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In this paper we consider the heteroscedastic regression model defined by the structural relation Y = r(V, β) + s(W)ε, where V is a p-dimensional random vector, W is a q-dimensional random vector, β is an unknown vector in some open subset B of Rm, r is a known function from Rp × B into R, s is an unknown function on Rq, and ε is an unobservable random variable that is independent of the pair (V, W). We construct asymptotically efficient estimates of the regression parameter β under mild assumptions on the functions r and s and on the distributions of ε and (V, W).  相似文献   

Designs for quadratic and cubic regression are considered when the possible choices of the controlable variable are points x=( x1,x2,…,xq) in the q-dimensional. Full of radius R, Bq(R) ={x:Σ4ix2i?R2}. The designs that are optimum among rotatable designs with respect to the D-, A-, and E-optimality criteria are compared in their performance relative to these and other criteria, including extrapolation. Additionally, the performance of a design optimum for one value of R, when it is implemented for a different value of R, is investigated. Some of the results are developed algebraically; others, numerically. For example, in quadratic regression the A-optimum design appears to be fairly robust in its efficiency, under variation of criterion.  相似文献   

We investigate multipliers of 2 - {v; q2, q2; λ} supplementary difference sets where cyclotomy has been used to construct D-optimal designs.  相似文献   

Left-truncation often arises when patient information, such as time of diagnosis, is gathered retrospectively. In some cases, the distribution function, say G(x), of left-truncated variables can be parameterized as G(x; θ), where θ∈Θ?Rq and θ is a q-dimensional vector. Under semiparametric transformation models, we demonstrated that the approach of Chen et al. (Semiparametric analysis of transformation models with censored data. Biometrika. 2002;89:659–668) can be used to analyse this type of data. The asymptotic properties of the proposed estimators are derived. A simulation study is conducted to investigate the performance of the proposed estimators.  相似文献   

A new method to calculate the multivariate t-distribution is introduced. We provide a series of substitutions, which transform the starting q-variate integral into one over the (q—1)-dimensional hypercube. In this situation standard numerical integration methods can be applied. Three algorithms are discussed in detail. As an application we derive an expression to calculate the power of multiple contrast tests assuming normally distributed data.  相似文献   

Two classes of designs of resolution V are constructed using one-factor-at-a-time techniques. They facilitate sequential learning and are more economical in run size than regular 2Vkp designs. Comparisons of D efficiency with other designs are given to assess the suitability of the proposed designs. Their Ds efficiencies can be dramatically improved with the addition of a few runs.  相似文献   

The Langevin (or von Mises-Fisher) distribution of random vector x on the unit sphere ωq in Rq has a density proportional to exp κμ'x where μ'x is the scalar product of x with the unit modal vector μ and κ?0 is a concentration parameter. This paper studies estimation and tests for a wide variety of situations when the sample sizes are large. Geometrically simple test statistics are given for many sample problems even when the populations may have unequal concentration parameters.  相似文献   

The problem of finding confidence regions (CR) for a q-variate vector γ given as the solution of a linear functional relationship (LFR) Λγ = μ is investigated. Here an m-variate vector μ and an m × q matrix Λ = (Λ1, Λ2,…, Λq) are unknown population means of an m(q+1)-variate normal distribution Nm(q+1)(ζΩ?Σ), where ζ′ = (μ′, Λ1′, Λ2′,…, ΛqΣ is an unknown, symmetric and positive definite m × m matrix and Ω is a known, symmetric and positive definite (q+1) × (q+1) matrix and ? denotes the Kronecker product. This problem is a generalization of the univariate special case for the ratio of normal means.A CR for γ with level of confidence 1 ? α, is given by a quadratic inequality, which yields the so-called ‘pseudo’ confidence regions (PCR) valid conditionally in subsets of the parameter space. Our discussion is focused on the ‘bounded pseudo’ confidence region (BPCR) given by the interior of a hyperellipsoid. The two conditions necessary for a BPCR to exist are shown to be the consistency conditions concerning the multivariate LFR. The probability that these conditions hold approaches one under ‘reasonable circumstances’ in many practical situations. Hence, we may have a BPCR with confidence approximately 1 ? α. Some simulation results are presented.  相似文献   

