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农民工与城市劳动力市场   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
谢桂华 《社会学研究》2007,22(5):84-110
本文通过探讨导致农民工和城市工人之间收入差异的机制,检验了城市劳动力市场政策和农民工个人特征是如何影响到他们在城市劳动力市场上的融合的。运用抽样调查的方法,在将收入划分为包括福利的总收入和不包括福利的工资收入后,本研究检验了样本代表的各城市内部城市工人和农民工两种收入之间的差异,发现城市工人和农民工之间的收入差异主要来源于福利性收入,或者说,影响在职农民工在经济地位上融入城市生活的主要因素是基于工人户籍身份的城市社会保障制度。  相似文献   

回乡农民工是继续外出还是留在家乡务工?人力资本、家庭因素、经济因素以及外出经历都对农民工个体的外出决策形成影响。促成农民工离开城市回到家乡的原因中。家庭因素和经济因素是最主要原因。分析表明,在影响农民工继续外出决策因素中,这些因素仍然是主要影响因素;同时,外出收入、婚姻状况、外出给家庭带来变化对农民工的外出决策有着显著影响。此外,年龄、外出打工时间长短和对外出生活的满意度也对其外出决策有明显影响。  相似文献   

本文首先利用2001、2005和2010年"中国城市劳动力调查"数据,描述进城农民工在就业、社会保障和居住等方面与城市本地居民的差距及其变化趋势;然后从政策法规方面,阐述进城农民工市民化的主要进展;最后,从户籍制度、子女教育、住房保障和人力资本提升等方面,提出进一步推动进城农民工市民化的政策建议。  相似文献   

唐海君 《职业》2014,(17):36-37
目前我国行业收入差距日益扩大,导致贫富差距呈现扩大的趋势,严重阻碍了我国经济社会发展和建设和谐社会的进程。影响行业收入差距的重要因素是人力资本水平差异,而职业教育是提高人力资本最重要的手段。因此,我们要正确认识职业教育,促进职业教育发展;提高职业教育投入,促进教育公平;提高整个行业人均接受职业教育的机会,发展职业教育,减少行业收入差距。  相似文献   

赵西亮 《城市观察》2015,(6):161-167
伴随中国经济改革的深入和工业化的加速,大量农村剩余劳动力流入到城市劳动力市场寻找就业机会,对城市劳动力市场必然造成影响.本文利用2005年广东省1%人口抽样调查数据考察了农村劳动力流入城市对城市工资的影响,发现总体上农民工对城市工资没有显著影响,但农民工对城市低技能工资有显著的负面影响,对城市高技能工资有正面影响,而对城市中等技能工资没有显著影响.背后的影响机制主要是农村剩余劳动力流入城市会诱导企业资本调整,通过资本扩张或新创企业的形式利用便宜的低技能劳动力,从而在农民工流入不断推动城市劳动力供给增加的同时增加了劳动力需求,抵消了农民工对城市工资可能的负面影响.另外,农民工与城市高技能工人具有一定的互补作用,从而促进城市高技能工资的上升.如果考虑到农民工收入与消费的分离,可以推断"市民化"政策的作用可能使农民工对城市工资的影响变成正值,因而,本文的结果对"市民化"政策的实施也提供了一定的支持证据.  相似文献   

在简述人力资本与农民工市民化的相关概念基础上,从人力资本的四个形成途径出发描述了农民工的人力资本现状,并提出了人力资本视角下农民工市民化路径选择。  相似文献   

邓峰  丁小浩 《社会学研究》2012,(5):24-46,243
本文利用"中国家庭动态跟踪调查"2010年全国代表性数据,使用多层线性交互分类模型来综合考虑个体人力资本和劳动力市场分割对收入水平和性别收入差距的影响。结果表明,女性劳动者由于受教育水平低而大量在第一产业和非正式劳动力市场中就业是造成性别收入差距的重要原因。职业分割影响性别收入差距主要通过纵向分割,在不同职业内没有发现显著的性别收入差异。女性教育收益率高于男性主要是教育配置作用的结果,较高的受教育程度有助于女性进入收入水平高的行业和部门以及性别歧视程度较低的部门。  相似文献   

