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VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations - While there is a vast literature that considers the collection and analysis of qualitative data, there has been limited...  相似文献   

Abstract Organic agriculture is perceived as being more sustainable than conventional agriculture. However, while there is a growing interest in, and market for, organic products, large‐scale conversion to organic agriculture is not taking place. Even though conversion from conventional to organic dairy production is not especially difficult in theory, conversion is slow in this specific sector. The conversion process to organic agriculture is often analyzed by investigating farmer motivations and attitudes. However, since modern agricultural production is organized in production chains, which are in turn subject to stakeholder influence, a wider focus that includes these interrelationships might provide new insights regarding the lagging conversion. Based on document analysis, policy analysis, and interviews, this article investigates opportunities for, and barriers to, conversion to organic dairy production in the Netherlands within the setting of the chain network. Opportunities and barriers are found at three levels within the chain network: the actor level, the chain level, and the network level. We conclude that, despite some involvement in organic production and a positive disposition toward it, the chain network is not ready for a large‐scale conversion.  相似文献   

This paper reflects on and theorizes strategies to design and teach an introductory qualitative research class to US doctoral students. My orientation towards learning theory as an educational psychologist shapes my analysis in fundamental ways. The course blends elements of philosophy, method, skill‐building and reflection to explore both ‘why’ and ‘how to’ elements of qualitative research. Four process components are examined: (1) the construction of my own beliefs about research, (2) the evolution of course readings and skill‐building activities, (3) an analysis of quotations from students’ work, and (4) implications for teaching research methods courses. Class members unearthed moral and ethical dilemmas in every aspect of the research process, and we worked to excavate ways to do quality work in respectful ways. My reflection concludes with two personal insights: (1) social science graduate students in the US need more opportunities to think theoretically and write interpretively and (2) self‐knowledge is integrally connected to issues of openness, voice, and seeing the world with new eyes through the research process.  相似文献   

Aspers  Patrik  Corte  Ugo 《Qualitative sociology》2019,42(2):139-160
Qualitative Sociology - What is qualitative research? If we look for a precise definition of qualitative research, and specifically for one that addresses its distinctive feature of being...  相似文献   

《Marriage & Family Review》2013,49(3-4):399-415
The author uses her experiences with death and bereavement to select her research problem and to become a sensitive collaborator and listener with others who had the same experience of the loss of a loved one. From deep listening and opening of her heart to colleagues she began the integration of personal, empirical, theoretical, practical and spiritual knowledge into her research. A reconceptualization of maternal bereavement occurred. It is an open, fluid, dialectical process of change.  相似文献   

The authors of this article identify and discuss some of the practical and ethical issues of qualitative research with children. The problems are illustrated through a research study about children's experience of asthma, and the way in which they perceive and interpret their condition. It is shown that social research with children has inherent difficulties relating to access, ethical and developmental issues. Researchers do not only have to gain parental permission but also want the child to enter the research voluntarily. Because of the children's stage of development and the asymmetrical relationship between researcher and informants, adequate safeguards and awareness of these problems are essential.  相似文献   


Relationships Australia NSW and Baptist Community Services NSW & ACT, through its BCS LifeCare Counselling & Family Services program, collaborated to explore client perceptions of men's domestic violence programs. Recruitment targeted male clients and their female partners, across six locations in New South Wales, Australia. In total, 63 qualitative interviews were gathered from 28 participants, between 2007 and 2009, at program intake, program completion and 6-month follow-up. The focus of this article is on the 20 male interviews conducted with 14 participants at program completion (10) and at 6-month follow-up (10). Recurring themes from these interviews indicate the potentially disruptive effect of client dialogue on group dynamics. While positive group discussion has the potential to enhance client motivation, negative peer discussions, external to group sessions, can diminish group functioning and client motivation for these participants. The paradoxical nature of the group-intervention experience is explored in light of these accounts. Suggestions for men's domestic violence program facilitation and research are outlined.  相似文献   

During the process of emotion management , individuals perceive that they are feeling emotions that differ from what is expected within the situation. Consequently, they use cognitive, physical, and/or other means either to display more appropriate emotions or to change their emotions on a deeper level to be consistent with what is customarily expressed. Beginning with the first examinations of emotion management in 1979 by the pioneer Arlie Hochschild , emotion scholars have produced over 6,000 studies of this phenomenon. We join this vibrant research program by proposing new avenues of research using an interdisciplinary strategy. First, we explore possibilities for emotion management research within its “home base” of sociology; then, we branch out to the areas of morality and political science. In so doing, we craft new and unexpected pathways for advancements in theory, theory adjudication, and methodology, for the future of emotion management research .  相似文献   

Rudolf Moos, Professor of Psychiatry, Stanford University School of Medicine and Research Career Scientist at the Palo Alto Veterans Administration Medical Centre, is not well known to Australian and New Zealand therapy circles, yet his research into instruments applicable to research into the family and its dynamics is prolific, his personal energy, integrity and dedication are admirable and his persistence at researching the very difficult areas of social environments is unequalled. This interview was recorded at the Social Ecology Laboratory at Veteran's Administration Medical Centre at Palo Alto, where he is Director of the Laboratory.  相似文献   