An effective and efficient search algorithm has been developed to select from an 1(1) system zero-non-zero patterned cointegrating and loading vectors in a subset VECM, B q (l)y(t-1) + B q-1 (L)Ay(t) = ?( t ) , where the long term impact matrix Bq(l) contains zero entries. The algorithm can be applied to higher order integrated systems. The Finnish money-output model presented by Johansen and Juselius (1990) and the United States balanced growth model presented by King, Plosser, Stock and Watson (1991) are used to demonstrate the usefulness of this algorithm in examining the cointegrating relationships in vector time series.  相似文献   

Partitioned difference families (PDFs) were first studied by Ding and Yin in conjunction with the construction of constant composition codes (CCCs). In 2008, Yin et al. presented the constructions of a number of infinite classes of PDFs based on known difference sets in GF(q). In this paper, we further investigate the constructions of PDFs by using known almost difference sets in GF(q), and establish some recursive constructions of PDFs. As their applications, we also get a number of perfect difference systems of sets (DSSs) over Zq2 with q odd prime.  相似文献   

We propose a double-robust procedure for modeling the correlation matrix of a longitudinal dataset. It is based on an alternative Cholesky decomposition of the form Σ=DLL ? D where D is a diagonal matrix proportional to the square roots of the diagonal entries of Σ and L is a unit lower-triangular matrix determining solely the correlation matrix. The first robustness is with respect to model misspecification for the innovation variances in D, and the second is robustness to outliers in the data. The latter is handled using heavy-tailed multivariate t-distributions with unknown degrees of freedom. We develop a Fisher scoring algorithm for computing the maximum likelihood estimator of the parameters when the nonredundant and unconstrained entries of (L,D) are modeled parsimoniously using covariates. We compare our results with those based on the modified Cholesky decomposition of the form LD 2 L ? using simulations and a real dataset.  相似文献   

Let F be a field of order q. It is known that an orthogonal array of the same order q has rank n over F if and only if it is represented as a cone cut by hyperplanes in n-dimensional space over F. Here we show that translation planes have a cone representation in (n + 1)-dimensional space over F, where n is the dimension of the plane over its kernel. If the plane is a semifield plane then the representation takes a particularly nice form. Rank 3 representations of Moulton planes are also briefly discussed.  相似文献   

A class of second-order C(α) tests is proposed for testing composite hypotheses when no optimal test among the (first-order) C(α) tests, as defined by Neyman (Probability and Statistics, The Harald Cramer Volume, Almqvist and Wiksell, Uppsala, Sweden, 1959, p. 213), exists. The form of an optimal test of the new subclass is also presented. The procedure is seen to be easily extendable to C(α) tests of third or higher orders. Two examples of univariate normal mixtures are considered where the procedure is successfully applied. For the corresponding multivariate models, union–intersection tests of Roy (Ann. Math. Statist. 24 (1953) 220) are derived by combining the above optimal tests of the univariate problems.  相似文献   

The weight hierarchy of a linear [n,k;q] code C over GF(q) is the sequence (d1,d2,…,dk), where dr is the smallest support of an r-dimensional subcode of C. The weight hierarchies of [n,3;q] codes are studied. In particular, for q⩽5 the possible weight hierarchies of [n,3;q] codes are determined.  相似文献   

Consider a linear regression model with regression parameter β=(β1,…,βp) and independent normal errors. Suppose the parameter of interest is θ=aTβ, where a is specified. Define the s-dimensional parameter vector τ=CTβt, where C and t are specified. Suppose that we carry out a preliminary F test of the null hypothesis H0:τ=0 against the alternative hypothesis H1:τ≠0. It is common statistical practice to then construct a confidence interval for θ with nominal coverage 1−α, using the same data, based on the assumption that the selected model had been given to us a priori (as the true model). We call this the naive 1−α confidence interval for θ. This assumption is false and it may lead to this confidence interval having minimum coverage probability far below 1−α, making it completely inadequate. We provide a new elegant method for computing the minimum coverage probability of this naive confidence interval, that works well irrespective of how large s is. A very important practical application of this method is to the analysis of covariance. In this context, τ can be defined so that H0 expresses the hypothesis of “parallelism”. Applied statisticians commonly recommend carrying out a preliminary F test of this hypothesis. We illustrate the application of our method with a real-life analysis of covariance data set and a preliminary F test for “parallelism”. We show that the naive 0.95 confidence interval has minimum coverage probability 0.0846, showing that it is completely inadequate.  相似文献   

