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义工在中国是个新事物,可以在未来的社会和谐发展中扮演更为重要的角色。但是当前有四个问题面临解决:第一,自身身份的确定仍然不是很明确;第二,与政府相应职能部门的交往仍需要深入有效的协调;第三,社会大众对义工的了解和认识需要加强;第四,业务开展范围的局限性。这四个问题如果能够得到解决,那么义工在中国的发展将会走上一个新的台阶。  相似文献   

随着华人在美国的社会地位及生活水平的提高,越来越多的华人利用空闲时间加入义工队伍,进入美国主流社会,摆脱一些人对华人不入主流的陈旧印象。年轻的也罢,年老的也好,在纽约的华人义工们都有一个共同特征,那就是服务社区。学生义工学经验William Wang 是纽约大学下城医院的义工部主任,10年前开始做义工领导工作。10年前,当 William 刚刚来到下城医院工作的时候,医院只有几个华人义工,而如今已发展到每年约350个义工,  相似文献   

中国古代社会性质问题研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王长坤  鲁宽民  尹洁 《唐都学刊》2005,21(3):120-123
中国古代社会性质即中国奴隶制问题自20世纪20年代末讨论以来,聚讼纷争,至今尚无定论。其讨论大致分四个阶段:第一阶段围绕中国社会史问题;第二阶段围绕古史分期;第三阶段形成"三论五说"八种不同意见;第四阶段"中国未经奴隶社会论"再度兴起。综观80年的讨论历程,有些问题值得认真反思:首先,应将政治界限同学术分歧区别开来;其次,要辩证地看待革命导师的意见,破除教条主义;最后,中国古代社会性质讨论仍需用民主讨论的方法进一步推向深入。  相似文献   

“遍地是志工”——台湾社会福利服务中的志愿服务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
义工(志工、志愿者)是社会福利重要的人力资源.社会福利事业是一种服务性的工作,它能满足人类基本生活的需求、解决社会问题与促进社会发展.要达到这个目标,除了健全政府的社会福利制度外,也需要民间资源的积极参与.因此社会福利事业的开创是政府与民间共同的职责.  相似文献   

罗铭 《社会工作》2010,(11):48-50
义工,一个亲切而温暖的名字,蓬勃发展的义工行动让整个社会充满生机和活力,尤其以青年志愿者活动为标志的义工行动已经越来越受到社会各界的关注和支持。同时,社会工作作为一门新兴的专业在内地也蓬勃发展起来,社会工作专业作为一门操作性要求很强的实用型专业,其专业学生需要经过充分的专业实践和实习才能成长为一名合格的社工。然而,尽管当前社会工作在内地发展非常迅速,但能够为社会工作专业学生提供专业实习的机构仍然相当匮乏,相应的专业培养机制还不完善,从而使高校社会工作理论教育与专业实习教育间缺乏一个良好的纽带,  相似文献   

医务社会工作是体现医院人文服务的重要途径。以个案、小组、社区、义工等服务形式为主体的医务社会工作关注患者的心理情绪困扰,着重解决患者因疾病引起的各类心理与社会问题,实现真正意义上的"全人关怀"。构建医院人文服务体系是当前医院服务改革的方向,应把握医务社会工作的特点和医院人文服务体系的发展方向,发挥医务社会工作在构建医院人文服务体系中的重要作用。  相似文献   

在澳大利亚,一般社区或大型社会机构都有志愿者,通常称为义工.义工中,除了服务老人的,还有涉及家庭暴力的、年轻人的、幼儿的、妇女的、同性恋的、教会的……义工在社会管理方面起着不可替代的作用. 做义工是法定义务 七年前赴澳大利亚悉尼定居的沈阳人谢珺,在社区服务中心负责老年人健康工作,经常在工作中接触到义工.那里的义工主要分为几种:退休了,想发挥一下余热;学校组织的;想在相关专业积累经验的;还有一种就是在拿政府的失业金,做义工是法定的义务.最后这种情况,他们只有达到了一定的志愿服务时间,才可以领取到失业金.某种意义上,就相当于政府购买了这种公共服务.  相似文献   

