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Parks LA  Zelman DC  Wanlass RL 《Omega》2010,62(2):111-125
Bioethics and public policy literature suggests that socially marginalized populations may be at increased risk for overuse of physician-assisted suicide (PAS) were it to become more accepted. Yet the attitudes of socially marginalized populations toward PAS have not been widely studied. The present study surveyed a sample of men in a substance abuse recovery program. Participants completed a PAS attitude questionnaire and a religiosity measure. Support for PAS was fairly evenly split, with 52.2% indicating general opposition to PAS and 46.9% indicating general support. Greater religiosity was associated with more negative attitudes toward PAS. Higher educational level was associated with more acceptance. Overall attitudes toward PAS were considerably more negative than those of Dr. George Domino's (2003) general population sample.  相似文献   

Wooddell V  Kaplan KJ 《Omega》1999,40(1):43-60
Ninety-six students were presented with eighteen different vignettes describing different types of active and passive observed suicide, assisted suicide, and euthanasia. Attitudes regarding the morality and desired legality of each situation were measured. Results indicated that the interaction between the doctor and the patient, and, to a lesser extent, the active or passive nature of the agent of death, were more important than the actual actions of the doctor in allowing or causing death to occur.  相似文献   

Dinwiddie SH 《Omega》1999,40(1):101-108
A number of assumptions underlying the debate over physician-assisted suicide (PAS) deserve closer scrutiny. It is often implicitly assumed that decisions as to the competency of the patient to request PAS can be accurately made, and that the treating physician's values and intrapsychic conflicts can be successfully separated from the decision to accede to or reject the patient's request. This article argues that in such an emotionally-laden decision, such factors may play a significant role, and that even were PAS to gain widespread acceptance, ignoring them may lead to errors in classifying patients either as appropriate or inappropriate for PAS.  相似文献   

Domino G 《Omega》2002,46(3):199-214
Attitudes toward physician-assisted suicide (PAS) were assessed in a sample of 400 community adults, stratified as to gender and socioeconomic class, using a 12-item psychometric scale rather than the more typical survey question. The results indicate that the Domino scale, currently the only psychometric instrument of attitudes toward PAS, is factorially homogeneous and shows considerable internal stability. There were no gender differences, but significant socioeconomic class differences were obtained with better educated, upper class individuals more favorable in attitude than semi-skilled and unskilled poorly educated lower social class individuals. The majority of respondents support physician assisted suicide, but such support is inversely related to age.  相似文献   

Worthen LT  Yeatts DE 《Omega》2000,42(2):115-135
Public support for assisted suicide has been growing despite the ethical questions raised by members of the medical profession. Previous research suggests that age, gender, experience, and religiosity are factors affecting individuals' attitudes. This study examines the effect of demographic and ideological factors, as well as individuals' caregiving experiences, on attitudes toward assisted suicide. Random-digit-dialing procedures produced a sample of 156 residents of Denton, Texas, in March 1998. T-tests were conducted to measure significance, while gamma values were used to measure level of association and percent reduction in error. The data indicate that age, gender, and caregiving experience were not significant predictors of attitudes. Situational factors, including whether a physician or friend/family member should assist and whether a child or a terminally ill patient experiencing no pain should receive assistance, all were highly significant and positively associated with attitudes toward assisted suicide. Respondents were most likely to support physician-assisted suicide for individuals experiencing no pain. The data also indicated that the depth of commitment to the beliefs that suffering has meaning, that life belongs to God, and that physician-assisted suicide is murder, were highly significant and negatively associated with attitudes toward assisted suicide.  相似文献   

