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We evaluate alternative models of variances and correlations with an economic loss function. We construct portfolios to minimize predicted variance subject to a required return. It is shown that the realized volatility is smallest for the correctly specified covariance matrix for any vector of expected returns. A test of relative performance of two covariance matrices is based on work of Diebold and Mariano. The method is applied to stocks and bonds and then to highly correlated assets. On average, dynamically correct correlations are worth around 60 basis points in annualized terms, but on some days they may be worth hundreds.  相似文献   

宋鹏等 《统计研究》2020,37(7):116-128
高维协方差矩阵的估计问题现已成为大数据统计分析中的基本问题,传统方法要求数据满足正态分布假定且未考虑异常值影响,当前已无法满足应用需要,更加稳健的估计方法亟待被提出。针对高维协方差矩阵,一种稳健的基于子样本分组的均值-中位数估计方法被提出且简单易行,然而此方法估计的矩阵并不具备正定稀疏特性。基于此问题,本文引进一种中心正则化算法,弥补了原始方法的缺陷,通过在求解过程中对估计矩阵的非对角元素施加L1范数惩罚,使估计的矩阵具备正定稀疏的特性,显著提高了其应用价值。在数值模拟中,本文所提出的中心正则稳健估计有着更高的估计精度,同时更加贴近真实设定矩阵的稀疏结构。在后续的投资组合实证分析中,与传统样本协方差矩阵估计方法、均值-中位数估计方法和RA-LASSO方法相比,基于中心正则稳健估计构造的最小方差投资组合收益率有着更低的波动表现。  相似文献   

This article proposes a dynamic framework for modeling and forecasting of realized covariance matrices using vine copulas to allow for more flexible dependencies between assets. Our model automatically guarantees positive definiteness of the forecast through the use of a Cholesky decomposition of the realized covariance matrix. We explicitly account for long-memory behavior by using fractionally integrated autoregressive moving average (ARFIMA) and heterogeneous autoregressive (HAR) models for the individual elements of the decomposition. Furthermore, our model incorporates non-Gaussian innovations and GARCH effects, accounting for volatility clustering and unconditional kurtosis. The dependence structure between assets is studied using vine copula constructions, which allow for nonlinearity and asymmetry without suffering from an inflexible tail behavior or symmetry restrictions as in conventional multivariate models. Further, the copulas have a direct impact on the point forecasts of the realized covariances matrices, due to being computed as a nonlinear transformation of the forecasts for the Cholesky matrix. Beside studying in-sample properties, we assess the usefulness of our method in a one-day-ahead forecasting framework, comparing recent types of models for the realized covariance matrix based on a model confidence set approach. Additionally, we find that in Value-at-Risk (VaR) forecasting, vine models require less capital requirements due to smoother and more accurate forecasts.  相似文献   


Analogs of the classical one way MANOVA model have recently been suggested that do not assume that population covariance matrices are equal or that the error vector distribution is known. These tests are based on the sample mean and sample covariance matrix corresponding to each of the p populations. We show how to extend these tests using other measures of location such as the trimmed mean or coordinatewise median. These new bootstrap tests can have some outlier resistance, and can perform better than the tests based on the sample mean if the error vector distribution is heavy tailed.  相似文献   

This article explores the problem of testing the hypothesis that the covariance matrix is an identity matrix when the dimensionality is equal to the sample size or larger. Two new test statistics are proposed under comparable assumptions to those statistics in the literature. The asymptotic distribution of the proposed test statistics are found and are shown to be consistent in the general asymptotic framework. An extensive simulation study shows the newly proposed tests are comparable to, and in some cases more powerful than, the tests for an identity covariance matrix currently in the literature.  相似文献   

Complex dependency structures are often conditionally modeled, where random effects parameters are used to specify the natural heterogeneity in the population. When interest is focused on the dependency structure, inferences can be made from a complex covariance matrix using a marginal modeling approach. In this marginal modeling framework, testing covariance parameters is not a boundary problem. Bayesian tests on covariance parameter(s) of the compound symmetry structure are proposed assuming multivariate normally distributed observations. Innovative proper prior distributions are introduced for the covariance components such that the positive definiteness of the (compound symmetry) covariance matrix is ensured. Furthermore, it is shown that the proposed priors on the covariance parameters lead to a balanced Bayes factor, in case of testing an inequality constrained hypothesis. As an illustration, the proposed Bayes factor is used for testing (non-)invariant intra-class correlations across different group types (public and Catholic schools), using the 1982 High School and Beyond survey data.  相似文献   

