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If unit‐level data are available, small area estimation (SAE) is usually based on models formulated at the unit level, but they are ultimately used to produce estimates at the area level and thus involve area‐level inferences. This paper investigates the circumstances under which using an area‐level model may be more effective. Linear mixed models (LMMs) fitted using different levels of data are applied in SAE to calculate synthetic estimators and empirical best linear unbiased predictors (EBLUPs). The performance of area‐level models is compared with unit‐level models when both individual and aggregate data are available. A key factor is whether there are substantial contextual effects. Ignoring these effects in unit‐level working models can cause biased estimates of regression parameters. The contextual effects can be automatically accounted for in the area‐level models. Using synthetic and EBLUP techniques, small area estimates based on different levels of LMMs are investigated in this paper by means of a simulation study.  相似文献   

This paper describes small area estimation (SAE) of proportions under a spatial dependent generalized linear mixed model using aggregated level data. The SAE is also applied to produce reliable district level estimates and mapping of incidence of indebtedness in the State of Uttar Pradesh in India using debt and investment survey data collected by National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) and the secondary data from the Census. The results show a significant improvement in precision of model-based estimates generated by SAE as compared to direct estimates. The estimates generated by incorporating spatial information are more efficient than the one generated by ignoring this information.  相似文献   

Unit level linear mixed models are often used in small area estimation (SAE), and the empirical best linear unbiased prediction (EBLUP) is widely used for the estimation of small area means under such models. However, EBLUP requires population level auxiliary data, atleast area specific aggregated values. Sometimes population level auxiliary data is either not available or not consistent with the survey data. We describe a SAE method that uses estimated population auxiliary information. Empirical results show that proposed method for SAE produces an efficient set of small area estimates.  相似文献   

In survey sampling, policymaking regarding the allocation of resources to subgroups (called small areas) or the determination of subgroups with specific properties in a population should be based on reliable estimates. Information, however, is often collected at a different scale than that of these subgroups; hence, the estimation can only be obtained on finer scale data. Parametric mixed models are commonly used in small‐area estimation. The relationship between predictors and response, however, may not be linear in some real situations. Recently, small‐area estimation using a generalised linear mixed model (GLMM) with a penalised spline (P‐spline) regression model, for the fixed part of the model, has been proposed to analyse cross‐sectional responses, both normal and non‐normal. However, there are many situations in which the responses in small areas are serially dependent over time. Such a situation is exemplified by a data set on the annual number of visits to physicians by patients seeking treatment for asthma, in different areas of Manitoba, Canada. In cases where covariates that can possibly predict physician visits by asthma patients (e.g. age and genetic and environmental factors) may not have a linear relationship with the response, new models for analysing such data sets are required. In the current work, using both time‐series and cross‐sectional data methods, we propose P‐spline regression models for small‐area estimation under GLMMs. Our proposed model covers both normal and non‐normal responses. In particular, the empirical best predictors of small‐area parameters and their corresponding prediction intervals are studied with the maximum likelihood estimation approach being used to estimate the model parameters. The performance of the proposed approach is evaluated using some simulations and also by analysing two real data sets (precipitation and asthma).  相似文献   

This paper describes an application of small area estimation (SAE) techniques under area-level spatial random effect models when only area (or district or aggregated) level data are available. In particular, the SAE approach is applied to produce district-level model-based estimates of crop yield for paddy in the state of Uttar Pradesh in India using the data on crop-cutting experiments supervised under the Improvement of Crop Statistics scheme and the secondary data from the Population Census. The diagnostic measures are illustrated to examine the model assumptions as well as reliability and validity of the generated model-based small area estimates. The results show a considerable gain in precision in model-based estimates produced applying SAE. Furthermore, the model-based estimates obtained by exploiting spatial information are more efficient than the one obtained by ignoring this information. However, both of these model-based estimates are more efficient than the direct survey estimate. In many districts, there is no survey data and therefore it is not possible to produce direct survey estimates for these districts. The model-based estimates generated using SAE are still reliable for such districts. These estimates produced by using SAE will provide invaluable information to policy-analysts and decision-makers.  相似文献   