Canetto SS  Hollenshead JD 《Omega》1999,40(1):165-208
This study examines the seventy-five suicide cases Dr. Jack Kevorkian acknowledged assisting during the period between 1990-1997. Although these cases represent a range of regional and occupational backgrounds, a significant majority are women. Most of these individuals had a disabling, chronic, nonterminal-stage illness. In five female cases, the medical examiner found no evidence of disease whatsoever. About half of the women were between the ages of forty-one and sixty, and another third were older adults. Men's conditions were somewhat less likely than women's to be chronic and nonterminal-stage. The main reasons for the hastened death mentioned by both the person and their significant others were having disabilities, being in pain, and fear of being a burden. The predominance of women among Kevorkian's assisted suicides contrasts with national trends in suicide mortality, where men are a clear majority. It is possible that individuals whose death was hastened by Kevorkian are not representative of physician-assisted suicide cases around the country, because of Kevorkian's unique approach. Alternatively, the preponderance of women among Kevorkian's assisted suicides may represent a real phenomenon. One possibility is that, in the United States, assisted suicide is particularly acceptable for women. Individual, interpersonal, social, economic, and cultural factors encouraging assisted suicide in women are examined.  相似文献   

Knizek BL  Akotia CS  Hjelmeland H 《Omega》2010,62(2):169-186
The purpose of the present study was to investigate attitudes toward suicide and suicide prevention among psychology students in Ghana by means of a qualitative analysis of open-ended questions about causes of suicide and how suicide best can be prevented. The students mainly saw the causes as intra-personal and almost all of them believed that suicide can be prevented. The results indicated a huge impact of religion on the attitudes toward suicide as well as some lack of distinction between their religious and professional roles and responsibilities.  相似文献   

The wealth of publications, seminars and conferences on the topic of computer models for planning and control has included only a relatively small proportion of material which critically evaluates their contribution and, in particular, focuses attention on the attitudes of managers towards such innovation. There are some outstanding exceptions to this general picture, such as the excellent survey by P.H. Grinyer and J. Wooler1 on corporate models in the U.K., and the critique by R.H. Hayes and R.L. Nolan2, who argue that corporate models have fallen into disuse or disrepute in many U.S. organizations and recommend the development of simple models to aid the planning process rather than overall corporate models.

In this article the authors attempt to bring together some of the more important findings in the literature.  相似文献   


There is a need to understand the associations between attitudes towards retirement in specific occupations and various psychosocial and work-related factors. This study identified correlates of retirement thoughts and retirement preference in hospital physicians. The sample comprised 447 (251 male and 196 female) physicians from three hospital districts in Finland. After adjustment for gender, age and salary, minor psychiatric morbidity increased likelihood of retirement thoughts and retirement preference. Retirement thoughts and retirement preference were more common in doctors reporting low job control, poor teamwork and unjust supervision than in doctors perceiving their working conditions more favorably. Work preference was associated with high overwork. The associations of work characteristics with retirement thoughts and retirement preference largely persisted after control for indicators of health and social circumstances. In conclusion, in addition to demographic and financial factors and health, retirement attitudes in hospital physicians seem to be related to organizational and managerial factors that are potentially amendable to intervention. This has implications for retaining hospital physicians who might otherwise retire.  相似文献   

There is a need to understand the associations between attitudes towards retirement in specific occupations and various psychosocial and work-related factors. This study identified correlates of retirement thoughts and retirement preference in hospital physicians. The sample comprised 447 (251 male and 196 female) physicians from three hospital districts in Finland. After adjustment for gender, age and salary, minor psychiatric morbidity increased likelihood of retirement thoughts and retirement preference. Retirement thoughts and retirement preference were more common in doctors reporting low job control, poor teamwork and unjust supervision than in doctors perceiving their working conditions more favorably. Work preference was associated with high overwork. The associations of work characteristics with retirement thoughts and retirement preference largely persisted after control for indicators of health and social circumstances. In conclusion, in addition to demographic and financial factors and health, retirement attitudes in hospital physicians seem to be related to organizational and managerial factors that are potentially amendable to intervention. This has implications for retaining hospital physicians who might otherwise retire.  相似文献   

