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近年来,北京市老年人的居住安排方式发生了根本性的变化。2000-2010年北京市老年人与子女同住的比例在下降,而独居和只与配偶同住的比例在上升,由38.74%增至58.17%,老年人空巢居住的特征越来越明显。目前,老年人的主要居住安排方式已经由"三代同住""与儿子同住"转变为"只与配偶同住"。2010年将近三分之二的老年人不与成年子女同住。一些主要的人口学变量和社会经济变量可能会和老年人的居住安排有关。  相似文献   

本文在"三网融合"的背景下,以老年人服务体系信息化为出发点,梳理北京市老年人服务与网络介入方式的现状,从介入工具、介入形式、网络服务平台的运营形式三个维度提出北京市老年人服务体系的网络介入模式,并提出实施的政策建议。  相似文献   

北京市制造业适度发展研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
资源环境约束条件下,北京市制造业占GDP的比重逐年降低。北京市三产比重已达到发达国家大都市水平。而北京市制造业在全国和北京市经济中仍占有举足轻重的地位。本文从北京市制造业总体发展状况、北京市制造业对资源环境的影响、京津冀都市圈全新定位对北京市制造业发展的影响、世界大都市制造业适度发展的经验4个方面进行研究,进而提出北京市制造业"比重稳定,结构优化"的适度发展战略。  相似文献   

浙江省老年人收入状况的性别差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我省老年人的收入状况明显存在着性别差异.表现在:离退休金水平、不从事社会劳动的人数比例、离退休金以外其他各项收入状况、各项收入均值、全年总收入状况、银行存款状况、接受帮助状况以及主要生活来源状况等等方面.这些方面均反映出:女性老年人的收入水平明显低于男性老年人;女性老年人在经济生活的自立性、独立性上远远弱势于男性老年人,而在对家庭其他成员的经济依赖程度上则远远高于同地域的男性老年人.  相似文献   

通过分析2017年北京市金融行业490位高端金融人才的横截面调查数据,测算北京市高端金融人才对北京发展环境的满意度,并对满意度影响因素进行解读。结果显示,北京市高端金融人才对北京发展环境的满意度为中等水平(3. 2281分,满分5分),发展环境中最为满意的是经济发展环境,最不满意的是生态文明发展环境,影响发展环境满意度的最主要因素是工作收入水平因素和经济影响力相关因素。  相似文献   

2008年以来,北京市开始尝试凭单制购买养老服务这一方式,帮助老年人在社区养老,同时对社区养老服务企业进行鼓励和扶助。但是在实践中出现了养老服务券贬值、违规兑换现金等问题。原因在于政府、企业、老年人之间不能有效互动,以及老年人主导地位的缺失。政府在这一政策中的地位至关重要,其角色应该由服务的"指挥员"转变为"服务员"或"裁判员"。  相似文献   

北京老年贫困状况的变化趋势及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
掌握老年贫困状况变化趋势是政府制定社会保障政策的重要依据,然而现期国内从纵向角度探讨老年贫困的研究并不多.对北京市2000-2015年间的老年贫困人口数量、城乡分布和性别年龄状况的动态变化进行探究发现,2000-2015年间,由于北京市老年人口基数的扩大,老年贫困规模呈现“比例下降,数量上升”的特点;在城乡分布上,城乡老年贫困差距有所缩小,但城市老年贫困问题趋显;在年龄性别分布上,女性和高龄老年人的弱势状况需引起重视.  相似文献   

目前城市老年人住房状况良好,绝大部分老人住在自己产权住房中,人均居住面积较大,住房较新,多住在低层。但住房困难户也不容忽视,具体体现在年龄、婚姻、受教育程度和经济状况等方面,如高龄老人、丧偶老人、受教育程度低老人和经济状况较差的老人居住条件较差,多住在租房中,住房比较旧。老年人对目前住房条件感到满意的比例并不高,除个体因素外,住房状况对老年人住房评价有重要影响。  相似文献   

之一:全面完成国家在浙江的养老服务体系建设试点任务。 之二:探索建立老年人养老服务需求评估体系。根据老年人意愿、经济状况和身体状况,展开评估,形成相应的信息管理系统,建立动态管理机制,确切掌握老年人养老服务需求。  相似文献   

将居住福利界定为良好的客观居住条件和较高的生活满意度评价两方面。通过分析2016年"北京市老年人居住环境调查"数据,发现在老年群体内部,不同住房地位群体的居住福利存在着不平等。各群体居住福利水平从高到低排序依次为:商品房户、回迁房户、私房户、保障房户和单位房户。单位房户、保障房户和私房户的居住福利水平较低,政府应将这3类群体的居住环境作为老年友好型环境建设的重点。建议政府保障与引导并重,分类制定居住福利政策,以解决不同老年群体的居住需求问题。  相似文献   

孙静  何庆光 《创新》2013,(3):118-121
在归纳县域循环经济理论和循环经济评价方法基础上,对广西2009~2011年三大经济区域的91个县区循环经济的经济子系统发展状况进行评价,计算各县区经济发展指数,采用交叉分析法实证,并进行横向、纵向比较以及典型分析。通过分析可知,广西县域循环经济的经济子系统方面发展较慢,且分布不均衡,尤其是桂西资源富集区的经济发展相对较差,而北部湾经济区和西江经济带也只有防城港和桂林两个亮点,对周边经济发展的辐射能力有限。政府应加强区域统筹规划发挥区域优势、做大做强工业、大力发展第三产业等,以推动县域循环经济进一步发展壮大。  相似文献   