The commonly used method of small area estimation (SAE) under a linear mixed model may not be efficient if data contain substantial proportion of zeros than would be expected under standard model assumptions (hereafter zero-inflated data). The authors discuss the SAE for zero-inflated data under a two-part random effects model that account for excess zeros in the data. Empirical results show that proposed method for SAE works well and produces an efficient set of small area estimates. An application to real survey data from the National Sample Survey Office of India demonstrates the satisfactory performance of the method. The authors describe a parametric bootstrap method to estimate the mean squared error (MSE) of the proposed estimator of small areas. The bootstrap estimates of the MSE are compared to the true MSE in simulation study.  相似文献   

The Fay–Herriot model is a linear mixed model that plays a relevant role in small area estimation (SAE). Under the SAE set-up, tools for selecting an adequate model are required. Applied statisticians are often interested on deciding if it is worthwhile to use a mixed effect model instead of a simpler fixed-effect model. This problem is not standard because under the null hypothesis the random effect variance is on the boundary of the parameter space. The likelihood ratio test and the residual likelihood ratio test are proposed and their finite sample distributions are derived. Finally, we analyse their behaviour under simulated scenarios and we also apply them to real data.  相似文献   

Unit-level regression models are commonly used in small area estimation (SAE) to obtain an empirical best linear unbiased prediction of small area characteristics. The underlying assumptions of these models, however, may be unrealistic in some applications. Previous work developed a copula-based SAE model where the empirical Kendall's tau was used to estimate the dependence between two units from the same area. In this article, we propose a likelihood framework to estimate the intra-class dependence of the multivariate exchangeable copula for the empirical best unbiased prediction (EBUP) of small area means. One appeal of the proposed approach lies in its accommodation of both parametric and semi-parametric estimation approaches. Under each estimation method, we further propose a bootstrap approach to obtain a nearly unbiased estimator of the mean squared prediction error of the EBUP of small area means. The performance of the proposed methods is evaluated through simulation studies and also by a real data application.  相似文献   

Functional data analysis has become an important area of research because of its ability of handling high‐dimensional and complex data structures. However, the development is limited in the context of linear mixed effect models and, in particular, for small area estimation. The linear mixed effect models are the backbone of small area estimation. In this article, we consider area‐level data and fit a varying coefficient linear mixed effect model where the varying coefficients are semiparametrically modelled via B‐splines. We propose a method of estimating the fixed effect parameters and consider prediction of random effects that can be implemented using a standard software. For measuring prediction uncertainties, we derive an analytical expression for the mean squared errors and propose a method of estimating the mean squared errors. The procedure is illustrated via a real data example, and operating characteristics of the method are judged using finite sample simulation studies.  相似文献   


Linear mixed effects models have been popular in small area estimation problems for modeling survey data when the sample size in one or more areas is too small for reliable inference. However, when the data are restricted to a bounded interval, the linear model may be inappropriate, particularly if the data are near the boundary. Nonlinear sampling models are becoming increasingly popular for small area estimation problems when the normal model is inadequate. This paper studies the use of a beta distribution as an alternative to the normal distribution as a sampling model for survey estimates of proportions which take values in (0, 1). Inference for small area proportions based on the posterior distribution of a beta regression model ensures that point estimates and credible intervals take values in (0, 1). Properties of a hierarchical Bayesian small area model with a beta sampling distribution and logistic link function are presented and compared to those of the linear mixed effect model. Propriety of the posterior distribution using certain noninformative priors is shown, and behavior of the posterior mean as a function of the sampling variance and the model variance is described. An example using 2010 Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates (SAIPE) data is given, and a numerical example studying small sample properties of the model is presented.  相似文献   

