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随着计算机网络的广泛应用,医院各个部门逐步实现了网络资源共享,特别是统计工作由原来的手工、半手工单机运行模式过渡到了自动、半自动化的网络运行模式。在这个过渡过程中,对医院统计工作的影响特别突出。原有的统计工作模式,原始数据采集、录入、检查、汇总等工作均由统计部门独立完成,而网络环境下的统计工作模式,则是通过对医院网络信息资源的共享来完成。由于网络涉及各部门中的各个环节,要确保统计信息的准确,需要各部门相互协作和共同努力来实现。新旧模式之间、部门与部门之间存在着许多不协调的地方,如何作好过渡,使统计工作在网络环境中发挥更好的作用,  相似文献   

2002年4月我院网络信息管理系统全院联网,医院各项工作实现了网络资源共享。统计工作也由原来的单机运行阶段过渡到网络化运行管理阶段。在这个过渡过程中,原有的统计工作模式与现有的医院网络信息化有很多不协调的地方,因此,如何在网络环境进一步完善和提高统计工作,成为摆在我们统计人员面前的一个新问题。现就自身的实践谈一些开展工作的经验和看法:  相似文献   

张文东 《山东统计》2004,(6):38-38,37
随着医院网络化建设的不断深入和发展.使医院的各项工作逐步实现了网络资源共享。统计部门也从简单的手工劳动实现了计算机自动化管理,从而进入了网络化管理阶段。新时期如何做好网络环境下的统计工作.是当前统计人员必须思考的新课题。  相似文献   

试论如何做好网络环境下的医院统计工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着网络建设的深入发展,如何利用网络的计算机优势,对现存信息进行分析,去伪存真,使相关部门通力合作,为医院领导及相关科室提供准确、及时的服务,最大限度地发挥新形势网络环境下统计工作的职能。一、做好病案室和统计室的协调工作医院实施网络管理以来,作为医院的一个重要信  相似文献   

网络环境下高校文献检索课的教学与组织   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
文章概述了网络环境下文献检索的发展趋势和新型信息检索技术的类型及特点 ,认为在多载体多方式信息检索并存的环境下应当对现有文检课的教学内容作较大的调整、充实和完善 ,并提出了以多媒体教室为模式的教学设想  相似文献   

现状(一)统计任务与资源配置反差严重我国目前统计工作体制是,顶层设计,任务集中统一,从上布置到下,分级管理,分级完成任务,完成统计任务的行政资源也是分级负责.基层统计任务与资源配置缺口大,上下层级反差严重.  相似文献   

随着现代信息技术的飞速发展,作为文献信息收集,存储和传播的图书馆,传统的管理方式和服务方式已不能适应,面临严峻挑战。这就要求我们建立网络化电子图书馆(也称数字图书馆),这是高院校图书馆现代化发展的方向,是使21世纪高校图书馆更加完善、全面发展,更好地迎接21世纪的技术挑战!从而更好地与国际大学互连网(internet)接轨。所以,我认为高校图书馆必将伴随其公共文化服务连手  相似文献   

网络环境下统计信息资源管理理论若干问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章将信息资源管理的概念引入统计领域,并依据中国统计信息资源活动的实际,即作为一项有目的的搜集、加工和利用客观总体现象数量方面统计信息资源的活动,一般要经过统计方案的设计、统计资料的搜集、整理、分析和综合利用这样几个阶段,提出了"网络环境下统计信息资源管理研究"课题,并从理论和实践的研究上提出了统计信息资源管理研究的框架体系和方法思路,为我国正在进行的统计信息化工作提供了理论参考。  相似文献   

统计信息是贯穿于整个社会经济生活各方面的潜在资源,随着我国社会信息化水平的提高,统计信息服务业与其它信息服务业一起,将成为新的支柱产业,在国民经济发展中占有非常重要的地位。统计信息服务机构作为信息产业发展的主体之一,将会发挥愈来愈大的作用。同时,随着计算机技术、电子技术、数字技术、网络技术、卫星通信技术、通信材料技术、激光技术的高速发展,将会给统计信息的传播、服务、管理领域带来新的技术革命,社会公众对统计信息服务机构的要求也越来越高,传统的、单一的、封闭的统计信息服务方式必将随社  相似文献   

张文红 《广西统计》2001,(4):17-18,21
网络环境下的统计信息服务就是利用网络丰富的统计信息资源和先进的信息技术及通讯方式来开展各种统计信息服务工作,包括搜集、组织、评价、分析、传递等一系列的环节,最后将研究成果交付给用户参考使用。本文旨在通过对网络环境下统计信息资源环境的客观分析,运用先进的信息技术和科学的管理方式,以寻求网络环境下统计信息服务的发展对策。  相似文献   



《Serials Review》1980,6(4):11-18


Many changes in the Law School Library have occurred during this past year because of INNOVACQ. Within the Serials/Acquisitions Section, almost all the routines and procedures have been radically redefined to allow for the computerization of serials control. There have been some staff reassignments and shifts in responsibility, and in most instances, old tasks and manual file maintenance have been done away with completely and replaced by work at a VDT. Naturally, the impact of INNOVACQ has also been felt in the Cataloging Section, and the instant availability of serials check-in and routing information in public services has certainly added a level of service that was never possible before. In addition, the immediate and up-to-date fiscal information has been a boon for both the library's collection development officers and the Library administration.

Various staff members throughout the year have been working to clean up and upgrade different parts of the serials files and to add or exchange better information in a number of fields in each record. Past payment history has been keyed into over 2/3 of the records in the file. The records for all the loose-leaf services contracted for by the Library are not fully online.

All the records for our California documents have been edited and check-in cards have been created for this large and obviously important part of the file. Conversion of the U.S. documents which had been deferred at the very beginning of the fiscal year, has begun and most entries now can be checked-in and claimed online.

All invoices (both serials and monographs) for this fiscal year have been processed on INNOVACQ, and while there are still some vendor and fund anomalies, Boalt has better, more comprehensive — and certainly more accurate — financial records than ever before.

A massive editing and claiming project has recently gotten under way. All titles on INNOVACQ are being checked against the shelf list to make sure that all the bibliographic elements in each record are in sync and are presented in a standard, retrievable (punctuation and spacing count in INNOVACQ) format. Routine claiming (as part of serials check-in) has been in place for some time now, and that activity was begun when that feature was delivered. A second part of the editing project, is however, to get the thousands of blank boxes out of the check-in screens where they will remain as claimable items until some sort of purging action is taken. The files are now being gone through (a simple command in INNOVACQ can allow one to review every check-in record in the system), our holdings are being checked on the shelves, and decisions to claim or replace the missing pieces are being made. We anticipate that this editing/ claiming project will take approximately half a year.

The INNOVACQ system was pretty exciting when we first saw it demonstrated, and we were eager then to incorporate it into our technical processing activities here at Boalt. If anything, our enthusiasm has grown as the capabilities of INNOVACQ have been realized. Enhancement and refinement — some at our prompting, others by the design staff at Innovative Interfaces — over the past year have resulted in what we believe to be the most comprehensive and easy-to-use serials control system available. Our confidence was manifested when we shifted all of our acquisitions activities from RLIN to INNOVAQ at the beginning of our fiscal year in mid-1984.

Many tasks remain for the Law Library in making the best use of the INNOVACQ system. The rapid acceptance by the public service staff and users has been heartening, and the continuing work to clean up the Serials Records has proven fruitful. System performance and maintenance have been outstanding, and we are excited about various possibilities for future growth. It has not been a simple nor uncomplicated process, but the gains realized by the Law library have been substantial.  相似文献   

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