.只有当工会组织真正代表工人、相对独立于政府而与资方及其组织进行平等谈判时,集体谈判机制才算有效建立,职工或雇员的利益才可以得到最大化的保护.  相似文献   

黄祥 《阅江学刊》2011,(3):46-49
职业病防治法的规定已经较落后,应当对其进行修改,扩大职业病的范围,同时为集体合同约定职业病条款预留空间。改革职业病的管理体制,积极完善工会组织,充分利用行业集体合同、区域集体合同和专项集体合同等现有机制,通过集体协商,引导劳动者和用人单位通过集体合同解决职业病防治问题,无论对于合同双方主体还是对于整个社会都是有益的。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,在我国非公有制经济取得快速发展的同时,非公企业的劳资关系也日趋紧张,并呈现出一种冲突加剧、资方单边获利、劳动者权益明显受损的失衡格局。鉴于此,构建和谐劳资关系,应牢固树立"以人为本"的管理理念和科学的政绩观,发挥政府的主导性作用;确立和保障劳动者权益,建立健全劳动法律制度;推进工会制度性转换,增强工会组织的自主性和独立性;强化劳动标准执法,引导企业积极履行社会责任,从而实现政府、企业、劳动者以及社会力量多方参与的合作共治,促进劳资关系走向大体均衡。  相似文献   

黄锡生 《浙江学刊》2004,(5):149-152
我国目前正酝酿出台新的<破产法>,有关破产管理人的法律地位问题备受关注.本文以破产法律制度所要实现的目标价值为研究出发点,系统分析了破产管理人应有的法律地位:中立性,专业化,长期独立性.进而在此基础上提出破产管理人职业化的观点,并就破产管理人职业化的制度构建进行了探讨,包括市场准入法律制度、资格管理法律制度、工资报酬法律制度、权利责任法律制度等.  相似文献   

许小思 《探求》2002,(1):44-46
工会组织社区化是社会主义市场经济发展的新要求、新趋势。本文主要探讨了目前我国工会组织中存在的问题 ,以及工会组织社区化的意义和社区化中亟待解决的观念、制度和队伍问题  相似文献   

高静 《南亚研究》2014,(4):139-152
在政府主导下,印度社会保障体系的建立反映出不同时期政府领导人的民主平等、人道主义、社会公正和以人为本等政治理念。在不同的社会保障阶段,社会保障的设计路径大不相同。单层次社会保障阶段,仅在政府内部和有工会组织的部门建立社会保障制度;多层次社会保障阶段,建立社会保障体系,涵盖生活在"贫困线"以下的低收入者和弱势群体、无工会组织部门、农村人口就业和医疗以及儿童成长和教育等;社会保障深化阶段,进一步拓展社会保障的广度和深度,加强社会保障国际合作,保障海外印度人的利益。  相似文献   

从公司治理的角度来看,董事及董事会既是公司治理的主体,也是公司治理的客体,处于公司治理承上启下最为核心的地位.董事及董事会不可能具有独立性或中立性,这是由每位董事与生俱来的身份差异决定的.现行公司法一味强调董事和董事会的独立性,而相应的董事选举制度设计并不支持董事的独立性要求,致使董事角色错位,严重影响了公司治理的效率.应明确承认不同类型的董事由不同的利益相关者提名选任,并由提名人对被提名人的职务侵权行为承担相应的责任.  相似文献   

近年来,因工伤事故维权梗阻引发的突发性事件、群体性事件甚至恶性案件不绝于耳,从制度角度究其原因,除工伤保险制度本身不完善外,工会法所确认的工会组织负有保护和维护工人权利功能的实际缺位,是一个不可忽视和不能回避的重要原因.以现实中的工伤保险引发的恶性案件为线索,从法治理论与实践的结合点上,研究分析我国现行工会制度存在的问题,应强化工会组织制度建设的若干立法,旨在为推动我国工伤职工法律权利的切实维护和法治国家以及和谐社会建设提供制度保障.  相似文献   

建立健全社会养老保险制度是社会保障体系建设的重要内容,对维护社会稳定,促进我国经济发展具有重大意义。目前我国人口老龄化进程不断加快,导致社会养老保险基金的支出压力日益增大,制度的潜在风险日益突出,面临诸多问题和严峻挑战。社会养老保险制度不仅要强调国家的责任,还要重视个人权益与责任的对等,只有政府、用人单位(雇主)及个人(雇员)各尽其职才能建立起有效的社会养老保险模式。  相似文献   

