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In paired comparison experiments t objects are ranked for any particular characteristic x by offering the objects in all possible pairs to a judge, each pair being repeated a certain number of times. The judge is to express his preference by giving a score 1 to the preferred object and a score 0 to the non-preferred object. A modification of Thurstone Model for analysis of data from such experiments has been given by Mosteller ‘1951a,b,c’. In this paper angular transformation is used to generalize Mosteller1s model in order to make the preference proportions independent and incidentally ensure homo-scedastlcity of variances and correlations and additivlty of scale in the subjective continuum for the stimuli." The model is extended to unequal numbers of repetitions of the pairs. Using the model two different types of treatment ratings are obtained along with the respective standard errors for moderately large numbers of repetitions, one setting the location parameter S, "0 and the other using the constraint S1 + S2 +…,+ St = 0.  相似文献   

A statistical experiment was designed to check if the pairwise comparisons method, which was introduced by Fechner in 1860 and developed by Thurstone in 1927, really improves the accuracy of estimation of stimuli. The experiment has been designed and implemented to minimize statistical bias. The accuracy improvement by the pairwise comparisons method (when compared with the direct rating method) is decisive: the mean value of the improvement exceeds 500% and a 95% confidence interval is (4.657, 5.389).  相似文献   

Partial least squares regression (PLS) is one method to estimate parameters in a linear model when predictor variables are nearly collinear. One way to characterize PLS is in terms of the scaling (shrinkage or expansion) along each eigenvector of the predictor correlation matrix. This characterization is useful in providing a link between PLS and other shrinkage estimators, such as principal components regression (PCR) and ridge regression (RR), thus facilitating a direct comparison of PLS with these methods. This paper gives a detailed analysis of the shrinkage structure of PLS, and several new results are presented regarding the nature and extent of shrinkage.  相似文献   

We develop Bayesian models for density regression with emphasis on discrete outcomes. The problem of density regression is approached by considering methods for multivariate density estimation of mixed scale variables, and obtaining conditional densities from the multivariate ones. The approach to multivariate mixed scale outcome density estimation that we describe represents discrete variables, either responses or covariates, as discretised versions of continuous latent variables. We present and compare several models for obtaining these thresholds in the challenging context of count data analysis where the response may be over‐ and/or under‐dispersed in some of the regions of the covariate space. We utilise a nonparametric mixture of multivariate Gaussians to model the directly observed and the latent continuous variables. The paper presents a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm for posterior sampling, sufficient conditions for weak consistency, and illustrations on density, mean and quantile regression utilising simulated and real datasets.  相似文献   

The main objective of this paper is to develop a full Bayesian analysis for the Birnbaum–Saunders (BS) regression model based on scale mixtures of the normal (SMN) distribution with right-censored survival data. The BS distributions based on SMN models are a very general approach for analysing lifetime data, which has as special cases the Student-t-BS, slash-BS and the contaminated normal-BS distributions, being a flexible alternative to the use of the corresponding BS distribution or any other well-known compatible model, such as the log-normal distribution. A Gibbs sample algorithm with Metropolis–Hastings algorithm is used to obtain the Bayesian estimates of the parameters. Moreover, some discussions on the model selection to compare the fitted models are given and case-deletion influence diagnostics are developed for the joint posterior distribution based on the Kullback–Leibler divergence. The newly developed procedures are illustrated on a real data set previously analysed under BS regression models.  相似文献   

Missing data methods, maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) and multiple imputation (MI), for longitudinal questionnaire data were investigated via simulation. Predictive mean matching (PMM) was applied at both item and scale levels, logistic regression at item level and multivariate normal imputation at scale level. We investigated a hybrid approach which is combination of MLE and MI, i.e. scales from the imputed data are eliminated if all underlying items were originally missing. Bias and mean square error (MSE) for parameter estimates were examined. ML seemed to provide occasionally the best results in terms of bias, but hardly ever on MSE. All imputation methods at the scale level and logistic regression at item level hardly ever showed the best performance. The hybrid approach is similar or better than its original MI. The PMM-hybrid approach at item level demonstrated the best MSE for most settings and in some cases also the smallest bias.  相似文献   

The appropriate interpretation of measurements often requires standardization for concomitant factors. For example, standardization of weight for both height and age is important in obesity research and in failure-to-thrive research in children. Regression quantiles from a reference population afford one intuitive and popular approach to standardization. Current methods for the estimation of regression quantiles can be classified as nonparametric with respect to distributional assumptions or as fully parametric. We propose a semiparametric method where we model the mean and variance as flexible regression spline functions and allow the unspecified distribution to vary smoothly as a function of covariates. Similarly to Cole and Green, our approach provides separate estimates and summaries for location, scale and distribution. However, similarly to Koenker and Bassett, we do not assume any parametric form for the distribution. Estimation for either cross-sectional or longitudinal samples is obtained by using estimating equations for the location and scale functions and through local kernel smoothing of the empirical distribution function for standardized residuals. Using this technique with data on weight, height and age for females under 3 years of age, we find that there is a close relationship between quantiles of weight for height and age and quantiles of body mass index (BMI=weight/height2) for age in this cohort.  相似文献   

