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祁非 《当代老年》2009,(12):34-34
每周三,从北京开往莫斯科的深绿色国际列车都会准时出发。从上世纪50年代始发,一直到今天,这趟国际列车折射出中俄两国关系的变化。 神秘的东方列车 1954年1月28日,莫斯科与北京之间的直达列车首次通车,车次为19/20。那时乘坐这趟列车的,大多是政府官员、代表团、外交官,甚至是省部级以上首长。  相似文献   

<正> 上海地铁1号线继南段开行客运列车之后,从1994年12月28日开始,中北段也开行了观光列车。观光列车每天开行10对,从衡山路站至上海火车站站。南行列车在新闸路站、黄陂南路站增加停车时间,供乘客观光,北行列车则在陕西南路站和人民广场站增加停车时间,供乘客观光。 中北段车站各有特色:衡山路站内有一大型地铁列车壁画,常熟路站有一幅具有中华民  相似文献   

列车牵引作为铁路对外经营的一个窗口,其服务质量的好坏将直接影响铁路的声誉和效益,搞好列车的平稳操纵具有重要的现实意义. 一是搞好列车操纵工作,是铁路适应市场经济的需要,关系到铁路运输在国际运输市场的地位和铁路运输的经济效益. 二是平稳操纵可以减少断钩事故的发生,防止因操纵不当而伤害到旅客的生命安全,使列车的通过能力得以提高.  相似文献   

阿莲 《现代交际》2004,(4):24-25
火车来来往往,青春来来往往,青春要是一张印制好的列车时刻表就好了,可列车也有晚点的时候——  相似文献   

武广高铁于2009年12月26日投入运营后,为保证上座率,这条线上所有点对点列车或将停运。而早些年,当京津城际列车全部换成动车组,也以保证上座率为由,限开或停开普通列车,逼迫普通公众不得不花高价坐高铁。  相似文献   

<正> 1999年8月28日,在东京站上列车迷们聚集在日本著名的第一型新干线列车——O系子弹头列车周围,这辆“光”号快车刚刚完成了从大阪至东京的日本铁道东海道新  相似文献   

涨价、买票难、拥挤,周而复始。似乎已经成为春运难以破解的宿命。然而有报道称,就在许多人在春运列车上备受煎熬的同时.另一番情景也在列车上上演——在“Z”字开头的直达特快列车上,旅客不但可以躺在宽敞的软卧上惬意地看着液晶电视,更可以去车上的酒吧悠闲地品尝鸡尾酒。全软卧的“豪华列车”对铁路运力资源的占用率要远远超过硬座及硬卧。且不说因为乘坐者寡,“豪华列车”上座不足,空放运能;即使满员,在行  相似文献   

巴黎地铁百年发展史   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
巴黎地铁自20世纪初通车以来,百年间从未停止扩展。目前每天乘客总数往往达到900万人次。该系统共有367个车站,13条独立线路和每列车可乘980人的列车560列。平均每2.5min就有一列车到站或开出。高峰时刻,发车间隔密达每95s一班。  相似文献   

吴仁 《老年世界》2009,(16):32-33
1923年5月6日凌晨2时30分,由南京开往北京的第2次特快列车沿津浦铁路向北奔驰。车内的旅客大多进入梦乡,车内一片寂静。可是,谁也没有想到,灾难正悄悄降临——当列车行驶到山东临城和沙沟之间时,司机突然发现,前面约200米的地方,铁轨被拆除了一段。司机立刻紧急刹车。谁知“天灾”正被躲掉,人祸却悄悄来临。列车还没停稳,四周便响起激烈的枪声,子弹打在列车上、穿过玻璃。车内的旅客醒来,被这突如其来枪声惊呆了。  相似文献   

涨价、买票难、拥挤,周而复始,似乎已经成为春运难以破解的宿命.然而有报道称,就在许多人在春运列车上备受煎熬的同时,另一番情景也在列车上上演--在"Z"字开头的直达特快列车上,旅客不但可以躺在宽敞的软卧上惬意地看着液晶电视,更可以去车上的酒吧悠闲地品尝鸡尾酒.全软卧的"豪华列车"对铁路运力资源的占用率要远远超过硬座及硬卧.且不说因为乘坐者寡,"豪华列车"上座不足,空放运能;即使满员,在行车密度已达饱和的铁路线上奔驶的却是酒吧、茶吧这样的休闲空间,难道就能让人释怀?铁路客运能力还是紧缺的公共资源,"豪华列车"超常规发展,软卧席位却在一两年中打着滚儿翻倍又翻倍,代价是硬座的大幅度减少甚至取消透过铁路春运的乱象,垄断的阴影是如此清晰.  相似文献   

Sequential explanatory mixed method design is the most frequently applied in both health and social sciences literature. It is denoted by ‘QUAN → qual’ which represents the quantitative study occurs first and has greater weight in addressing the study’s aims, and the qualitative study follows to explain quantitative results. Despite the extensive use of sequential explanatory design, there are limited references to this design. Therefore, this methodological paper attempts to fill the gap by providing an illustration in developing a sequential explanatory interview schedule based on complementary-alternative medicine (CAM) study among clinical psychologists in Indonesia. The most important step to develop sequential explanatory interview schedule was the construction of aspects and questions that were immensely grounded on the most notable quantitative results. In this study, eight aspects of interview schedule were constructed after analyses of the nationwide survey. The interview schedule then piloted among participants with fairly similar characteristics to the participants in the main interviews. This process enhanced the quality of questions through feedback from participants and improved the interviewer’s skills through familiarization with questions. It is expected that this reflection report could be adopted as a practical guideline in developing interview schedule for sequential explanatory mixed method design, particularly in the field of psychology.  相似文献   