美国的义工精神   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙紫玲 《社会》2002,(9):54-55
美国人时间观念强 ,生活节奏快 ,人人为挣钱而忙碌 ,但他们也愿意出钱出时间为需要帮助的人们做义工。1997年的资料显示 ,50%的成年人和59 %的年轻人参加义工活动 ,平均每周工作时间分别为4.2小时和3.5小时 ,如果把这些贡献加在一起 ,就等于工作人员增加了1100万。2001年对全美101所大学的调查 ,2000年3/4的人说他们去年(1999年)做过义工 ,92 %的人表示未来会为慈善事业做义工。目前 ,义工现象已普遍到各教会中社会团体内老人机构里 ,截止1997年止 ,全国至少有80多个大型的义工团体 ,人数已…  相似文献   

中国的长远未来与知识发展战略(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首次从理论上研究了知识发展战略的内涵及形成,提出以人为本的发展观同以知识为基础的经济增长理论结合形成的“知识发展战备”,是发展战略的重大进步。与此同时,提出“一个中国,四个世界”和“一个中国,四种社会”的分析框架,深入分析了中国的真实国情,指出中国长远未来的发展必须有效解决“一个中国,四个世界”和“一个中国,四种社会”的问题。文章进一步研究发现,中国经济和社会发展的地区差距背后是显著的知识水平的地区差距,知识发展是促进经济增长、人类发展和政府转型的重要力量。因此,知识发展战略是中国在长远未来实现以人为本的、全面的、可持续的、协调的发展的战略选择。文章最后提出了以基本知识服务均等化为基础的知识发展战略构想。  相似文献   

党的十九大明确指出,中国特色社会主义事业战略布局是"四个全面"."全面建成小康社会、全面深化改革、全面依法治国、全面从严治党"的"四个全面"战略布局,是习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的重要内容."四个全面"立足于我国发展现实需要,顺应了人民群众的热切期待,协调推进解决我们面临的突出矛盾和问题,具有重大的实践价值.  相似文献   

To meet the growing social service needs of our societies, the social services and other Volunteer organizations need to understand the needs and motives of their volunteers to keep them retained. Although volunteer motivation scales are available and tested, different organizations have to amend and add volunteering motives to best fit their organization and environment. Furthermore, not much guidance is available to volunteer organizations to understand or measure motivation of their volunteers raising a need for a unified model that can be a guideline for managers. This study discusses different approaches to volunteering motivation and links them into four areas of affiliation using an ABCE model: affiliation (A), beliefs, (B) career development, (C) and (E) egoistic. Participants were 496 volunteers from a variety of NGOs including 239 (48.2%) from an international Faith Based Organization (FBO). Findings show that although differences exist in volunteering motivation the actual best fit was an ABCE model. Future research is needed on testing the scale with different cultures and different organizations. A deeper knowledge of volunteer motivations will enable organizations to prosper and utilize the continuous experience of the volunteers and their engagement, thereby ensuring enhanced quality social service delivery.  相似文献   


This study explored job satisfaction among 753 cancer-experienced volunteers from hospital, palliative care, and community-based oncology settings in nine provinces across Canada. Based on a conceptual framework including three components of volunteering—antecedents, experiences, and consequences—a mixed-methods design to explore job satisfaction was used. Findings from the quantitative and qualitative inquiries indicated that the level of job satisfaction was high and stress was not reported as a major concern. The four themes related to job satisfaction from the volunteers’ responses included learning, personal growth, challenge, and giving back related to their own experience with cancer. Future research should further investigate the important role of job satisfaction for social service professionals for training, marketing, and recruiting, plus the need to explore supports to sustain oncology volunteers in this most challenging environment.  相似文献   

周树智 《唐都学刊》2011,27(5):34-38
当今时代是和平与发展的新时代,新时代需要新哲学,新实学就是人类在新时代需要的新哲学。构建新实学有四个维度,即中国和东亚的实学思想优秀传统;现代西方哲学解构形而上学关注现实的新努力;马克思主义的实践唯物主义新世界观;人类当前现实的历史的伟大社会实践。这四个维度在本质上是一条理论与实践相结合的道路,沿着这条大道努力奋斗,我们就一定能成功构建当代人类需要的新实学。  相似文献   