In this article, utilizing a scale mixture of skew-normal distribution in which mixing random variable is assumed to follow a mixture model with varying weights for each observation, we introduce a generalization of skew-normal linear regression model with the aim to provide resistant results. This model, which also includes the skew-slash distribution in a particular case, allows us to accommodate and detect outlying observations under the skew-normal linear regression model. Inferences about the model are carried out through the empirical Bayes approach. The conditions for propriety of the posterior and for existence of posterior moments are given under the standard noninformative priors for regression and scale parameters as well as proper prior for skewness parameter. Then, for Bayesian inference, a Markov chain Monte Carlo method is described. Since posterior results depend on the prior hyperparameters, we estimate them adopting the empirical Bayes method as well as using a Monte Carlo EM algorithm. Furthermore, to identify possible outliers, we also apply the Bayes factor obtained through the generalized Savage-Dickey density ratio. Examining the proposed approach on simulated instance and real data, it is found to provide not only satisfactory parameter estimates rather allow identifying outliers favorably.  相似文献   

We suggest pivotal methods for constructing simultaneous bootstrap confidence bands in regression. Most attention is given to the problem of simple linear regression, but our techniques admit trivial extension to other cases, including polynomial regression. The advantages of our bootstrap approach are twofold. Firstly, the bootstrap allows a very general distribution for the errors, and secondly, it admits a wide variety of shapes for the confidence band. In our technique the shape of each envelope of the band is determined by a general template, chosen by the experimenter, and bootstrap methods are used to select the scale of the template.  相似文献   

In this application note paper, we propose and examine the performance of a Bayesian approach for a homoscedastic nonlinear regression (NLR) model assuming errors with two-piece scale mixtures of normal (TP-SMN) distributions. The TP-SMN is a large family of distributions, covering both symmetrical/ asymmetrical distributions as well as light/heavy tailed distributions, and provides an alternative to another well-known family of distributions, called scale mixtures of skew-normal distributions. The proposed family and Bayesian approach provides considerable flexibility and advantages for NLR modelling in different practical settings. We examine the performance of the approach using simulated and real data.KEYWORDS: Gibbs sampling, MCMC method, nonlinear regression model, scale mixtures of normal family, two-piece distributions  相似文献   

The author presents a robust F-test for comparing nested linear models. It is suggested that the approach will be attractive to practitioners because it is based on the familiar F-statistic and corresponds to the common practice of reporting F-statistics after removing obvious outliers. It is calibrated in terms of a real parameter that can be directly interpreted as the willingness of the data analyst to remove observations, and the sensitivity of the F-statistic to this parameter is easily examined. The procedure is evaluated with a simulation study where a scale mixture distribution is used to generate outliers. The procedure is also applied to some data where the occurrence of an outlier is confounded with the significance of a regression term. This provides a comparison of two competing models for the data: one removing an outlier and the other including an additional regression term instead.  相似文献   

This paper considers quantile regression models using an asymmetric Laplace distribution from a Bayesian point of view. We develop a simple and efficient Gibbs sampling algorithm for fitting the quantile regression model based on a location-scale mixture representation of the asymmetric Laplace distribution. It is shown that the resulting Gibbs sampler can be accomplished by sampling from either normal or generalized inverse Gaussian distribution. We also discuss some possible extensions of our approach, including the incorporation of a scale parameter, the use of double exponential prior, and a Bayesian analysis of Tobit quantile regression. The proposed methods are illustrated by both simulated and real data.  相似文献   

Although regression estimates are quite robust to slight departure from normality, symmetric prediction intervals assuming normality can be highly unsatisfactory and problematic if the residuals have a skewed distribution. For data with distributions outside the class covered by the Generalized Linear Model, a common way to handle non-normality is to transform the response variable. Unfortunately, transforming the response variable often destroys the theoretical or empirical functional relationship connecting the mean of the response variable to the explanatory variables established on the original scale. Further complication arises if a single transformation cannot both stabilize variance and attain normality. Furthermore, practitioners also find the interpretation of highly transformed data not obvious and often prefer an analysis on the original scale. The present paper presents an alternative approach for handling simultaneously heteroscedasticity and non-normality without resorting to data transformation. Unlike classical approaches, the proposed modeling allows practitioners to formulate the mean and variance relationships directly on the original scale, making data interpretation considerably easier. The modeled variance relationship and form of non-normality in the proposed approach can be easily examined through a certain function of the standardized residuals. The proposed method is seen to remain consistent for estimating the regression parameters even if the variance function is misspecified. The method along with some model checking techniques is illustrated with a real example.  相似文献   

