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高丽 《职业》2017,(33):70-71
技工院校是我国职业教育的重要组成部分,是技术技能教育、企业职工技能提升培训、劳动力转移就业培训的主阵地.校企合作是技工院校的重要办学特色.校企合作一方面提高了技工院校的教学水平,另一方面促进了企业的建设与发展,两者之间彼此联系、相互促进,最终达到互利共赢.近年来,校企合作模式对云南技师学院计算机专业的人才培养起到了一定的促进作用.但随着计算机技术的迅速发展,计算机专业校企合作模式与企业用人需求的变化,对创新计算机专业校企合作模式也提出了新的要求.本文结合云南技师学院计算机专业开展校企合作的实际,对计算机专业校企合作的模式进行了深入阐述.  相似文献   

陈国明 《职业》2014,(9):21-22
随着我国社会主义市场经济的迅速发展,职业教育面临着严峻考验。提升职业院校的竞争力,增强其吸引力和影响力,是职业院校要关注解决的重要课题。笔者从探索校企合作的模式着手,论述了围绕现代产业化建设,调整传统办学思路,着眼人才培养目标,推进一体化教学,以突出职业院校办学特色的观点,以及采取顶岗实习方式、深化校企合作的重要性,阐明加强校企合作是提升现代职业教育发展的根本动力。  相似文献   

本文以北京市工贸技师学院为例,通过深入研究校企合作办学教育模式,积极探索校企合作对学校招生就业的重要意义,为提高中职技工院校的办学能力、改变中职技工院校的教学模式和提高学生的就业质量提供了参考.  相似文献   

陈元高 《职业》2017,(9):8-9
近年来,随着各地职业院校校企合作工作的进一步深化,一体化课程改革的日臻成熟,有力地促进了蚌埠技师学院内涵发展,增强了学院办学实力,提升了高素质技术技能型人才的培养水平."校企合作和一体化课程教学改革"与德国职业教育所实行的"双元制"的教学模式相通,与习近平总书记在全国职业教育工作会议上提出的"工学结合、知行合一"的理念相契合.技工院校应根据本地区经济发展需要,立足学院的长远发展,运用校企合作和一体化课程改革,共同促进特色专业建设.  相似文献   

杨敏 《职业》2017,(11):25-26
技工院校在职业教育改革的浪潮中既要有底气,也要有地位.其底气源自于人文精神的深厚积淀与思想教化,其地位有赖于文化立校的价值传承与创新发展.本文以广州市机电技师学院为例,重点探讨践行"三自文化",以校史文化为根基,以校企文化为内核,以工匠文化为动力,以"双创文化"为新翼,创设良好的职业文化氛围,不断提升办学竞争力.  相似文献   

周明华 《职业》2023,(3):66-69
民办职业教育作为社会主义教育事业不可分割的组成部分,探析其生存和发展之道具有重要现实意义。本文围绕提高民办技工院校办学治学水平,以增强技工教育实用性为目标,从明确办学理念、提升教育质量、办出特色教育、搞好产教融合、强化校企合作等方面探讨民办技工院校在逆境中求生存,在生存中求发展的工作思路。  相似文献   

高小霞 《职业》2017,(18):7-9
"校企合作,共育人才"是珠海市技师学院的办学传统,2013年学院成为了广东省人社厅首批"校企双制"办学试点学校,近年来学院坚定不移地把深化校企合作作为提升核心竞争力的重要举措,将校企合作办学理念融入到学院各项工作中,立足"服务发展,促进就业",着力培养具有工匠精神、素养全面的高技能人才,为本地区经济、产业发展做好现代产业人力资源的有力支撑.  相似文献   

郭龙飞  李晓冬 《职业》2023,(9):23-24
<正>近年来,为推进新时代职业教育高质量发展,深化产教融合、校企合作,国家先后发布《职业学校校企合作促进办法》《国家职业教育改革实施方案》《新时期产业工人队伍建设改革方案》《关于加强新时代高技能人才队伍建设的意见》等重要文件,并修订了《中华人民共和国职业教育法》,为技工院校开展产教融合、校企合作提供了根本遵循。安徽阜阳技师学院(以下简称学院)坚持“地方性、应用型、开放式”办学要求,以“服务发展、促进就业”为办学目标,  相似文献   

