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Here we respond to Vasey et al.'s critical comments regarding our article, “Societal norms rather than sexual orientation influence kin altruism and avuncularity in tribal Urak-Lawoi, Italian, and Spanish adult males” (Camperio Ciani, Battaglia, &; Liotta, 2015 Camperio Ciani, A., Battaglia, U., &; Liotta, M. (2015). Societal norms rather than sexual orientation influence kin altruism and avuncularity in tribal Urak-Lawoi, Italian, and Spanish adult males. Journal of Sex Research. Advance online publication. doi:10.1080/00224499.2014.993748[Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar], JSR doi:10.1080/00224499.2014.993748). The first regards the selection of the Urak-Lawoi population of Ko Lipeh, which is considered too modern and touristic to be adequate to test the kin selection and avuncular hypothesis for homosexuality. We provide historical evidence of the contrary, and show that the population at the inception of our 10 years research was indeed primitive and tribal, and probands actually grew and lived in such a society. Only a few years after the 2004 tsunami, the island was developed and invaded by mass tourism. The second comment regarded the statistical analysis and interpretation of data. We show that we consistently and conservatively considered the effects of all confounding variables, both with comparative tests, and by a series of multivariate regression analyses. This was the orthodox procedure approved by all other reviewers. In conclusion, even addressing these comments, we maintain that the kin selection and avuncularity hypothesis for homosexuality is not supported by empirical data even in this primitive and tribal society.  相似文献   

Altruism among humans is common. It is especially prominent among in-group members. However, we are struck by results from laboratory-in-the-field experiments with out-group members of different ethnic or religious backgrounds. In all instances, the groups were rivals in civil wars. While we find almost no altruistic behavior among groups that were engaged in fighting, out-group altruism emerges with the passage of time. To address the underlying mechanism that might explain this puzzling result, we use a laboratory experiment that sorts between a norms revision explanation and a contact hypothesis explanation. Our findings show that contact with out-group members, in a mutually beneficial task, results in a reversion to prior levels of out-group altruism following conflict. Our findings reinforce the idea that deeply held attitudes toward a stigmatized out-group change following productive interactions with those out-group members. It is clear that hostility between groups need not persist over time.  相似文献   

Camperio Ciani et al. argued that the Urak-Lawoi people of Ko Lipe island live in a “traditional,” “subsistence primitive society” reminiscent of the “ancestral” human past and that their socio-cultural situation is “remarkably similar” to Samoa. On this basis, they asserted that the Ko Lipe Urak-Lawoi are an appropriate population for determining the role that kin selection played in the evolution of male androphilia. The purpose of this commentary is to outline some of our concerns with this characterization and with the statistical analyses conducted by Camperio Ciani et al. in their study of the Urak-Lawoi.  相似文献   

This research focuses on norms concerning altruistic behavior and how information is used in assessing these norms. The research context was situations involving conflicting norms of self-interest versus altruism. Five categories of information were used: (1) ego's stake in the encounter, (2) relationship between ego and alter, (3) audience to the behavior, (4) legitimacy for self-interest behavior, and (5) alter's cost if ego fails to help him. Sex and SES of respondents were analyzed. The first four categories in addition to sex and SES served as between-subjects variables, each with two levels. Cost-to-alter was within-subjects variable and contained 4 levels. There were 16 groups containing 9 subjects with the same combination of sex and SES characteristics, thus, creating a 2×2×2×2×2×2×9×4 design. Respondents were asked to predict ego's behavior in a situation. Analysis of variance showed that altruism behavior was expected under the following conditions of (1) low cost to ego, (2) close relationship between ego and alter, (3) presence of audience to the encounter, and (4) high cost-to-alter. Females predicted more altruistic responses while SES produced no significant differences in predictions.  相似文献   

This article examines whether altruistic behavior is habit forming. The basic premise is that if engaging in altruistic behavior when young is a good predictor of such behavior in adulthood, then this is consistent with the notion that altruistic behavior is habit forming. Using U.S. data, we examine donations of both money and time and find that engaging in charitable behavior when young is a strong predictor of adult altruistic behavior, with all other things equal. A major issue in the interpretation of this result is that the correlation between youthful and adult altruistic behavior may be due to some third variable that affects both. Although it is impossible to rule out such a possibility, we are able to control for family influences that likely could affect lifetime attitudes toward altruism.  相似文献   

We explore how natural selection acts upon genes for cooperation, altruism and selfishness in an prisoner's dilemma played by family members. A key parameter determining behavior is that parents and children have different expectations of future offspring. Examining asexual and sexually reproducing populations we show that which strategy of cooperation and defection proves be stable depends on the relative reproduction potential of the players and what proportion of the population is young. "Rotten kids" with altruistic parents can be a stable outcome where reproductive success is the goal, and natural selection may lead individuals to care about their unborn progeny. (JEL D10, H31)  相似文献   


