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王珺 《科学发展》2010,(10):78-85
在中美经贸金融关系中客观上存在所谓"恐怖平衡",这不仅反映了美国过度消费模式和美元霸权地位所带来的全球经贸"平衡",也反映出我国偏重出口导向型和外资依赖型的经济发展模式的某些特征,凸显了我国对外经济发展中的一些矛盾。这种畸形而充满风险的"平衡"状态目前虽有些"积重难返",却是不能长久维持的。因此,从中国的实际出发,亟需大力调整自身的外经贸模式,逐步扭转在国际经贸、金融、产业及市场大格局中的不利地位。同时,应当抓住时机,采取一系列切实有效的措施,扩大对外投资,继续有效利用外资,大力发展服务贸易,促进加工贸易的转型升级,提高出口商品的竞争力,通过深化体制改革和完善政策法规,积极推进内外贸一体化,加快促进我国外经贸模式的调整与转型。  相似文献   

People who self-harm are typically intelligent, adolescent or young adult, middle to upper class girls, who do so to feel something or, paradoxically, to stop feeling and calm down. Girls who self-harm need to feel understood, listened to non-judgmentally, and responded to in relation to the unspoken suffering behind the self-harm behavior. The aim of treatment of girls who self-harm is to facilitate understanding of the act and provide alternative, healthier coping strategies.  相似文献   

改革开放三十年来,北京已经发展成为一座国际化的大都市。无论社会、经济的蓬勃发展,还是人们生活方式的日新月异,这座城市里发生的每一处变化都不容忽视。城市夜生活的出现便是其中之一。丰富多样的娱乐方式:从餐厅、酒吧到俱乐部,还有玩转通宵的卡拉OK,居住在北京,夜不再是一天生活的结束,而成为另一个开始……  相似文献   

This paper reports on a 10 month British study completed in April 2001 investigating service responses to women of South Asian background who have attempted suicide or self-harmed within the Manchester area of the UK. After outlining the scope and design of the study, the paper focuses on the survivor perspectives documented within the study. The findings and analysis presented here aim to unpack key elements of the complex and layered dynamics at play in working with issues of attempted suicide and self-harm in South Asian women. More specifically, we explore the following five issues: factors contributing to South Asian women's attempted suicide and self-harm, the ways in which personal distress are created and perpetuated by structural inequalities, the mirroring processes between helping agencies and families, survivors' experiences of helping agencies, and survivors' ideas about what would be more supportive to them. While there are connections with white women's experiences, the specific experiences of South Asian women are highlighted in the hope that understanding of the issues they face is increased and appropriate measures taken to develop services which are both gender sensitive and anti-racist.  相似文献   

Nguyen MT 《Signs》2011,36(2):359-384
As part of a feminist commitment to collaboration, this article, which appears as a companion essay to Minh-Ha T. Pham's "The Right to Fashion in the Age of Terror," offers a point of departure for thinking about fashion and beauty as processes that produce subjects recruited to, and aligned with, the national interests of the United States in the war on terror. The Muslim woman in the veil and her imagined opposite, the fashionably modern and implicitly Western woman, become convenient metaphors for articulating geopolitical contests of power as human rights concerns, as rescue missions, as beautifying mandates. This essay examines newer iterations of this opposition, after September 11, 2001, in order to demonstrate the critical resonance of a biopolitics of fashion and beauty. After the events of September 11, 2001, George W. Bush's administration launched a military and public relations campaign to promote U.S. national interests using the language of feminism and human rights. While these discourses in the United States helped to reinvigorate a declining economy, and specifically a flagging fashion industry (as Pham addresses in her companion essay), feminism abroad was deployed to very different ends. This article considers the establishment of the Kabul Beauty School by the nongovernmental organization Beauty without Borders, sponsored in large part by the U.S. fashion and beauty industries. Examining troubling histories of beauty's relation to morality, humanity, and security, as well as to neoliberal discourses of self-governance, the author teases out the biopower and biopolitics of beauty, enacted here through programs of empowerment that are inseparable from the geopolitical aims of the U.S. deployment in Afghanistan.  相似文献   