王炜 《职业》2016,(27):24-26
校企合作是技工院校最重要最基本的办学制度.本文以中船澄西高级技工学校为例,探讨如何在经济发展新常态下从政策引导、机制创新及管理服务等方面建立校企深度合作长效机制,推动技工院校通过产教融合、工学一体实现"校企双制"培养模式创新.  相似文献   

王京伟 《职业》2017,(9):32-33
人社部在《技工教育"十三五"规划》里,明确指出技工学校要"增强技工教育特色,坚持校企合作特色".在我国,校企合作一直是技工学校的基本办学制度,是行业、企业,并为行业、企业培养技能人才的依据,是技工学校可持续发展的关键.因此,本文就校企合作的重要意义、校企合作的实践进行分析阐述,提出技工学校应该"立足行业,依托企业"开展职业教育,大力推行校企合作、工学结合的办学理念,不断探索、实践多种校企合作模式.  相似文献   

包轶 《职业时空》2012,(4):20-21
高职院校的中心任务是培养高素质、高技能的应用型人才,重点训练学生的实际动手能力。计算机实训教学以学生综合运用所学多门课程知识,以实际动手操作训练为主的综合练习,目的是培养学生的综合职业技能。计算机实训中应注意实训项目的选取、时间的安排和实训环节设计,有效地提高学生的动手能力。  相似文献   

Walter Benjamin famously portrayed the shock sensation as the cause of a "heightening of consciousness" in modernity, a process which in turn causes the disintegration of the "aura" and the suffocation of "experience" under the "protective shield" of consciousness. When applied to the cultural space of Murakami Haruki's novels a discrepancy comes into view that calls for sociological elucidation. Here modernity is a "naturalized" space characterized by tranquillity and stillness, a low consciousness, and a fusion of reification with re-enchantment. This naturalization is made possible by a process of privatization whereby libidinal energy becomes transferred from objective human relations to the interior of the self. Murakami struggles with the dilemma of how to affirm naturalization while counteracting privatization. While the prime cultural contradiction according to Benjamin was the conflict between "the aura" and the heightening of consciousness, in the naturalized modernity portrayed by Murakami another contradiction emerges which revolves around the conflict between painless solitude and the struggle to regain auratic human relations.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the repertoire of organizational forms in Western societies in order to assess the nonprofit sector's distinctiveness. A repertoire of six different ideal type constructs is presented adding to and reformulating existing theories, which have primarily focused on the market and the firm. This new extended theoretical platform builds both on theories discussing market, organization, and governmental failures and on approaches where homo economicus is replaced by homo complexicus and transactions by interactions. This effort aims at making the nonprofit (or voluntary) sector in society both more visible and theoretically substantiated. At the end of this paper, the theoretical framework is applied by analyzing empirical nonprofit organizations.  相似文献   

Three hundred and sixty-eight parents shared their perceptions of special-needs adoption preparation. Utilizing both quantitative and qualitative data to determine and understand what factors contribute to preparation, this study found that 12 child, family, and agency variables were correlated with perceived preparation, and that parents perceived level of preparation was predicted by the childs ability to attach, by the parents relationship with the agency, by the duration of the adoption, and by the parents ages at the time of adoption. Implications of these findings are discussed, as they relate to supporting parents, children, and families in special-needs adoptive placements.  相似文献   

Research on the Nazi Holocaust against the Jews has arguably been dominated by historians. Yet many historians remain confounded by the Holocaust's major paradox: the "banality of evil" that occurred during the Nazi regime. In this article I argue that understanding of the "banality of evil" paradox can be advanced by reframing previously unsynthesized research in terms of a constructionist theory of social problems. I view the "Jewish problem" and its "final solution" as having a "natural history" that is characterized by the development and unfolding of claims about problems and the formulation and implementation of solutions to problems. I trace the construction of the "Jew" throughout history and as it was identified, acknowledged, and applied in a particular sociocultural and political context. By providing the first application of constructionism to a genocidal event, I show that the social processes that construct genocide parallel those that construct other social problems, and that it is precisely this correspondence that makes the construction of the "Jewish problem" and its "final solution" banal.  相似文献   