目前,我国的社会收入差距不断扩大,社会收入分配结构呈现金字塔形状。特别是农村收入分配结构极其不合理,呈现蜡烛台形状,上层极少,中层和中下层所占比例也很小,下层所占比例接近70%。〔1〕扩大中等收入者比重,就是要使更多的低收入者向上流动。众所周知,我国是一个农业大国,农村人力资源总量丰富,但总体素质不高,未形成高效优质的人力资本。我国社会主义新农村的建设,关键就在能否解决农民增收问题。而要使更多的低收入者向上流动,扩大中等收入者比重的关键是增加农村人力资本投资。增加农村人力资本投资的障碍是农村教育严重不足所谓人力…  相似文献   

本文通过对社会结构变迁中的城市青年农民工群体特征的描述,以社会整合与发展为分析框架,结合社会学的相关理论,在对青年农民工在城市中的社会地位、群体关系及社会互动状况加以比较的基础上,对青年农民工群体在城市中的"问题化"倾向的形成原因进行了分析,并提出了相关的对策,进而探索了我国城市农民工群体在社会转型过程中的社会整合问题.  相似文献   

韩慧  张萌萌  黄聚云  郑家琨 《城市观察》2015,(3):170-177,184
采用问卷调查法对上海市1626名学龄农民工随迁子女进行了调查。结果表明,农民工随迁子女城市认同感不高;与上海本地学生认同感差距较大;不同性别、年级的农民工随迁子女的城市认同感具有显著差异。必须培育并提高农民工随迁子女对城市的认同感,这样才能使其认同城市,并最终融入城市。  相似文献   

This paper examines the notion that blue-collar workers have been converting from working-class to middle-class orientations as a consequence of gains in income and education over the past few decades. Cross-sectional analysis of survey data for white workers and spouses reveals that a considerable manual-nonmanual subjective class schism persists when remaining differences in income and education are taken into account. The gap is maintained both by an adherence to working-class identification among blue-collar workers at all socioeconomic levels and by a weaker tendency for these workers, compared with white-collar workers, to use income and educational status as criteria for self-placement in the class system. Longitudinal analysis further indicates that embourgeoisement among blue-collar workers has been slight and suggests that the manual-nonmanual gap in class orientations is widening.  相似文献   

In the past decade or two, an increasing number of migrants from countries neighbouring Thailand have moved to Thailand temporarily or permanently in search for jobs and life security, causing an increase in the labour supply in the Thai labour market. This paper attempts to find the economic contribution of these migrant workers to Thailand using various data sources and a collection of related findings. We find that capital gains from migrant workers show an increasing trend from around 0.03 per cent of the real national income (880 million baht) in 1995 to around 0.055 per cent of the real national income (2,039 million baht) in 2005. Using the adjusted labour share, the net contribution of migrant workers is on average 0.023 per cent of the real national income per year, or around 760 million baht per year.  相似文献   

An important consequence of the economic structure transformations of recent decades is increased income inequality. While an extensive literature has explored the relationship between economic restructuring and inequality, the unique contribution of this article is that it develops and tests a model that explores the mechanisms by which this process occurs. Specifically, the intervening role of the income gap between the well-educated and those with lower levels of education (the educational income gap) and other moderating factors are explored. The 5 percent Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) data from the 2000 Census of Population and Housing was used in the analysis. The data provided strong support for the model. It was found that economic structure and the moderating variables were strongly related to the educational income gap, which in turn was strongly related to overall income inequality. Generally, both the educational income gap and overall income inequality were greater in geographic areas with higher proportions of the labor force employed in services, and both were lower where greater proportions of the labor force were employed in goods-producing industries.  相似文献   

We use personality traits to better understand the relationship between income and life satisfaction. Personality traits mediate the effect of income on life satisfaction. The effect of neuroticism, which measures sensitivity to threat and punishment, is strong in both the British Household Panel Survey and the German Socioeconomic Panel. Neuroticism increases the usually observed concavity of the relationship: individuals with a higher neuroticism score enjoy extra income more than those with a lower score if they are poorer, and enjoy extra income less if they are richer. When the interaction between income and neuroticism is introduced, income does not have a significant effect on its own. To interpret the results, we present a simple model based on Prospect Theory, where we assume that: (i) life satisfaction is dependent on the gap between aspired and realized income, and this is modulated by neuroticism and (ii) income increases in aspirations with a slope less than unity, so that the gap between aspired and realized income increases with aspirations. From the estimation of this model we argue that poorer individuals tend to over-shoot in their aspirations, while the rich tend to under-shoot. The estimation of the model also shows a substantial effect of traits on income.  相似文献   