Contrasting the classical explanation of military group cohesion as sustained by interpersonal bonds, recent scholars have highlighted the importance of ritualized communication, training and drills in explaining effective military performance in professional armies. While this has offered a welcome addition to the cohesion literature and a novel micro‐sociological method of examining cohesion, its primary evidential base has been combat groups. Indeed, despite their prominent role in directing operations over the past decade, the British Army's officer corps has received relatively little attention from sociologists during this period. No attempt has been made to explain cohesion in the officer corps. Using a similar method to recent cohesion scholars, this paper seeks to address this imbalance by undertaking a micro‐sociology of one ritual in particular: ‘Barossa Night’ in the Royal Irish Regiment. Firstly, it draws on the work of Durkheim to examine how cohesion amongst the officer corps is created and sustained through a dense array of practises during formal social rituals. It provides evidence that the use of rituals highlights that social solidarity is central to understanding officer cohesion. Secondly, following Hockey's work on how private soldiers negotiate order, the paper shows how this solidarity in the officer corps is based on a degree of negotiated order and the need to release organizational tensions inherent in a strictly hierarchical rank structure. It highlights how the awarding of gallantry medals can threaten this negotiated order and fuel deviancy. In examining this behaviour, the paper shows that even amongst an officer class traditionally viewed as the elite upholders of organizational discipline, the negotiation of rank and hierarchy can be fluid. How deviant behaviour is later accepted and normalized by senior officers indicates that negotiated order is as important to understanding cohesion in the British Army's officer corps as it is amongst private soldiers.  相似文献   

1. Clients feel relieved when they have a label for what "ails" them. 2. Following vicitimization of one's self, exposure to a second traumatic event can trigger a reexperiencing of the original trauma. 3. Resolution of the trauma requires that the victim be able to formulate an explanation (supply meaning) as to why it occurred.  相似文献   


The internationalization of American Studies is a reflection of its evolution from provincialism into a new regionalism. This raises the question of coping with the transnational while problematizing the national, thus landing American Studies in the welter of globalization both as a process and as a discourse. The global engagements of the US have produced global anti-Americanism. Terror in conjunction with globalization appears to have subsumed all other discourses in our times. To pursue American Studies in an environment of terror becomes more complicated by the fact that America itself is perceived by many as a source of global terrorism, evoking the chimera of the return of empire as envisaged in the recent work of Hardt and Negri. Resistance to the global reach of the American Empire and a global percolation of terror appear to be the two most crucial intellectual concerns of American Studies at the moment.  相似文献   

This article presents an anthropological analysis of heterosexual seduction behaviors of men and women (from 18 to 65 years old, with varying civil status) who attended nightclubs located in the movida areas of Lisbon, Portugal. These behaviors were analyzed according to structure versus communitas theories. Nighttime seduction behaviors were observed and recorded in a field diary, and in-depth semistructured interviews with 60 men and 60 women were conducted. Interviews were analyzed using the thematic content analysis model. Results suggested that the communitas domain was evinced in the various seduction strategies. These courtship behaviors tended to follow a specific pattern: nonverbal seduction, visual seduction, verbal seduction, and acting—consisting of caresses, touches, and kisses. When this escalation process evoked positive responses, it generally culminated in the complete synchrony of movements between the two bodies. The seduction process encompassed both masculine and feminine initiatives: Women engaged primarily in nonverbal and visual seduction, while men appeared to orchestrate verbal courtship and acting. However, sometimes men and women did not want to seduce or be seduced because they were married (especially women) or were with their partners (especially young men) and did not want to endanger the structure domain.  相似文献   

1. Prevention of water intoxication depends on early intervention for polydipsic patients who seem to be retaining fluid. The Target Weight Procedure is designed to detect early signs of fluid retention by means of weight gain and low sodium levels. 2. The use of this protocol, in addition to successfully decreasing the number of acute water intoxication episodes, has also led to increased awareness of the meaning of patient behavior, an increased sense of control of patients with water intoxication over their behavior, and an increased feeling of competence among the staff. 3. The success of the protocol seems to be based on its purpose of identifying patients at risk and those with an impending episode, as well as secondary advantages, for example, giving the patients the option to alter their behavior to be removed from the protocol.  相似文献   

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