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We investigate Bayesian optimal designs for changepoint problems. We find robust optimal designs which allow for arbitrary distributions before and after the change, arbitrary prior densities on the parameters before and after the change, and any log‐concave prior density on the changepoint. We define a new design measure for Bayesian optimal design problems as a means of finding the optimal design. Our results apply to any design criterion function concave in the design measure. We illustrate our results by finding the optimal design in a problem motivated by a previous clinical trial. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 37: 495–513; 2009 © 2009 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

This paper suggests some distribution-free methods for testing hypothesis of parallelism and concurrence of two linear regressions. We assume that the independent variable x is equally spaced. The proposed procedures are compared with nonparametric competitors and the normal theory t-test.  相似文献   

An Edgeworth expansion with remainder o(N?1) is obtained for signed linear rank statistics under suitable assumptions. The theorem is proved for a wide class of score generating functions including the Chi-quantile function by adapting van Zwet's methodand Does's conditioning arguments.  相似文献   

Two sufficient conditions are given for an incomplete block design to be (M,S- optimal. For binary designs the conditions are (i) that the elements in each row, excluding the diagonal element, of the association matrix differ by at most one, and (ii) that the off-diagonal elements of the block characteristic matrix differ by at most one. It is also shown how the conditions can be utilized for nonbinary designs and that for blocks of size two the sufficient condition in terms of the association matrix can be attained.  相似文献   

The choice of the model framework in a regression setting depends on the nature of the data. The focus of this study is on changepoint data, exhibiting three phases: incoming and outgoing, both of which are linear, joined by a curved transition. Bent-cable regression is an appealing statistical tool to characterize such trajectories, quantifying the nature of the transition between the two linear phases by modeling the transition as a quadratic phase with unknown width. We demonstrate that a quadratic function may not be appropriate to adequately describe many changepoint data. We then propose a generalization of the bent-cable model by relaxing the assumption of the quadratic bend. The properties of the generalized model are discussed and a Bayesian approach for inference is proposed. The generalized model is demonstrated with applications to three data sets taken from environmental science and economics. We also consider a comparison among the quadratic bent-cable, generalized bent-cable and piecewise linear models in terms of goodness of fit in analyzing both real-world and simulated data. This study suggests that the proposed generalization of the bent-cable model can be valuable in adequately describing changepoint data that exhibit either an abrupt or gradual transition over time.  相似文献   

The relative performance of a component of a series system in two different environments is considered. The conditional probability of the failure of the system due to the failure of the specified component given that the system failed before time t is regarded as a measure of relative importance of the component to the system. A U-statistic test for checking the equality of the relative importance of the component to the system in two different environments against the alternative that the relative importance is smaller in one of the environments, is proposed. Some simulation results for estimating the power of the test are reported. The proposed test is applied to one real data set and it is seen that a different aspect of the data is brought out by this comparison than that by the comparisons of the absolute importance functions such as the subsurvival functions, considered in earlier studies.  相似文献   

The problem of testing whether there is a change in location in a sequence of random variables that are taken over time was discussed in several papers. In this paper we develop a conservative nonparametric distribution - free confidence bound for the amount of shift and give some Monte Carlo results to show how conservative the bound is.  相似文献   

In this paper, three competing survival function estimators are compared under the assumptions of the so-called Koziol– Green model, which is a simple model of informative random censoring. It is shown that the model specific estimators of Ebrahimi and Abdushukurov, Cheng, and Lin are asymptotically equivalent. Further, exact expressions for the (noncentral) moments of these estimators are given, and their biases are analytically compared with the bias of the familiar Kaplan–Meier estimator. Finally, MSE comparisons of the three estimators are given for some selected rates of censoring.  相似文献   

Let {X n:n ≥ 1} be an i.i.d. sequence of random variables with a continuous distribution function F. Under the assumption that the upper tail of Fis regularly varying with exponent 1/α, α > 0, we study the asymptotic properties of an estimator of α based on k-record values.  相似文献   

We propose different multivariate nonparametric tests for factorial designs and derive their asymptotic distribution for the situation where the number of replications is limited, whereas the number of treatments goes to infinity (large a, small n case). The tests are based on separate rankings for the different variables, and they are therefore invariant under separate monotone transformations of the individual variables.  相似文献   

We prove that if pr and pr ? 1 are both prime powers then there is a generalized Hadamard matrix of order pr(pr ? 1) with elements from the elementary abelian group Zp x?x Zp. This result was motivated by results of Rajkundia on BIBD's. This result is then used to produce pr ? 1 mutually orthogonal F-squares F(pr(pr ? 1); pr ? 1).  相似文献   