A couple‐level analysis with a sample of 105 female reduced‐hours physicians and their full‐time–employed husbands found individual and spouse crossover effects: Each spouse's ratings of own schedule fit predict own job‐role quality; wives' ratings of partner/family schedule fit predict their marital‐role quality, with a similar trend for husbands; husbands' ratings of own schedule fit predict wives' marital‐role quality; and husbands' ratings of partner/family schedule fit and wives' ratings of own schedule fit predict husbands' psychological distress. These findings highlight the interdependence of couple members' experiences and illustrate potential costs of wives' trading off time at work for time at home.  相似文献   

魏海林 《职业时空》2012,(4):139-141
建筑装饰装修工程施工是在动态条件下实施的,为了有效地控制施工进度,尽可能摆脱因进度压力而造成的被动,所以必须通过科学方法对进度目标进行有效控制。而网络计划既是一种编制计划的方法,又是一种科学的管理方法,实践证明是实现进度控制最有效的方法。  相似文献   

Work-family conflicts are common and consequential for employees, their families, and work organizations. Can workplaces be changed to reduce work-family conflict? Previous research has not been able to assess whether workplace policies or initiatives succeed in reducing work-family conflict or increasing work-family fit. Using longitudinal data collected from 608 employees of a white-collar organization before and after a workplace initiative was implemented, we investigate whether the initiative affects work-family conflict and fit, whether schedule control mediates these effects, and whether work demands, including long hours, moderate the initiative's effects on work-family outcomes. Analyses clearly demonstrate that the workplace initiative positively affects the work-family interface, primarily by increasing employees' schedule control. This study points to the importance of schedule control for our understanding of job quality and for management policies and practices.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of schedules in social life. It first explains why both the schedule and the clock were introduced to the West through the Benedictine monasteries. Then it brings into focus the main principle underlying the schedule, namely temporal regularity, which involves the standardization of the temporal locations of events and activities and of their rates of recurrence, as well as the rigidification of their durations and sequential structures. Following a discussion of the constraints as well as the conveniences involved in using the schedule, it also examines two other implications of its introduction to the West–an abstract conception and a utilitarian philosophy of time. It ends with a discussion of the role of the schedule in enhancing both mechanical and organic solidarity.  相似文献   

Research has shown that variability may be an operant dimension of behavior. One method of reinforcing response variability is to use a lag schedule of reinforcement (Page & Neuringer, 1985). Several studies have shown that a Lag 1 schedule is effective in increasing variable responding with human participants (e.g., Esch, Esch, & Love, 2009; Lee, McComas, & Jawor, 2002). In these arrangements, however, the return to baseline responding during reversal phases suggests that the resulting behavior change may not be maintained following intervention. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effects of a Lag 3 schedule on increasing and maintaining variability of tacts in 2 children diagnosed with developmental disabilities. Results demonstrated increased variability in tacting for both participants and maintenance in variable responding after a 3-week follow-up.  相似文献   

Although the implications of nonstandard work schedules (work outside of the typical 9 – 5, Monday – Friday schedule) for individuals and families are increasingly well understood, it is unclear how such schedules are associated with perceived social support for working mothers. Using data from the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study and a variety of methodological approaches, we found mixed evidence for this relationship. Results from ordinary least squares and propensity‐weighted models suggest that working a nonstandard schedule is associated with weaker perceived support, particularly among those who are Black and less educated, and those who exclusively work such a schedule. Conversely, results from fixed‐effects models suggest that changing from a standard to a nonstandard schedule is associated with modest increases in perceived social support. These results add nuance to our understanding of the implications of nonstandard work schedules for families.  相似文献   

We used the 2008 National Study of the Changing Workforce to investigate the effects of shift work on individuals. We investigated if shift workers would have poorer work to family fit than workers with regular day schedules or flexible schedules. We also investigated if control of work schedule would moderate the possible negative effects of shift work. Results indicate that shift work is associated with increased work to family conflict, especially for women. In addition, the results indicate that women have greater work to family conflict compared to men when workers have more work schedule control. Implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Employer initiatives that address the spillover of work strain onto family life include flexible work schedules. This study explored the mediating role of negative work–family spillover in the relationship between schedule flexibility and employee stress and the moderating roles of gender, family workload, and single‐parent status. Data were drawn from the 2008 National Study of the Changing Workforce, a nationally representative sample of working adults (N = 2,769). The results indicated that schedule flexibility was associated with less employee stress and that these associations were mediated by perceptions of negative work–family spillover. This study found the moderating relationships of gender, family workload, and single parenting in the relationships between schedule flexibility and negative work–family spillover and stress. Schedule flexibility had stronger relationships in reducing negative work–family spillover and stress among women, single parents, and employees with heavier family workloads. The findings provide empirical support for intervention efforts involving schedule flexibility to reduce workplace stress among employees with family responsibilities.  相似文献   

Research has shown that reinforcing novel behaviors can increase the number of different ways that an individual behaves (Goetz & Baer, 1973; Pryor, Haag, & O'Reilly, 1969). However, it was not until more recently that researchers began to consider variability to be a reinforceable operant in and of itself (Neuringer, 2002). More specifically, Neuringer suggested that variability can be taught using a Lag x schedule of reinforcement, in which x refers to the number of previous responses from which the current response must differ in order for reinforcement to occur (Page & Neuringer, 1985). The purpose of the present study was to extend one of the first studies of a Lag x schedule on verbal responses with human subjects (Lee, McComas, & Jawor, 2002), by increasing the lag criteria while attempting to address some of methodological limitations of the study. The participant was a 7-year-old male with autism. A changing criterion design was used and results showed that 3 novel responses were acquired and varied according to the lag schedule of reinforcement.  相似文献   

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