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王俊丽 《社会工作》2009,(24):59-61
随着社会福利社会化的推进,家庭寄养作为一种新型现代的儿童养育方式正在儿童福利院推广发展起来,宁夏儿童福利院自2001年开展孤残儿童家庭寄养模式以来,至今已经成功地寄养了124名孤残儿童。本文选取家庭寄养较成功的个案进行详细分析,从社会工作专业的角度,思考总结孤残儿童在寄养家庭中的适应、改变过程,反思家庭寄养对福利院、寄养家庭的影响以及对社会工作者的专业服务要求,从而促进儿童福利院家庭寄养模式的发展与完善。  相似文献   

昆明市儿童福利院孤残儿童家庭寄养项目实施以来,以“孤残儿童利益最大化”为原则,秉承“政府出资、社会支持、家庭寄养、统一监护”的宗旨,构建了家庭寄养工作三级监护网络,实现了孤残儿童由生存型向发展型的转变,寄养工作由被动管理向主动服务的转变,实现了寄养项目的本土化,形成了具有鲜明人文特色的农村家庭寄养模式一“昆明模式”,堪称全国一面旗帜!  相似文献   

段培芹 《社会福利》2003,(11):36-37
随着社会的发展与进步,孤残儿童的生存环境发生了巨大改变,生存质量明显提高。为儿童的身心健康成长,寻找合适发展路径,是近几年民政系统各级领导和儿童福利机构广大干部职工孜孜一求并勇于探索的问题。青岛市儿童福利院坚持以人为本,从孤残儿童的养育状况和自身需要出发,积极争取政府部门和社会各界的支持帮助,围绕改善孤残儿童的医疗、康复、生存条件,探索出孤残儿童城市分散家庭寄养、农村养护教育基地寄养、城市社区集中寄养,城市爱心家庭寄养等多种养育模式共存的家庭寄养,加快了儿童福利社会化进程。  相似文献   

成都市儿童福利院现收养孤残儿童560余名,其中家庭寄养儿童231名(城市11名、农村220名),占全院收养儿童总数的41%。在寄养儿童中,残疾儿童占96%。2000年10月,成都市儿童福利院尝试开展家庭寄养工作,认真贯彻落实《家庭寄养管理暂行办法》,  相似文献   

正2000年起,为改变机构集中养育孩子易出现人格发展缺陷等诸多问题,昆明市儿童福利院借鉴国内外先进的家庭寄养模式,结合本地特点,在昆明周边的县区开展农村家庭寄养。农村家庭模式是由政府出资、社会支持、家庭寄养、统一监护的方式,形成儿童福利院、街道(乡镇政府)、社区居委会(村委会、村民小组)参与的三级化监护网络及定期巡查,对孤残儿童寄养期间的生活、营养、康复、教育、身体发育情况等进行全面跟踪指导,为儿童提供有利于身心发展  相似文献   

宜昌市儿童福利院自2005年开展家庭寄养工作以来,旨在为孤残儿童提供最适合成长的家庭环境,享受家的温暖,健康成长。此次新家庭寄养流程的规划,不仅更加完善了家庭寄养的服务水平,更有望于在筛选家庭和寄养儿童的过程中,通过科学的寄养方法和亲情养育双效培育模式,让儿童真正获得利益最大化。  相似文献   

家是儿童最温暖的港湾,沈阳市儿童福利院整合资源,致力发展农村家庭寄养和院内家庭寄莽工作,先后建立农村寄养家庭80户,寄养儿童200余名;建立院内寄养家庭26户。寄养儿童100余名。孤残儿童在寄养父母温暖的怀抱里,在寄养家庭温馨的氛围里健康成长,情、能、智得到了全面提高。  相似文献   

作为孤残儿童成长的最佳模式之一,家庭寄养已经成为南昌市儿童福利院儿童照料的主要模式.十多年来,南昌市儿童福利院的家庭寄养工作走过了一条摸索与前进的道路.  相似文献   

