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她曾经是一个国家干部,曾经在外资企业呆过,但她首先是一个中国人,民族自尊心使她毅然选择了民族企业--直销业第一号国企新时代.为此,她始终不渝,无怨无悔,坚定信心,一荣俱荣.在新时代健康事业里,以她对新时代的一颗赤子之心、责任心,一份民族自豪感、使命感,敢为人先,在直销界创造了许多个第一;第一个艰难时刻,挺身而出,第一个个人投资开店的直销商,国珍专营第一店店长…… 相似文献
职业生涯开发在国内企业人力资源管理中尚属不成熟的领域。在表面上都采取了像国外企业一样的晋升、轮岗和培训三种基本开发方式,但既没有像日本企业那样,使每个员工在岗位上有既定的开发路线,同时也没有像欧美企业那样注重员工个性化的发展。对于国内企业而言,职业生涯开发通常仅仅是核心人才的开发而不是全员开发。在职业生涯开发上,企业领导的主观随意性较大,缺乏科学指导,没有一个对位与定位的程序,更不注意对有潜质人才的培养。在讲究流程高效的企业时代,这样的开发已经明显不适应社会和企业的发展,导致职业生涯发展的道路越来越窄,而且凸现出了很多问题。 相似文献
职业生涯管理是指由企业建 立职业通道,针对企业员工各自 的能力特点及个性特征制定相应 培养计划,以适应所在岗位对员 工的要求,并帮助员工充分发挥 自身潜能,以期达到职业生涯的 顶峰。企业现行员工培训一般都 是基于绩效的改进和提高,而培 训作为员工职业生涯发展的实现 方式,对企业的效用远不止于 此。随着跨国公司在中国的发展 相似文献
在激烈的市场竞争中,人力资源成为企业机制制胜的一个关键环节,企业只有合理开展员工职业生涯管理,为员工提供舞台,才能实现员工进步、企业发展的良性循环。本文主要从员工职业生涯管理的重要性、现状及对策三个方面试论述员工职业生涯管理。 相似文献
近年来伴随着以人为本的现代企业人力资源开发管理理念不断深入人心,员工职业生涯规划作为重要组成内容逐渐兴起,但是认为职业生涯规划是个人的事的观念仍占很大比例.笔者认为企业应该在员工职业生涯规划中起到主导作用,因为现代管理理念认为人是企业中最重要的资本.本文从企业目标与员工个人职业生涯规划相容并统一的角度入手,分析企业在个人职业生涯规划中应起到的挖渠人的作用. 相似文献
人们职业生涯规划的一个重要的目标就是发财致富,通过职业或事业的收入,或通过投资收入积累足够的财富,以达到终生财务自由的生活目的。在这个过程中,每个人职业生涯的路径不同,对财富的理解和偏好不同,导致个人生涯终点的财务状况的巨大差异。本文首先对个人财富、财务自由和致富等几个常见的基本概念进行剖析,以找出它们共同的物质实体是什么;其次是依据个人资产的成长机制,构建个人致富的基本模型;最后,结合个人职业生涯的不同阶段,有针对性的给出不同职业生涯阶段的致富技巧。 相似文献
最近几年,在现代管理理论的指引之下,职业生涯管理的理论越来越受到职场人士的重视,许多人运用职业生涯管理的理论和方法,对自己的职业发展道路做出设计和规划。然而事实上,在管理过程中,职业生涯管理不仅仅是一种个 相似文献
[案例] 1.两年前,任芳菲大学毕业后进入一家化工公司,在公司总经理办公室任秘书。工作第一年,小任感觉到工作中有许多不适应,也有许多东西要学习。公司领导看她有一股积极向上的工作热情,所以除让她参加公司内的新员工培训外,还专门给她安排了一次外出培训的机会。一年后, 小任基本熟悉了自己的工作内容、程序,但她的工作热情随之下降,越来越觉得自己的工作没有意思,对公司提供的薪酬也不满意,所以,小任向公司提交了离职报告,准备寻求另外的发展。 相似文献
案例 企业员工共挤职位独木桥 AB公司是一家日本独资的科研性企业,成立于1996年,总投资2000多万美元,专门从事委托课题研究工作。目前公司共有130多名员工,占总人数79%的科研人员组成了公司的中坚。 相似文献
绿杨烟外晓寒轻,红杏枝头春意闹. 三月,春意闹了,又是一个美好绚丽的春天来临.一年之计在于春,春天耕种是为了秋天的收获.为实现富民强国的经济社会发展目标,新一年的各项经济建设又轰轰烈烈地展开了.这时,我想到了我们的城市化和各地正在蓬勃开展的小城镇建设. 近年来,<国土经济>陆续发表了多篇有关城市化和小城镇建设的文章,涉及到城市化和小城镇建设的必要性、紧迫性,发展方向和发展模式,需要解决的各种问题及解决问题的对策建议,还有对于国外城市化和小城镇建设的经济介绍,等等.读过这些各有特色的文章,令人深受鼓舞和启迪. 相似文献
Assessment has been integral to career counseling since the early 1900s. During that time, the greatest amount of attention was focused on quantitative assessment. Thus, there is still very little to guide the development and conduct of qualitative assessment in career counseling. The authors present an overview of qualitative career assessment and its theoretical underpinnings and propose suggestions that could guide the development of qualitative career assessment instruments. 相似文献
Michael Shahnasarian 《The Career development quarterly》2001,49(3):275-283
The concept of career rehabilitation, a paradigm that proposes integrating perspectives from vocational rehabilitation and career development, is introduced. Counselors are encouraged to assess how vocational handicaps secondary to a disabling problem can affect a client over his or her “worklife” and to adopt a life‐span approach to career decision making of people with disabilities. Four common vocational handicaps are discussed: diminished access to work opportunities, need for workplace accommodations, employer bias in hiring and advancement, and diminished “worklife” expectancy. Counselors testifying in legal forums are encouraged to pursue scholarship on the career development of people with disabilities. 相似文献
Susan R. Barclay 《The Career development quarterly》2019,67(2):126-138
Designed as part of an individual career construction and life design counseling intervention, the Career Construction Interview (CCI) and My Career Story (MCS) workbook aid career counselors and other career service providers in helping clients construct, deconstruct, and reauthor their career stories. Recently, some career counselors have developed ways of using the CCI and the MCS in group settings. In this article, the author offers 3 additional ways to use the CCI and, thereby, add creativity to the career counseling process. These 3 ways include use of written exercises, career collages, and career portfolios. The article concludes with a call for career practitioners to continue to think creatively in using the CCI with clients. 相似文献
