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Journal of Management and Governance - In the original publication, the word “lose” has been inadvertently published as “loose”. All occurrences of “loose”... 相似文献
Stephen Leider Tanya Rosenblat Markus M. Mbius Quoc‐Anh Do 《Journal of the European Economic Association》2010,8(1):120-138
We conduct a field experiment in a large real‐world social network to examine how subjects expect to be treated by their friends and by strangers who make allocation decisions in modified dictator games. Although recipients' beliefs accurately account for the extent to which friends will choose more generous allocations than strangers (i.e., directed altruism), recipients are not able to anticipate individual differences in the baseline altruism of allocators (measured by giving to an unnamed recipient, which is predictive of generosity toward named recipients). Recipients who are direct friends with the allocator, or even recipients with many common friends, are no more accurate in recognizing intrinsically altruistic allocators. Recipient beliefs are significantly less accurate than the predictions of an econometrician who knows the allocator's demographic characteristics and social distance, suggesting recipients do not have information on unobservable characteristics of the allocator. (JEL: C73, C91, D64) 相似文献
If you run an organization, what do you know? What could you know? What is obvious--what we take for granted--hides deeper, contradictory realities. Such simple assumptions as "The goal of management is to get things done by motivating people to do them" not only hide a deeper truth, they keep us from getting to what's true. There is no short road to leadership. It is long-term. It is about relationship, in the deepest sense. Leaders don't create energy and momentum, they harness the energy and momentum that already exists in the people that they hope to lead. They connect with people, and they get out of the way. 相似文献
Stephen R. Barley 《Journal of Engineering and Technology Management》1998,15(4):237-255
This article focuses on exploring what technology scholars and students of management of technology stand to benefit most by foraging through the history of technology. In order to show how historical sensitivity could sharpen scholarship, three strategies for complicating the simple are drawn from the historian's toolkit. Implications for research in technology and innovation management are discussed. 相似文献
The Mission Dependency Index (MDI) is a risk metric used by US military services and federal agencies for guiding operations, management, and funding decisions for facilities. Despite its broad adoption for guiding the expenditure of billions in federal funds, several studies on MDI suggest it may have flaws that limit its efficacy. We present a detailed technical analysis of MDI to show how its flaws impact infrastructure decisions. We present the MDI used by the US Navy and develop a critique of current methods. We identify six problems with MDI that stem from its interpretation, use, and mathematical formulation, and we provide examples demonstrating how these flaws can bias decisions. We provide recommendations to overcome flaws for infrastructure risk decision making but ultimately recommend the US government develop a new metric less susceptible to bias. 相似文献
《European Management Journal》1988,6(3):223-228
The last few years have produced many conflicting opinions about the benefits and drawbacks of information technology (IT) at work. These have varied from the extravagent claims of office equipment suppliers who predicted the “paperless office”, to apocryphal stories about the adverse effects IT would have on employment. This article summarises some of the recent evidence about IT at work and describes a survey carried out among managers at Ashridge Management College. The managers all had personal experience of IT, and they reported how they used it, and what the advantages and difficulties were. Collectively this evidence confirms that there are indeed many potential advantages to be gained by using IT, provided that managers take appropriate steps. 相似文献
Jette Steen Knudsen Kathrine Geisler Mette Ege 《Human Resource Development International》2013,16(2):238-246
When do board directors pay attention to corporate social responsibility (CSR) issues? Board directors have traditionally focused on maximizing shareholder profit and viewed corporate governance narrowly as a way to meet this goal. They have paid little or no attention to CSR issues because they see CSR as a contrast to profit maximization. We argue in this article that companies can no longer ignore CSR. We propose that three conditions must be met in order for boards to pay attention toCSR. First, the board must have a mindset that considers CSR as contributing value to the firm. Second, the board must have relevant competences that enable members to understand CSR issues. Third, compensation of top-level management should reflect CSR performance. The first two conditions are directly linked to human resource development because, in order to embrace the specific challenges that CSR possesses, board members must develop an understanding of the CSR field and related challenges and opportunities for the company. 相似文献
Williams SJ 《Physician executive》2001,27(3):46-48
The role of the physician leader is moving beyond traditional medical staff issues. A recent national survey of physician leaders shows a growing need for education on specific technical, leadership, and practical skills. The results reveal the medical leadership skills that physician executives consider important today, and provide a window to the future about the skills that will be important tomorrow. Physicians say they need training now in quality assurance, clinical benchmarking, decision-making, and strategic planning. And when they gaze into the future and see the rapid changes throughout health care, they say they'll need more training in communication, organizational change, effective listening, and systems thinking. 相似文献