The psychological intersection of biological sex, personality, and sexual orientation represents a unique prospect for investigating the evolution of human mating strategies. Evolved sex differences in human psychology may encounter different mating environments within homosexual and heterosexual contexts. The personality traits of homosexuals, if different from heterosexuals, may influence human mating dynamics in revealing ways. In the current study, 5,310 men (5,083 heterosexuals, 131 homosexuals, and 96 bisexuals) and 7,589 women (7,240 heterosexuals, 143 homosexuals, and 206 bisexuals) across four major world regions completed personality and sexuality self-report surveys. Consistent with previous research, sociosexual behavior (e.g., number of one-night stands) and personality traits (e.g., masculinity and openness to experience) varied across sexual orientation. In addition, personality traits were predictably related to sociosexual behavior. However, variability in personality traits did not account for the observed differences in sociosexual behavior across sexual orientation.  相似文献   

This study examines whether people of different observed characteristics exhibit different degree of altruism. The article utilizes a National Mental Health Survey that gathered questions about respondents’ self-reported altruism along with their demographic, labor force, and income information. The empirical results revealed the following: (1) Older people are more altruistic. This could potentially be explained by the Socioemotional Selectivity Theory (SST) that the older people shift towards emotion-related goals that can be internally rewarding in the present. (2) Higher-income people are more altruistic. This could potentially be explained by the fact that higher-income people could better afford to be more altruistic compared to lower-income people. (3) Women are more altruistic. This could potentially be explained by either biological evolution or social imposition. The main results are robust once the potential endogeneity problem of the income variable is mitigated by the use of the instrumental variable estimation method.  相似文献   

《Journal of Socio》1997,26(5):475-494
This article revolves around driving forces behind human actions: self-interest or the common good. Opinions on social policy give support to both approaches. Man is a Faust, torn by conflicting desires and wants. Which of these will be chosen depends on various situational factors that “frame” choices. By utilizing an opinion survey (n = 1,117), the study analyzes the impacts of “frames” and how the wording of questions affects opinions on the welfare state. The study displays that: (a) Responses to general level questions show a strong commitment to altruistic values; in more specific questions, this altruism tends to fade away, (b) Frames referring to altruistic norms, self interest, and additional information given in the questionnaire have decisive impacts on answers.  相似文献   

Utility functions embodying nonpaternalistic altruism can be regarded as being generated through social interactions among altruistic individuals. As such, they show an important interdependence. Assuming linear altruism, the paper obtains the following results. First, nonpaternalistic altruism has a tendency to unify utility functions. Second, by linearly extrapolating a given structure of altruistic interactions, one can ascertain the extent to which the unification can proceed and its direction. Third, the unification implies narrowing down of the range of conflicting choices but the direction of unification lacks ethical principles. Fourth, the conditions utilitarianism imposes on the structure of altruistic interactions are characterized. The author would like to thank Marc Fleurbaey and three anonymous referees for insightful comments.  相似文献   

Traditional sex‐role stereotypes suggest that men and women engage in sex for different reasons. Previous studies have supported the notion that women are more motivated by emotional expression in having sex, and men are more concerned with physical gratification. In a survey of sexual behavior, heterosexual and homosexual respondents were asked to rate the importance of a variety of reasons for having sex and not having sex. The results showed that men and women differed in the importance attached to emotional and physical motives, with gender differences appearing in both heterosexuals and homosexuals. Certain practical motives (e.g., to reproduce, fear of AIDS, fear of pregnancy) differentiated between homosexuals and heterosexuals. Motivations predicting frequency of sexual behavior in the last month depended on the relationship status of the respondent. These findings, although suggesting that gender differences in motivations for sex persist in all kinds of relationships, point to many similarities among gay and straight men and women in reasons for having sex and limiting sexual activity.  相似文献   

The principal aim of this paper is to present an evolutionary model based on a simple inequality system which shows how altruism can increase exchanges of goods and services, in order to study the conditions which can permit the emergence and prevalence of altruistic behaviors. We will show that given certain conditions, and even without considering group selection, kin selection or reciprocal altruism, altruists may have a greater probability of survival than egoists.  相似文献   

Given that same-sex sexual orientation is associated with lower reproductive success, how have genes associated with male androphilia (i.e., male sexual attraction/arousal to adult men) persisted over evolutionary time? The Kin Selection Hypothesis proposes that by directing valuable resources toward kin, androphilic men may enhance their indirect fitness and thereby offset the fitness costs of not reproducing directly. Support for this hypothesis has been garnered from studies conducted in Samoa, but not from studies of “gay” men in industrialized cultures (i.e., Canada, Japan, United Kingdom, and the United States). This cross-cultural difference may be due to relatively greater geographic and familial disconnect experienced by androphilic “gay” men in industrialized cultures. This article reasons that in more industrialized settings, friends’ children may serve as non-adaptive proxies for nieces and nephews. Hence, it was predicted that Canadian androphilic men would exhibit elevated altruistic tendencies toward their friends’ children compared with gynephilic men and androphilic women. This prediction was not supported. However, in line with previous research, the results indicated that androphilic women are more likely to behave altruistically toward friends’ children compared to gynephilic men. Other possible explanations for the existing cross-cultural discrepancy in altruistic tendencies toward nieces and nephews are discussed.  相似文献   