Article 4 of the Labor Contract Law lays down the right of the Staff and Workers’ Representative Congress (SWRC) to deliberate on the formulation of (intra-enterprise) work regulations, but this has become a “soft” law in judicial practice. The judicial criteria for judging the validity of work regulations are in essence determined by the judge’s judgment on their reasonableness. As an important embodiment of Chinese politics, economics and culture, the transformation of the SWRC that accompanied the market economy has not negated its value as an indigenous traditional resource. The SWRC does not just enjoy deliberative rights in the formation of regulations, as clearly specified in constitutional law, but also has rights under the law in local legislation and practice. Hence the system of work regulations is neither a unilateral decision on the part of management nor a contract, but rather an autonomous norm developed through the SWRC mechanism. Given the mandatory nature of Article 4 of the Labor Contract Law, regulations will only be valid after they have gone through a democratic process. The further development of the theory of normative system formation should endow the SWRC with greater rights and integrate it smoothly with the collective contract system to standardize collective labor relations.  相似文献   

我国以《劳动合同法》为代表的个别劳动法具有特别私法的本质属性,它主要将劳动关系当做用人单位与劳动者之间的个体利益冲突来处理,进而以劳动者个体向用人单位主张权益以及权益遭受侵害后寻求司法救济的机制来运行。个别劳动法并不能强制用人单位履行劳动法为保护劳动者权益而设定的义务,劳动者个体大多选择放弃维权导致法律保护不能直接辐射到劳动者集体(特别是无法给予劳动者积极、有效的预防性保护),鼓励劳动者个体积极实施"私人执法",特别是主张劳动合同无效带有很强的悖论色彩。故此,倚重集体劳动法调整劳动关系是未来我国劳动法的必由之路。  相似文献   

Summary The paper describes the action of a group of low-income tenants,inexperienced in dealing with bureaucracies or in understandingthe complexities of landlord-tenant law, who attempted to improvetheir living conditions by using the Government's Rent Tribunal While the legal remedies provided under the Rent Acts were effective,the tenants were reluctant to use them until they had organizedas a group. This was because of the particular relationshipthey had with the landlady who made it difficult for them todiscuss with her their rights as tenants. Their only way ofchanging this was through collective action We discuss the use of conflict strategies in a short-term issue;that is, in fighting a landlady for better living conditions(both lower rents and adequate repairs). It illustrates thedifficulty of mobilizing a group of people whose ususal everydayexperiences are that it is difficult, if not futile, to takeaction to improve their situation. This is so in spite of machineryset up by the Government to arbitrate over rents for privateproperty. The difficulty lies in the precarious financial positionin which deprived groups often find themselves, making it easyfor them to fall into rent arrears and therefore be liable toeviction from their accommodation. It is difficult also becauseproperty owners are more likely to have easy access to the legalmachinery. These tenants are usually in no position to holda landlord to his side of the contract because they lack theresources to pay the legal fees entailed  相似文献   

从英美国家保险利益原则的理论发展看我国立法之完善   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
英美保险法至保险利益原则确立以来,对其法理有着“法定关系理论”、“实际利益理论”、“存在合法关系的实际利益”这三大理论。而“法定关系理论”、“实际利益理论”并不能解决保险的应有目的,“存在合法关系的实际利益”理论更符合历史潮流。我国现有保险法在人身保险合同中采用的是“法定关系理论”,在财产保险合同中,保险法未明确规定,在实践中适用的是“法定关系理论”。从英美国家理论发展的现状及国情,我国保险法在人身保险合同中不应适用经济利益理论,在财产保险合同中,应适当运用经济利益理论。  相似文献   

传统法律文化与法治现代化的对接路径   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
中国传统法律文化与现代法治精神对接之间存在困境,困境的形成主要由于传统法律文化具有重法制轻法治、重集体轻个人、重和合轻冲突、重德(礼)轻刑(法)等特点,并长久以来影响着人们的思想和观念,与现代法治精神相冲突。困境的消解,不能靠简单地移植西方法律,也不能仅依赖于本土资源自生,而应该通过以下几条路径:1)培植现代法律意识,去除“人治”观念,培育起真正的“法治”观念,形成民主、平等的共识;2)建构市民社会,激活契约精神;3)在立法环节上完善现代法治的同时,推进司法制度改革,加快司法现代化的进程。通过这些路径和步骤,推进法制现代化,构建中国特色的现代法治。  相似文献   