Nathaniel M. Voss Christopher J. Lake Cassandra Chlevin‐Thiele 《The Career development quarterly》2019,67(2):156-170
Applying the concept of maximizing—careful evaluation of options in pursuit of optimal goals—to career decisions, the authors developed the Career Maximizing Scale (CMS). The measure was administered to samples of working adults and university students across 3 studies. Factor analysis indicated that the measure is unidimensional and has favorable psychometric properties. Career maximizing was related to but distinct from general maximizing. Career maximizing was positively related to indicators of decision confidence (e.g., career decision‐making self‐efficacy) and positively related to desirable career outcomes (e.g., career satisfaction). Career maximizing was also modestly related to certain desirable academic outcomes (e.g., commitment to university major). Use of the CMS may facilitate effective career counseling. 相似文献
Valerie Fournier 《Human Relations》1997,50(4):363-391
The paper draws on the Chicago School'sconceptualization of career and on Personal ConstructPsychology to examine the relationships betweengraduates construction systems and patterns of careerdevelopment during the first 4 years of employment. Itseeks to identify differences in trends of constructiverevision between successful and less successfulgraduates. The study is based on 33 graduates whocompleted repertory grids on entering employment (T1), 6months later (T2), and 4 years later (T3), re-elicitingconstructs each time. The results show some significantchange in the nature of the constructs elicited by graduates over the 4 years; in particular,graduates made greater use of constructs related toachievement, cynicism, and organizational politics.Graduates whose career was more successful (i.e., who experienced one or two promotions during the 4years of the study and felt generally satisfied withtheir careers) were more likely to use constructsrelated to social behavior and flexibility at T1, while graduates whose career was less sucessful(i.e., no promotion and felt dissatisfied with theircareers) were more likely to construe themselves interms of achievement and work competence at T1. Fouryears on, successful graduates tended to rely more onconstructs related to achievement and flexibility, whileless successful graduates were more likely to useconstructs related to social behavior. The significance and implications of these results fororganizational recruitment and development practices arediscussed. 相似文献
Mark B. Scholl 《The Career development quarterly》1999,47(3):230-242
The author of this article presents the Career Path Tournament, a game for heightening participants' awareness of sociological factors (e.g., race, gender, and discrimination in hiring) influencing career advancement and of the need to anticipate and cope with these factors. The game, which is based on Rosenbaum's (1976, 1981, 1984) Tournament Model, is intended for junior high, high school, and college students in a classroom setting. Undergraduate participants' (N = 74) quantitative and qualitative evaluations of the game are presented as evidence that the game raised awareness of sociological barriers and provided participants with helpful suggestions for adaptively coping with these barriers. 相似文献