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Dramatic changes in the standards of the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, as part of its "Agenda for Change," pose new challenges for health care managers. The goal of the "Agenda for Change" is to focus accreditation on the actual performance of important functions while continuously stimulating improvement in the organization's performance and outcomes of care. In 1994, seven important functions--improvement of performance, leadership, management of information, assessment of patients, education of patients and families, operative and other procedures, and treatment of patients--were identified by JCAHO. Performance, as defined by JCAHO, can be measured through observing specific dimensions, such as, availability, safety, timeliness, effectiveness, continuity, efficiency, and respect and caring. These are considered important elements in the determination of quality, value, cost, and patient outcome. In 1995, JCAHO identified 11 important functions--patient rights and organizational ethics, assessment of patients, care of patients, education, continuum of care, improving organizational performance, leadership, management of the environment of care, management of human resources, management of information, and prevention and control of infection. In addition each institution has the opportunity to decide by prioritization where it wants to devote resources. This article reports on one hospital's response to the new JCAHO initiatives.  相似文献   

基于过度信息市场环境的城市品牌经营   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈静 《管理学报》2008,5(3):401-406
城市经营的行为性信息过度和环境性信息过度,亦即竞争信息过度和需求信息过度的相互作用,形成了城市经营的过度信息市场环境。过度信息环境下的城市品牌经营要做到:如何提高信息的针对性、特色性和有效性,以减少信息生成、传播的盲目性、趋同性和平淡性问题;如何提高信息的适用性、经济性和价值性,以减少信息接收、传递的宽泛性,以及表面性和浪费性问题。要解决好这些问题,城市决策者首先要完成从"产品导向"向"市场导向"的理念转变,并以公众和消费者需求为经营决策中心,以城市品牌定位为经营战略核心;其次,要完成城市经营的品牌定位、突出品牌气质和形成独特品牌风格;最后,要做好城市品牌经营的企业家精神培育、企业家成分构建和充分发挥发企业家功能。  相似文献   

基于消费者民族中心主义倾向的市场细分研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文通过系统文献回顾,实施对京、沪、穗、渝四地消费者调查,运用混合市场细分途径,以消费者民族中心主义倾向为细分标准,结合价值观与生活方式变量、行为变量和人口统计变量,把中国消费者划分为“国货崇尚簇”、“国货接受簇”和“崇洋簇”3个细分市场,并对其进行轮廓描绘。本文演绎了分析结论对中外企业在目标市场、定位、市场营销传播策略上的借鉴,最后提出未来研究方向。  相似文献   

本研究借用了劳动力市场阶层化研究的思路和方法,利用专项调查获取的大量数据,实证分析了城市劳动力市场中的流动及其决定机制。本文的理论假说如下:第一,中国的城市劳动力市场包含了外劳和本地居民两大部分,但这两部分从业人员所属的市场阶层以及在市场阶层之间的流动状况是不相同的。第二,从非正规部门流向正规部门的上升移动会带来工资收入的增加,但本地居民和外劳,以及外劳中的民工与城镇居民实现流动的机会是不均等的。第三,在求职过程中选择什么性质的部门、以何种方式在不同部门之间流动,主要取决于以户籍为代表的制度因素,而不是个人的教育水平、工作经历等人力资本。本文的结论是:通过劳动力市场的竞争机制,人力资本的利用状况明显改善,但由于还存在制度歧视,劳动力市场依旧是二元性质的。消灭城市内部的新二元结构是下一步改革的重要目标。  相似文献   

本文以在校大学生为样本,调查他们的国货意识和针对7种产品的品牌特性、品牌态度、购买情况,通过统计分析,检验了国货意识和品牌特性对于消费者本土品牌偏好的影响,以及国货意识和消费者本土品牌偏好对于购买本土品牌的影响。我们有如下结论:在其他情况相同时,本土品牌的相对知名度、相对质量和相对性价比越高,消费者越偏爱本土品牌;消费者越偏爱本土品牌,消费者就越倾向于购买本土品牌;但国货意识的强弱对于消费者购买本土品牌的直接影响和间接影响则均不明显。本文最后对研究结果进行了讨论,并指出了其理论贡献、实际应用、存在的局限性和今后继续研究的方向。  相似文献   

