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随着和谐社会建设的推进,特殊人群的需求备受关注,尤其是智障者的关注。为了解智障者如何学习社交技能,笔者实地观察、直接参与智障者的日常生活,对其学习状况进行具体描述,并分析总结其中存在的问题,最后提出应对的策略。笔者希望通过本文,从社会工作专业视角出发,运用社会工作专业的技能与方法引导和协助智障者学习社交技能。  相似文献   

如何培养与评估社会工作者的专业能力是中国社会工作教育的核心问题,事关学科的独立性与科学性.鉴于专业伦理关注对公众的责任,教育范式聚焦能力为本,以及社会工作服务走向标准化,笔者在生态系统理论与行动研究方法的指引下,基于证据为本的实践理念和社会表演理论,试图建立以标准化案主为核心,以能力为本的"证据-表演-服务"三位一体的社会工作临床技能教育与评估的生态系统模式,从而推动社会工作教育的系统性改革.  相似文献   

本身还属于青少年群体的社会工作专业的学生,能否驾驭未来的青少年社会工作,和其自身对青少年的理解程度以及掌握的工作技能有关。为了在教学中能够达到这一目标,笔者尝试了讲故事的教学方法。实践证明,这种方式能够使学生自己成为最好的学习资源,讲故事的过程是学生了解自己、了解他人、得以成长和掌握工作技能的一种重要的方法。  相似文献   

社会工作是一门应用性科学,专业实习在社会工作学习中扮演着重要的角色,而督导是促进实习顺利进行的必不可少的要素之一。由于内地社会工作发展起步较晚,社会工作专业教育者与学习者对实习督导的重视程度较低。笔者根据社会工作专业发展的现状,在系统理论的指导下探讨合适的社会工作实习的督导模式。  相似文献   

社会工作是一门应用性科学,专业实习在社会工作学习中扮演着重要的角色,而督导是促进实习顺利进行的必不可少的要素之一。由于内地社会工作发展起步较晚,社会工作专业教育者与学习者对实习督导的重视程度较低。笔者根据社会工作专业发展的现状,在系统理论的指导下探讨合适的社会工作实习的督导模式。  相似文献   

社会工作专业的本质属性是"助人"。因此,社会工作专业教育的目标就应以培养学生的助人能力为根本,而实践则是培养学生能力的主要途径。笔者以社会工作专业方法课《社会行政》教学过程中的一次实践为基础,系统总结"服务学习"模式运用在社会工作专业教育过程中的设计思路以及学生在此过程中的能力提升表现,并在此基础上反思了"服务学习"模式运用在社会工作专业教学过程中的注意事项。通过相关的探索和探讨,藉以促进"服务学习"模式与社会工作专业教育更加全面地契合。  相似文献   

徐小平 《社会工作》2009,(20):53-55
《小组工作》旨在培养社会工作专业学生核心技能。小组自主教学法是将学习主体以小组为载体,引导小组学生互动合作学习以主动建构并掌握课程的知识技能等培养目标的一种教学方法。在《小组工作》教学中运用小组自主教学法有助于培养学生的自主学习能力、提高教学效率、培养提高学生社会工作专业能力;并结合《小组工作》教学实际,提出量身定制建小组、自主创新增能力、迁移训练获技能等实施要点。  相似文献   

实习是社会工作专业教学的重要环节,在社会工作的实习过程中,透过督导老师与同学在教与学的互动和连结,让学生对社会工作的价值观、相关理论和技能技巧都有机会作检视、评估及整理,并能适切地实践于助人的历程中。因此,准确把握社会工作专业督导的角色及技巧对于实习的完成至关重要。在本文中,笔者试图将近几年来担任社会工作专业实习督导的一些感受整理出来与大家分享,期望对本土处境下的中国社会工作专业化发展有所帮助。  相似文献   

《小组工作》旨在培养社会工作专业学生核心技能。小组自主教学法是将学习主体以小组为载体,引导小组学生互动合作学习以主动建构并掌握课程的知识技能等培养目标的一种教学方法。在《小组工作》教学中运用小组自主教学法有助于培养学生的自主学习能力、提高教学效率、培养提高学生社会工作专业能力;并结合《小组工作》教学实际,提出量身定制建小组、自主创新增能力、迁移训练获技能等实施要点。  相似文献   

我国高校社会工作实务课程的教学时常面临教学与实践分离的困境。笔者在《老年社会工作》课程教学中引入服务学习的理念和方法,将知识学习与社会服务相结合,以期在服务社会的过程中强化学生的专业理念,激发学生的学习动力,提高学生对理论、方法和技能的运用能力,促进学生对课堂知识的内化和反思,探索适合我国文化情景及社会工作实践的实务课程教学模式。  相似文献   

The mentally retarded aged are a relatively small and little known subgroup of our rapidly growing older population, whose special circumstances and often unique human service needs have been largely ignored by the social work profession. As the absolute number of mentally retarded aged persons continues to grow, social workers will have increased opportunities to develop and deliver sorely needed services to these individuals and to their families. The article presents three case management practice models appropriate for providing social work services to three distinct residential subgroups of mentally retarded aged.  相似文献   