Data from past time periods and temporal correlation are rich sources of information for estimating small area parameters at the current period. This paper investigates the use of unit-level temporal linear mixed models for estimating linear parameters. Two models are considered, with domain and domain-time random effects. The first model assumes time independency and the second one AR(1)-type time correlation. They are fitted by a Fisher-scoring algorithm that calculates the residual maximum likelihood estimators of the model parameters. Based on the introduced models, empirical best linear unbiased predictors of small area linear parameters are studied, and analytic estimators for evaluating the performance of their mean squared errors are proposed. Three simulation experiments are carried out to study the behaviour of the fitting algorithm, the small area predictors and the estimators of the mean squared error. By using data of the Spanish surveys of income and living conditions of 2004–2008, an application to the estimation of 2008 average normalized net annual incomes in Spanish provinces by sex is given.  相似文献   

Binary data are often of interest in business surveys, particularly when the aim is to characterize grouping in the businesses making up the survey population. When small area estimates are required for such binary data, use of standard estimation methods based on linear mixed models (LMMs) becomes problematic. We explore two model-based techniques of small area estimation for small area proportions, the empirical best predictor (EBP) under a generalized linear mixed model and the model-based direct estimator (MBDE) under a population-level LMM. Our empirical results show that both the MBDE and the EBP perform well. The EBP is a computationally intensive method, whereas the MBDE is easy to implement. In case of model misspecification, the MBDE also appears to be more robust. The mean-squared error (MSE) estimation of MBDE is simple and straightforward, which is in contrast to the complicated MSE estimation for the EBP.  相似文献   

Empirical Bayes (EB) estimates in general linear mixed models are useful for the small area estimation in the sense of increasing precision of estimation of small area means. However, one potential difficulty of EB is that the overall estimate for a larger geographical area based on a (weighted) sum of EB estimates is not necessarily identical to the corresponding direct estimate such as the overall sample mean. Another difficulty is that EB estimates yield over‐shrinking, which results in the sampling variance smaller than the posterior variance. One way to fix these problems is the benchmarking approach based on the constrained empirical Bayes (CEB) estimators, which satisfy the constraints that the aggregated mean and variance are identical to the requested values of mean and variance. In this paper, we treat the general mixed models, derive asymptotic approximations of the mean squared error (MSE) of CEB and provide second‐order unbiased estimators of MSE based on the parametric bootstrap method. These results are applied to natural exponential families with quadratic variance functions. As a specific example, the Poisson‐gamma model is dealt with, and it is illustrated that the CEB estimates and their MSE estimates work well through real mortality data.  相似文献   

We develop a new methodology for determining the location and dynamics of brain activity from combined magnetoencephalography (MEG) and electroencephalography (EEG) data. The resulting inverse problem is ill‐posed and is one of the most difficult problems in neuroimaging data analysis. In our development we propose a solution that combines the data from three different modalities, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), MEG and EEG, together. We propose a new Bayesian spatial finite mixture model that builds on the mesostate‐space model developed by Daunizeau & Friston [Daunizeau and Friston, NeuroImage 2007; 38, 67–81]. Our new model incorporates two major extensions: (i) We combine EEG and MEG data together and formulate a joint model for dealing with the two modalities simultaneously; (ii) we incorporate the Potts model to represent the spatial dependence in an allocation process that partitions the cortical surface into a small number of latent states termed mesostates. The cortical surface is obtained from MRI. We formulate the new spatiotemporal model and derive an efficient procedure for simultaneous point estimation and model selection based on the iterated conditional modes algorithm combined with local polynomial smoothing. The proposed method results in a novel estimator for the number of mixture components and is able to select active brain regions, which correspond to active variables in a high‐dimensional dynamic linear model. The methodology is investigated using synthetic data and simulation studies and then demonstrated on an application examining the neural response to the perception of scrambled faces. R software implementing the methodology along with several sample datasets are available at the following GitHub repository https://github.com/v2south/PottsMix . The Canadian Journal of Statistics 47: 688–711; 2019 © 2019 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

In this study, we consider the problem of selecting explanatory variables of fixed effects in linear mixed models under covariate shift, which is when the values of covariates in the model for prediction differ from those in the model for observed data. We construct a variable selection criterion based on the conditional Akaike information introduced by Vaida & Blanchard (2005). We focus especially on covariate shift in small area estimation and demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed criterion. In addition, numerical performance is investigated through simulations, one of which is a design‐based simulation using a real dataset of land prices. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 46: 316–335; 2018 © 2018 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