利率政策的有效性问题研究--兼论加息之争   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
央行会不会加息?支持者和反对者看法各异,对加息政策的有效性各执一词。对于经济过热、投资和信贷扩张、通货膨胀、资产价格波动、货币总量扩张和国际短期资本流动等问题的不同判断,成为最终左右加息与否的重要因素。笔者利用中国1997年5月至2004年5月的月度数据对利率政策调整的有效性进行了综合评估。研究表明:利率调整对于产量、物价等宏观经济变量的影响并不直接和明显,存在不同的时滞效应。利率对国内经济部门和国外经济部门、对资产价格和产品价格的影响存在不对称性,利率的综合效应很不确定。利率调整应该注意协调好国内效应和国际效应、资产价格效应和产品价格效应、即期效应和时滞效应、结构效应和综合效应的关系。总的说来,加息能够抑制经济过热的观点没有得到实证的有利支持,加息政策的有效性并不显著。  相似文献   

收益率分布主观模型及其实证分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在累积展望理论基础上,通过累积概率描述主观因素对内在价值分布的影响,建立收益率分布主观模型。建立从经验收益率数据中估计投资群体的风险追求程度、投资情绪和非完全理性程度等行为变量参数的方法。利用沪市A股数据,进行χ2同分布拟合检验,结果表明:0.05水平下,沪市69.56%股票的收益率分布认为符合收益率分布主观模型,接受t分布、双正态混合分布、稳定分布和正态分布假设的股票分别为56.31%、44.80%、46.06%和1.74%。通过比较大、小公司投资群体的行为差异,以及利用收益率主观模型估计的内在价值信息参数和行为参数对截面个股收益率进行解释的实证分析,表明收益率分布主观模型及估计行为参数的方法具有合理性。  相似文献   

经济超大规模性,是一个经济体依托超大规模的人口、国土空间、经济体量和统一市场所形成的叠加耦合效应,在运行效率、产业构成、空间格局、动态演化、全球影响等方面所展现出的特性。经济超大规模性使我国在生产率持续提高、建立完整的产业体系、进行高水平创新创业创造、孕育世界级都市圈和城市群以及在全球范围配置资源等方面具备了比较优势。我国的经济超大规模性是在党的领导下,通过最大范围地动员人民参与现代化建设、统筹布局区域发展、重视基础产业发展、持续丰富产业体系、着力提升创新能力、不断扩大对外开放、努力推进全国市场一体化所取得的。未来要充分依托和发挥经济超大规模性优势,促进我国经济持续平稳发展和全球地位的提升,推动我国经济实现从"超大"到"超强"的转变。  相似文献   

新经济的时代特征与企业战略范式的转型   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
本文试图从新经济角度认识企业战略范式的转型问题。文章根据认识的过程原理,概括出新经济的时代特征体现在信息化、知识化、人本化和全球化四个方面。再根据企业战略和企业经营环境固有的互动性,尝试探讨了企业战略范式在传统经济和新经济两种经济形态下可能的范式构成,包括企业的战略形态、战略选择偏好、企业竞争动力学、博弈行为、治理原则、战略目标等多项可比的结构要素。  相似文献   

个人所得税是最为复杂的税种之一,其完善需要以充分掌握各种相关信息为条件,这其中就包括了对纳税人税收行为的认识,对劳动供给的影响是其中之一。国外的同类研究历史较长,成果较多,但国内的研究非常有限,这成了进一步完善个人所得税的一个阻碍。本文以大范围的调查问卷数据为基础,以计量分析和描述统计为手段,试图达到揭示包括性别、年龄、文化程度、地区、婚姻状况、收入、收入比和单位性质等在内的自变量对税收劳动供给弹性的不同影响的目的,以为制定与国情相符的税制提供纳税人税收行为的信息。  相似文献   

Incidents can be defined as low-probability, high-consequence events and lesser events of the same type. Lack of data on extremely large incidents makes it difficult to determine distributions of incident size that reflect such disasters, even though they represent the great majority of total losses. If the form of the incident size distribution can be determined, then predictive Bayesian methods can be used to assess incident risks from limited available information. Moreover, incident size distributions have generally been observed to have scale invariant, or power law, distributions over broad ranges. Scale invariance in the distributions of sizes of outcomes of complex dynamical systems has been explained based on mechanistic models of natural and built systems, such as models of self-organized criticality. In this article, scale invariance is shown to result also as the maximum Shannon entropy distribution of incident sizes arising as the product of arbitrary functions of cause sizes. Entropy is shown by simulation and derivation to be maximized as a result of dependence, diversity, abundance, and entropy of multiplicative cause sizes. The result represents an information-theoretic explanation of invariance, parallel to those of mechanistic models. For example, distributions of incident size resulting from 30 partially dependent causes are shown to be scale invariant over several orders of magnitude. Empirical validation of power law distributions of incident size is reviewed, and the Pareto (power law) distribution is validated against oil spill, hurricane, and insurance data. The applicability of the Pareto distribution, in particular, for assessment of total losses over a planning period is discussed. Results justify the use of an analytical, predictive Bayesian version of the Pareto distribution, derived previously, to assess incident risk from available data.  相似文献   