本文以正常化理念为指导,对智障人士启能教育过程中存在的非正常化实践进行反思,提出要运用社会工作专业方法介入智障启能教育领域,最终保障智障人士享有平等参与社会生活的权利。  相似文献   

It is only recently that there has been national consideration of the problems and needs of the mentally retarded. Voluntary, state and federal programmes are gradually being more effectively coordinated but a good deal remains to be done. The measures that could be taken to further this process include: the establishment of a national institute on mental retardation; a select committee of the parliament to examine problems of the mentally retarded; a standing interdepartmental committee with more precise terms of reference concerning mental retardation; and action to assist in employment for the mentally retarded with the commonwealth.  相似文献   

The mentally retarded are probably social work's most neglected client population. This article presents the results of a research and training project out of which developed (1) an analysis of the values and practice skills necessary for effective practice with the mentally retarded, (2) an instrument to assess the extent to which a social worker possesses these, and (3) a training program to teach social workers these values and skills.  相似文献   

There is a pressing need to upgrade the gerontological knowledge and skills of practicing social workers. Geriatrics and gerontology, as specialized fields of knowledge, have not been sufficiently integrated into formal academic training programs. There are major trends in the health care environment which impact on social work education, including technological advances, a shift from inpatient to outpatient and community care settings, increasing diversity of the older population, and client and family participation in decisionmaking. These trends necessitate social work education to emphasize new content areas in gerontology and the development of new skills in clinical, case management, care coordination, and teamwork. A significant obstacle to the preparation of future social workers to deliver the complex services needed by older adults and their families is a serious shortage of social work faculty in gerontology. Sustained and broad initiatives, such as the John A. Hartford Foundation funded Geriatric Social Work Faculty Scholars Program, are needed to develop academic and practice-based faculty in gerontology. This is crucial if social work is to maintain an important service role in the new millennium.  相似文献   

陈晓丽 《社会工作》2011,(16):88-90
思想政治工作和社会工作都是做人的工作,二者在历史起源、价值理念、工作对象、工作主体、工作关系的性质和原则方法等方面存在区别。同时,二者在方法、根本目的、工作的要求等方面又有相通之处。二者的相互借鉴主要体现在思想政治工作为社会工作的本土化提供思想基础和借鉴社会工作的接纳原则,实现思想政治工作者与工作对象之间的平等与尊重。在构建和谐社会的过程中,思想政治工作与社会工作相互借鉴、共同努力,为解决经济转轨、社会转型与经济社会发展中出现的一系列问题做出应有的贡献。  相似文献   

刘建民 《社会工作》2009,(24):19-20
社会工作实验室具有独特的物理环境空间和硬件设施,能够进行社会工作技巧的观察和模拟、反思与提高。实验室的开设有力地促进了社会工作教学的发展,同时作为新生事物也存在着使用率不高、使用方式随意等问题。作为提高社会工作教学的方式,笔者提出当前高校要从建设社会工作实验室向开设社会工作实验课的方向转变。  相似文献   

Summary This article discusses visits paid to fifty-three families witha severely mentally handicapped adult living at home, most ofwhom were also quite severely disabled physically. Varying reactionsto the services offered by general practitioners and mentalwelfare officers are described and those factors influencingthe generally poor opinion of mental welfare officers' servicesare discussed. The importance of the daily routine of the familiesis emphasized and the difficulty of the mental welfare servicein providing services or practical assistance which helps withthe daily routine. Finally it is suggested that the social servicesshould see a greater part of their work as helping and enablingthe community to do better, and with less strain, the caringit does already and that this means that the planning of servicesneeds to start from the locality in which the handicapped personlives  相似文献   

在社会救助中,社会工作应充分发挥其预防性功能。专业的社会工作能够在价值理念、理论模式、实务技巧及救助效果等四个方面指导、协助社会救助工作的展开,并使得社会救助的服务工作有效实施。社会救助与社会工作两者之间的有机衔接,将使得社会救助真正实现“从救济到救助、从保障到共生”的转变。  相似文献   

Summary The past decade has witnessed a move towards increased communityresidential care for the mentally handicapped, essentially involvingan expansion of hostels and group homes. The latter has beenviewed as a serious alternative only for the more able members:those sufficient in a modicum of independence and behaviouralskills. The present paper explores the importance of group interactionaldynamics within the framework of providing residential carein ordinary houses for groups of up to five mentally handicappedadults. The use of group theory perspectives concentrates onthe potential of individuals to achieve effective social skillsthat contribute to adequate group harmony. The findings illustratethe potential of meeting the needs of the less able within grouphome settings through an emphasis on assessment of total groupneeds rather than on an aggregate of individuals comprisingthe group. These are discussed within the contest of currentefforts both at policy and provider level to expand care withinthe community.  相似文献   

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