Influence curves are defined for estimators of the ED50 in quantal bioassay, assuming a symmetic tolerance distribution. A definition of influence-curve robustness is suggested. Influence curves are obtained for L-,M- and R-estimators, and their robustness is investigated. The influence curve of the logistic maximum likelihood estimator is studied.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a new nonparametric estimator of the conditional distribution function under a semiparametric censorship model. We establish an asymptotic representation of the estimator as a sum of iid random variables, balanced by some kernel weights. This representation is used for obtaining large sample results such as the rate of uniform convergence of the estimator, or its limit distributional law. We prove that the new estimator outperforms the conditional Kaplan–Meier estimator for censored data, in the sense that it exhibits lower asymptotic variance. Illustration through real data analysis is provided.  相似文献   

Consider a sequence of independent and identically distributed random variables {Xi,i?1}{Xi,i?1} with a common absolutely continuous distribution function F  . Let X1:n?X2:n???Xn:nX1:n?X2:n???Xn:n be the order statistics of {X1,X2,…,Xn}{X1,X2,,Xn} and {Yl,l?1}{Yl,l?1} be the sequence of record values generated by {Xi,i?1}{Xi,i?1}. In this work, the conditional distribution of YlYl given Xn:nXn:n is established. Some characterizations of F   based on record values and Xn:nXn:n are then given.  相似文献   

We consider the signed linear rank statistics of the form
SΔN= i=1N cNiø(RΔNi(N+1))sgn YΔNi
where the cNi's are known real numbers, Δ∈[0,1] is an unknown real parameter,RΔNi is the rank of |YΔNi| among |YΔNj|, 1≤jN, ø is a score generating function, sgn y=1 or -1 according as y≥0 or <0, and YΔNj, 1≤jN, are independent random variables with continuous cumulative distribution functions F(y?ΔdNj), 1≤ jN, respectively where the dfNi's are known real numbers. Under suitable assumptions on the c's, d's, φ and F, it is proved that the random process {SΔN?S0N?ESΔN, 0≤Δ≤1}, properly normalized, converges weakly to a Gaussian process, and this result is also true if ESΔN is replaced by ΔbN, where
bN=4 i=1N cNidNi0 ø′(2F(x)?1)?2(x)dx and ?=F′
. As an application, we derive the asymptotic distribution of the properly normalized length of a confidence interval for Δ.  相似文献   

Summary We consider a lotL formed byN apparently similar unitsW 1,…,W N, where each of theW i may come from one of two different populationsP 1 andP 2;T 1,…,T N denote the corresponding lifetimes. The units fromP i undergo a failure of kindi and their survival function isS i (t). We assume that the failure rate function are known and that the units fromP 1 are ?substandard?: λ 1 (t)≥λ 2 (t), ∀t≥0. We want to putW 1,…,W N under a pre-operational test (burn-in test) in order to eliminate at least a great part of the substandard units and we face the problem of obtaining a rule for stopping the test under the assumption that, with the failure of a unit, it is possible to recognize the population from which the unit comes. Such a problem will be formalized as an optimal stopping problem for a suitably defined Markov process. Our study shall evidentiate some fundamental aspects of the problem and the role of the prior distribution of the (random) numberM 0 of those units inL coming fromP 1 (substandard). The latter distribution has a great influence on the form of the solution. This research was supported by the C.N.R. Project ?Statistica Bayesiana e Simulazione in Affidalità e Modellistica Biologica?.  相似文献   

A class of tests is proposed for testing H0 F?(x) = e?λx, λ > 0, x≥0 vs. H1 F?(x + y) ≤ F?(x)F?(y), x, y≥0, with strict inequality for some x, y ≥ 0 (F = new is better than used). Efficiency comparisons of some tests within the class are made and a new test is proposed on the basis of these comparisons. Consistency and the asymptotic normality of the class of tests is proved under fairly broad conditions on the underlying entities.  相似文献   

This paper concerns a method of estimation of variance components in a random effect linear model. It is mainly a resampling method and relies on the Jackknife principle. The derived estimators are presented as least squares estimators in an appropriate linear model, and one of them appears as a MINQUE (Minimum Norm Quadratic Unbiased Estimation) estimator. Our resampling method is illustrated by an example given by C. R. Rao [7] and some optimal properties of our estimator are derived for this example. In the last part, this method is used to derive an estimation of variance components in a random effect linear model when one of the components is assumed to be known.  相似文献   

There are two different systems of contrast parameterization when analyzing the interaction effects among the factors with more than two levels, i.e., linear-quadratic system and orthogonal components system. Based on the former system and an ANOVA model, Xu and Wu (2001) introduced the generalized wordlength pattern for general factorial designs. This paper shows that the generalized wordlength pattern exactly measures the balance pattern of interaction columns of a symmetrical design ground on the orthogonal components system, and thus an alternative angle to look at the generalized minimum aberration criterion is given. This work is partially supported by NNSF of China grant No. 10231030.  相似文献   

A. Žilinskasi 《Statistics》2013,47(2):255-266
A new approach for the construction of statistical models for multimodal optimization is proposed; the examples of such models are given. The results of the psychological experiment show that the proposed approach is intuitively acceptable.  相似文献   

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