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政治公正是社会公正在政治生活领域里的延伸和体现,也是市场经济的必然要求和经济公正实现的前提.政治与道德的目的具有高度的一致性:都事关人类的福祉.因此,以政治伦理为基础的政治是公正的善的政治.本文认为,政治公正主要包含以下三个方面:机会均等、平等自由及权力和权利的均衡.  相似文献   

社会公正理论领域一直以来充满着争论,这是由于社会公正这一概念的重要性和复杂性决定的。哈耶克、罗尔斯、诺齐克等人和后来兴起的社群主义都对这一问题进行了激烈的探讨。用社会公正理论视角下的过程公正与结果公正两个角度来审视我国现阶段的经济运行体制发现,我国现有的社会主义市场经济体制无论在过程还是结果方面都存在着诸多不公正现象,对社会公正的追求任重而道远。  相似文献   

“平等与公正”是每一个社会发展的最高理想,也是所有社会人所关注的焦点。然而,公正的标准是什么,我们要的是绝对的公平还是相对的公平,是机会的平等还是结果的平等?当前社会中最大的不公正表现在哪里,如何解决社会公正问题以及政府在这个问题中应该担负的责任? 对于公正,在我看来,今天有两条根本的道路选择。第一条,“发展是硬道理”,要发展就要搞市场经济。核心就是把整个经济的发展放在优先考虑的地位。另一条路就是考虑到分配的不平等, 造成了弱势群体,因此在考虑发展的同时更多地强调个人的平等,要通过社会民主主义的方式,以税收的方式进行调节,来保障人们一些最基本的生存权利和发展的权利,因此这条路的核心是强调再分配。  相似文献   

本文简单分析了现代社会中几种典型的不公正现象,如利益分配问题、政治方面不公正,并针对上述现象提出了几点改善措施,包括城乡及地区之间的统筹发展、实施政治民主化、改革社会福利制度等,为社会建设人员提供一定的参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

唐耀荣 《现代妇女》2013,(10):146-147
社会公正是对各种社会规范、社会关系所作出的一种伦理认定和道德评判,而以人为本就是以实现人的自由全面发展为目标.党的十八大报告明确指出,公平正义是中国特色社会主义的内在要求.实现和维护社会公正,归根结底,是把人当目的而不是手段,换言之,人是社会的细胞而不是零部件.个体的全面发展促进社会的良性运行,反之亦然.  相似文献   

构建和谐社会是我国社会发展的重要目标,社会公正是和谐社会的重要内容,现代社会中的社会公正包括实质公正与程序公正,实质与程序公正具有相互依存的关系,缺一不可。本文分析了社会公平对于构建和谐社会的重要意义,并在此基础上探讨了和谐社会视域下社会公正实现的途径,包括缩小阶层贫富差距,强化廉政建设;积极构建保障体系,注重提高道德建设水平。  相似文献   

现代公共理性凝聚法治中国的公正价值共识、强化法治中国的公正制度认同、引导法治中国的公正实践探求,是法治中国互动型治理模式运作的理性根基。权利行使的法治渠道不畅和权力运行的法治约束乏力是转型期中国多元价值冲突中公众理性迷失的根源,只有使权力和权利都服从于现代公共理性的规则治理,才能实现法治中国由权力的"单向度"管控向互动型治理模式的顺利转型。本文通过对大学生社会公正观理性维度的实证分析,提出基于现代公共理性的大学生社会公正观培育的可行性途径,为一般社会主体理性社会公正观的普遍性建构提供示范。  相似文献   

当前我国正处于社会转型的关键时期,也是一个巨大的社会变迁的过程。而这一社会变迁的主要特征就是社会分层结构的变化,它是决定社会利益结构与社会矛盾与冲突的最重要基础。但是目前我国的社会分层还没有形成一个理想的社会结构形态,同时在这一过程中还存在着许多不公正、不公平的问题,严重影响着社会的稳定有序发展。  相似文献   

贪心小子许霆趁提款机故障之机,狂取17万元,一审无期,二审有期五年,一时间舆论哗然。此事件给了我们三层启示:  相似文献   

本文从公共政策的角度出发,基于社会公正"需要、应得和公平"三要素,以《西安市进一步完善城乡居民基本养老保险制度实施办法》为研究对象。从城乡居民基本养老保险制度政策的主体、影响力方面,归纳总结了西安市城乡居民基本养老保险制度政策本身的演变、发展过程,分析了影响西安市城乡居民基本养老保险制度政策低效的原因,最后论文提出了加强城乡居民基本养老保险制度政策有效性的建议,如加强宣传、减少执行成本和阻力,完善城乡居民基本养老保险制度监督与评估体系。  相似文献   

Social Justice     
The nature of the connection between family therapy and issues of social justice is explored, using various metaphors from Salman Rushdie's novel Midnight's Children. The author cautions against the affirmative use of a phrase like “social justice” in the context of family therapy, arguing instead for the potential of its critical, negative employment. This may allow a productive disruption of the currently dominating theoretical perspectives.  相似文献   


