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Happy Families     
On May 15, 1994, which has been designated International Family Day and International Family Year, several journalists from Women of China magazine interviewed families in Beijing.  相似文献   

"I can't stand this any longer," said Yin Xiwen who was determined to do something of her own. One day in 1988, 17-year-old Yin resigned from her job and bid farewell to the stable work and welfare that she had enjoyed in a stateowned enterprise. Her bold action drew attention and caused many comments. "She's like a new-bom calf making little of a tiger. She hasn't even left a route of retreat for herself," people remarked. However, Yin Xiwen said, "I don't want to have a route of retreat. Only by doing this can I find a path of my own." At a corner in Dahongmen, in the southern suburb of Beijing, is the small Mingwu Hairdressing salon. The owner of this small business is Yin Xiwen. Several years ago I happened upon the  相似文献   

Cancer, paralysis, the death of her loved ones...Lei Juli has experienced more unexpected suffering than most other people. She was once in despair, but she managed to overcome all of these catastrophes. She tells the world what her experience has taught her: Love the life you're given.  相似文献   

Life Pottery     
Zhang Wenzhi creates a rich variety of pottery works by coveringpottery roughcasts of different qualities with a range of coloredglazes,patterns and textures.Her works principally reflect differentsocial and personal themes,are not for practical use but moreendorse her interest in pottery,her feelings on life,and a sense ofmodernity.  相似文献   

我不能确定我能感受到什么程度,但我知道,每一年每一年,有三个日子对我来说是永远地改变了。小米的生日,小南的生日和我自己的生日。  相似文献   

FROM childhood we have gotten used to living according to the advice of others from time to time. When the weather changed, your mother reminded you to put on more clothes. When you made a new friend, your father reminded you to be careful of his intentions. When you saw some success, your friends and family reminded you that you shouldn't be too proud. And when you yourself are  相似文献   

In this study links between spousal and parent‐child relationships among Finnish (n = 157 couples) and Dutch (n = 276 couples) dual earners with young children were examined using paired questionnaire data. Variable‐oriented analyses (structural equation modeling with a multigroup procedure) supported the spillover hypothesis, as higher levels of satisfaction in the spousal relationship were related to higher quality in the parent‐child relationship and lower parental role restrictions. These connections did not differ by gender or country. With family typological analyses (mixture modeling), 4 family types were identified: families with satisfying relationships (73.4% of the families), families with unsatisfying parent‐child relationships (13.4%), and families with either dissatisfied men (6.0%) or dissatisfied women (7.2%).  相似文献   

An elephant from Xishuangbanna in Qinhuangdao ZooMedical workers give treatment to a dee r弊嚼…颧巍麟AstreetviewinKunming,Yunn白n一尸r叭i解e.瓣瓣一翼撇)黔踞塔黝噜当狱黔袋碧i晶髯翼瞿豁望赓派班淤贷察舀三异返占{端护夔溉攀窦袭髦i圣巍撇{巅黝(题署重蔓蒸溉鲜){雀i鬓羹暮纂姗巅薰蕙擎蒸鉴夔罐笋鸳鬓蕴葵馨燃l鬓鹦摇云』藕嗜熟匀呀彝兑二李奋樱能彭濒蹂明朽势叮熟遮工纽虾碍泛四恐耳即毗豁夏日甲叫L,卜巴虱罗︸L孔越‘,计︸泳比崛浏﹄.A wild life zoo in FanyuGuangdong Pm,~inceWild Life Protection…  相似文献   

The Life Boat     
In the deluge, a group of soldiers of the People'sLiberation Army cluster around a rubber boal on which area woman who has just given birth and her newly horn baby.The soldiers fight bravely against the flood to save the twolives, while they, the mother and her son, lie safe undertheir protection. The painter, using a style of fine brushworkand close attention to detail, depicts the contrast betweenstaunchness and tenderness, terror and serenity to praisethe selfless actions of the brave PLA who set their own safety  相似文献   

Protect Gold Ornaments With NailVarnish:Cover heart-shapedpendants,earrings,necklaces andother gold ornaments with a layer ofclear nail varnish before you wear tokeep them from fading and helpthem maintain their gloss.  相似文献   

Paddles of Life     
JULY 27, 1996. In the women's kayak pairs at the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta, Chinese athletes Cao Mianying and Zhang Xiuyun were still fourth place when approaching the 1,000 meter mark. They creeped to third by 1,500 meters and during the final sprint they beat the Netherlands by a narrow margin to capture the silver.  相似文献   

Tree of Life     
~~Tree of Life  相似文献   

LI Yan and Liu Derun share their life's passion. Working out of their studio, the couple has turned out many first-class paintings. The beauty of the northern mountains, rivers and villages in China are their shared inspirations. Through painting they  相似文献   

Women and Life     
On Charm THERE are thousands of explanations about what constitutes a woman's charm. There are countless instructions about how to make a woman charming. In fact. a woman's charm doesn't lie in how splendidly she reveals herself, but lies in how successfully she changes others. A charming woman can usually create an atmosphere that will enfold and inspire others. Both women and men can fall under this spell.  相似文献   

IN Chinese performing art circles,XiMeijuan of the Shanghai People's ArtTheater is not known for being one ofthose dazzlingly beautiful actresses who issurface-deep alone.So how does sheexplain her way with the audience?  相似文献   

林云帆 《职业》2006,(4):9-10
“宠物不得入内”让人怜小时候,我家里养了一只叫“将军”的英国卷毛狮子狗, 小家伙特别忠诚,每天下午放学时,“将军”总是坐在门口等待着我的归来,我的童年也因这只可爱乖巧的宠物狗而充满快乐。 2002年,我从旅游学校毕业后,和几个同学一起到北京闯荡,不久进了海淀区一家五星级宾馆当礼仪小姐。一天, 在北影厂工作的表姐来我的住处玩,她带来的一只纯种博美, 诱发了我的宠物情结,后来我有了自己的西施犬。  相似文献   

Following China's reform of its housing system, the originalhouse allocation policy has been replaced by the sale of commer-cial houses or houses purchased with loans since 1998. House fairs offer commercial housing for middle-income Chinese  相似文献   

AT the "Horizon International Arts Festival" held in 1985 in Berlin, someone asked, "Is there any women's literature in China?" On behalf of the Chinese women writers, Zhang Kangkang replied, "The swimming pool of women's literature is too small for Chinese women writers."  相似文献   

Shell Chopstick Stands While you are having a holiday bythe sea, don't forget to look for somelong sea shells. A little polish will makethem into fine, elegant chopstick standson your family dining table!  相似文献   

A tourist visiting the ancient and contemporary capital of Beijing can not only see the magnificent imperial palaces and the ever-increasing new buildings in the downtown area, but also the everyday  相似文献   

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