This paper develops a test for comparing treatment effects when observations are missing at random for repeated measures data on independent subjects. It is assumed that missingness at any occasion follows a Bernoulli distribution. It is shown that the distribution of the vector of linear rank statistics depends on the unknown parameters of the probability law that governs missingness, which is absent in the existing conditional methods employing rank statistics. This dependence is through the variance–covariance matrix of the vector of linear ranks. The test statistic is a quadratic form in the linear rank statistics when the variance–covariance matrix is estimated. The limiting distribution of the test statistic is derived under the null hypothesis. Several methods of estimating the unknown components of the variance–covariance matrix are considered. The estimate that produces stable empirical Type I error rate while maintaining the highest power among the competing tests is recommended for implementation in practice. Simulation studies are also presented to show the advantage of the proposed test over other rank-based tests that do not account for the randomness in the missing data pattern. Our method is shown to have the highest power while also maintaining near-nominal Type I error rates. Our results clearly illustrate that even for an ignorable missingness mechanism, the randomness in the pattern of missingness cannot be ignored. A real data example is presented to highlight the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

In the presence of heteroskedasticity of unknown form, the Ordinary Least Squares parameter estimator becomes inefficient, and its covariance matrix estimator inconsistent. Eicker (1963) and White (1980) were the first to propose a robust consistent covariance matrix estimator, that permits asymptotically correct inference. This estimator is widely used in practice. Cragg (1983) proposed a more efficient estimator, but concluded that tests basd on it are unreliable. Thus, this last estimator has not been used in practice. This article is concerned with finite sample properties of tests robust to heteroskedasticity of unknown form. Our results suggest that reliable and more efficient tests can be obtained with the Cragg estimators in small samples.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new method for robust principal component analysis (PCA) is proposed. PCA is a widely used tool for dimension reduction without substantial loss of information. However, the classical PCA is vulnerable to outliers due to its dependence on the empirical covariance matrix. To avoid such weakness, several alternative approaches based on robust scatter matrix were suggested. A popular choice is ROBPCA that combines projection pursuit ideas with robust covariance estimation via variance maximization criterion. Our approach is based on the fact that PCA can be formulated as a regression-type optimization problem, which is the main difference from the previous approaches. The proposed robust PCA is derived by substituting square loss function with a robust penalty function, Huber loss function. A practical algorithm is proposed in order to implement an optimization computation, and furthermore, convergence properties of the algorithm are investigated. Results from a simulation study and a real data example demonstrate the promising empirical properties of the proposed method.  相似文献   

This article investigates the merits of high-frequency intraday data when forming mean-variance efficient stock portfolios with daily rebalancing from the individual constituents of the S&P 100 index. We focus on the issue of determining the optimal sampling frequency as judged by the performance of these portfolios. The optimal sampling frequency ranges between 30 and 65 minutes, considerably lower than the popular five-minute frequency, which typically is motivated by the aim of striking a balance between the variance and bias in covariance matrix estimates due to market microstructure effects such as non-synchronous trading and bid-ask bounce. Bias-correction procedures, based on combining low-frequency and high-frequency covariance matrix estimates and on the addition of leads and lags do not substantially affect the optimal sampling frequency or the portfolio performance. Our findings are also robust to the presence of transaction costs and to the portfolio rebalancing frequency.  相似文献   

The Liouville and Generalized Liouville families have been proposed as parametric models for data constrained to the simplex. These families have generated practical interest owing primarily to inadequacies, such as a completely negative covariance structure, that are inherent in the better-known Dirichlet class. Although there is some numerical evidence suggesting that the Liouville and Generalized Liouville families can produce completely positive and mixed covariance structures, no general paradigms have been developed. Research toward this end might naturally be focused on the many classical "positive dependence" concepts available in the literature, all of which imply a nonnegative covariance structure. However, in this article it is shown that no strictly positive distribution on the simplex can possess any of these classical dependence properties. The same result holds for Liouville and generalized Liouville distributions even if the condition of strict positivity is relaxed.  相似文献   

This article investigates the merits of high-frequency intraday data when forming mean-variance efficient stock portfolios with daily rebalancing from the individual constituents of the S&P 100 index. We focus on the issue of determining the optimal sampling frequency as judged by the performance of these portfolios. The optimal sampling frequency ranges between 30 and 65 minutes, considerably lower than the popular five-minute frequency, which typically is motivated by the aim of striking a balance between the variance and bias in covariance matrix estimates due to market microstructure effects such as non-synchronous trading and bid-ask bounce. Bias-correction procedures, based on combining low-frequency and high-frequency covariance matrix estimates and on the addition of leads and lags do not substantially affect the optimal sampling frequency or the portfolio performance. Our findings are also robust to the presence of transaction costs and to the portfolio rebalancing frequency.  相似文献   

The problem of error estimation of parameters b in a linear model,Y = Xb+ e, is considered when the elements of the design matrix X are functions of an unknown ‘design’ parameter vector c. An estimated value c is substituted in X to obtain a derived design matrix [Xtilde]. Even though the usual linear model conditions are not satisfied with [Xtilde], there are situations in physical applications where the least squares solution to the parameters is used without concern for the magnitude of the resulting error. Such a solution can suffer from serious errors.