This article considers the use of Photovoice as a tool for social justice workers. Photovoice is a technique that affords diverse populations of oppressed individuals the opportunity to take social action by raising awareness in the community and with policy-makers through use of a photographic process. The theoretical underpinnings, goals, and uses of Photovoice are reviewed in relation to social work contexts and values. In addition, the inclusion of empowerment theory and group work literature is explored as a natural expansion of the current theoretical underpinnings. Photovoice is a prime example of participatory research, assessment, and social action. The relevance of Photovoice to social work theory and practice is considered and possibilities for use as an integrated practice tool are explained.  相似文献   

This study evaluated 99 baccalaureate social work students' reactions to simulation kits that replicated visual impairments common with the aging process. Through qualitative research methods, students' preconceived notions and reported incidents of ageism were assessed in light of their reactions to increased understanding of visual changes. The outcome was greater self-awareness and critical reflection of ageism and discrimination. Students reported enhanced awareness of personal, social, and professional implications. This research supports previous data which suggest that increased exposure to activities that simulate the disabilities and experiences of oppression in older adults provide an opportunity to reduce ageism.  相似文献   


People with mental illnesses are overrepresented in the criminal justice system, and discourses concerning the medical model, criminalization, and criminality dominate the intervention landscape for this population. Using a critical postmodern lens, 45 in-depth interviews with peer specialists who had incarceration histories were analyzed to understand how they approach their work. Peer specialists with incarceration histories constructed new identities through their training and peer work by valuing experiential knowledge. Even in the face of power differentials, they challenged dominant discourses directly and indirectly and advocated for various forms of help for the people with whom they worked.  相似文献   


This article addresses the challenge of understanding the meaning and pedagogical application of social justice in social work by presenting and applying the circle of insight framework I created and proposing a social work definition of social justice. In particular, the circle of insight is presented as a tool and a process for critically examining learnings from social justice courses, transforming social justice social work pedagogy, and defining social justice in social work. In the fierce urgency of now, consistent with research findings and the social work profession’s ethical codes and statements, social workers are invited to use the circle of insight process and proposed definition of social justice to engage in social justice–infused social work curricular transformation.  相似文献   

Social justice education for social work practice is concerned with addressing issues of power and oppression as they impact intersections of identity, experience, and the social environment. However, little focus is directed toward the physical and natural environment despite overwhelming evidence that traditionally marginalized groups bear the burden of environmental problems. In this article, we discuss environmental disaster impacts on marginalized communities, presence of environmental justice in social work literature, and opportunities for integrating environmental justice into social work’s mandated disciplinary competencies. We conclude with an example of a module implemented in a foundation Social Justice for Social Work Practice course using place-based education principles as an illustration of concrete strategies for incorporating environmental justice into social justice curricula.  相似文献   

Although social justice is a central professional value of social work articulated in ethics codes, clinical social workers have been long criticized for not clearly incorporating this professed commitment into practice. Supervision is an optimal space within which clinicians can develop knowledge and skills to attend to the issues related to social justice in their practice. A growing body of literature emphasizes social justice in the delivery of clinical services, yet there is a death of literature on how clinical supervision can promote social justice seeking clinical work. In this paper, we draw from existing literature to identify key elements involved in social justice seeking clinical supervision. Using Goodyear’s (Clin Superv 33:82–99, 2014) learning mechanisms of clinical supervision, which consists of modeling, feedback, direct instruction, and self-directed learning, we discuss a case composite to illustrate ways in which clinical supervision can serve as a pedagogical space to advance clinical social workers’ commitment to social justice.  相似文献   

This article presents a study of justice as a concept and value in the research curriculum. Twelve researchers and research instructors were asked to define justice, discuss how it informed their work, and indicate whether a justice focus required special topics, theories, or methods. The conceptual literature on justice, research textbooks, and syllabi were reviewed. Most respondents defined justice broadly, and did not perceive certain topics, theories, or methods as more relevant to justice than others. Further, justice was not systematically discussed in classes, syllabi, and textbooks. Questions for future investigation and implications for social work educators are discussed.  相似文献   

Justice in Social Exchange   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Previous conceptions of social justice presupposed a closed political community in which nation‐states were to be in full control of policy instruments that reinforced mechanisms of social justice. States’ governing capacity to deliver social justice to their citizens has been challenged in the face of deepening transnational interactions and interdependencies in economic, political, and cultural realms, as these interactions and interdependencies directly affect the lives of millions of people. This paper revisits an ongoing debate on Global Social Justice and aims to introduce two clashing views – namely, Minimalist and Cosmopolitan approaches – on whether or not people in affluent societies have distinctive duties of concern for people in less developed countries. After outlining the main contours of the arguments on both sides, the paper concludes by suggesting that the debate can inform different areas of sociological inquiry that are directly related to issues such as power, inequality, and social exclusion.  相似文献   

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