In the light of expressed support for Grow Your Own or employer sponsored schemes for social work training, this article explores why they are not so frequently adopted. It draws on findings from a multi-method study of GYO activities and outcomes in England, in particular interviews with 27 participants from 20 organisations employing social workers and funding GYO activity. These interviews revealed that GYO was seen as a means to recruit and retain new social workers, specifically to recruit workers who were able to start practice immediately and needed minimal support, but also to widen access to the profession and to demonstrate evidence of the employers' wider commitment to its non-qualified staff by providing a career pathway. Not all those interviewed were able to provide firm data as evidence of their belief in the value of GYO schemes. The article concludes that the reasons for the decline in GYO schemes lie in the sizeable investment required to develop and sustain them. It identifies some mismatch between the need for immediate solutions to workforce shortages and the longer-term investment in students and in workforce development staff who are necessary to reap the benefits of such schemes.  相似文献   

For many years, siblings of women and girls suffering from anorexia have been regarded as “the forgotten kin,” as they have been overlooked by both researchers and clinicians. Therefore, the goal of this explorative study was to investigate siblings’ experiences, burdens, and support needs in a differentiated manner. Siblings (n = 16) of patients with an ICD-10 diagnosis “anorexia nervosa” (F 50.0) took part in a qualitative, in-depth interview study; the data were assessed using content analysis. The results of this study should be especially interesting for clinical social work. Using the findings, a variety of concrete recommendations for psycho-social practice can be made, for example regarding the inclusion of siblings in treatment settings, as well as specific support concepts for siblings of anorexic women and girls in different age groups.  相似文献   

Aspers  Patrik  Corte  Ugo 《Qualitative sociology》2021,44(4):599-608
Qualitative Sociology - In this text we respond and elaborate on the four comments addressing our original article. In that piece we define qualitative research as an “iterative process in...  相似文献   

Qualitative Research: Valuable or Irrelevant?   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
This paper evaluates qualitative research methods in relation to the emancipatory research model. It identifies the main reasons why researchers opt for qualitative research, describes the principal data collection techniques used by them, and discusses some of the problems associated with these procedures. Drawing on insights gained from doing qualitative research in day centres for disabled young adults, I argue that these methodologies are fundamental to the emancipatory research paradigm; but their relevance can only be determined by researchers' willingness to challenge the institutions which control disability research production.  相似文献   

L'entrevue de recherche est généralement examinée du point de vue du chercheur. Contrairement à la recherche activiste, qui accorde beaucoup d'carimportance à l'opinion du participant, les constructivistes ont ajouté une nouvelle perspective en démontrant comment l'entrevue de recherche est à la fois collaborative et génératrice de significations. Notre étude livre une analyse plus explicite de l'entrevue du point de vue de l'interviewé. Selon une étude portant sur les Canadiens qui migrent à l'intérieur du pays, la signification pour l'interviewé de l'entrevue qualitative est expliquée plus en détail. Nous discutons la motivation qui pousse à la participation en nous fondant sur les concepts de validation d'carexpériences et sur un processus appelé progression réflexive, qui met en lumière le déroulement d'carune entrevue selon la perspective de l'interviewé. The research interview is usually discussed from the vantage point of the researcher. While activist research has drawn attention to the voice of the participant, constructivists have added a new perspective by showing how the research interview is both collaborative and meaning‐making. Our study provides a more explicit analysis of the interview from the perspective of the interviewee. Based on a study of internal migrants in Canada, the meaning of the qualitative interview for the interviewee is more carefully explicated. We discuss motivation for participation using the concepts of event validation and a process called reflexive progression to illuminate what happens in the interview from the interviewee's perspective.  相似文献   

In interview with Kasia Kozlowska, Melbourne‐born psychiatrist Carolyn Quadrio describes the impact of growing up in a Greek migrant family, the significant influences on her choice of profession, and the ways in which she gradually developed a feminist position simultaneously with embracing a systemic perspective on ‘depression’ and other diagnostic categories. Quadrio talks frankly about her challenges to the male‐dominated psychiatric establishment, her struggles to get her critique of it published, her excitement about the family therapy field, and her later disillusionment with it. Her current work is in the area of forensic psychiatry.  相似文献   

Team-teaching, especially with colleagues who are diverse along a number of domains of social identity (e.g., social class, gender, race, tenure rank, academic status, age), represents a rich opportunity to model a social justice, anti-oppressive approach to teaching and learning. In this article, we present pedagogical strategies to consider when team-teaching foundation social work courses with a social justice focus. Constructs related to power dynamics, privilege, social class, microaggressions and social identity are explored. Development of teaching plans, managing challenging team dynamics, and teaching methods are examined. Implications of team-teaching anti-oppression content for social work education are discussed.  相似文献   

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