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调查结果:◆中央决心大,下面不落实,改不掉顽疾最为公众担忧◆公众期待干部作风转变不断制度化、法制化,成为国家政治生活常态,并能够更有效地对干部作风进行监督和评判◆81.21%受访者最反感干部生活腐化,私欲膨胀◆求真务实,注重实干,不玩花套、严于律己,清廉清正、深入基层,联系实际,对群众有感情是公众最欣赏的干部作风 相似文献
用好的作风选作风好的人 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
党的十五届六中全会提出的<中共中央关于加强和改进党的作风建设的决定>强调指出:必须坚持用好的作风选人,选作风好的人,坚决防止和克服用人上的不正之风. 相似文献
党的十五届六中全会强调:要坚持用好的作风选人,选作风好的人。这就要求,选人用人的人和被选用的人都要有好的作风。组织部门是党委的重要工作部门,担负着选人用人的重要职责,加强组织部门的作风建设,培…… 相似文献
胡锦涛同志在中央纪委第七次全体会议上的重要讲话中,着重强调全面加强新形势下的领导干部作风建设,在工作中要大力倡导八个方面的良好风气。这八个方面 相似文献
密切联系群众是党的三大作风之一。在新的历史时期,它仍是我们党加强作风建设的重要核心。本文主要阐述了现阶段,加强以密切党同人民群众血肉联系为重点的作风建设的紧迫性及重要意义,并进一步探讨了在当前新形势下,应如何加强以密切党同人民群众血肉联系为重点的作风建设。 相似文献
新时期农村干群矛盾如何化解?今天的公仆该怎么当?正值农村开展“三个代表”重要思想学习教育活动期间,陕西省合阳县委书记张兴邦带着这个让他思虑己久的问题,住进了该县和家庄乡南渠西村,进行蹲点调…… 相似文献
随着市场经济的发展,竞争已从在产品之间、企业之间展开转向在城市之间和区域之间展开,如何提高城市竞争力尤其是城市的核心竞争力,正成为各城市政府研究和探索的重要课题.笔者认为,城市之间的竞争说到底就是城市环境的竞争,最佳的城市环境就是城市的最佳竞争力. 相似文献
乡镇一级很重要,它是国家政权的基石,是党和政府展示形象的窗口,是与广大群众联系的最直接的桥梁.如何做好乡镇工作,笔者认为必须围绕钱从哪里来,人往哪里去,工作怎么干,队伍怎么带这四大主题寻求突破. 相似文献
Demand for multi-, if not interdisciplinary, research is currently strong, especially from funding bodies. But it often leaves little more than a shrill echo within the corridors of management departments and business schools. Academic respectability still seems to remain with the single disciplinary approach of economics, finance, sociology, etc. and also increasingly with those management subjects such as marketing, human-resource management or operations research that depend upon other social sciences for their existence, although the latter have considerable difficulty in gaining recognition and respect from those in the disciplines from which they draw their theoretical inspiration. As academics struggle to find ways of bridging their separate and distinct disciplines, practitioner divisions are being questioned and eroded as they are increasingly regarded as dysfunctional in achieving the flexibility and speedy responses demanded of the modern corporation. This paper seeks to develop an analytical understanding of the obstacles to the development of interdisciplinary research and teaching in management. 相似文献
中共中央组织部研究室 《领导科学》2001,(6):1-1
2001年是进入新世纪、实施"十五"计划的第一年,是乘势前进、做好各项工作的开局之年,也是我们党建党80周年.做好这一年的工作,意义重大.2000年以来,以江泽民同志为核心的党中央在深刻分析我党面临的新形势、新任务的基础上,对我国经济社会发展和党的建设作出了一系列重大决策.特别是江泽民同志提出的"三个代表"的重要思想,为加强和改进党的建设指明了方向,是统领全局、指导各项工作的纲领.各级党组织和领导干部一定要振奋精神,真抓实干,切实把"三个代表"的要求和中央的各项部署落到实处,取得成效. 相似文献
怎样当好一把手是一个大题目,是一篇大文章。在当好一把手的诸多因素中,有能力、讲方法、创业绩是起着决定性作用的三项基本要求。笔者就从这三个方面入手,谈一谈对怎样当好一把手的几点认识。一、提高领导水平,培养好六种能力具备能力是当好一把手的前提条件。具备什么样的能力,才能当好一把手呢?笔者认为,要当好一把手,必须具备“六种能力”,即学习思辨的能力、驾驭全局的能力、综合创新的能力、知人善任的能力、协调运筹的能力、拒腐防变的能力。在这六种能力中,学习思辨能力是基础性能力,丰富个人修养、掌握领导方法、提高领导水平等都… 相似文献
领导讲话是领导者社会活动的重要组成部分,是领导者管理水平的重要表现。领导讲话要讲究艺术性已是不争的事实,但若单纯为追求讲话艺术而刻意设计艺术形式,反而会显得矫揉造作、牵强附会。领导讲话所追求的艺术是实用艺术。一个领导讲话的微观性目的很多,具体的场合会有具体的讲话目的,但其最终目的是要做到使讲话内容深入人心,使听众心服口服,从而感染听众,促使其按照领导者的意图行动。这一目的就决定了领导讲话应该具备下列四个方面的特征。领导讲话应追求语言的朴实无华、感情真挚。一个人不可能没有情感,只要他一开口,总是在试图以自己… 相似文献
