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随着互联网时代的到来以及智能手机的普遍应用,微信迅速成为了我们生活中不可或缺的APP软件。微信因为其自身传切入点,重点研究在微信发展的大背景下其对大学生人际交往的影响。本文从微信对人际交往的积极影响、对人际交往的消极影响、解决途径三方面,研究微信使用对大学生人际交往的影响。  相似文献   

本文通过问卷对45岁以上的中老年人微信使用情况与其主观幸福感进行调查发现:中老年人对微信使用程度低且偏向使用个别微信功能,在某些微信功能上使用存在性别差异,主观幸福感指数偏高且他们的微信使用程度与主观幸福感有极显著负相关,与其激越、孤独与不满均有极显著负相关;使用微信查找附近的人、小程序、美团外卖功能的频率与其对年龄的态度有显著负相关。  相似文献   

微信弱关系社交是新型的社交方式,使得大学生社交方式变得多元化,对大学生的强关系社会交往起到补充作用,从而对其生活与学习起到帮助作用。但是,个别学生有过度沉湎于弱关系社交之中不能自拔的现象,大学校园中有利用微信软件技术漏洞进行违规与非法活动,学生微店的规范性与标准性也亟须提高,这些都是微信弱关系社交的消极作用。应当促进微信社交软件进一步提高安全技术水平,提高校园网络管理水平,促进学生正确对待网上社交方式,培养学生提高安全防范意识,推动网络安全法规的制订。  相似文献   

微信作为时下最热门的移动即时通信软件,在短短的几年内,注册用户量已过六亿,是亚洲用户最多的移动即时通信软件。就调查来看,在微信的用户群体中,学生的比例占到了一半之多。微信不仅是通信软件,也是信息分享的平台。它以功能上的优势以及操作上的简单性赢得了广大学生们的青睐。微信传播信息的速度快,传播范围广,受众面大,通常一个信息会被迅速传播,从而引起“蝴蝶效应”,影响深远。调查发现,大学生在使用微信的过程中,通常利用微信来相互交流信息、宣泄情感。这对于我们教育工作者来说,是一个开展大学生思政教育新的途径与突破口。如何利用微信这个平台做好大学生的思政教育工作,成为摆在高校广大教育工作者面前的一个课题。  相似文献   

本研究对大学生情侣间使用称呼语的情况进行了调查,分析了恋爱称呼语的使用与大学生性别、性格、恋爱时间长短及专业等社会变量之间的关系。以大学生恋爱称呼语为考察对象,对大学生恋爱称呼语的使用情况作抽样调查,分析讨论其使用特点具有一定的社会语用意义。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,互联网已成为人们生活中必不可少的组成部分之一,而尤以微信、微博为典型代表,在推出数年内迅速占据大多数年轻人的生活。而对于当代大学生来讲,微信、微博已成为影响当代大学生价值教育的重要传播媒介。本文就微信、微博自身的特点,及微信、微博对于大学生是把双刃剑,和其对大学生价值观的影响讲开阐述,最终得出大学生如何正确对待微信、微博。  相似文献   

微信作为自媒体时代的典型代表,在推出数年之内已被年轻人广泛使用,走入了人们生活。对于当代大学生,微信的诸多新特性使用强化了朋辈群体影响力,在一定程度上影响了高校核心价值观教育的效度和权威度。  相似文献   

随着互联网技术的发展和普及,以微信、微博为代表的微媒体开始逐渐影响大学生的生活方式和价值理念。微信在大学生群体中的快速普及对大学生党员教育提出了新的要求,如何利用微信的功能优势创新大学生党员教育工作模式是摆在高校基层党务工作者面前的一个重要课题。  相似文献   

在我国高校,辅导员与大学生的微信互动已经十分普遍。微信互动有着使用便捷、成本低廉的优点,但也存在着财产信息安全遭到威胁、舆情管理难度大以及过度曝光辅导员生活、不利于辅导员树立权威等方面的问题。针对这些问题,辅导员应在思想上、能力上、工作方式上提升自己,从而使微信互动的作用得到最大程度的发挥。  相似文献   

微信作为当前最受欢迎的社交软件,对大学生的学习和生活产生了深刻影响。本文分析了微信平台的应用现状以及在大学生教育中的优势,对大学生使用微信情况进行了调查研究,根据调研结果利用SPSS工具总结分析出微信平台设计核心内容以及在大学生教育与管理过程中的注意事项,充分发挥微信的优势,提升大学生教育的实效性。  相似文献   

The sexual behavior of a 1988 midwestern college sample was compared to a highly similar 1982 sample to determine the impact of the AlDS epidemic. Contrary to expectations, sexual activity increased over the six-year period. More 1988 students had engaged in intercourse, and females had engaged in it more times with more partners. Age of first intercourse remained unchanged. Attitudes for both sexes became more permissive, and males also perceived their parents to have become more permissive. A continuing double-standard was suggested. For males there were increases in contraceptive frequency, contraception at last intercourse, and condom use. Increased condom use was probably not AIDS-induced, as there was no increase in use from first to last intercourse. Students' sexual, contraceptive, and verbal behavior suggested little concern about AIDS.  相似文献   

