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Increasing numbers of individuals are surviving to retirement age in relatively good health. With the loss of the work role and other roles typically associated with middle age, they are faced with the dilemma of the "roleless role," an absence of well-articulated, age-appropriate expectations and standards of behavior by which to structure everyday life. Recent anthropological, sociological, and psychological studies indicate the possibility of the development of alternate roles and age-appropriate normative systems in age-homogeneous environments. An example of one such alternate behavioral system is provided from data collected on a small retirement community in the Midwest. A normative system seems to have developed in which personal qualities such as trust, friendliness, and concern for others are more highly valued than former achievements or occupational status. Residents most frequently cited as having made a good adjustment to aging were not necessarily those who were most active, but rather those individuals who showed a determination to "keep going," lacked self-pity, kept mentally alert and aware, were willing to help others, and showed a sense of responsibility to the community. Various roles were developed and were expected to be assumed by incoming residents: alternate "work roles," represented by committee memberships and volunteer activity; "family roles," represented by the supportive or helping relations adopted toward other residents; and leisure-type roles. These behavioral standards and expectations helped to structure the relationships and everyday life of residents within the community.  相似文献   

周国梁 《城市观察》2014,(3):134-140
城市规划具有公共政策的属性,实质上是一种公共政策,研究其价值取向,既是城市规划理论发展的应有之义,也是新时期我国城市发展的现实需要。在分析城市规划公共政策属性的基础上,结合我国城市规划向公共政策的转型,着重探讨了公共政策视角下城市规划的公共价值取向、民主参与取向、人本取向和空间正义取向。  相似文献   

习近平总书记指出,要运用新媒体新技术使工作活起来,推动思想政治工作传统优势同信息技术高度融合,增强时代感和吸引力。针对大学生网络直播中所呈现的物理镜像和场景镜像,存在空间关系认知错乱、主客关系认知混乱和传播关系认知杂乱等问题,通过价值关系中空间规范的重构、价值关系中身份角色的重构和价值关系中技术生活的重构,促进他们理性参与公共事务、表达自我诉求,这对于提升他们的责任意识和担当精神、培养成担当社会重任的时代新人具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The authors argue that social value can serve as a bridge between the nonprofit and for‐profit sectors. They further propose that social value is not simply an abstract concept but can be measured by applying social accounting methods. The authors argue that nonprofits are founded on a social mission but that traditional accounting approaches do not properly assess their social products. They illustrate the centrality of social value, both to nonprofits and for‐profits, in two ways: (1) a discussion of for‐profit firms that behave much like nonprofits and (2) an application of the social accounting model. The authors discuss two types of firms: (1) for‐profits whose shares are held in a trust and therefore operate much like corporations without shareholdersor like nonprofits and (2) for‐profits whose owners do not exercise the rights associated with their property. They then apply a social accounting model to nonprofit employment training programs to illustrate how the inclusion of social variables changes the assessment of an organization's value. They conclude with a discussion of a social accountability framework that embraces both nonprofits and for‐profits.  相似文献   

The scientific community has pronounced climate change unequivocal and its consequences disastrous. Yet Americans' behavioral response to the global social problem of environmental degradation has been largely confined to the individual act of recycling. This article examines why Americans are not doing more to address climate change and other environmental issues. Taking a cognitive sociological perspective, I describe how Americans think about environmental issues and pro‐environmental behavior. I draw on Swidler's concept of a “cultural tool kit,” to examine the cultural narratives Americans use to account for the small amount of pro‐environmental behavior they perform. The act of recycling functions as a synecdoche for pro‐environmental behavior in general, allowing individuals to over‐claim the significance of a modest amount of pro‐environmental behavior. I argue that Americans' failure to engage with environmental issues at a collective level is rooted in the individualized culture of American environmentalism.  相似文献   

核心价值观生成的非智力因素视角分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生社会主义核心价值观生成过程是智力因素与非智力因素的"共生"。通过对大学生社会主义核心价值观生成过程中非智力因素的价值意蕴、基本内涵、主要功能等基本理论问题的探究,提出基于非智力因素视角的大学生社会主义核心价值观生成路径,这对于大学生社会主义核心价值观的有效形成具有极其重要的理论意义和现实价值。  相似文献   

The authors review findings related to mechanisms of resilience in an ongoing longitudinal study of a cohort of 558 focal youth and their families. The ongoing study began when the cohort of adolescents was in 7th grade. Findings demonstrate that resilience to economic adversity for the parents of the focal adolescents was promoted by marital support, effective problem solving skills, and a sense of mastery. For the cohort of youth, resilience to economic hardship was promoted by support from parents, siblings, and adults outside the family. Resilience to the difficult transitions from childhood to adolescence and from adolescence to early adulthood was especially fostered by nurturant‐involved parenting and by less angry or hostile parenting.  相似文献   