Recent research identifies high barriers to registering a business as critical impediments to economic development around the world. Similarly, the lack of credible commitment to the rule of law – especially in the areas of property rights and contract enforcement – is also connected to economic underdevelopment. Scholarship treats these factors as rival explanations for underdevelopment. However, I argue the rule of law is the causal mechanism through which barriers to entry in the marketplace influence economic outcomes. Specifically, I present evidence perceptions of the rule of law in Southeast Asia decline as the legal restrictions on registering a business increase because public officials use their gatekeeping positions to extract rents and raise the costs of formalizing private enterprises. High disincentives to register a business drive entrepreneurs underground, which in turn leaves them vulnerable to extortion or confiscation by public officials and undermines perceptions of the rule of law. I employ pooled cross-sectional time-series data for all countries in SE Asia between 1996 and 2010 to test my theoretical argument. I use Two-Stage Least Squares Instrumental Variables, Time Series, Cross-Sectional and OLS regression models to isolate causal mechanisms and causal directions among my variables. My analyses demonstrate the deleterious effect of legal barriers to entry on the rule of law and provides a new direction for scholarship on the topic.  相似文献   

As shown in the many disputes occurring in reforms to collective forest tenure, reforms aimed at clarifying property rights that follow the contract responsibility system for arable land are not wholly compatible with the informal system of property rights followed in village communities up to the present. This highlights the fact that the existing theory of collective property rights no longer provides a sufficient or effective interpretation of the property rights game in the practice of collective forest tenure. Further, the existing institutional arrangements for collective property rights are conducive neither to the resolution of disputes over forest tenure nor to the sustainable management and utilization of forest land. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a more inclusive analytical framework for rural property rights: village communal ownership. This highlights the village community as the main force in the practice of property rights and integrates the communal ownership values accumulated and inherited in the course of village transition. The introduction of a rational mechanism developed through the practice of village communal ownership may be able to further improve and encourage the reform of rural property rights in China, leading to the construction of a modern system of rural property rights involving clear title to the land.  相似文献   

方印 《学术交流》2012,(4):61-65
生态文明时代要求法律制度进行不同程度的生态化.在各种法律制度生态化历程中,民法制度的生态化起着相当重要的作用.民法基本制度的生态化是民法生态化的重要内容,它包括人格权制度的生态化、物权制度的生态化、合同制度的生态化、侵权责任制度的生态化.这其中,环境人格权是人格权制度生态化的主要内容;生态性用益物权是物权制度生态化的重要组成部分;环境物权交易合同是合同制度生态化的主要方面.以损害风险预防、现实损害救济赔偿、恢复责任承担为切入点,采用无过错责任与过错加重责任并用的原则,贯彻环境损害全程监管与责任追究的理念,对环境污染与生态破坏的源头与过程实行全面的控制与追责是侵权责任制度生态化的基本要素.  相似文献   

从集体土地所有权补偿和农民集体成员权退出两个维度剖析中国城乡交错区农地转用利益分配格局的演进过程,发现现行征地补偿水平高于农地农用条件下的土地所有权价值;一定程度上讲,农民已经享有了退出集体的权利。征地制度边际创新的优势在于降低改革阻力,但边际创新一旦抛开地价增值规律,很容易激发地方政府及农民产生土地财政幻觉和地价增值幻觉。长远地看,解决城乡交错区农地转用矛盾与冲突的关键,并非明确界定公共利益内涵、提高征地补偿标准、完善征地程序等技术环节,需要深刻反思的是土地所有权界定、集体土地用途过度管制等底层制度安排。  相似文献   

The Labor Contract Law classifies collective contracts as special labor contracts, ignoring the fundamental differences between collective contracts and labor contracts. This has plunged it into jurisprudential obstacles and institutional difficulties. In terms of the main entities, efficacy, dispute settlement mechanisms, etc. collective contracts have their own institutional characteristics. They should be incorporated into the legislative framework for collective labor relations in future legislation, and should link up with trade unions, collective consultation and collective dispute settlement to form a complete system of collective labor law.  相似文献   

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