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长期以来 ,“管理城市是政府的主要职责”的观念始终是我国城市政府在履行政府职能和发挥政府作用方面的指导性思想 ,但近年来 ,大连市政府在怎样管理城市上创造性地提出“要用经营的手段来管理城市”。他们认为 ,城市是各类资产的集聚地 ,政府不仅是城市的管理者 ,更是城市的经营者。政府必须运用市场机制来大力开展整体的资产经营 ,把城市作为一笔巨大的国有资产来运营 ,努力使之保值和增值 ,提高城市的竞争力 ,进而促进城市社会与经济的快速发展。这一思想赋予了政府“管理城市”观念以新的内涵。大连市政府经过近10年的实践 ,充分证明…  相似文献   

“经营城市”近来成了人们关注的一个热门话题。各地城市领导普遍对“经营城市”持认同态度,并积极运用于实践,而部分学界人士则持否定意见,认为“经营城市”是偷换概念,缺乏理论依据,进而抓住经营城市中出现的某些问题,否定经营城市的可行性。因此,如何正确理解经营城市,探索其理论依据,是值得深入研究的问题。经营城市不是没有理论根据的遐想所谓经营城市,是指城市政府运用市场经济手段,对城市的自然资源、基础设  相似文献   

过去我们讲经营企业、经营国有资产,还没有或很少谈到经营城市。随着城市化进程的日益加速,“经营城市”作为一种全新的城市建设理念,正在纳入人们的视野并成为大家的共识。这个在市场经济条件下应运而生的新理念,为我们探索多渠道筹集城市建设资金,实现城市建设事业可持续发展提供了一条有效途径。什么是城市?根据城市营销的理论,城市是一种产品,即对本地居民来说,城市是一种居住产品;对游客而言,城市是一种旅游产品;对投资者而言,城市是一种基础产品。城市作为一种产品是可以经营的,经营得好也是可以升值的。所谓经营城市,…  相似文献   

<正> 在激烈的经营活动中,不少经营者买卖艰难,财断源尽。究其原因,在于他们经营无方,屡入“误区”。经营者要在经营观念和经营谋略上避免掉入“误区”,必须念好六个“未必”经。 一、“薄利”未必能“多销” “薄利多销”是一种经营观念。也是一种经营谋略,一般而言,“薄利”往往能收到“多销”的效果。然而,现代经营活动中,也经常出现“廉价”商品无人问津的现象,这主要是因为决定商品需求量的因素很多,除了价格之外,还包括消费者的偏好与收入。相关商品的价格、时间等因素的影响。所以消费者购买商品不仅要在价格上求廉,还要  相似文献   

何谓经营城市,一般认为,经营城市是将构成城市的空间和功能载体的自然生成资本(如土地)和人力作用资本(如城市基础设施)等,运用市场经济手段,进行聚集、重组和营运,将城市可以用来经营的部分存量资产和生产要素推向市场,从中获得收益。这样定义,应该说没有错,但不完整。我认为,还应加上一句,即“将这些收益再投入到城市建设的新领域,走以城市养城市,以城市建城市的市场化路子,实现滚动发展”。全面理解和把握经营城市内涵,至少有三点好处:一是有利于我们对经营城市工作长期性的认识。经营城市不是变现现有资产就终止了的工作。而是发展城市经济的一种理念,一种符合市场经济要求的方法和途径,只要有城市存在,就有经营城市工作。二是有利于我们正确把握资产存量和增量的关系。盘活城市现有的资产存量是必要的,将资产增量按市场要求配置同样也是重要的。三是有利于城市建设和发展步和一条“建设-发展-再建设”的良性循环道路。  相似文献   

<正> 在企业的发展中,为了尽可能减少人才流失,每个管理者都要致力于培育企业的团队精神,增强企业凝聚力。那么如何才能做到这一点呢?实践告诉我们,必须善于“经营”人心。  相似文献   

杭州的餐饮业历史悠久,有“楼外楼”(始建于1848年)、“奎元馆”(始建于1867年)、“天外天”(始建于1910年)、“知味观”(始建于1913年)等“老字号”餐饮名店。面对如今经营各种地方风味的新兴餐饮业,以及肯德基、麦当劳、必胜客等外来快餐业的重重包围,有些“老字号”餐饮企业采取合并方式持续经营,比如“天外天”菜馆与杭州花中城餐饮有限公司合作成立了杭州花中城天外天大酒店;  相似文献   

<正> 随着改革开放的深入发展,我国国有企业进入调剂市场,进行“调剂经营”将是一条盘活国资存量,增强国有中小企业竞争力的有效途径。所谓国有资产的“调剂经营”,笔者在这里给出的定义是:国有企业以其闲置设备、厂房、地皮、库存商品、积压产品为主要经营对象,以折价销售为主要经营方式,以盘活国有资产存量、优化资源配置的营运筹划与管理活动。 一、可行性研究 对国有企业实行“调剂经营”的可行性研究,笔者主要从两方面进行探索。一是我国调剂业前景如何;二是我  相似文献   

“商战如兵战”、“市场如战场”。在竞争日益激烈的经营活动中,不少经营者买卖艰难,步履维艰。究其原因,屡入“误区”不能不说是极其重要的原因。避免进入误区应注意以下六个方面。一、“薄利”未必能“多销”“薄利多销”是一种经营观念,也是一种经营谋略,一般而言,“薄利”往往能收到“多销”的效果。然而,现代经营活动中,也经常出现“廉价”商品无人问津的现象。这主要是因为决定商品需求量的因素很多,除了价格之外,还包括消费者的偏好与收入,相关商品的价格、时间等因素的影响。所以消费者购买商品不仅要在价格上求廉,还要在商品上求优…  相似文献   