The sexual behavior of a 1988 midwestern college sample was compared to a highly similar 1982 sample to determine the impact of the AIDS epidemic. Contrary to expectations, sexual activity increased over the six-year period. More students in the 1988 sample had engaged in intercourse. They had also had more partners for intercourse and more lifetime intercourse experience. Age of first intercourse remained unchanged, however. Attitudes for both sexes became more permissive and males also perceived their parents to have become more permissive. A continuing double-standard was suggested. There were increases in contraceptive frequency, in contraception at last intercourse, and use of more sophisticated contraceptive methods. Increased condom use did not appear to be AIDS-induced, as there was no increase in use from first to last intercourse. Students sexual, contraceptive, and verbal behavior suggested no obvious concern about AIDS.  相似文献   

Financial Knowledge and Credit Card Behavior of College Students   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study examined the relationship between financial knowledge and credit card behavior of college students. The widespread availability of credit cards has raised concerns over how college students might use those cards given the negative consequences (both immediate and long-term) associated with credit abuse and mismanagement. Using a sample of 1,354 students from a major southeastern university, results suggest that financial knowledge is a significant factor in the credit card decisions of college students. Students with higher scores on a measure of personal financial knowledge are more likely to engage in more responsible credit card use. Specific behaviors chosen have been associated with greater costs of borrowing and adverse economic consequences in the past.  相似文献   


Objective: This article examines students’ perceptions of individual and institutional responsibility for sexual health so that institutions can better provide for the needs of their students to increase academic success and healthy relationship outcomes. Participants: Students from 2- and 4-year colleges in 1 state (N = 78). Methods: From May through November 2010, the authors used go-along interviews to examine students’ perceptions of resources for sexual health on their campuses. Results: Participants believed that it is the college's responsibility to provide resources and the responsibility of students to access resources. Participants at 2-year schools wanted referrals to resources, whereas participants at 4-year schools expected resources to be available and emphasized the importance of a supportive community. Conclusions: Students at 2- and 4-year colleges have different expectations of their institutions; by making resources and referrals for sexual health available, colleges can better serve their students, which will result in improved health outcomes.  相似文献   


Objective: The author examined whether the type of intimacy (ie, emotional, intellectual, sexual, social, recreational) featured in college students’ romantic relationships affects the extent to which a partner's health-related behavior may be influenced by a variety of behavior change appeals. Participants: One hundred and thirteen female and 94 male college students were surveyed. Methods: A questionnaire sought demographic information and included 2 scales to determine intimacy type levels and estimated responses to behavior change appeals. Results: It was determined that emotional and intellectual intimacy had the greatest effects on compliance estimates. The liking strategy was rated as generally most effective, whereas caring fared better in highly intimate relationships, and both threat and responsibility appeals functioned better in relationships featuring lower levels of intimacy. Conclusions: When appropriately qualified as initial findings, the outcomes may suggest routes to successfully inspiring particular health behavior changes, especially among partners in emotionally and intellectually intimate relationships.  相似文献   

This study examined whether variation on the cultural constructs of individualism–collectivism in a sample of predominantly majority culture (i.e., Anglo American) college students accounts for significant amounts of variance in their occupational choices, career plans, and work values. Participants (135 women, 55 men) responded to the “I am” sentence completion method (Kuhn & McPartland, 1954), the Occupational Plans Questionnaire (Hershenson, 1967), and the Work Values Inventory (Super, 1970). Overall, results indicated no significant relationships between level of collectivism and the career-related variables.  相似文献   

Objective: The authors examined the phenomenon known to college students as prepartying, which is the consumption of alcohol prior to attending an event or activity (eg, party, bar, concert) at which more alcohol may be consumed. Participants: To explore the extent of this behavior, the authors surveyed 227 college students about each drinking event over a 1-month period. Results: Principal results revealed that 64% of participants engaged in prepartying (75% of drinkers) and that prepartying is involved in approximately 45% of all drinking events. Prepartying was predictive of more drinking throughout the day of the drinking event and alcohol-related negative consequences. Men and women engaged in this behavior at similar rates, and prepartying was most related to social reasons for drinking. Conclusion: Because prepartying is well-known among students, the authors suggest that clinicians and researchers target it to better understand college drinking and to help students understand the associated dangers.  相似文献   

高职院校学生绿色消费行为研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李良进 《职业时空》2014,(6):137-141
通过对深圳职业技术学院学生的实证调查,发现高职院校大学生对绿色消费具有较高的认知度和很强的正面态度,但在绿色消费的水平上相对偏低,尤其在重复使用、分类回收以及环保选购方面。多元回归分析结果显示,绿色消费态度、是否具有中共党员身份对大学生绿色行为有着显著的影响。外部障碍因素如不便利、外部环境缺乏、生活习惯等会影响具有正面态度的高职院校大学生进行绿色消费。  相似文献   


Currently, college students live in a social environment where contraceptive technology is highly effective, contraceptive information and methods are widely available, and premarital sexual activity is generally condoned. Paradoxically, data indicate that these students are poor contraceptive users, and that pregnancy and abortion rates among college students are surprisingly high. Since these social conditions should result in adequate contraceptive usage, other less obvious and overtly less rational factors must be influencing the behavior of this population.

The objectives of this article are to a) describe more fully the paradoxical nature of the problem of contraceptive use among college students, in part by a review of the research on collegiate contraceptive and sexual behavior; b) examine theories which have been offered to explain contraceptive behavior in college populations; and c) discuss implications of existing data and theories for the contraceptive education of young adults. This is a topic which has been relatively neglected as attention has been focused on the sexual and reproductive behavior of younger adolescents. It is also an area where professionals have failed to incorporate the implications of theory and research to the actual delivery of contraceptive health services.  相似文献   

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