This paper examines bias and covariance errors of such estimators. Using a first-order Taylor series expansion, we derive approximations to the bias and covariance matrix of the estimated parameters. The bias approximation is a sum of two terms:One is due to the dependence between ? and Y; the other is due to the estimation errors of ? and is proportional to b, the parameter being estimated. The covariance matrix approximation, on the other hand, is composed of three omponents:One component is due to the dependence between ? and Y; the second is the covariance matrix ∑b corresponding to the minimum variance unbiased b, as if the design parameters were known without error; and the third is an additional component due to the errors in the design parameters. It is shown that the third error component is directly proportional to bb'. Thus, estimation of large parameters with wrong design matrix [Xtilde] will have larger errors of estimation. The results are illustrated with a simple linear example.  相似文献   

Two new statistics are proposed for testing the identity of high-dimensional covariance matrix. Applying the large dimensional random matrix theory, we study the asymptotic distributions of our proposed statistics under the situation that the dimension p and the sample size n tend to infinity proportionally. The proposed tests can accommodate the situation that the data dimension is much larger than the sample size, and the situation that the population distribution is non-Gaussian. The numerical studies demonstrate that the proposed tests have good performance on the empirical powers for a wide range of dimensions and sample sizes.  相似文献   

Multivariate event time data are common in medical studies and have received much attention recently. In such data, each study subject may potentially experience several types of events or recurrences of the same type of event, or event times may be clustered. Marginal distributions are specified for the multivariate event times in multiple events and clustered events data, and for the gap times in recurrent events data, using the semiparametric linear transformation models while leaving the dependence structures for related events unspecified. We propose several estimating equations for simultaneous estimation of the regression parameters and the transformation function. It is shown that the resulting regression estimators are asymptotically normal, with variance–covariance matrix that has a closed form and can be consistently estimated by the usual plug-in method. Simulation studies show that the proposed approach is appropriate for practical use. An application to the well-known bladder cancer tumor recurrences data is also given to illustrate the methodology.  相似文献   

Models for geostatistical data introduce spatial dependence in the covariance matrix of location-specific random effects. This is usually defined to be a parametric function of the distances between locations. Bayesian formulations of such models overcome asymptotic inference and estimation problems involved in maximum likelihood-based approaches and can be fitted using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulation. The MCMC implementation, however, requires repeated inversions of the covariance matrix which makes the problem computationally intensive, especially for large number of locations. In the present work, we propose to convert the spatial covariance matrix to a sparse matrix and compare a number of numerical algorithms especially suited within the MCMC framework in order to accelerate large matrix inversion. The algorithms are assessed empirically on simulated datasets of different size and sparsity. We conclude that the band solver applied after ordering the distance matrix reduces the computational time in inverting covariance matrices substantially.  相似文献   

In the analysis of stationary stochastic process, one has to deal with covariance matrix of Toeplitz (or Laurent) structure. Such structure has a feature that not only the elements on the principal diagonal but also those lying on each of the parallel sub-diagonals are equal as well. The present investigation is on the problem of large sample testing of the Toeplitz pattern of the population covariance matrix. Apart from usual application of likelihood ratio and Rao’s efficient score criteria, some heuristic two-stage tests are suggested. The results of Monte Carlo experiment are reported for the size of the proposed tests.  相似文献   

There is a tendency for the true variability of feasible GLS estimators to be understated by asymptotic standard errors. For estimation of SUR models, this tendency becomes more severe in large equation systems when estimation of the error covariance matrix, C, becomes problematic. We explore a number of potential solutions involving the use of improved estimators for the disturbance covariance matrix and bootstrapping. In particular, Ullah and Racine (1992) have recently introduced a new class of estimators for SUR models that use nonparametric kernel density estimation techniques. The proposed estimators have the same structure as the feasible GLS estimator of Zellner (1962) differing only in the choice of estimator for C. Ullah and Racine (1992) prove that their nonparametric density estimator of C can be expressed as Zellner's original estimator plus a positive definite matrix that depends on the smoothing parameter chosen for the density estimation. It is this structure of the estimator that most interests us as it has the potential to be especially useful in large equation systems.

Atkinson and Wilson (1992) investigated the bias in the conventional and bootstrap estimators of coefficient standard errors in SUR models. They demonstrated that under certain conditions the former were superior, but they caution that neither estimator uniformly dominated and hence bootstrapping provides little improvement in the estimation of standard errors for the regression coefficients. Rilstone and Veal1 (1996) argue that an important qualification needs to be made to this somewhat negative conclusion. They demonstrated that bootstrapping can result in improvements in inferences if the procedures are applied to the t-ratios rather than to the standard errors. These issues are explored for the case of large equation systems and when bootstrapping is combined with improved covariance estimation.  相似文献   

The Wald's method for constructing chi-squared tests of fit has been formulated more accurately. It is shown that Wald's type statistics will follow the central chi-squared distribution if and only if the limit covariance matrix of standardized frequencies will not depend on unknown parameters. Several examples that illustrate this important fact are presented. In particular, it is shown that the goodness-of-fit statistic developed by Moore and Stubblebine does not follow the chi-squared limit distribution, and, hence, cannot be used for testing multivariate normality.  相似文献   

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