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Many have noted the consonance between contemporary relational theory and classic social work values and practice principles such as person in environment and starting where the client is. However, there have been few efforts to explore relational theory’s utility to the generalist social work framework. This paper takes the position that relational theory’s intersubjective stance lends new coherence to classic social work principles, and therefore elucidates the process aspects of evidence-based social work practice. In order to illustrate this point, the author applies relational theory to implementation issues around early childhood home visitation with Spanish-speaking immigrant clients—a social work service modality that, like so many others, does not fall into the category of individual psychotherapy in the context of private practice.  相似文献   

After the waves of change resulting from the biological revolution in psychiatry gradually receded, interpersonal approaches to the study of serious mental illness, long in decline, once again regained currency. The renewed emphasis on subjectivity, spurred in large measure by the burgeoning recovery movement, brought the lived experience of illness to the forefront of research. However, inquiries into psychotherapy paid little heed to the interior world of therapists immersed in the longterm treatment of severe mental illness. Their experiences failed to garner much attention despite the adoption of intersubjective perspectives in broader interpretations of psychotherapy. The purpose of this essay is to look anew at the dynamics that arise in the psychotherapy of major mental illness and recast light on the struggles of both clients and clinicians through an intensive case presentation exploring the contours of identity.  相似文献   

Although Skinner''s Verbal Behavior (1957) was published over 50 years ago, behavior-analytic research on human language and cognition has been slow to develop. In recent years, a new behavioral approach to language known as relational frame theory (RFT) has generated considerable attention, research, and debate. The controversy surrounding RFT can be difficult to fully appreciate, partly because of the complexity of the theory itself and partly because the debate has spanned several years and several journals. The current paper aims to provide a concise overview of RFT and a summary of key points of debate and controversy.  相似文献   

This paper explores the application of nonlinear dynamic systems theory and concepts to the investigation of the psychotherapeutic situation. Although dynamic systems theory was originally applied in the study of chemistry, mathematics, and physics—not initially for its application to psychotherapy—its emphasis on contextualization provides a rich platform for the reconsideration of how change occurs in the therapeutic dyad. This paper first reviews some tenets of dynamic systems theory, in particular the general processes of system change including the introduction of novelty and perturbation. It then examines some psychoanalytic theories from a dynamic systems vantage point. This is followed by the presentation of two cases that illustrate the application of systems concepts to clinical work. This paper concludes that psychoanalytic psychotherapy from the perspective of dynamic systems theory views moments of change as unpredictable, soft assembled, and emergent in the dialogue and context created mutually by therapist and patient.  相似文献   

A cultural taboo regarding discussion of money affects psychotherapists as well as the lay public. As a result, the psychological literature regarding money is sparse while issues relating to money are seldom addressed in our training, our self analyses, or the treatment of our patients. This article cites some of the literature that does exist, discusses the reasons for and effects of the money taboo, provides a psychological definition of money, and offers some case material that should help to focus thinking about money through the lens of psychodynamic, object relations, and self psychological theories.  相似文献   

This paper describes how relational theories of supervision and one aspect of contemporary trauma theory coalesce to offer a conceptual shift in supervision theory and practices. The paper gives a brief overview of the concept of parallel process in supervision. Following this, the paper summarizes current literature that questions the universal nature of parallel processes in supervision. Next, the characteristics of supervision, when framed in relational theories, are offered. Last, the paper describes how the understanding of trauma theory’s triadic self of victim-victimizer-bystander is a useful construct in understanding impasses in supervisory relationships. Supervisory vignettes are utilized to illustrate the theoretical constructs.  相似文献   

Relational personality theorists propose that women have a tendency to view themselves in the context of relationships with others and to make decisions to optimize and maintain relationships. The current study explored whether relational identity may underlie women's career interests as measured by Holland's typology and examined possible implications of this relationship in career settings. Measures of women's connected self and the Social dimension of Holland's typology were found to be related but separate constructs. Participants with Social interests also indicated some variation in their interest in working in collaborative environments and/or in helping roles on the job.  相似文献   

This is the first of a two‐part series, and provides a contextual history of major trends in sex therapy, notably the psychoanalytic, behavioural and medical models, as well as detailing the family therapy contribution to the field. Part 2 will present the outline of a first interview, and use it to demonstrate a systemic model which explores the interrelationship between the symptom, the presenting person(s), the ‘sexual’ as part of the relationship, the biological, the broader cultural view of sexuality — and the therapist's framework and thinking. Case studies are used as illustration.  相似文献   

This is the second of a two‐part series on the treatment of sexual difficulties. It presents a systemic approach to sex therapy and uses illustrative case histories to explore: the interrelationship between the presenting person or couple; the ‘sexual’ as part of the relationship; the symptom; the medical considerations; the cultural context; and the framework and thinking of the therapist.  相似文献   

This article discusses an approach to relational ethics in contemporary systemic practice. It explores the possibilities offered by traditions of moral philosophy in attending to problems from a relational ethics perspective. This includes a focus on relationships as a crucial element in the development and maintenance of a moral self and how couples and families construct an ethical platform together, both consciously and unconsciously; and also how relational ethics may inform ideas about the values‐driven problems people present in therapy. Finally, it suggests how ethical responsibility and accountability can be constructed as relational responsiveness. Despite our associations with morality as judgmental and rule driven, moral conduct and decision‐making can involve imaginative, creative and aesthetic possibilities.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the usefulness of attachment theory in working with adults in psychotherapy. There are four classifications of attachment status in adults: secure attachment, and three types of insecure attachment: dismissing, preoccupied, and disorganized. These categories do not conform to standard diagnostic entities. I discuss examples of the three insecure attachment categories and the likely transference and countertransference configurations that may occur in each category. These categories provide an additional way for therapists to understand and to respond to the needs of their clients.  相似文献   

This essay takes up the issue of anal sexuality among gay men in order to consider the relationship between bodily and psychic penetrability. The lack of recognition some gay men may experience with this aspect of their sexuality suggests the importance that feeling “mentalized” (e.g., Fonagy and Target, 1993 Fonagy , P. & Target , M. ( 1993 ). Aggression and the psychological self . International Journal of Psycho-Analysis , 74 , 471485 .[PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) may play in adult life. Drawing on early gay liberation and ACT UP-era theorizing about anal sex and an extended clinical example, I explore the meanings of gay men's wishes to (and fears of) penetrate and be penetrated on both bodily and psychic levels as well as the consequences of feeling denied entry. My consideration of these matters becomes in turn an occasion for a critical assessment of the mentalization concept itself.  相似文献   

Federal legislation in the fields of education and health care now requires the development of systems of professional accountability. This accountability to the sponsoring system and to the client is making profound changes in practice. Implications of these changes are reviewed with a challenge to social workers to assume leadership in translating these changes into effective practice models.  相似文献   

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