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This article considers inference on correlation coefficients of bivariate log-normal distributions. We developed generalized confidence intervals and hypothesis tests for the correlation coefficients, and extended the results to compare two independent correlations. Simulation studies show that the suggested methods work well. Two practical examples are used to illustrate the application of the proposed methods.  相似文献   

In this paper, the estimation of a real-valued function of the parameter by minimizing the expected value of the quadratic loss function relative to the structural distribution of the parameter is proposed; this is called structural estimation. The general formulae developed have been used to obtain the structural estimate of the bivariate correlation coefficient and of the intraclass correlation coefficient.  相似文献   

The maximum likeihood estimate is considered for an intraclass correlation coefficent in a bivariate normal distribution when some observations on either of the varibles are missuing. The estimate is given as the soulution of a polynomial equation of degree seven. An approximate confidence interval and a test procedure for the intraclass correlation are constricted based on an asymptotic variance stabilizing transformation of the resulting estimator. The distributional results are also considered under violation of the normality assumption. A Monte Carlo study was performed to examine the finite sample properties of the maximum likelihood estimator and to evaluate the proposed procedures for hypotheses testing and interval estimation.  相似文献   

The authors derive the asymptotic mean and bias of Kendall's tau and Spearman's rho in the presence of left censoring in the bivariate Gaussian copula model. They show that tie corrections for left‐censoring brings the value of these coefficients closer to zero. They also present a bias reduction method and illustrate it through two applications.  相似文献   

Marginal imputation, that consists of imputing items separately, generally leads to biased estimators of bivariate parameters such as finite population coefficients of correlation. To overcome this problem, two main approaches have been considered in the literature: the first consists of using customary imputation methods such as random hot‐deck imputation and adjusting for the bias at the estimation stage. This approach was studied in Skinner & Rao 2002 . In this paper, we extend the results of Skinner & Rao 2002 to the case of arbitrary sampling designs and three variants of random hot‐deck imputation. The second approach consists of using an imputation method, which preserves the relationship between variables. Shao & Wang 2002 proposed a joint random regression imputation procedure that succeeds in preserving the relationships between two study variables. One drawback of the Shao–Wang procedure is that it suffers from an additional variability (called the imputation variance) due to the random selection of residuals, resulting in potentially inefficient estimators. Following Chauvet, Deville, & Haziza 2011 , we propose a fully efficient version of the Shao–Wang procedure that preserves the relationship between two study variables, while virtually eliminating the imputation variance. Results of a simulation study support our findings. An application using data from the Workplace and Employees Survey is also presented. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 40: 124–149; 2012 © 2011 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

The authors describe Bayesian estimation for the parameters of the bivariate gamma distribution due to Kibble (1941). The density of this distribution can be written as a mixture, which allows for a simple data augmentation scheme. The authors propose a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm to facilitate estimation. They show that the resulting chain is geometrically ergodic, and thus a regenerative sampling procedure is applicable, which allows for estimation of the standard errors of the ergodic means. They develop Bayesian hypothesis testing procedures to test both the dependence hypothesis of the two variables and the hypothesis of equal means. They also propose a reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm to carry out the model selection problem. Finally, they use sets of real and simulated data to illustrate their methodology.  相似文献   

A simulation study is conducted to determine the effects of varying correlation structures on two estimation procedures used to model clustered binary data; a parametric model, the beta-binomial, and a non-parametric model, the exchangeable binary. The simulations detected bias in estimation of the mean response parameter and the correlation parameter when assuming a parametric model. In addition it was found that variance parameters can be severely underestimated if the correlation structure is considered strictly a nuisance parameter.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on bivariate kernel density estimation that bridges the gap between univariate and multivariate applications. We propose a subsampling-extrapolation bandwidth matrix selector that improves the reliability of the conventional cross-validation method. The proposed procedure combines a U-statistic expression of the mean integrated squared error and asymptotic theory, and can be used in both cases of diagonal bandwidth matrix and unconstrained bandwidth matrix. In the subsampling stage, one takes advantage of the reduced variability of estimating the bandwidth matrix at a smaller subsample size m (m < n); in the extrapolation stage, a simple linear extrapolation is used to remove the incurred bias. Simulation studies reveal that the proposed method reduces the variability of the cross-validation method by about 50% and achieves an expected integrated squared error that is up to 30% smaller than that of the benchmark cross-validation. It shows comparable or improved performance compared to other competitors across six distributions in terms of the expected integrated squared error. We prove that the components of the selected bivariate bandwidth matrix have an asymptotic multivariate normal distribution, and also present the relative rate of convergence of the proposed bandwidth selector.  相似文献   

We address statistical issues involved in the partially clustered design where clusters are only employed in the intervention arm, but not in the control arm. We develop a cluster adjusted t-test to compare group treatment effects with individual treatment effects for continuous outcomes in which the individual level data are used as the unit of the analysis in both arms, we develop an approach for determining sample sizes using this cluster adjusted t-test, and use simulation to demonstrate the consistent accuracy of the proposed cluster adjusted t-test and power estimation procedures. Two real examples illustrate how to use the proposed methods.  相似文献   

