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女性主义方法论的目的是为了生产出更加有效反映社会生活实在的知识来。它批判性地看待传统的研究方法与知识,提倡社会性别的分析方法,强调女性经验的重要性,却由于与启蒙主义与人文主义传统的关系而受到挑战。在一个强调社会建构的"实在"世界中,如何能讲述更好的故事既是女性主义方法论努力追求的目标,也是必须继续回答的一个问题。  相似文献   

Studies of the impact of welfare reform reported in the Winter 2000 issue of JSI uniformly conclude that the results are mixed. Uncritically accepting the official story that success can be evaluated by the numbers of former welfare recipients who are working, the researchers, adopting a neutral objective perspective, focus on barriers to achieving this goal. We argue that this honest broker model, in which researchers provide scientific data to those in power, neglects the roles of social psychologists as social critics and political activists that were among the diverse perspectives among SPSSI's founders. We call for a rebirth of these more radical orientations and offer examples of research approaches that involve entering into alliances with oppressed groups in society. We hope our critique will stimulate wider discussion about SPSSI's future mission.  相似文献   

Social Impact Bonds (SIBs) are a new mechanism for delivering public services. This article reviews the emerging SIB literature in high‐income settings. It identifies three distinct narratives: a public sector reform narrative; a financial sector reform narrative; and a cautionary narrative. These are analyzed relative to three themes: public versus private values; outcomes contracting; and risk allocation. The first two narratives are complementary and offer a ‘win‐win’ portrayal of SIBs. The third narrative challenges this dominant commentary by highlighting potential risks. There is limited empirical evidence on active SIBs to support these narratives. SIBs may have the potential to align public and private interests while improving outcomes for people affected by entrenched social problems, but this is yet to be established and appears less probable than the third more cautionary narrative. More empirical research is needed to consider the potential risks, drawbacks, benefits and alternatives of SIBs in different settings.  相似文献   

“法”的“存在”方式之三义:必然法、应然法、实然法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
严存生 《求是学刊》2015,(2):68-78,181
"法"一词在西方用法甚多,在"事实"或存在的角度、"然"或"是"的程度上,"法"可分为必然法、应然法和实然法。必然法即客观规律,它是事物固有的法则,所以叫客观法;应然法是人所理想的法,它是被人认识到的做人之道,因而可以称为道义上的法;实然法是由当权者所认可或创制的行为规则,可以叫权威性法。显然,这三种"法",科学地说,每一种都不是完整意义上的法,只是法的一个侧面或层次,因而,我们要全面地认识法和树立科学的法律观,就应该注意这三种意义上的法。文章对这三种意义的法及其相互关系,在介绍有关论述的基础上作了初步探索。  相似文献   

This paper examines grief as an emotion and contrasts it with an alternative conception of grief as a disease. Emotions and (to a lesser extent) diseases are constituted, in part, through their relation to social systems. Recently, there has been a trend toward "treating" grief within the health care system. As this trend continues, grief will inevitably accrue some of the aspects of a disease, and it will lose some of its meaning as an emotion. The theoretical and social implications of this shift in meaning are explored.  相似文献   

The idea that thinking is a form of talking to oneself was discussed in classical Greece, analyzed by the Medievals and treated as a central issue by the American pragmatists. But whether inner speech is a language unto itself, distinct from outer language, has not been determined. To this end I ask how Saussure's defining ideas about language apply to inner speech. I show that Saussure's ideas, while partly usable, are mainly a poor fit. Inner speech is a variety of language, or perhaps of dialect, with its own unique structure. Given that it is a unique window into human consciousness, I briefly discuss some of the research areas on which it sheds light.  相似文献   

Recent research and child care legislation has brought about a change in emphasis in services for families where there is a child with disabilities. The multi-disciplinary approach, where different agencies and professionals work together to provide a holistic service, has become of paramount importance. This study reports the results of an evaluation of a multi-agency Children's Centre which was attempting to put the rhetoric into practice. A multi-method research design, incorporating quantitative and qualitative techniques, was used. The main aim was to assess how far the Centre was carrying out an integrated approach in order to meet the needs of children and carers. The results indicate that while staff felt that there was still some way to go to provide a seamless service, the vast majority of parents felt that the Centre did meet its aims. While the reasons for these differences are explored, and the authors caution against complacency, the overall conclusion is that there is evidence that professionals can successfully work together in close proximity with one shared aim; and that such multi-agency centres work for families.  相似文献   

Perhaps surprisingly, given the germinal role played by thewomen’s movement, women survivors of domestic violenceare not amongst those commonly conceptualized as service usergroups. This paper explores why this may be the case and whyit matters. It draws upon the findings of a multi-methodologicalstudy of specialist domestic violence services and of relateduser and professional views. It demonstrates the limitationsto survivors’ influence within these services, some ofthe key obstacles women experience, and the commonalities anddifferences between these and the experiences of other usergroups. In particular, the specific issues of women still ‘beingin the experience’ and of professionals who are also survivorsbut who feel unable to disclose this are discussed as usefulcontributions to the theory of service user involvement.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that acts of violence against human and nonhuman animals share commonalities, and that animal abuse is a sentinel for current or future violence toward people. The popular and professional acceptance of strong connections between types of violence is beginning to be used to justify social work interventions and to influence legal decision making, and so requires greater scrutiny. Examination of the limited pool of empirical data suggests that animal abuse is relatively common among men, with violent offenders having an increased probability of reporting prior animal abuse—with the majority of violent offenders not reporting any animal abuse. Causal explanations for "the link," such as empathy impairment or conduct disorder, suffer from a lack of validating research and, based on research into interhuman violence, the assumption that violence has a predominant, single underlying cause must be questioned. An (over)emphasis on the danger that animal abusers pose to humans serves to assist in achieving a consensus that animal abuse is a serious issue, but potentially at the cost of failing to focus on the most common types of abuse, and the most effective strategies for reducing its occurrence. Nothing in this review and discussion should be taken as minimizing the importance of animals as frequent victims of violence, or the co-occurrence of abuse types in "at-risk" households. However, given the weakness of the underlying data, emphasizing the indiscriminate dangerousness of all animal abusers may have unforeseen and unwanted consequences.  相似文献   