为自己打造一片干事的蓝天 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在倡导求真务实作风的背景下,掌握权力的人更多地是想干事、干成事。但有些人却总是难以干成事或者有些想干的事偏偏干不成,想到做不到,无处着手,无处发力,心有余而力不足,好的想法难以付诸实施;或是遭遇“打折扣”,即使做了点事也是被掐头去尾,甚至被迫改弦易辙,有悖初衷,别有一番滋味在心头;或是四处碰壁,一波三折,处处受阻,要付出极为昂贵的代价;更有甚者,各种非议责怪甚至怨恨铺天盖地,很可能会使自己无法立足,“出师未捷身先死,长使英雄泪满襟”,壮志未酬,遗憾出局,抱恨终身。这中间固然有着极其复杂的原因,但个人把握的好坏也是个重要… 相似文献
《Econometrica : journal of the Econometric Society》2017,85(3):735-767
We characterize optimal mechanisms for the multiple‐good monopoly problem and provide a framework to find them. We show that a mechanism is optimal if and only if a measure μ derived from the buyer's type distribution satisfies certain stochastic dominance conditions. This measure expresses the marginal change in the seller's revenue under marginal changes in the rent paid to subsets of buyer types. As a corollary, we characterize the optimality of grand‐bundling mechanisms, strengthening several results in the literature, where only sufficient optimality conditions have been derived. As an application, we show that the optimal mechanism for n independent uniform items each supported on [c,c+1] is a grand‐bundling mechanism, as long as c is sufficiently large, extending Pavlov's result for two items Pavlov, 2011. At the same time, our characterization also implies that, for all c and for all sufficiently large n, the optimal mechanism for n independent uniform items supported on [c,c+1] is not a grand‐bundling mechanism. 相似文献
We present theory suggesting that experiences at work that meet employees’ expectations of need fulfillment drive work engagement. Employees have needs (e.g., a desire to be authentic) and they also have expectations for how their job or their organization will fulfill them. We argue that experiences at work that confirm employees’ need fulfillment expectations yield a positive emotional state that is energizing, and that this energy is manifested in employees’ behaviors at work. Our theorizing draws on a review of the work engagement literature, in which we identify three core characteristics of work engagement: (a) a positive emotional state that (b) yields a feeling of energy and (c) leads to positive work-oriented behaviors. These key themes provide the foundation for further theorizing suggesting that interactions at work confirm or disconfirm employees’ need fulfillment expectations, leading to different levels of engagement. We extend our theorizing to argue that confirmation, or disconfirmation, of different need expectations will yield emotional experience of varying magnitudes, with confirmation of approach-oriented need expectations exerting stronger effects than the confirmation of avoidance-oriented need expectations. We close with a review suggesting that organizational contextual features influence the expression of these needs, sustaining or undermining the positive emotional experiences that fuel work engagement. 相似文献