Investigators often gather longitudinal data to assess changes in responses over time within subjects and to relate these changes to within‐subject changes in predictors. Missing data are common in such studies and predictors can be correlated with subject‐specific effects. Maximum likelihood methods for generalized linear mixed models provide consistent estimates when the data are ‘missing at random’ (MAR) but can produce inconsistent estimates in settings where the random effects are correlated with one of the predictors. On the other hand, conditional maximum likelihood methods (and closely related maximum likelihood methods that partition covariates into between‐ and within‐cluster components) provide consistent estimation when random effects are correlated with predictors but can produce inconsistent covariate effect estimates when data are MAR. Using theory, simulation studies, and fits to example data this paper shows that decomposition methods using complete covariate information produce consistent estimates. In some practical cases these methods, that ostensibly require complete covariate information, actually only involve the observed covariates. These results offer an easy‐to‐use approach to simultaneously protect against bias from both cluster‐level confounding and MAR missingness in assessments of change.  相似文献   

The National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO) surveys are the main source of official statistics in India, and generate a range of invaluable data at the macro level (e.g. state and national levels). However, the NSSO data cannot be used directly to produce reliable estimates at the micro level (e.g. district or further disaggregate level) due to small sample sizes. There is a rapidly growing demand of such micro-level statistics in India, as the country is moving from centralized to more decentralized planning system. In this article, we employ small-area estimation (SAE) techniques to derive model-based estimates of the proportion of indebted households at district or at other small-area levels in the state of Uttar Pradesh in India by linking data from the Debt–Investment Survey 2002–2003 of NSSO and the Population Census 2001 and the Agriculture Census 2003. Our results show that the model-based estimates are precise and representative. For many small areas, it is even not possible to produce estimates using sample data alone. The model-based estimates generated using SAE are still reliable for such areas. The estimates are expected to provide invaluable information to policy analysts and decision-makers.  相似文献   

Hypertension is a highly prevalent cardiovascular disease. It marks a considerable cost factor to many national health systems. Despite its prevalence, regional disease distributions are often unknown and must be estimated from survey data. However, health surveys frequently lack in regional observations due to limited resources. Obtained prevalence estimates suffer from unacceptably large sampling variances and are not reliable. Small area estimation solves this problem by linking auxiliary data from multiple regions in suitable regression models. Typically, either unit- or area-level observations are considered for this purpose. But with respect to hypertension, both levels should be used. Hypertension has characteristic comorbidities and is strongly related to lifestyle features, which are unit-level information. It is also correlated with socioeconomic indicators that are usually measured on the area-level. But the level combination is challenging as it requires multi-level model parameter estimation from small samples. We use a multi-level small area model with level-specific penalization to overcome this issue. Model parameter estimation is performed via stochastic coordinate gradient descent. A jackknife estimator of the mean squared error is presented. The methodology is applied to combine health survey data and administrative records to estimate regional hypertension prevalence in Germany.  相似文献   

This article reviews four area-level linear mixed models that borrow strength by exploiting the possible correlation among the neighboring areas or/and past time periods. Its main goal is to study if there are efficiency gains when a spatial dependence or/and a temporal autocorrelation among random-area effects are included into the models. The Fay–Herriot estimator is used as benchmark. A design-based simulation study based on real data collected from a longitudinal survey conducted by a statistical office is presented. Our results show that models that explore both spatial and chronological association considerably improve the efficiency of small area estimates.  相似文献   

Under a unit-level bivariate linear mixed model, this paper introduces small area predictors of expenditure means and ratios, and derives approximations and estimators of the corresponding mean squared errors. For the considered model, the REML estimation method is implemented. Several simulation experiments, designed to analyze the behavior of the introduced fitting algorithm, predictors and mean squared error estimators, are carried out. An application to real data from the Spanish household budget survey illustrates the behavior of the proposed statistical methodology. The target is the estimation of means of food and non-food household annual expenditures and of ratios of food household expenditures by Spanish provinces.  相似文献   

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