沈阳市,儿童福利院,充分利用农村特有条件,创造“热炕理疗”、“院落综合康复”等方式,使孤残儿童的康复结合到寄养家庭的生活中、创造了具有东北农村特色的寄养文化和抚育模式;使家庭寄养工作得到良性发展。  相似文献   

成都市儿童福利院自2000年开展孤残儿童家庭寄养工作以来,将"以人为本"的理念贯穿寄养工作的始终,力求通过家庭的滋养和关爱促进孤残儿童身心的健康发展.以提高寄养儿童的护理、教育、康复为突破点,以加强科学管理为立足点,以队伍建设为保障点,认真落实<家庭寄养管理暂行办法>,推进家庭寄养规范化开展.  相似文献   

自90年代以来,福利院集体照顾模式已无法满足社会发展的需要。1999年国家民政部正式提出有关儿童社会福利改革的思想,并明确提出改变集中供养模式的指针。家庭寄养工作自开展以来,在全国各地得到广泛的响应。本文通过对已有研究的回顾,立足我国家庭寄养工作的现实情况,指出了家庭寄养工作面临的问题,探讨了社会工作在我国孤残儿童家庭寄养工作中的介入空间。  相似文献   

刘馨  李喆 《社会工作》2012,(4):78-80
家庭寄养模式是近年来广泛推广的一种儿童福利服务模式。本文通过对山西某福利院的问卷调查与走访,了解到目前孤残儿童家庭寄养工作开展的大致情况,在此基础上分析了现存的一些问题,并试图探索一套可行的社工介入模式。  相似文献   

社会工作介入孤残儿童家庭寄养工作的空间   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自90年代以来,福利院集体照顾模式已无法满足社会发展的需要。1999年国家民政部正式提出有关儿童社会福利改革的思想,并明确提出改变集中供养模式的指针。家庭寄养工作自开展以来,在全国各地得到广泛的响应。本文通过对已有研究的回顾,立足我国家庭寄养工作的现实情况,指出了家庭寄养工作面临的问题,探讨了社会工作在我国孤残儿童家庭寄养工作中的介入空间。  相似文献   


The aim of this paper was to investigate foster family care to better understand this unique care-giving context. The research objective was to understand motivation, family functioning, and individual attachment styles in foster families. Participants were 33 foster parents who completed a questionnaire that included the motivations for choosing foster care, the relationship with the birth family and with social service workers, a measure of family functioning and adult attachment. The motivations for becoming a foster family were very different between families with a birth child and families without a birth child. The results showed that for the foster mother, the relationship with the birth family constituted a very critical element of the fostering experience. The same trend emerged in the relationship with the minor. The results showed that foster families were cohesive and expressive. With respect to attachment style, foster parents had lower scores than a normative sample on the discomfort with closeness, the tendency to consider relationships as secondary and the need for approval subscales. These results have implications for the practices of social work for foster family support and developing a shared commitment to the needs of the foster family in terms of both resources and weaknesses.  相似文献   

家庭福利政策作为OECD国家政策体系的有机组成部分,在稳定家庭功能、提高家庭福祉等方面发挥了重要作用。税收优惠是国外家庭福利供给的主要手段,美国近一半的家庭福利、日本近40%的家庭福利来自税收优惠。在经济体制深刻变革、社会结构深刻变动、利益格局深刻调整、思想观念深刻变化的形势下,我国传统家庭功能正在经受严重冲击,家庭互助、家庭照料、社会融合等婚姻家庭新问题不断凸显。文中系统梳理近20个OECD国家的家庭税收优惠措施,提出在我国工薪所得税中率先探索家庭税收优惠政策,提高家庭发展能力。  相似文献   