This paper offers an overview of the literature on the measurement of emotional reactions to work. The paper opens with discussion of the meaning, definition and assessment of the terms 'work', 'emotion', and 'health/well-being' and then proposes that an understanding of the complex relationships among these variables should proceed through the use of ecological and interactional models. It is noted that, although there is still some controversy regarding the relationships between emotions, health and well-being, there is a growing recognition of the fact that emotions are closely related to the origins and exacerbation of disease and the promotion of health and well-being. Also, as an important context for human activity and development, the workplace can be both a direct and indirect source of negative emotions that are associated with severe stress, especially if certain workplace characteristics (e.g. quantitative and qualitative overload, poor control, low wages and poor social supports) are present. The paper summarizes some of the critical issues in the measurement of emotional reactions to work, including gender, age and culture, and lists some of the many instruments for this measurement. Lastly, the paper argues that the measurement of emotional reactions to work should proceed from a multimethod-multisource-multiemotion research strategy that samples different methods (questionnaires, behavioural observation, biological measures, etc.), emotions (anger, anxiety, happiness, etc), and sources (e.g. subject, professional, family).  相似文献   

通过文献资料的研究,希望能够对医院信息化的信息维度做一个全面的认识;方法:本文主要采取的研究方法是文献分析法,通过对前人的研究成功的学习了理解,得出自己的认识;结果:快速可靠地获取信息、处理信息、交换信息和利用信息是医院信息化建设的关键:结论:信息活动的各个环节通常包括信息的收集、加工、传输、储存、维护、使用、反馈等一系列的活动。  相似文献   

社会转型风险的衡量方法与经验研究(1993~2004年)   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
中国在经历迅速的转型与发展的同时,也正步入一个高风险时代。本文从简要评述人类社会风险的历时变迁入手,从社会紧张、社会脆弱和社会不安全3个维度界定中国正在经历的“社会转型风险”,构建了衡量社会转型风险的指标体系,并利用层次分析法(AHP)确定各类指标的权重,基于统计年鉴和相关文献提供的数据,具体计算了1993~2004年间的社会转型风险指数,发现这期间社会风险的平均增长速度快于经济增长,尤以社会不安全指数的增长最快,但近年来增速呈现下降趋势,在未来几年可能在高位进入“平台期”。最后,作者结合转型期中国社会的一些新特点,从5个方面简要讨论了中国在转型期社会风险快速增长的发生机制。  相似文献   

During recent decades, many researchers have advocated the benefits of equality over hierarchy. These scholars, for example, have argued that income should be uniform across the organization, layers of management should be dismantled, and that employees should be granted opportunities to participate in decisions that affect their lives. Yet, many complications of equality have also been unearthed. For instance, variability in income is sometimes positively associated with performance, employees tend to prefer organizations that are characterized by many tiers of management, and employee participation in all key decisions can undermine efficiency. Managers, therefore, must introduce measures that temper these complications. To identify suitable measures, managers need to understand how different dimensions of equality impinge on the determinants of wellbeing and performance. To fulfill this need, this paper first distinguishes three dimensions of equality: participation, authority, and income. Next, this paper invokes a variety of theories—from compensatory control to dominance complementarity—to understand how each dimension of equality affects the core needs of individuals, as defined by self-determination theory. Equality of authority tends to impede all three needs: relatedness, autonomy, and competence. Equality of participation and equality of income, however, foster all three needs. One exception is that equality of income may diminish competence on tasks that demand the application of established principles rather than intuition. This framework clarifies the designs and practices of organizations that may optimize wellbeing and enhance performance.  相似文献   

中国本土行业领先企业成功模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈春花 《管理学报》2008,5(3):330-335
基于快速成长和行业领先,筛选出5家行业先锋企业:宝钢、海尔、联想、TCL、华为,并由此总结出"领先的理论模型"。4个导入因素揭示了中国行业先锋企业的成长本质:1英雄领袖,领导者必须是行业英雄,企业领袖;2中国理念、西方标准,在管理方法上这些企业善于以中国理念来概括和执行严格的西方标准;3渠道驱动,它们的成功不是以品牌作为市场推广的方式,而是以渠道驱动终端市场获得成功;4利益共同体,价值链之外的利益关系包括政府、社会支持、竞争对手的利益共享,价值链之内与员工、股东、供应商、客户的利益共享,这种利益共同体的形成对企业发展至关重要。在4个导入因素之外产生了4个导出因素:企业文化、核心竞争力、快速反应、远景使命。这8个因素的相互作用、相互促进是企业持续增长的原因。  相似文献   

