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崔燕 《青岛画报》2012,(12):46-50
中式的新古典情怀正从青岛市市南区发端——闲逸与雅致的新锐人文情怀、青山碧海与清风明月的相得益彰,一座高端城区所具备的成熟旅游品质为此丝丝入扣地铺陈,转腾出的是一种名仕意义的优闲、远逸之旅。  相似文献   

美俄之间的间谍事件,再次把一直隐藏在历史背后的间谍们推到了台前,作为一个秘密团体,他们向来都在挑逗着人们的好奇心,这也是银幕上间谍/特工影片层出不究的原因.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Carole Smith, School of Social Work,, Department of Social Policy and Social Work, Dover Street Building, The University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL Summary In their contributions to the debate about social work, modernityand postmodernity Parton(1994) and Howe (1994) argue that therecent changes in social work practice can best be understoodas features of, or responses to, the postmodern social orderin which it is located. This has led, they argue, to an increasingfragmentation of the profession and an undermining of its formalknowledge base. We will argue here that, not only does suchan argument oversimplify the nuances of the ‘postmodernity’question, but it represents a misreading of the pressures affectingpractice at this time, which are more properly attributableto the operation of the discourses and ideologies of a particularphase of late capitalism and high modernity.  相似文献   

杨燕 《唐都学刊》2013,29(1):91-94
梁晓声的《这是一片神奇的土地》以其独特的视角认真地审视和反思了“知青”运动,批评界也是一直以该作品的“知青”文化的体现为关注重点,极力推崇其思想内容上的价值,但这样恰恰忽略了什克洛夫斯基的陌生化理论强调的“形式”的价值。小说的叙事艺术不仅为内容的更好传达推波助澜,更具自身独立的价值,如对比方法、矛盾冲突的集中体现、章节的划分等等都为小说增添了很多独特的魅力。  相似文献   

清明,去扫墓的路上,人多得不得了。朋友小赵说过:只要是个有孝心与爱心的人,都会给故去的父母亲人买一块墓地,买了墓地,自然年年都会来扫墓。清明前后这几天,天天送朋友去扫墓,你是我送的第三位了。人太多,路上堵车。静寂笼罩着一切。几乎每一个墓碑前,都有鲜花。有那么多的人,在那么多的墓碑前停留着,忙碌着,可是静寂仍然笼罩一切。整个山坡上,肃穆多于悲伤。清明,如果在乡下,还能看到更震撼的景象。那里的人不是为父母  相似文献   

创新是社会科学的生命   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了让社会科学研究在提高和改善“人”的素质状态的过程中发挥更大的作用,达到更有力地提高社会宏观生产力的目的,有必要对社会科学的“创新”问题进行探讨、突破不合理的陈规旧俗,才能让社会科学的生命之树常青。  相似文献   

徐珂 《社会》2004,(3):4-10
主题报告 为了配合“世博会和上海新一轮发展”大讨论,上海市社联在2003年4月份组织了大型的市民抽样调查。调查涉及市民对上海举办世博会的态度、市民对上海发展的评价、市民的生活质量状况、社会安全感、社会信任度、社会参与状况等多个方面。共有2200名市民接受了调查,回收有效问卷2032份。本报告所指的社会生活状况评价主要涉及有关市民的生活质量、社会安全感和社会信任度。  相似文献   

Mixed-race individuals often encounter situations in which their identities are a source of tension, particularly when expressions of multiracial and biracial identity are not supported or allowed. Two studies examined the consequences of this identity denial. In Study 1, mixed-race participants reported that their biracial or multiracial identity caused tension in a variety of contexts. Study 2 focused on one often-mentioned situation: completing a demographic questionnaire in which only one racial background can be specified. Relative to mixed-race participants who were permitted to choose multiple races, those compelled to choose only one showed lower subsequent motivation and self-esteem. These studies demonstrate the negative consequences of constraining mixed-race individuals' expression of their chosen racial identity. Policy implications for the collection of racial and ethnic demographic data are discussed.  相似文献   

张中 《阅江学刊》2012,4(2):113-118
我们所生活的世界有着自己的逻辑。文学就是我们自我表现和自我书写的关键路径;而在其间,文学也同我们一道走向新的空间、自由的场域。因而,生活世界能够塑造健康积极的文学精神,也能够不断生成新的视野、脉络和思想,它最终与我们、与文学实现多层次、多渠道的交织、反馈,从而最大程度地实现了各自而多样化的自由。  相似文献   

Research on body image and older women has grown in the past decade. However, there is a gap in the literature regarding body image, older women, and countertransference. This article provides 7 case examples of racially and ethnically diverse women over 60, drawn from MSW student and agency staff supervision, and participant feedback from a national conference on aging workshop. Themes related to loss and grief, adult daughter and aging mother issues, incest, anger, disability, personality disorders, phobic reactions, and shame are discussed. Recommendations and implications for social work practice, education and research are provided.  相似文献   

Objectives. We examine whether democracy, political participation, and differing systems of democracy influence individual levels of subjective well‐being. Methods. We use individual data on life satisfaction and characteristics related to satisfaction for approximately 46 countries. We estimate ordered probit models with country and time dummy variables and cluster‐adjusted robust standard errors. Results. Democracy is positively correlated with individual levels of well‐being. The opportunity to participate in the political process and whether the democracy is parliamentary or presidential are related to individual well‐being. Conclusions. Democratic institutions influence subjective well‐being. The well‐being of individuals with minority political views decreases in parliamentary systems.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

社会地位、生活境遇与焦虑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
华红琴  翁定军 《社会》2013,33(1):136-160
本文运用定量研究方法,探讨了人们的社会地位和遭受不公正对待的生活境遇在焦虑形成中的作用。研究表明,社会地位(包括客观地位和主观地位)和生活境遇对焦虑的产生具有明显的影响,社会地位低的群体和生活境遇中遭受过不公正对待的人,更易产生焦虑。这些由社会地位和生活境遇等因素导致的焦虑对于个体的影响是偏向消极的;在社会因素的持续作用下,具有焦虑特征的个体增多,焦虑有可能从个体的心理问题转化为社会的心理问题。  相似文献   

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