<正>经营的好坏就如同一个人是否有钱,而管理的好坏就如同一个人是否健康。“经营”是财,“管理”是寿。一般来说,企业经营关注的问题是如何把业务做起来,通过什么样的运营模式来服务于哪些市场、客户,如何才能在竞争中而出等等。而企业管理  相似文献   

Managing the gap     

As experience with managing the health of populations is gained, resources will have to be set aside for rewarding improvements in Health Adjusted Life Expectancy (HALE). Financial incentives and rewards will need to be aligned with improved outcomes, instead of the traditional fee-for-service structure. This article describes how a uniform health outcomes measurement such as HALE could be incorporated by public and private purchasers of medical care and those responsible for the nonmedical determinants of health sectors and services. Three phases of potential development and implementation are outlined: (1) Phase One (1997-2000): Debate, acceptance, and, research; (2) Phase Two (2001-2010): Outcome-based payment for integrated health delivery systems; and (3) Phase Three (2011-2020): incorporating the non-medical determinants and sector.  相似文献   

James Brian Quinn 《Omega》1982,10(6):613-627
When sophisticated large organizations make significant changes in strategy, the approaches they use frequently bear little resemblance to the rational-analytical systems so often touted in the planning literature. Such systems are rarely the source of overall corporate strategies. Instead, the processes used to generate major strategies are typically fragmented and evolutionary with a high degree of intuitive content. Although one usually finds imbedded in these fragments some very refined pieces of formal analysis, overall strategies tend to emerge as a series of conscious internal decisions blend and interact with changing external events to slowly mutate key managers' broad consensus about what patterns of action make sense for the future. Based on a multi-year study of how large companies change their strategies, this article summarizes why strategic managers do proceed incrementally and how they manage the complex process of generating an overall strategy.  相似文献   

We study the product rollover strategy decision, where a firm decides whether to phase out an old generation of a product to be replaced by a new with either a dual or single roll. Our model considers a final build of the old product and preannouncement of the new, and incorporates dynamic pricing and inventory decisions. We find that the optimal price path closely follows changes in reservation price curves for the two products over time. We also identify the drivers of the rollover strategy decision, finding that lower market risk (faster diffusion, higher market responsiveness to preannouncements) and higher performance improvement for the new generation are associated with the single roll strategy.  相似文献   

This article suggests three ways to manage organizational conflicts. The first is the collaboration theory which maintains that people should air their differences and work for mutually satisfactory solutions. Collaboration requires that members of the organization be interdependent, capable of interacting candidly, and sufficiently committed to the organization to justify the time and energy required to develop and preserve mutually beneficial relationships. A second approach, the power play, is a method of handling organizational conflict which is diametrically opposed to collaboration. It is characterized by an adversary ethic and rational self-interest; the parties are involved in a win/lose situation. According to Derr, the power-play is the dominant conflict management strategy for those who seek autonomy and is best suited for idealogical disputes. Bargaining, the third technique, contains elements that overlap collaboration and power-play. Bargaining "trade-offs" are particularly useful in dealing with conditions of scarcity; this method is seen as economical in that it requires parties to meet only periodically to review the old contracts and to develop new contracts. The author concludes that there is no one best way to manage organizational conflicts and suggests that conflict management will require more extensive studies of the realities of power play.  相似文献   

The contrast in communication styles and values between Gen-Xers, now mostly in their mid to late twenties, and forty- and fifty-somethings is obvious. Gen-Xers are focused on the assignment and the deadline; their goal is to do good work in a timely manner. But they are highly skeptical that enthusiasm has any influence on the outcome. When we question them about their taciturn manner, they all give us the same two reasons: They really don't care one way or the other and they're convinced that what they say doesn't matter anyhow. This may frustrate a manager charged with getting the buy-in or enthusiastic participation from the troops, but it's a fact. There are, however, ways to get Xers to talk--provided you really want their ideas and opinions and you acknowledge that you hear what they say. Here are the best techniques from those who successfully manage large numbers of the young, including young physicians: (1) Focus on what matters; (2) don't ask if you're not going to act on the feedback; (3) personalize your request for information; and (4) always do a worst case scenario when you need the buy-in.  相似文献   

Atsuyuki Suzuki 《Risk analysis》2014,34(7):1240-1256
The Fukushima Daiichi accident raises a fundamental question: Can science and technology prevent the inevitability of serious accidents, especially those with low probabilities and high consequences? This question reminds us of a longstanding challenge with the trans‐sciences, originally addressed by Alvin Weinberg well before the Three Mile Island and Chernobyl accidents. This article, revisiting Weinberg's issue, aims at gaining insights from the accident with a special emphasis on the sociotechnical or human behavioral aspects lying behind the accident's causes. In particular, an innovative method for managing the challenge is explored referring to behavioral science approaches to a decision‐making process on risk management; such as managing human behavioral risks with information asymmetry, seeking a rational consensus with communicative action, and pursuing procedural rationality through interactions with the outer environment. In short, this article describes the emerging need for Japan to transform its national safety management institutions so that these might be based on interactive communication with parties inside and outside Japan.  相似文献   

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