Although the AIDS pandemic has catastrophic implications for all levels of South African society, it can be viewed as an opportunity to face the inevitability of human mortality with dignity rather than fear and denial and to rebuild shattered communities. This article discusses issues pertaining to counseling HIV-infected persons, the counselors themselves, and families and social groups affected by AIDS-related deaths. Counseling of HIV/AIDS patients is supportive in nature, with a focus on here-and-now issues such as unfinished business, reconciliation with family members, finding meaning in daily activities, and preserving a sense of personal control. This process can be obstructed, however, by distrust of authority figures, anger at experts who fail to cure the disease, and an internalized sense of shame and inferiority. The effectiveness of AIDS counselors depends on their ability to recognize and resolve personal conflicts triggered by HIV-positive clients, including feelings about death, helplessness, overidentification, and discomfort with sexual issues. Most South Africans will face bereavement and have to go through a mourning process for friends and relatives. Complicated and delayed grief reactions triggered by new and continuous losses can be expected. Involvement of community members in the grieving process, whether as helpers, volunteers, professionals, or recipients of service, offers South African society an opportunity for development of a new culture of compassion.  相似文献   

试论社区“时间银行”的发展困境和对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林欢欢 《社会工作》2012,(12):68-70
社区"时间银行"是新型的社区服务模式,在保持强劲发展势头的同时,也遭遇发展困境和障碍。本文指出和分析了社区"时间银行"本身的性质、服务的换算、机构的信誉、志愿者的专业性等问题,并在此基础上尝试着提出了解决这些困境的对策。  相似文献   

In July 1985 the National Council for Voluntary Organisations launched a campaign for "action for the forgotten million"— the four out of every five long-term unemployed people who receive no practical support from the public services, apart from their benefits. The author of the National Council discussion document outlines some of the major issues which will need to be faced. In particular, he argues that public debate tends to concentrate too narrowly on specific initiatives and individual programmes. Instead, there is a need to consider the rights of all long-term unemployed people, and the needs of the group as a whole.  相似文献   

廖希林 《创新》2008,2(2):53-56
电子商务正在成为中国—东盟自由贸易区新的贸易方式及经济增长点,但它目前还存在发展不大协调等问题,因此,有必要借鉴国际经验,并且结合本地区实际积极构建电子商务的政策法规、基础设施建设、人才培训和税收等国际协调机制。  相似文献   

It is estimated that over 50,000 individuals from the UK each year elect to fund their own treatment abroad. Such treatments commonly include cosmetic and dental surgery; cardio, orthopaedic and bariatric surgery; IVF treatment; and organ and tissue transplantation. The UK has also experienced inward flows of patients who travel to receive treatment and pay out of pocket, being treated in both private and NHS facilities. The rise of ‘medical tourism’ presents new opportunities and challenges in terms of treatment options for consumers/patients and health policymakers. Such developments denote a commercialization, commodification and internationalization of health care in a way that UK policy has not experienced to date. This article addresses four key issues. We explain the rise of medical‐related travel (applied to the UK), identify key policy considerations for the future, highlight important research gaps and explore conceptual frameworks which might help us understand better the observed patterns of medical tourism. Whilst the context for policy and practice is undoubtedly dynamic, we argue the need for greater clarity in understanding the emergent implications for health policy and health care delivery.  相似文献   

As volunteering and its benefits gain global recognition, social policymakers can sustain and increase volunteering through social policy, legislation and other types of involvement. A key performance practice is to measure the rate of volunteering based on the percentage of the population that volunteer or the number of hours donated. The focus of this article, however, is on the capacity to volunteer by non‐volunteers as well as by volunteers. The concept and theory of volunteerability (an individual's ability to overcome related obstacles and volunteer, based on his or her willingness, capability and availability) offers a richer understanding of how people can be assisted to overcome barriers to maximize their volunteer potential and thus increase volunteering. The article details the definitions and benefits of volunteering and covers examples of related social policy, as well as explaining the concept of volunteerability and how it can be measured using existing and new scales. Based on a mixed methods study in Australia, the article offers specific measures to examine the concept of volunteerability and reveals important differences between volunteers and non‐volunteers. The article also details major barriers to volunteering and how social policies can be developed to overcome them.  相似文献   

Designing a social security pension system   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Abstract   This paper looks at potential models of social security pension systems. It refers often to the systems that exist in the United States and Canada (the latter more particularly) to outline the issues involved in attempting to design a "good" social security pension system. Of course, one of the issues is the definition of "good". This paper will use criteria such as poverty alleviation, retirement income adequacy, benefit/contribution sustainability, income equality and wealth distribution. In the course of the discussion, the reader will be exposed to many issues that need to be addressed in the establishment of any social security pension system in the world. This may prove to be helpful in countries where new systems are established (and even for evolving systems). It is also hoped that future students of social security will find this paper helpful in that it is meant to lay out some basic principles consistent with good social security pension design.  相似文献   

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