This research examines religious affiliation and church attendance among African-Americans in three different regions of the United States to evaluate the thesis that the Black church represents a semi-involuntary institution shaped by historical dynamics of segregation in the rural South. We extend the analyses of others who have found the rural South to have distinctive church participation patterns by examining two nationally representative data sets (the 1972–1996 General Social Surveys and the 1984 National Alcohol Study). We explore both level and type of church attendance of African-Americans, and how patterns differ by region. Further, we refine prior analyses by (1) differentiating between members of historically White and conservative churches from those in the black mainline, (2) examining racial segregation, and (3) focusing on the type of church attendance (rather than just overall level). Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) and logistic regression models support the thesis that the rural South exhibits some distinctive patterns that make the semi-involuntary institution notion a useful concept, although patterns not predicted by the thesis are also found. The semi-involuntary thesis is also used to illuminate some church attendance patterns observed outside the rural South.  相似文献   

Following the imagery of "expropriation" used by Marx to describe the process of capitalist development and by Weber to characterize states' monopolization of the legitimate use of violence, I argue that modern states have also "expropriated the legitimate means of movement" and monopolized the authority to determine who may circulate within and cross their borders. Against this background, we should reconsider the metaphor of "penetration" typically used to discuss the enhanced capacity of modern states relative to their predecessors, and instead think of states as "embracing" populations, identifying persons unambiguously in order to control their movements and to distinguish members from nonmembers.
The vagabond is by definition a suspect.
—Daniel Nordman (1987)  相似文献   

In the late 1980s, a series of reports —notably, The Making of Managers by CharlesHandy-outlined a development path for management in theU.K. This was to be based on the development of aneducation and training base and the model set by leadingcorporations. A decade later, this paper reviews currenttrends in managerial work and employment against theexpectations of the late 1980s. In doing so, it distinguishes between the objectivecondition of British management and itsinstitutionalized meaning within wider British society.It argues that recent accounts of changes in managerialwork and employment have focused solely on incremental changes inthe empirical domain and have neglected importantdiscursive shifts in the way management is understoodand enacted within organizations. These shifts have been catalyzed by the emergence of a series oforganizational initiatives-first, Total QualityManagement (TQM) and, latterly, lean production andBusiness Process Reengineering (BPR)-which aim tosystematically deconstruct management by emphasizing workerempowerment, delayering, downsizing, and theredistribution of managerial functions. In short,initiatives such as these are contributing to theunmaking of management. Managerial groups aresubject to intensification and polarization, whilemanagerial practices are diffused throughout the workprocess.  相似文献   

Susan Long 《Human Relations》1999,52(6):723-743
This paper argues that an organizationaldiscourse on consumerism is replacing a prior discourseof dependency. This discourse encourages, and isencouraged by, economic rationales for behavior and ismarked by the collapse of many complex societal rolesinto the simpler category of customer.Moreover, practices emergent from consumerism andeconomic rationalism often act as organizational andsocial defences against anxieties about theuncertainties and changes occurring in a worldincreasingly dominated by global markets where thecustomer is sovereign. Six workinghypotheses are proposed to explain the operation of these new socialdefences. Evidence in support of these hypotheses comesfrom collaborative action research projects in which theauthor is involved. The argument moves toward a consideration of the new consumerprovider pair which, it is proposed, has becomea major signifier within the consumer discourse andwhich might be considered as a transitional pair indealing with widespread organizationalchange.  相似文献   

A male Bedouin psychiatric patient was initially misdiagnosed and treated as a paranoid schizophrenic. The modern mental health care system correctly understood the form of the patient's symptoms, auditory and visual hallucinations. It did not however at first appreciate their content, or cultural significance. The patient had unresolved anger toward his family which was manifested in an angry exchange with his mother. This exchange created guilt and the belief that the patient had sinned against God and was possessed by demons. A psychiatric social worker was able to reconcile the patient with his mother and to incorporate a traditional Bedouin healer, the Dervish, to exorcise the patient. The patient was cured by the Dervish, re-diagnosed as a neurotic by the modern system, and continued successfully with both systems for several months in follow-up treatment before being discharged.  相似文献   

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