Kaplan KJ  Bratman E 《Omega》1999,40(1):27-41
The present study concentrates on the attitudes of high school students toward active doctor-assisted suicide as described in hypothetical doctor-patient scenarios, orthogonally manipulating doctor's reaction to patient's wishes to end his/her life (whether discussed, accepted or encouraged), presence of patient's physical pain, presence of patient's emotional pain, and the gender of the hypothetical patient. Doctor-assisted suicides thoroughly discussed with the patient are judged to be more moral, acceptable, and "legal" than assisted suicides that are simply accepted by the doctor or actively encouraged by him. Significantly, this is not a distinction that is relevant in the eyes of the law. Further, the presence of both physical and emotional pain on the part of the patient make the patient death more acceptable in the eyes of high school students. This latter effect is striking, given the result of the Wooddell and Kaplan (1999-2000) study showing that patient depression tends to weaken acceptability of death. Finally, respondents, both male and female, tend to view deaths of patients of the opposite gender as more acceptable than patients of the same gender.  相似文献   

This article examines biomedical and psychosocial data on the first forty-seven cases of physician-assisted suicide (PAS) of Kevorkian as collected by means of both a physical autopsy and a preliminary psychological autopsy. The following patterns emerge: 1) The physical condition of these PAS patients was not typical of the conditions that lead to death in the United States. 2) Consistent with the above findings, our pilot data indicate that only 31.1 percent of these patients were terminal. While 73.9 percent were described as reporting pain, only 42.6 percent were revealed at autopsy to have a specific anatomical basis for their pain. However 36 percent were described as depressed, 66 percent as having some disability, and perhaps of key importance, 90 percent expressed a fear of dependency. Most important, our pilot data suggest the possibility of large gender differences, since 3) 68.1 percent of these forty-seven PAS's are women and only 31.9 percent are men. This represents the reverse of the gender pattern for completed suicides in the United States in 1995, resembling instead the approximate pattern for unsuccessful suicide attempts. 4) Approximately 75 percent of both men and women in the above sample were described as reporting pain. Men were almost twice as likely to have had an anatomical basis for the pain and three times as likely to be terminal. Our pilot data indicate PAS women are more likely to be described as depressed and twice as likely to have had a history of previous unsuccessful suicide attempts. 5) Kevorkian's patients were older than the typical unaided suicides in America. Reported pain decreases with age as does depression; however anatomical basis for pain increases slightly with age, and no age effect emerges for terminality. 6) Approximately two-thirds of those physician-assisted suicides were at middle SES levels. History of disability was the biggest risk factor for the low SES patients and fear of dependency for the high SES patients.  相似文献   

Zonda T  Lester D 《Omega》2006,54(1):53-57
An education program for GPs about treating patients with depressive disorders and panic disorders was implemented in one district in the year 1998. A neighboring district was used as a control. Although the educational program was followed by an increase in referrals for panic disorder in the target district, there was no impact on referrals for depressive disorders, the prescribing of antidepressants by the GPs, or the suicide rate.  相似文献   

A mail survey was conducted in order to investigate whether the importance a manager attaches to corporate ethical and legal responsibilities varies according to personality characteristics, demographic variables, or the perceived moral climates in the manager's firm. Respondents were middle- and lower-level managers in 112 for-profit businesses located throughout the United States. As expected, attitudes about corporate ethical responsibility were significantly related to (1) the individual's capacity for empathy and (2) a perceived caring climate in the firm; attitudes about corporate legal responsibility were significantly related to (1) the individual's hierarchical position and (2) an organizational climate perceived to be supportive of law.Data collection for this research was subsidized by the Old Dominion University Research Foundation and the ODU College of Business and Public Administration Bureau of Research.  相似文献   

This monograph reports on a survey of physician executives who are members of the American College of Physician Executives. The survey emphasized four areas--factors in an individual's move into management as a career choice; satisfaction with management as a career or as an element of a career; factors that prepare a physician to manage; and factors in future development of physician managers.  相似文献   

Bela Gold 《Omega》1974,2(2):209-223
A comprehensive study of expected and actual industry growth patterns has suggested that a number of shortcomings in statistical forecasting derive from the role of “backcasting” in widely used methods of estimating probable future adjustment paths. After examining attendant problems and the conceptual bases for ameliorating them, attention in the paper centers on describing a technique for effecting some of these improvements and on analyzing the findings obtained by applying it to 28 series over periods of 60–80 years. Resulting implications for strengthening business and economic forecasting efforts are then discussed.  相似文献   

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