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循环型企业及循环经济循环型企业是指在可持续发展意识的指导下,按照循环经济的要求,进行经营决策,设计战略和策略的企业。循环型企业是循环经济的微观载体,是按照循环经济的要求建立起来的绿色企业。该类型企业有以下特征:(1)观念特征:企业倡导绿色导向,建设循环型文化,宣扬环保意识。在企业理念、经营宗旨方面突出人与自然和谐的思想,将这些思想细化为员工遵守的规范,约束员工的行为。(2)关系特征。注重社会资本的积累,搞好公共关系。循环型企业打破了传统封闭的企业关系格局,要求不断挖掘关系资源,增强合作意识,优化各种关系,尽量减少协… 相似文献
天津滨海新区被纳入国家“十一五”规划的发展战略.成为新时期中国经济发展的第三增长极。2007年12月31日.胡锦涛总书记到天津考察工作.明确要求滨海新区要成为贯彻落实科学发展观的排头兵.对天津滨海新区开发开放提出了更高的要求。 相似文献
全力打造百年企业 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
1970年跻身《财富》全球500强的公司到1982年只剩下1/3。统计资料表明不同类型企业的平均寿命是不同的:全球500强的平均寿命是40—50岁,跨国公司为11—12岁,中国集团公司7—8岁,中国中小企业、民营企业仅仅3-4岁。实证研究证明,企业是一个生命肌体,他也遵循生老病死的自然法则。从企业诞生的那天起,他就站到了企业生命周期的起点,面临着生命周期的严峻挑战。在我国以海尔、联想等公司为代表的一大批企业相继提出了做“百年老字号”、“长寿公司”的口号,形成了一股中国企业“百年现象热”。那么如何打造“百年老店”?怎样才能使企业长寿不衰… 相似文献
人文素质、职业知识与技能构成了职业人才的主体智慧,因其多元智能组合的不同,呈现出不同的智慧状态。要建立职业教育体系来培养人才,通过职业教育的资源整合、优化与共享,拓展职业教育的资源功能与社会功能,采取相应的对策,实现职业教育的最优化。 相似文献
德育课是学院德育工作的主渠道.在倡导素质教育的今天,德育课起着举足轻重的作用.传统模式下的德育课教学往往重认知轻情感、重系统轻创新,不利于激发学生学习的兴趣.德育课程面临巨大的课改空间.本文提出,只有用丰富多彩的教育活动,使学生融入真实生动的教育情境中,才能让德育课焕发出独特的魅力. 相似文献
随着新<新课程标准>提出,学生在课程与教学中的主体地位得到了真正的确认和尊重,在教学主体上,必须突出学生的自主实践,对传统经验批判性地继承和发扬,推进语文课堂的改革. 相似文献
Keeping up with the digital age: How the American Red Cross uses social media to build relationships
Forty individuals from the American Red Cross were interviewed to explore the use of social media in communicating with key publics. Results show that practicing public relations through social media is effective and necessary in the emerging digital age, as shown through the Red Cross’ development of a two-way dialogue with younger constituents, the media, and the community. This two-way dialogue has been accomplished primarily through Twitter and Facebook, with barriers such as lack of staff and time, and opportunities to improve National Headquarters and local chapter relations. The insights shared by the American Red Cross are useful for both public relations scholars and professionals to help them understand and apply social media practices to build strong, lasting relationships. 相似文献
《Public Relations Review》2001,27(3):263-284
This study examines the mediated communication of activist organizations to understand how these groups use their Web sites to build relationships with publics. A study of one hundred environmental organization Web sites identified common features and examined the incorporation of dialogic communication into this new medium. The data suggest that while most activist organizations meet the technical and design aspects required for dialogic relationship building on the Web, they are not yet fully engaging their publics in two-way communication. Moreover, it appears that the activist organizations are better prepared to address the needs of member publics rather than media needs. 相似文献
Kirkpatrick H Landeen J Woodside H Byrne C 《Journal of psychosocial nursing and mental health services》2001,39(1):46-53
1. Both clinicians and consumers identified the importance of maintaining relationships and experiencing success as helpful in building and nurturing hope for consumers. 2. To provide holistic care, clinicians need to discuss spirituality and meaning with clients. 3. Because being hopeful is an active process, clinicians need to talk to clients about hope, openly, realistically, and strategically. 相似文献
应收账款是企业的一项重要流动资产,关乎企业现金流量收支的平衡,关系到企业的生死存亡。因此,应收账款的管理是企业财务管理的一项重要内容。有些企业存在巨额赊销账款,占用企业大量的资金,从而阻碍企业正常的资金运转,甚至导致严重的财务危机。究其原因,主要有以下几点:1.信用政策不合理。在现代社会激烈的竞争机制下,某些企业为了扩大市场占有率,大量地运用商业信用促销,在事先未对付款人资信情况做深入调查的情况下,盲目地采用赊销策略去争夺市场,只重视账面的高利润,忽视了大量被客户拖欠占用的流动资金能否及时收回的问题。2.企业内部… 相似文献
“企业竞争”这一概念所包括的范畴非常广泛,有企业战略竞争、企业文化竞争、企业人才竞争、产品技术竞争、营销策略竞争等等,但究其实质来说,企业竞争归根到底是人才的竞争。在企业经营的理论与实践中,富有战略眼光的企业经营者应高度重视构建企业的人才竞争优势。构建企业人才竞争优势的方法和措施仁者见仁,智者见智,本文认为吸纳优秀人才、建立合适的用工制度、强化员工培训是企业人才竞争优势的核心内容。 相似文献
Using a 'domains' approach to build community empowerment 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
This paper provides two case study examples of how communityempowerment can be better conceptualized, planned and appliedwithin a programme context by using a domainsapproach. What is new about this approach is that it does notstart with a blank slate onto which participants inscribe theirown problems or needs but provides a predetermined focus througheach of nine empowerment domains: Improves participation;Develops local leadership; Increases problem assessment capacities;Enhances the ability to ask why; Builds empoweringorganizational structures; Improves resource mobilization; Strengthenslinks to other organizations and people; Creates an equitablerelationship with outside agents; and Increases control overprogramme management. The importance to community developmentpractice is that the approach provides a more systematic meansfor community empowerment in a programme context. 相似文献
企业要成功,农村市场是一个很好的选择。荣事达集团把其单缸洗衣机推向农村,因为其产品在大中城市销售量已呈下降趋势,为了延长其生命周期,为了最大化地利用已投入的资源,于是在农村主推节水、节电的洗衣机产品,并辅之以“洗一桶衣服只需5分钱”的电视广告。因为“号”准了农民的“脉”,产品热销不衰。农村地域辽阔,人口众多,农民生活正在从温饱型向小康型转变。这个大背景,决定了农村市场的潜力是巨大的。据国家统计局调查,2003年我国农村人口是8.7亿,当年农村居民人均消费支出1557元,二者相乘,消费总额高达13000多亿。如果企业认真研究,其… 相似文献