Questions concerning the essential nature of altruism, the existence of an altruistic personality, and the genetic, biosocial, and social psychological bases of altruistic behavior have dominated theory and research on the topic. The current paper reconceptualizes financial altruism sociologically as a form of unilateral resource exchanges, or welfare. The alternative definition employs Donald Black's (1979, 2000) analytic approach to describe and explain the behavior of welfare with its location and direction in social space. The paper offers several propositions that purport to explain variations in welfare by drawing upon cross‐cultural research. In general, welfare flows in the direction of those who are less integrated and who have lower social status. In addition, welfare varies directly with intimacy, conventionality, and respectability. Finally, welfare varies inversely with relational distance, cultural distance, and group size. The paper concludes with a brief discussion of strengths and limitations of the general propositions advanced.  相似文献   

There is a direct correspondence between the interpretation of homosexuality and the ideas and theories surrounding it. Upon administering the MMPI to a group of female homosexuals and a group of female heterosexuals, the two groups were differentiated on three of the 13 scales. The two groups differed also on 57 of the 566 items. The findings support the idea that differences in personality, although not out of the “normal” ranges (i.e., T scores > 70 or < 30) do occur between female homosexuals and female heterosexuals. The results also indicate that a personality scale to detect homosexuality could be developed.  相似文献   

Evelyn Hooker's research comparing the mental health of 30 male homosexuals to 30 male heterosexuals may be the most influential study in the history of social science. The American Psychological Association (APA) claims her work was the major reason it began advocating for acceptance of homosexuality. It led the American Psychiatric Association in 1973 to eliminate homosexuality from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. And it impacted the U.S. Supreme Court's 2003 legalization of sodomy in Lawrence v Texas.

Hooker reportedly believed experts would be unable to distinguish homosexuals from heterosexuals on psychological tests. Re-examination of her work indicates that Hooker's study was neither rigorous nor reliable. Among other problems, homosexual subjects were easily identified on test protocols; her reports of how she obtained her samples were incomplete and contradictory; and her study generated results supportive of obsession/compulsivity in homosexuals.

Thus Hooker's study was seriously flawed. Moreover, because it was marketed by the APA as central in transforming homosexual activity from an illness/crime into acceptable behavior—yet Hooker did not correct those who mischaracterized her work—APA misrepresentations of Hooker over the past 40 years appear to be more in line with ideology than science.  相似文献   

Children typically receive investments from their fathers, but absent fathers often invest at low levels. In a father's absence, what types of nonfathers invest heavily in children? This article investigates educational participation as a reflection of childhood investments on Ibo Island, Mozambique, where only one third of school‐aged children live with their biological fathers. Father‐present children generally attended school at the highest rates. Stepchildren and father‐absent relatives (e.g., grandchildren, nieces) attended school at comparably high rates if any coresiding children were father‐present. This may signal high altruism among present fathers toward some nonoffspring. Consistent with this result, a fixed effects model indicates that, within the same household, adult males invested equally in their own children, relatives, and stepchildren. Prejudicially lower investments were made in children who were unrelated to the household's adult males, however; this result has strong negative implications for the well‐being of African children fostered by nonrelatives.  相似文献   

This study was designed to examine the attitudes of student athletes toward the use of painkilling drugs. A total of 563 student athletes at two Division One NCAA universities were surveyed in this study. Twenty-nine percent of the student athletes (n = 165) reported that they felt there is nothing wrong with using painkilling drugs on the day of competition (when injured) to cope with pain. These student athletes reported that they would use painkilling drugs to mask injury in order to continue to participate in their sport. Student athletes' perceptions of societal norms and expectations related to competition, and the degree of control student athletes perceive that they have when deciding to use painkillers, may be important determinants governing the extent to which they may be at risk for abusing these substances. Research on planned behavior and reasoned action against suggests that salient beliefs affect intentions and subsequent behaviors, either through attitudes or subjective norms, or the degree of (perceived) control that an individual feels he/she has over the behavior [1, 2]. This theoretical model was used as a guiding framework for analyzing the attitudes of college athletes toward painkilling drugs. Recommendations are included in this article for coaches, educators, team physicians, team trainers, and administrators who are concerned about controlling the use and abuse of painkilling drugs by student athletes.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The authors examined perceived norms and drinking among college students who attended high schools in rural and urban communities. PARTICIPANTS AND METHODS: Undergraduates (99 men and 85 women) who attended high schools in communities with populations ranging from less than 100 to more than 400,000 completed surveys assessing perceived norms and alcohol consumption. RESULTS: Analyses revealed that students from smaller towns and in smaller high school graduating classes reported heavier drinking and that perceived norms were positively associated with drinking. Perceived norms were unrelated to population variables, and the relationship between perceived norms and drinking did not vary as a function of population variables. Results suggest that differences in drinking as a function of coming from more rural areas contribute to drinking behavior in college independently of perceived norms. CONCLUSIONS: College students may adjust to campus drinking norms relatively quickly, and longitudinal research would be useful in understanding this transition.  相似文献   

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