This longitudinal study examined the long‐term effects of economic preparation and social activity on life and family relationship satisfaction among retirees, particularly baby boomers. Data was obtained from the 2009 and 2011 Korean Retirement & Income Panel Study. A fixed effects model was employed to estimate unobservable individual‐specific effects and to control for study participants’ individual characteristics. The results show that both economic preparation and social activities have long‐term effects on baby boomers’ life and family relationship satisfaction. This study reveals that multidimensional aspects of preparation increase the long‐term impact of life satisfaction for retirees.  相似文献   

This article selects a fast growing economy, China, under Deng Xiao-ping's economic reforms, as a case example for exploring the use of the median income-linked international poverty line in measuring third world poverty. Those third world countries which have a fast growing economy have the prospect of increased income inequality. Henceforth, the widening income inequality justifies a comparable poverty measurement which takes into account the relation between economic affluence and income distribution.  相似文献   

The evaluation of social programs constitutes an important aspect in the modeling of economic policies. On the basis that the measurement of well being through subjective measures provides a broader perspective than through objective economic variables, this paper first identifies the determinants of deprivation in Spain, in monetary terms, and in non-monetary terms using satisfaction variables. In addition to establishing that the more unequal the income distribution within a group, the less income-satisfied is the individual, we find that unemployment is one of the main determinants of deprivation and satisfaction. Accordingly, we propose a reform of unemployment benefit policy that maintains individuals at the same utility level as when employed, rather than applying the current benefit system. Our policy conclusions reveal that the public budget dedicated to paying benefits to restore satisfaction levels, during the period 1994-1999, would have increased by €2,536,165.13 thousand on an average annually. It could be a desirable policy in good times but, since it increases public spending and thus public deficit, economic policy makers should decide whether it is adequate in rainy days.  相似文献   

This article extends previous studies investigating economic globalisation and the welfare state by examining individual attitudes, ranging from a preference for individual responsibility (economic individualism) to public demand for government intervention (social equality), across a large number of countries. It formulates different hypotheses about the direct and moderating effects of economic openness on these attitudes. The multilevel analysis, investigating data from 99,663 citizens of 67 countries, leads to the following two conclusions. First, economic openness is associated with a stronger preference for economic individualism and less demand for government intervention. Second, groups benefiting from globalisation and right‐wing voters have a stronger preference for economic individualism if the economic openness of their country is higher. Key Practitioner Message: ● The results show that some vulnerable groups demand more social protection in economically more open countries.  相似文献   

三大都市经济圈制度竞争力的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陶一桃 《求是学刊》2005,32(1):70-76
所谓的制度竞争力 ,是政治资源的竞争力。大都市经济圈不仅仅是物资资源、金融资本、人力资源的集散地 ,具有资源配置的先天的地理、地域、政治、文化的优势 ,而且交通也是政治资源或者说体制资源拥有量较大的地方。制度既能为社会带来财富 ,又能增加社会发展的成本并带来低效率  相似文献   

李璇 《创新》2013,(3):60-63,127
1980年,中国在借鉴世界各国和地区举办经济特区的经验和教训的基础上创办和发展了深圳、珠海、汕头和厦门4个经济特区,其中广东省就占了3个。经过30多年的发展,广东省3个经济特区的产业规模不断扩大,发展速度均高于全国平均水平,与此同时,特区之间的发展也很不平衡,存在诸多差异。可从不同经济特区的区位优势、地域划分等客观因素和产业发展策略、城市定位策略、创新意识等主观因素认识产生差异的原因。  相似文献   

Relatively short‐term verbal therapies and other forms of intervention may help people to overcome difficult passages in life, but studies in recent decades have pointed to the salience of social and economic conditions in shaping life satisfaction and happiness. The present study contributes to our knowledge of this field by extending the range of social factors considered, but also, crucially, by the employment of statistical analyses that serve to disentangle the often overlapping variables associated with life satisfaction and happiness. Our results support previous ‘demographic’ findings as well as new results including education, marriage, children, human rights and, particularly in the context of Australian society, perceived choice in life. Establishing what the major contributing factors are can assist the formulation of social policy. Moreover, it can alert practitioners to the value of consolidating their work by encouraging service users to utilise community sources that enhance life satisfaction and/or happiness. Key Practitioner Message: ● The informed linking of service users to sources of life satisfaction and happiness can ‘value add’ direct service interventions;The salience of exercising individual choice to achieving life satisfaction reinforces the importance of the practice principle of self‐determination;A person's sense of physical wellbeing is a relevant part of social assessment and subsequent planned actions.  相似文献   

Care of China's elderly population is of concern due to its projected growth as well as to changes in elder care patterns related to shifting social and economic conditions. Increases in life expectancy and, therefore, in the duration of widowhood, particularly for women, magnifies this concern. Studies that examine the living arrangements and life satisfaction of elderly widows in China are limited. This study of 147 elderly widows, both men and women, examined differences in the life satisfaction of those who live with their adult children and those who live alone. This study also examined whether the relationship between living arrangement and life satisfaction was moderated by levels of family and community support. According to study findings, elderly widows living alone have higher life satisfaction than those living with their adult children, and this effect remains with the introduction of controls for health status, family support, community support, gender, age, income and educational level. Further, neither family nor community support moderate the relationship between living arrangement and life satisfaction, although each exerts a direct effect on life satisfaction.  相似文献   

There is little evidence on the factors that drive peaceful unconventional political participation. This study evaluates the impact of seven individual level constituents – age, income, education, gender, satisfaction with the government, engagement in civil society organizations and voting – as well as five macro-level factors – economic development, democratic experience, income inequalities, a country's regime type and federalism – on citizens’ participation in boycotts, demonstrations and petition signing activities. Participation in all three protest activities hinges on education, voting, participation in civil society organizations, and lack of satisfaction with the government. Moreover, the influence of some macro-factors, such as democratic experience and economic development, and micro-level factors, such as gender differs between the three forms of political engagement.  相似文献   

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