A political emphasis upon the devolution of governance and management in the British National Health Service has, since 1997, been paralleled by an apparent concern to reinvigorate patient and public involvement in aspects of planning and decision‐making. A quasi‐communitarian rhetoric and echoes of nineteenth‐century welfare mutualism have accompanied significant reform of arrangements for patient and public involvement. This article considers the degree to which this fusion of normative exhortation and structural reform heralds a marked evolution in the principles and practice of participatory democracy in the planning and governance of health care. The reforms, in historical perspective, appear to constitute a significant extension of the arenas within which citizens can explore and debate issues pertaining to the health service. But selective political recourse to quasi‐communitarian sentiment points to an embryonic policy discourse that links entitlements to obligations on the part of those reliant on the NHS. This may be of considerable significance in a system of health care to which entitlement has, historically, been cast as a right of citizenship.  相似文献   

张萍 《阅江学刊》2012,4(5):131-136
作为《孟子》一书的灵魂,性善论的影响至深至远。孟子的人性论建立在人的主体精神日益自觉、人们对人性的探讨日渐深入的基础之上,是对孔子的人性观念的发展。孟子认为,人的善性是一种先天的资质与倾向,通过心的感受与省思得以培养,通过本性来完成天的意志。性善论虽未能有效地行诸当世,却深刻地影响了后世政治,并为社会锻造出一个士人阶层,最终沉淀于儒家的基本品格之中。性善论还是士人阶层乌托邦精神的根底所在,作为士人价值观的核心,乌托邦精神体现为“道”对“势”的制衡,并在个体人格领域以审美自由的方式获得彰显。  相似文献   

Universal Credit has been rolled out gradually in the United Kingdom since 2013 as one integrated means-tested benefit replacing six different transfers with a single monthly payment. Previously, these benefits were awarded for distinct purposes and, for couples who claimed them, were potentially payable to different partners. Concerns about Universal Credit’s single payment include the opportunities it may create for facilitating domestic abuse, the fostering of more unequal power relations within couples, the reduction of financial autonomy for individuals, and the de-labelling of benefit payments. This article explores debates about the prospects for individual payments to partners in couples of Universal Credit as a jointly assessed integrated means-tested benefit, including different approaches emerging from the United Kingdom’s devolved governments (mainly Scotland and Northern Ireland). Whilst payment to each partner is likely to be more feasible where there are separate rather than integrated means-tested benefits, it concludes that genuine financial autonomy for partners in couples is best pursued via individually based non-means-tested benefits.  相似文献   

Hitler behaved within the parameters of an artist and a narcissist as mediated by charisma and charismatic leadership. An ex post facto assessment of Hitler's personality type using the principles of Jungian typology reveals that even his most preferred psychological functions were not securely developed and this led him to overlook reality and become insensitive to the suffering of the people during World War II. As a result of his traumas, Hitler experienced “chronic narcissistic rage.” It resulted in destructive thinking and behavior. Hitler was able to relate his rage to that of the people and promise salvation through “national reawakening” and the creation of a new order. When he was no longer able to provide successes, Hitler began losing his charisma and the people ceased to believe in his heroism and providential role. His strong sense of mission and strength of will sustained him to the bitter end. Hitler transformed Germany and much of Europe and beyond.  相似文献   

This article discusses the struggle in the years since the Children Act 1948 to establish a sense of confidence and direction in the practice of social work with children and families. It argues that although there were important achievements in the early years and many examples of sensitive and committed practice in the period under review, the service has not fulfilled its early promise. It has failed to develop a coherent, indigenous theoretical framework for practice. The reasons for this and some of its consequences and the opportunities which now arise for professional refocusing are discussed.  相似文献   

The development of symbolic and mentalising abilities was examined in 33 children whose security of attachment had been assessed in infancy. It was found that securely attached children: (i) were better able to incorporate an experimenter's play suggestions into their sequences of symbolic play at 31 months; and (ii) performed better on a version of Wimmer and Perner's (1983) unexpected transfer task at age 4. There was also evidence of superior mentalising abilities among the secure group at age 5, despite no group differences being found in general cognitive ability. We suggest that these security-related differences might be related to mothers' propensity to treat their securely attached children as individuals with minds. In support of this hypothesis, mothers in the secure group adopted more sensitive tutoring strategies, and were more likely to describe their children in terms of their mental characteristics. Possible developmental pathways linking security of attachment in infancy with subsequent development were investigated using path analyses.  相似文献   

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