本文主要依据本人在济南唐王镇Z村家庭寄养基地的长期志愿服务,以及于2009年月7月对济南Z村家庭寄养基地调查的资料,从社会工作专业的角度探讨了农村家庭寄养模式中孤残儿童社会适应行为效果以及给儿童身心发展带来的影响。研究发现:农村淳朴、自然、温馨的寄养环境、富有爱心的家庭氛围对孤残儿童生活中的生活自理能力、劳动技能、心理健康发展都有着积极的意义,同时农村的环境也促使其社会适应能力、交往能力等普遍加强,并在寄养过程中使他们找回了曾经缺失的亲情和社会归属感。  相似文献   

Rajhvajn Bulat L. A longitudinal study of depressiveness in children in public care Int J Soc Welfare 2010: 19: 412–423 © 2009 The Author, Journal compilation © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the International Journal of Social Welfare. The aim of this article is to analyse the challenges involved when making longitudinal observations of depressiveness in children raised in public care. The first measurement comprised 375 children from children's homes and foster families; however, most of the results are based on an analysis of the 139 children who participated in both parts of the research. We used the Child Depression Inventory and the anxiety/depression subscales of Youth Self Report and Child Behaviour Checklist as measures of depressiveness. The comparison of results from the first and second measurements showed that depressiveness in children in public care decreased over time. Children who grew up in children homes were, in the first measurement, more depressed than those living in foster families, but after five years that difference had disappeared. Furthermore, decrease in depressiveness is predominantly associated with less frequent delinquent, aggressive or hyperactive behaviour, less withdrawal and better control over uncomfortable emotions.  相似文献   

我国家庭教养方式中的人格培育理念是现代社会结构变迁中所引起的代际关系处理颇具争议的问题。日益突出的青少年犯罪现象投射出了青少年早期教养方式的人格培育的误区及缺陷,这不仅关系到家庭的健康和谐,而且关系到中华民族的振兴和人类社会的和谐发展与进步。在适当的时候,家庭社会工作在其中能起到很好的调节作用。本文试图在这些论述的基础上,探讨家庭教养方式中的人格概念认知误区问题及培育方法,谈点看法。  相似文献   

Youth with experience in the foster care system are often more susceptible to negative outcomes in adulthood due to higher levels of cumulative risk; however, there is little research on perceptions of resilience among this population. This mixed-method pilot study presents results from a modified prototype analysis that examined both qualitative and quantitative aspects of how emerging adults (ages 18–25; n = 18) with foster care backgrounds viewed the concept of “success.” Specifically, the approach involved a demographic questionnaire, modified prototype analysis, Developmental Assets® assessment, and focus group discussion providing valuable insight into the perceptions and experiences of emerging adults who have spent time in the care of foster families. Results share youth's perspectives of how their foster families contributed to resiliency and successful adult development. Findings indicate that the definition of “success” is complex and subjectively defined based on personal goals and that specific Developmental Assets® are important for foster families to promote youth resilience. This deeper insight into perspectives of former foster youth gained through the modified prototype analysis can guide agencies, advocates, and parents, permitting a more intentional promotion of success, and maximizing opportunities for resiliency.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Marjut Kosonen, 80, Grove Road, West Ferry, Dundee DD5 1LB, UK Summary This article describes some of the findings of a study undertakento evaluate all foster and adoptive placements in one localauthority social work department in Scotland. The numbers, characteristicsand care experiences of children in foster and adoptive carewere considered. The study found that for the majority of childrenplacement in foster care led to separation from siblings. Thechildren were most vulnerable to separation at points of entryand leaving care. Separation from brothers and sisters can havelifelong consequences for the child and his or her siblings,as few of the children were found to have plans which includedreunification with their siblings. A fragmented picture emergedconcerning siblings' living situations. Children were foundto have siblings living in a variety of situations, both inand outwith the care system. Social workers lacked full informationabout the family composition where contact with parents waslost or siblings had moved from the area. Children were mostlikely to be placed with siblings in temporary and relativefoster placements.  相似文献   

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