Miles C. Hardie 《Long Range Planning》1974,7(1):2-9
For 5 years there has been debate about the need to re-organize the structure of the U.K. National Health Service. At last legislation has been agreed and the NHS Reorganization Act takes effect from 1 April 1974. In this article the author discusses a variety of relevant factors which he believes should be taken into consideration in implementing the Act. 相似文献
Linney BJ 《Physician executive》1993,19(2):58-61
Medical management is a large and growing profession. The need for physicians in management roles grows unabated in hospitals, managed care organizations, group practices, and myriad other environments. But entry is not merely a matter of wishful thinking. Painstakingly assembled credentials and skills are the order of the day. The advice in this column is distilled from Medical Directors: What, Why, How, a new College monograph. 相似文献
This paper explores the characteristics and activities of board members in art organizations. It describes two case studies within international artists’ residencies in France and Germany. Adopting a grounded theory approach, our study identifies the different characteristics of board members such as friendship, competence and diversity, together with board activities such as controlling, advising, legitimating, helping, exchanging and deciding. The contributions of this research are twofold. First, contrary to most governance literature, the independence of board members and board monitoring roles do not seem to be important issues for the two art organizations involved. Instead, friendship and networking appear to be key factors for the board, helping the organizations to be successful by giving them more chance to survive and grow. Second, as specific board members in the two cases studied, executive directors play a continual role of “governance entrepreneurs,” building and managing various board-related organs to counterbalance the influence of fund providers. In this way, executive directors attempt to satisfy their predominant public fund providers and to help the artists’ residencies survive. 相似文献
Milton Leontiades 《Long Range Planning》1977,10(2):56-64
The planning literature ignores distinctions among types of plans and types of planners. Consequently, a systematic pairing of planners and a company's level of planning need is not well understood or implemented in practice. This paper provides two missing links in order to bridge this shortfall between theory and practice. One is a planning matrix which establishes six possible planning modes for a company based on its stage of development and management style. The second is a distinction between three types of planners who would be appropriate to each planning mode. The matrix plus the three categories of planners provides a new tool for management in its responsibility for planning the job of the corporate planner. In doing so, it also surfaces some underlying causes of organizational strain and stress associated with the corporate planner's position. 相似文献
Ruffin M 《Physician executive》1994,20(10):39-40
Why should physician executives care about medical informatics? For that matter, what is medical informatics anyway? Broadly defined, medical informatics is the study of the collection, storage, retrieval, and analysis of data and information in health care to support clinical and administrative decision making. Informatics is important because, in the past 10 years, powerful computer, software, and information technologies have been developed to enable health care organizations to automate some of the work of decision making, for improved quality of care and cost control, and for successful managed care contracting. This new emphasis on informatics in health care was the impetus for the founding by ACPE earlier this year of The Informatics Institute, which will be involved in educational and research activities in the growing area of medical informatics. In this new column in Physician Executive, Dr. Marshall Ruffin, President and CEO of the Institute, will discuss the role of medical informatics in health care delivery and financing and its relation to physician executives. 相似文献
In synchronous production lines it may be beneficial to leave machines idle instead of processing the next job immediately. In this paper, the effects of inserting voluntary idle times are discussed in more detail for different objective functions (minimization of makespan, total completion time, maximum lateness). Besides deriving theoretical bounds on how much can be gained by inserting idle times, an extensive computational study is conducted to empirically examine the actual improvements. For this, exact algorithms and heuristics capable of incorporating voluntary idle times are proposed to find (near-) optimal schedules. It can be seen that the potential gain is very large in theory, while the empirical results indicate that in general only small improvements are achievable in practice. 相似文献
Hurricane Katrina and post-Katrina audits are an on-going project for public affairs scholarship. Much has been written but
critical frameworks of analysis are minimal. Crisis communication taxonomies are rich and fruitful in understanding the framing
of calamitous events. In revisiting a previous mapping of crisis communication vulnerability points in the Katrina tragedy,
the authors provide a further “vulnerability audit” of crisis-communication capabilities within a changing political/administrative
ontology—one pointing to the privatization of crises/disasters within the Neo-liberal state. Lessons about crisis communication
according to the earlier four conceptual lenses (Garnett and Kouzmin 2007) are supported by more recent developments and scholarship. 相似文献