本文通过研究宇通客车的管理层收购事件,发现现行国有产权分级管理制度、国有资产处置收益权利划分制度导致中央政府和地方政府间目标利益的不一致,具体表现在国有企业管理层收购的管制方面,地方政府与国资委、财政部、证监会等中央级政府部门间有着不同的管制策略,充当了不同的行为角色,甚至出现了地方政府与地方国有企业合谋采用“司法高于行政”策略巧妙规避中央级政府部门相关管制政策的引人深思现象。案例研究同时发现,宇通客车管理层在与地方政府合谋的同时,还存在多种途径攫取包括地方政府在内的公司全部股东利益的迹象,以实现管理层自身利益的最大化。因此,当前如何科学合理地划分各级政府责、权、利及其政绩考核以实现各级政府管制目标的统一,以及如何合理协调行政与司法在国家经济管理方面的关系问题是完善国有企业管理、规范公司运作的前提和基础。  相似文献   

农地非农化效率的空间差异及其对土地利用政策调整的启示   总被引:63,自引:1,他引:62  
根据效率原则配置土地资源是实现土地资源可持续利用的重要手段。本文从比较优势的角度在理论上分析了土地资源空间效率配置与土地可持续利用的关系。通过计算省级区域建设用地和耕地产出效益,结果表明,我国的土地利用效益存在明显的区域梯度差距;在产出效益的基础上计算土地利用的比较优势,结果表明我国东部和西部地区在建设用地方面具有比较优势,而大部分中部地区则在农地利用方面具有比较优势。文章应用C-D生产函数测算了我国不同区域1989~2001年农地非农化对区域经济增长的贡献率,结果表明:东部地区农地非农化对经济增长的贡献率分别是中部地区的1.24倍,西部地区的1.39倍。文章据此对我国当前的土地利用政策进行了反思,认为当前耕地保护政策中的“耕地总量动态平衡”以及土地利用规划控制指标的分解方法没有考虑到区域的经济发展水平和自然资源禀赋,没有发挥土地利用的空间比较优势原则,并提出了基于空间效率差异的土地利用政策调整的思路。  相似文献   

As a result of the legacy of the Cold War, the Departments of Energy and Defense are involved in massive cleanup and remediation projects. While health risk to humans and ecological receptors is perceived to be the basis for remediation, this assumption is rarely examined. In this article, we examine the role of risk and future land-use designations in cleanup decisions, using the Department of Energy's self-assessment of 36 sites. We then discuss the risk-related tools that might be required to address the cleanup challenge. Much of the current cleanup program is driven by compliance with federal and state statutes and regulations, presumably to protect human health and the environment. Compliance, however, is not synonymous with cleanup. Although some of these laws and regulations take risk into account, the lack of site-specific data on exposures and risk scenarios, and the lack of attention to future land use or end states, has often resulted in disconnects between risk and cleanup goals, risk and final end states, and cleanup levels and end state or subsequent land use. Partly, these disconnects result from the need for a range of technical, economic, sociological, and public policy tools to address the issues. A better transfer of information among and within Department of Energy facilities, operations offices, and DOE headquarters is required. Further, linking cleanup decisions and goals with the final end state involves a number of risk tradeoffs, including (1) ecological versus human health, (2) worker versus public health, (3) among competing contaminated areas, (4) among temporal patterns of cleanup, (5) among different ecological receptors (plants vs. animals, one animal vs. another), and (6) among the sites across the DOE complex. For the nation, balancing among risks is essential within sites and among Department of Energy sites, as well as among other remediation sites (such as those of Department of Defense and Superfund sites).  相似文献   

内部性与外部性及其政府管制的产权分析   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
文章以一个生产安全的案例为切入点 ,尝试用现代产权理论分析框架而非传统的方法来分析内部性问题及其政府管制产生的根源。在产权理论看来 ,由于交易成本为正 ,产权便不能完整界定清楚而必有一部分被置于公共领域 ,成为有信息优势的交易者攫取的公共财富 ,从而对交易者另一方造成未在合同条款中反映的损害。这即所谓的内部性。因此 ,政府管制的目的在于降低充分界定产权的成本 ,提高资源配置的效率。以此为基础 ,文章最后把内部性和外部性整合在同一个产权理论框架内 ,使二者及其政府管制有一个统一的理论基础。一、引言在管制经济学中 ,内…  相似文献   

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