Sequential regression multiple imputation has emerged as a popular approach for handling incomplete data with complex features. In this approach, imputations for each missing variable are produced based on a regression model using other variables as predictors in a cyclic manner. Normality assumption is frequently imposed for the error distributions in the conditional regression models for continuous variables, despite that it rarely holds in real scenarios. We use a simulation study to investigate the performance of several sequential regression imputation methods when the error distribution is flat or heavy tailed. The methods evaluated include the sequential normal imputation and its several extensions which adjust for non normal error terms. The results show that all methods perform well for estimating the marginal mean and proportion, as well as the regression coefficient when the error distribution is flat or moderately heavy tailed. When the error distribution is strongly heavy tailed, all methods retain their good performances for the mean and the adjusted methods have robust performances for the proportion; but all methods can have poor performances for the regression coefficient because they cannot accommodate the extreme values well. We caution against the mechanical use of sequential regression imputation without model checking and diagnostics.  相似文献   

Many research fields increasingly involve analyzing data of a complex structure. Models investigating the dependence of a response on a predictor have moved beyond the ordinary scalar-on-vector regression. We propose a regression model for a scalar response and a surface (or a bivariate function) predictor. The predictor has a random component and the regression model falls in the framework of linear random effects models. We estimate the model parameters via maximizing the log-likelihood with the ECME (Expectation/Conditional Maximization Either) algorithm. We use the approach to analyze a data set where the response is the neuroticism score and the predictor is the resting-state brain function image. In the simulations we tried, the approach has better performance than two other approaches, a functional principal component regression approach and a smooth scalar-on-image regression approach.  相似文献   

The Bradley–Terry model is widely and often beneficially used to rank objects from paired comparisons. The underlying assumption that makes ranking possible is the existence of a latent linear scale of merit or equivalently of a kind of transitiveness of the preference. However, in some situations such as sensory comparisons of products, this assumption can be unrealistic. In these contexts, although the Bradley–Terry model appears to be significantly interesting, the linear ranking does not make sense. Our aim is to propose a 2-dimensional extension of the Bradley–Terry model that accounts for interactions between the compared objects. From a methodological point of view, this proposition can be seen as a multidimensional scaling approach in the context of a logistic model for binomial data. Maximum likelihood is investigated and asymptotic properties are derived in order to construct confidence ellipses on the diagram of the 2-dimensional scores. It is shown by an illustrative example based on real sensory data on how to use the 2-dimensional model to inspect the lack-of-fit of the Bradley–Terry model.  相似文献   

Quantile regression, including median regression, as a more completed statistical model than mean regression, is now well known with its wide spread applications. Bayesian inference on quantile regression or Bayesian quantile regression has attracted much interest recently. Most of the existing researches in Bayesian quantile regression focus on parametric quantile regression, though there are discussions on different ways of modeling the model error by a parametric distribution named asymmetric Laplace distribution or by a nonparametric alternative named scale mixture asymmetric Laplace distribution. This paper discusses Bayesian inference for nonparametric quantile regression. This general approach fits quantile regression curves using piecewise polynomial functions with an unknown number of knots at unknown locations, all treated as parameters to be inferred through reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo (RJMCMC) of Green (Biometrika 82:711–732, 1995). Instead of drawing samples from the posterior, we use regression quantiles to create Markov chains for the estimation of the quantile curves. We also use approximate Bayesian factor in the inference. This method extends the work in automatic Bayesian mean curve fitting to quantile regression. Numerical results show that this Bayesian quantile smoothing technique is competitive with quantile regression/smoothing splines of He and Ng (Comput. Stat. 14:315–337, 1999) and P-splines (penalized splines) of Eilers and de Menezes (Bioinformatics 21(7):1146–1153, 2005).  相似文献   

Some new results of a distance—based (DB) model for prediction with mixed variables are presented and discussed. This model can be thought of as a linear model where predictor variables for a response Y are obtained from the observed ones via classic multidimensional scaling. A coefficient is introduced in order to choose the most predictive dimensions, providing a solution to the problem of small variances and a very large number n of observations (the dimensionality increases as n). The problem of missing data is explored and a DB solution is proposed. It is shown that this approach can be regarded as a kind of ridge regression when the usual Euclidean distance is used.  相似文献   

Summary. We use cumulants to derive Bayesian credible intervals for wavelet regression estimates. The first four cumulants of the posterior distribution of the estimates are expressed in terms of the observed data and integer powers of the mother wavelet functions. These powers are closely approximated by linear combinations of wavelet scaling functions at an appropriate finer scale. Hence, a suitable modification of the discrete wavelet transform allows the posterior cumulants to be found efficiently for any given data set. Johnson transformations then yield the credible intervals themselves. Simulations show that these intervals have good coverage rates, even when the underlying function is inhomogeneous, where standard methods fail. In the case where the curve is smooth, the performance of our intervals remains competitive with established nonparametric regression methods.  相似文献   

M-quantile regression is defined as a “quantile-like” generalization of robust regression based on influence functions. This article outlines asymptotic properties for the M-quantile regression coefficients estimators in the case of i.i.d. data with stochastic regressors, paying attention to adjustments due to the first-step scale estimation. A variance estimator of the M-quantile regression coefficients based on the sandwich approach is proposed. Empirical results show that this estimator appears to perform well under different simulated scenarios. The sandwich estimator is applied in the small area estimation context for the estimation of the mean squared error of an estimator for the small area means. The results obtained improve previous findings, especially in the case of heteroskedastic data.  相似文献   

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