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When cubic smoothing splines are used to estimate the conditional quantile function, thereby balancing fidelity to the data with a smoothness requirement, the resulting curve is the solution to a quadratic program. Using this quadratic characterization and through comparison with the sample conditional quan-tiles, we show strong consistency and asymptotic normality for the quantile smoothing spline.  相似文献   

The authors propose a goodness-of-fit test for parametric regression models when the response variable is right-censored. Their test compares an estimation of the error distribution based on parametric residuals to another estimation relying on nonparametric residuals. They call on a bootstrap mechanism in order to approximate the critical values of tests based on Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Cramér-von Mises type statistics. They also present the results of Monte Carlo simulations and use data from a study about quasars to illustrate their work.  相似文献   

Bootstrap techniques have been used to construct confidence bands in nonparametric regression problems (Härdle & Bowman, 1988). Yet the required simulation is generally computationally intensive and therefore makes it difficult to conduct further investigations. In this paper, two saddlepoint methods are considered as alternatives to the naive simulation procedure. Some improvements to Härdle & Bowman's bootstrap method are suggested. The improvements are numerically verified using these efficient and accurate analytic methods.  相似文献   

We discuss how to test whether the distribution of regression errors belongs to a parametric family of continuous distribution functions, making no parametric assumption about the conditional mean or the conditional variance in the regression model. We propose using test statistics that are based on a martingale transform of the estimated empirical process. We prove that these statistics are asymptotically distribution-free, and two Monte Carlo experiments show that they work reasonably well in practice.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a resampling method based on perturbing the estimating functions to compute the asymptotic variances of quantile regression estimators under missing at random condition. We prove that the conditional distributions of the resampling estimators are asymptotically equivalent to the distributions of quantile regression estimators. Our method can deal with complex situations, where the response and part of covariates are missing. Numerical results based on simulated and real data are provided under several designs.  相似文献   

A location sensitive one—sample test V(n,n) similar to the Wilcoxon two—sample test was proposed by Riedwyl (1967) and stuided by Carnal and Riedwyl (1972). A generalization for grouped data was given by Maag, Streit and Drouilly (1973). In the present paper we discuss the application of the test for grouped data. We present a table of the significance limits and discuss the approximation by means of the normal distribution.  相似文献   

Nonparametric curve estimation is an extremely common statistical procedure. While its primary purpose has been exploratory, some advances in inference have been made. This paper provides a critical review of inferential tests that make fundamental use of a key element of nonparametric smoothing, the bandwidth, to determine the significance of certain features. A major focus is on two important problems that have been tackled using bandwidth-based inference: testing for the multimodality of a density and testing for the monotonicity of a regression curve. Early research in bandwidth-based inference is surveyed, as well as recent theoretical advances. Possible future directions in bandwidth-based inference are discussed.  相似文献   

This article aims to put forward a new method to solve the linear quantile regression problems based on EM algorithm using a location-scale mixture of the asymmetric Laplace error distribution. A closed form of the estimator of the unknown parameter vector β based on EM algorithm, is obtained. In addition, some simulations are conducted to illustrate the performance of the proposed method. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm performs well. Finally, the classical Engel data is fitted and the Bootstrap confidence intervals for estimators are provided.  相似文献   

Consider a linear regression model with unknown regression parameters β0 and independent errors of unknown distribution. Block the observations into q groups whose independent variables have a common value and measure the homogeneity of the blocks of residuals by a Cramér‐von Mises q‐sample statistic Tq(β). This statistic is designed so that its expected value as a function of the chosen regression parameter β has a minimum value of zero precisely at the true value β0. The minimizer β of Tq(β) over all β is shown to be a consistent estimate of β0. It is also shown that the bootstrap distribution of Tq0) can be used to do a lack of fit test of the regression model and to construct a confidence region for β0  相似文献   

Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve, plotting true positive rates against false positive rates as threshold varies, is an important tool for evaluating biomarkers in diagnostic medicine studies. By definition, ROC curve is monotone increasing from 0 to 1 and is invariant to any monotone transformation of test results. And it is often a curve with certain level of smoothness when test results from the diseased and non-diseased subjects follow continuous distributions. Most existing ROC curve estimation methods do not guarantee all of these properties. One of the exceptions is Du and Tang (2009) which applies certain monotone spline regression procedure to empirical ROC estimates. However, their method does not consider the inherent correlations between empirical ROC estimates. This makes the derivation of the asymptotic properties very difficult. In this paper we propose a penalized weighted least square estimation method, which incorporates the covariance between empirical ROC estimates as a weight matrix. The resulting estimator satisfies all the aforementioned properties, and we show that it is also consistent. Then a resampling approach is used to extend our method for comparisons of two or more diagnostic tests. Our simulations show a significantly improved performance over the existing method, especially for steep ROC curves. We then apply the proposed method to a cancer diagnostic study that compares several newly developed diagnostic biomarkers to a traditional one.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose an application of N-distance theory [Klebanov, L.B., 2005. N-distances and their applications. Karolinum, Prague] for testing simple hypotheses of goodness of fit and homogeneity. The asymptotic null distribution of test statistics is established and coincides with the distribution of infinite quadratic form of independent standard normal random variables. A construction of multivariate free-of-distribution homogeneity test is considered. The power of proposed criteria is compared with classical tests using Monte-Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