Two methods of estimating the intraclass correlation coefficient (p) for the one-way random effects model were compared in several simulation experiments using balanced and unbalanced designs. Estimates based on a Bayes approach and a maximum likelihood approach were compared on the basis of their biases (differences between estimates and true values of p) and mean square errors (mean square errors of estimates of p) in each of the simulation experiments. The Bayes approach used the median of a conditional posterior density as its estimator.  相似文献   

The paper presents a new method for flexible fitting of D-vines. Pair-copulas are estimated semi-parametrically using penalized Bernstein polynomials or constant and linear B-splines, respectively, as spline bases in each knot of the D-vine throughout each level. A penalty induce smoothness of the fit while the high dimensional spline basis guarantees flexibility. To ensure uniform univariate margins of each pair-copula, linear constraints are placed on the spline coefficients and quadratic programming is used to fit the model. The amount of penalizations for each pair-copula is driven by a penalty parameter which is selected in a numerically efficient way. Simulations and practical examples accompany the presentation.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a nonparametric kernel method of estimating response coefficients in the stochastic regressors model. The method is straightforward, and the estimator is easy to calculate. The asymptotic normality of the proposed estimator is established, and an illustrative example is presented.  相似文献   

This paper considers the maximum and minimum of a pair of log-normal variables with equal mean. It shows that either order statistic has a smaller coefficient of variation than the two original log-normal variables provided the latter are of equal variance. When the variances are unequal, as the variance ratio increases, the minimum (maximum), has a smaller coefficient of variation if the correlation coefficient of the log-normal variables is small (small) and the variances are large (small).  相似文献   

An algorithm for computing probabilities from Jensen's Bivariate F Distribution was given by McAllister, Lee and Holland (1981). One portion of their algorithm involves the calculation of coefficients that require summing over all nonnegative integer partitions of 0,1,2,…,N of size r. Presented here is an alternative method for generating the coefficients by successive convolutions which significantly reduces computation time.  相似文献   

Suppose (X, Y) has a Downton's bivariate exponential distribution with correlation ρ. For a random sample of size n from (X, Y), let X r:n be the rth X-order statistic and Y [r:n] be its concomitant. We investigate estimators of ρ when all the parameters are unknown and the available data is an incomplete bivariate sample made up of (i) all the Y-values and the ranks of associated X-values, i.e. (i, Y [i:n]), 1≤in, and (ii) a Type II right-censored bivariate sample consisting of (X i:n , Y [i:n]), 1≤ir<n. In both setups, we use simulation to examine the bias and mean square errors of several estimators of ρ and obtain their estimated relative efficiencies. The preferred estimator under (i) is a function of the sample correlation of (Y i:n , Y [i:n]) values, and under (ii), a method of moments estimator involving the regression function is preferred.  相似文献   

An improved asymptotic estimation theory for the coefficient of variation γ is developed under the homogeneity hypothesis that several coefficients of variation are the same. Assuming that homogeneity holds, it is advantageous to combine the data to estimate the common coefficient of variation. However, the combined estimator becomes inconsistent when the equality of the hypothesis does not hold. In this situation, estimators based on pretest and (James and Stein, 1961. Estimation with quadratic loss. Proceeding of the Fourth Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability, pp. 361–379) principles are proposed. Asymptotic properties of the shrinkage estimator, positive-part and pretest estimators are discussed and compared with the standard and combined estimators. It is demonstrated that the positive part estimator utilizes the sample and nonsample information in a superior way relative to the ordinary shrinkage estimator.  相似文献   

The paper develops some objective priors for correlation coefficient of the bivariate normal distribution. The criterion used is the asymptotic matching of coverage probabilities of Bayesian credible intervals with the corresponding frequentist coverage probabilities. The paper uses various matching criteria, namely, quantile matching, highest posterior density matching, and matching via inversion of test statistics. Each matching criterion leads to a different prior for the parameter of interest. We evaluate their performance by comparing credible intervals through simulation studies. In addition, inference through several likelihood-based methods have been discussed.  相似文献   

Josef Kozák 《Statistics》2013,47(3):363-371
Working with the linear regression model (1.1) and having the extraneous information (1.2) about regression coefficients the problem exists how to build estimators (1.3) with the risk (1.4) which enable to utilize the known information in order to reduce their risk as compared with the risk (1.6) of the LSE (1.5). Solution of this problem is known for the positive definite matrix T, namely in form for estimators (1.8) and (1.10).First, it is shown that the proposed estimators (2.6),(2.9) and (2.16) based on psedoinversions of the matrix L represent the solution of the problem of the positive semidefinite matrix T=L'L.Further, the problem of interpretability of estimators in the sense of the inequality (3.1) exists; it is shown that all mentioned estimators are at least partially interpretable in the sense of requirements (3.2) or (3.10).  相似文献   

Fisher's Linear Discriminant Function Can be used to classify an individual who has sampled from one of two multivariate normal Populations. In the following, this function is viewed as the other given his data vector it is assumed that the Population means and common covariance matrix are unknown. The vector of discriminant coeffients β(p×1) is the gradient of posterior log-odds and certain of its lineqar functions are directional derivatives which have a practical meaning. Accordingly, we treat the problems of estimating several linear functions of β The usual estimatoes of these functions are scaled versions of the unbiased estmators. In this Paper, these estimators are domainated by explicit alterenatives under a quadratic loss function. we reduce the problem of estimating β to that of estimating the inverse convariance matrix.  相似文献   

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