Designs for quadratic regression are considered when the possible choices of the controllable variable are points x=(x1,x2,…,xq) in the q-dimensional cube of side 2. The designs that are optimum with respect to such criteria as those of D-, A-, and E-optimality are compared in their performance relative to these and other criteria. Some of the results are developed algebraically; others, numerically. The possible supports of E-optimum designs are much more numerous than the D-optimum supports characterized earlier. The A-optimum design appears to be fairly robust in its efficiency, under variation of criterion.  相似文献   

If O is an ovoid of PG(3,q), then a partition of all but two points of O into q−1 disjoint ovals is called a flock of O. A partition of a nonsingular hyperbolic quadric Q+(3,q) into q+1 disjoint irreducible conics is called a flock of Q+(3,q). Further, if O is either an oval or a hyperoval of PG(2,q) and if K is the cone with vertex a point x of PG(3,q)⧹PG(2,q) and base O, then a partition of K⧹{x} into q disjoint ovals or hyperovals in the respective cases is called a flock of K. The theory of flocks has applications to projective planes, generalized quadrangles, hyperovals, inversive planes; using flocks new translation planes, hyperovals and generalized quadrangles were discovered. Let Q be an elliptic quadric, a hyperbolic quadric or a quadratic cone of PG(3,q). A partial flock of Q is a set P consisting of β disjoint irreducible conics of Q. Partial flocks which are no flocks, have applications to k-arcs of PG(2,q), to translation planes and to partial line spreads of PG(3,q). Recently, the definition and many properties of flocks of quadratic cones in PG(3,q) were generalized to partial flocks of quadratic cones with vertex a point in PG(n,q), for n⩾3 odd.  相似文献   

The estimation problem in a high regression model with structured sparsity is investigated. An algorithm using a two-step block thresholding procedure called GR-LOL is provided. Convergence rates are produced: they depend on simple coherence-type indices of the Gram matrix – easily checkable on the data – as well as sparsity assumptions of the model parameters measured by a combination of l1 within-blocks with lqlq, q<1q<1 between-blocks norms. The simplicity of the coherence indicator suggests ways to optimize the rates of convergence when the group structure is not naturally given by the problem or is unknown. In such a case, an auto-driven procedure is provided to determine the regressor groups (number and contents). An intensive practical study compares our grouping methods with the standard LOL algorithm. We prove that the grouping rarely deteriorates the results but can improve them very significantly. GR-LOL is also compared with group-Lasso procedures and exhibits a very encouraging behavior. The results are quite impressive, especially when GR-LOL algorithm is combined with a grouping pre-processing.  相似文献   

Consider estimation of a unit vector parameter a in two classes of distributions. In the first, α is a direction. In the second, α is an axis, so that –α and α are equivalent: the aim is to obtain the projector ααt. In each case the paper uses first principles to define measures of the divergence of such estimators and derives lower bounds for them. These bounds are computed explicitly for the Fisher-Von Mises and Scheidegger-Watson densities on the g-dimensional sphere, ωq. In the latter case, the tightness of the bound is established by simulations.  相似文献   

The paper discusses D-optimal axial designs for the additive quadratic and cubic mixture models σ1≤i≤qixi + βiix2i) and σ1≤i≤qixi + βiix2i + βiiix3i), where xi≥ 0, x1 + . . . + xq = 1. For the quadratic model, a saturated symmetric axial design is used, in which support points are of the form (x1, . . . , xq) = [1 ? (q?1)δi, δi, . . . , δi], where i = 1, 2 and 0 ≤δ2 <δ1 ≤ 1/(q ?1). It is proved that when 3 ≤q≤ 6, the above design is D-optimal if δ2 = 0 and δ1 = 1/(q?1), and when q≥ 7 it is D-optimal if δ2 = 0 and δ1 = [5q?1 ? (9q2?10q + 1)1/2]/(4q2). Similar results exist for the cubic model, with support points of the form (x1, . . . , xq) = [1 ? (q?1)δi, δi, . . . , δi], where i = 1, 2, 3 and 0 = δ3 <δ2 < δ1 ≤1/(q?1). The saturated D-optimal axial design and D-optimal design for the quadratic model are compared in terms of their efficiency and uniformity.  相似文献   

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