Social enterprise has become a key phenomenon in providing public services in many developed countries. The debate on the evaluation of the socio-economic impact generated by this kind of organization has gone hand in hand with the growth of social entrepreneurship. This study provides an exploratory analysis of the emerging practice of measuring the socio-economic impact of social enterprises using the theoretic construct called “Blended Value Accounting” (BVA). Among the models and tools proposed by BVA, we examine in particular the Social Return on Investment (SROI)—an instrument of causal contribution analysis—conducting a literature review on its application to the evaluation of socio-economic impact of social enterprises and on its implications for BVA. Finally, we reach a conclusion as to the role that these tools of mixed accounting and assessment might play—particularly the one examined—with respect to the positivist, critical, and interpretative theories of accounting, thus identifying the areas for further research.  相似文献   

思想政治教育价值的实现是指思想政治教育通过其育德功能的发挥满足个体和社会对德性需要的结果。思想政治教育价值实现可以从教育对象的思想道德素质提升需要能否从思想政治教育得到契合性的满足,教育对象的思想道德素质追求动机能否从思想政治教育得到不断提升,教育对象的思想品德行为能否从思想政治教育得到有效指导和评价等方面做出评价。研究思想政治教育价值实现问题,把握好思想政治教育即时实现与渐进实现、整体实现和差异实现的原则并在操作上细化,是破解思想政治教育实效性难题的新视角。  相似文献   

Whereas social accounting has been strong in its critique of conventional accounting, to date it has not been as effective in developing accounting frameworks consistent with its principles. This is particularly true for nonprofit organizations. The costs of nonprofits can be easily measured; however, not captured by conventional accounting is the value of their nonmonetized resources such as volunteers. This paper argues that social accounting for nonprofits would benefit by creating accounting statements that combine the economic and social impact of an organization (referred to as an integrated approach). After discussing some historic examples of integrated social accounting, the paper presents a Canadian case study in which the value added by volunteers of a nonprofit organization is combined with its financial statements in an Expanded Value Added Statement. By combining social and economic information, a very different performance story of the organization emerges.  相似文献   

There is a need for an accounting paradigm that properly illustrates the value that nonprofits generate. Much of that value comes from volunteer contributions, which are significant but for the most part are not included in financial accounting statements, even though our research indicates that they account for almost a third of the value added by these organizations. This article reports the results of two studies related to measuring volunteer value in the accounting of nonprofits and then draws some policy implications from the research. The first study, a survey of 156 nonprofits in Canada, found that although about one‐third of the sample kept records of volunteer hours, only 3 percent included a value for them in their accounting statements. The second study, of nonprofit accountants, found that they did not feel that financial accounting statements properly represented the contribution of their organizations. A series of policy recommendations are presented, including suggestions for revising the regulations of accounting bodies for imputing volunteer value and creating accounting statements that better represent the contribution of nonprofits.  相似文献   

One hundred and five teens from primary and secondary pregnancy prevention programs attended focus group interviews. This article reports teens' perceptions of the factors that contribute to adolescent pregnancy and the steps that can be taken to prevent early childbearing. Lack of knowledge and accessibility to contraceptives as well as unfulfilled emotional needs were considered crucial factors. Suggestions for service delivery from findings are explored.  相似文献   


This paper calls for researchers and treatment providers to increase their recognition of the role that family and family functioning has for understanding the incidence and impact of substance abuse. Substance abuse is identified as a family problem by exploring its occurrence within families as well as its impact on marital relationship, family violence, and child abuse and neglect. The impact of substance abuse on the roles of spouses and parents are examined, as is the impact of substance abuse on children at various developmental stages. The role of the family as participant in active substance abuse as well as a valuable treatment resource is also explored. Finally, the authors present recommendations for increasing the focus on family in substance abuse research.  相似文献   

In Western countries, as the carrier of the religious transmission, the Bible plays a irreplaceable role. From the beginning of the era to today, the translation of the Bible has never stopped. None can compare with the range of languages, the types of translations and the frequency of translations the Bible referred. As a common phenomenon, retranslation has received extensive attention in the translation field. This paper tries to explored evelopment course of different Bible translations and the causes of retranslation by illustrating famous translation versions of the Bible. Hope to provide translators with a new perspective to understand the retranslation.  相似文献   

结合国家"新基建"、"四网融合"发展的新趋势新要求,市域轨道的规划建设成为业界热点话题.从市域轨道的功能层次和范畴界定出发,确定不同制式轨道的适用性,充分发挥市域轨道的技术优势.市域轨道的规划建设,首先应强化与城市空间的融合,耦合城市中心,支撑外围新城开发;其次应重视不同功能层次轨道之间的融合,注重服务范围与规模的关系,促进资源的集约利用和高效衔接,以需求为导向提升通道客运服务水平.  相似文献   

英国探险家、语言学家、人类学家理查德·弗朗西斯·伯顿爵士以"天生的"穆斯林身份去麦加、麦地那朝觐后,写下了世界名著《走向圣城》,记载了他对东方圣地的考察、对东方知识、理论、制度、实物的描述,以及对东方经验、风俗、观念、生活方式等的研究.尤其是他向读者所展示的东方穆斯林圣地,渗透了他对圣地的西式理解,进而凸显出鲜明的本体文化理念.  相似文献   

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