Based on Bradley Efron's observation that individual resamples in the regular bootstrap have support on approximately 63% of the original observations, C. R. Rao, P. K. Pathak and V. I. Koltchinskii [1] Rao, C. R., Pathak, P. K. and Koltchinskii, V. I. 1997. Bootstrap by Sequential Resampling. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 64: 257281. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]have proposed a sequential resampling scheme. This sequential bootstrap stabilizes the information content of each resample by fixing the number of unique observations and letting N, the number of observatons in each resample, vary. The Rao-Pathak-Koltchinskii paper establishes the asymptotic correctness (consistency) of the sequential bootstrap. The main object of our investigation is to study the empirical properties of the Rao-Pathak-Koltchinskii sequential bootstrap as compared to the regular bootstrap. In all our settings, sequential bootstrap performs as well or better than regular bootstrap. In the particular case where we estimate standard errors of sample medians, we find that sequential bootstrap outperforms regular bootstrap by reducing variability in the final bootstrap estimates.  相似文献   

Matching estimators and optimal bandwidth choice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Optimal bandwidth choice for matching estimators and their finite sample properties are examined. An approximation to their MSE is derived, as a basis for a plug-in bandwidth selector. In small samples, this approximation is not very accurate, though. Alternatively, conventional cross-validation bandwidth selection is considered and performs rather well in simulation studies: Compared to standard pair-matching, kernel and ridge matching achieve reductions in MSE of about 25 to 40%. Local linear matching and weighting perform poorly. Furthermore, the scope for developing better bandwidth selectors seems to be limited for ridge matching, but non-negligible for kernel and local linear matching.  相似文献   

In this article, we first present a characterization of the normal distribution and then we introduce an exact goodness of fit test for normal distribution. The power of the proposed test under various alternatives is compared with the existing tests, by simulation.  相似文献   

On Testing Equality of Distributions of Technical Efficiency Scores   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The challenge of the econometric problem in production efficiency analysis is that the efficiency scores to be analyzed are unobserved. Statistical properties have recently been discovered for a type of estimator popular in the literature, known as data envelopment analysis (DEA). This opens up a wide range of possibilities for well-grounded statistical inference about the true efficiency scores from their DEA estimates. In this paper we investigate the possibility of using existing tests for the equality of two distributions in such a context. Considering the statistical complications pertinent to our context, we consider several approaches to adapting the Li test to the context and explore their performance in terms of the size and power of the test in various Monte Carlo experiments. One of these approaches shows good performance for both the size and the power of the test, thus encouraging its use in empirical studies. We also present an empirical illustration analyzing the efficiency distributions of countries in the world, following up a recent study by Kumar and Russell (2002), and report very interesting results.  相似文献   

In a recent paper Ahmad and Li (1997) proposed a new test for symmetry of the error distribution in linear regression models and proved asymptotic normality for the distribution of the corresponding test statistic under the null hypothesis and consistency under fixed alternatives. The present paper has three purposes. On the one hand we derive the asymptotic distribution of the statistic considered by Ahmad and Li (1997) under fixed alternatives and demonstrate that asymptotic normality is still valid but with a different rate of convergence. On the other hand we generalize Ahmad and Li's (1997) test of a symmetric error distribution to general nonparametric regression models. Moreover, it is also demonstrated that a bootstrap version of the new test for symmetry has good finite sample properties.  相似文献   

We investigate the construction of a BCa-type bootstrap procedure for setting approximate prediction intervals for an efficient estimator θm of a scalar parameter θ, based on a future sample of size m. The results are also extended to nonparametric situations, which can be used to form bootstrap prediction intervals for a large class of statistics. These intervals are transformation-respecting and range-preserving. The asymptotic performance of our procedure is assessed by allowing both the past and future sample sizes to tend to infinity. The resulting intervals are then shown to be second-order correct and second-order accurate. These second-order properties are established in terms of min(m, n), and not the past sample size n alone.  相似文献   

A bootstrap algorithm is provided for obtaining a confidence interval for the mean of a probability distribution when sequential data are considered. For this kind of data the empirical distribution can be biased but its bias is bounded by the coefficient of variation of the stopping rule associated with the sequential procedure. When using this distribution for resampling the validity of the bootstrap approach is established by means of a series expansion of the corresponding pivotal quantity. A simulation study is carried out using Wang and Tsiatis type tests and considering the normal and exponential distributions to generate the data. This study confirms that for moderate coefficients of variation of the stopping rule, the bootstrap method allows adequate confidence intervals for the parameters to be obtained, whichever is the distribution of data.  相似文献   

This article considers instrumental variables versions of the quantile and rank regression estimators. The asymptotic properties of the estimators are discussed, and a small-scale Monte Carlo study is used to illustrate the potential advantages of the approach. Finally, the proposed methods are implemented for two empirical examples.  相似文献   

Consider the nonparametric location-scale regression model Y=m(X)+σ(X)εY=m(X)+σ(X)ε, where the error εε is independent of the covariate XX, and mm and σσ are smooth but unknown functions. The pair (X,Y)(X,Y) is allowed to be subject to selection bias. We construct tests for the hypothesis that m(·)m(·) belongs to some parametric family of regression functions. The proposed tests compare the nonparametric maximum likelihood estimator (NPMLE) based on the residuals obtained under the assumed parametric model, with the NPMLE based on the residuals obtained without using the parametric model assumption. The asymptotic distribution of the test statistics is obtained. A bootstrap procedure is proposed to approximate the critical values of the tests. Finally, the finite sample performance of the proposed tests is studied in a simulation study, and the developed tests are applied on environmental data.  相似文献   

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