Freedom of Movement (FM) is seen in this study as the discrepancy between aspiration and personal achievement. Five hundred and sixty-three blue collar workers responded to a mail questionnaire specifically designed to assess FM Sex, race, and income related monotonically to FM, with Blacks, women, and low income workers showing low FM. Age also related significantly to FM, but in a curvilinear fashion, with mid-age workers having the lowest FM. Implications of low PM (and anomie) are discussed in relation to homelessness, apathy, and other forms of social distress.  相似文献   

Recent events have focused attention on the perceived widening of the economic divide between urban and rural areas, and on the continued rise of national income inequality. We demonstrate that, in fact, the average income gap between urban (metropolitan) and rural (nonmetropolitan) households has not risen over the past 40 years, and makes virtually no contribution to national income inequality. Rising national inequality is driven by rising inequality within both urban and rural America, not by an urban/rural divergence. As is well known, the growing dispersion of household money income is partly driven by rising wage inequality, particularly in urban areas. Less well recognized is the role played by other income sources. We show that a decline in the progressivity of the distribution of social security payments and cash transfers, and an increase in the regressivity of the distribution of retirement incomes, have jointly made a comparably large contribution to rising income inequality. At the same time, the share of income from self-employment has declined, particularly in rural America, and because self-employment income is very unequally distributed, its diminution has retarded the growth of rural inequality. In 2014–15, however, rural inequality increased, cutting the urban/rural inequality gap in half.  相似文献   

《Journal of Rural Studies》1995,11(2):217-228
In this article the agricultural income situation in the less favoured areas (LFA) of EUR 12 in the years 1987–1988, 1988–1989 and 1989–1990 is examined by using an agricultural typology of EC regions. This typology is based on the relationship of regional gross domestic product per inhabitant and farm net value added per annual work unit. In this typology, three main geographical areas can be distinguished: Northwest, Central and South. Within each main geographical area farm income in LFA is below that in normal areas. Quite large differences in the income gap between normal areas and LFA exist: in Northwest and Central the income gap is larger than in South. Moreover, the level of farm income in Northwest and Central is considerably above that in South. Within each main geographical area, farmers in LFA receive a higher amount of direct income subsidies than farmers in normal areas; the difference in South is small and in Northwest rather large. A considerable number of LFA are located in the area of regional and agricultural backwardness.  相似文献   

We analyze the impact of international outsourcing on income, if the domestic labor market is imperfect, i.e. there is a bilateral bargaining between a firm and a labor union. In our analysis we distinguish between the cases where the parties negotiate over the wage only and where they negotiate over both wage and profit sharing. We find in the first case that outsourcing has an ambiguous effect on the workers’ income, while it increases the workers’ income in the second case. For the optimal amount of international outsourcing, we find that, depending on the wage effect of outsourcing, in a pure wage bargaining system it can be higher or lower than the level where domestic and foreign marginal labor costs are the same. In contrast, in a wage and profit share bargaining system, the amount of outsourcing lies below this level.  相似文献   

This paper questions whether personal income comparison explains the distributive gap between income and class identification by exploring the following two issues: empirical validity of income comparison as the determinant of class identification, and theoretical validity of income comparison for the distributive gap. For the first issue, we conduct a statistical analysis using data from the Social Stratification and Social Mobility surveys (1975–2005), and the Stratification and Social Psychology-I survey (2010). We find that the criteria for choosing reference groups changed historically from residential proximity to occupational equality. In addition, income comparison with sensitive to lower-income possessors and a distorted perception of income difference significantly affected class identification, except for the year of 1985. The simulation analysis employed to examine the second issue clarified that income comparison with the above-mentioned features yields a less skewed distribution compared to that of class identification. The data also indicates that the empirical conditions of income are satisfied for realization of this result. Thus, we could ascertain empirical and theoretical validity of income comparison as explanation for the distributive gap between income and class identification.  相似文献   

根据广州统计年鉴资料和课题组千户调查数据,运用洛伦兹曲线的函数关系式模型,并借助回归方法估计模型参数,分别计算连续收入分布的基尼系数。研究发现:根据千户调查数据计算的广州市农村居民收入基尼系数为0.4170;广州市2011年城乡居民收入基尼系数为0.3495。这一计算结果优于根据统计年鉴计算的结果,并更符合实践和更具有解释能力。  相似文献   

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