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Current debates in global strategy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Debates help drive research forward. This paper is unique in its review of four current debates in the global strategy arena: (1) cultural vs institutional distance; (2) global vs regional geographic diversification; (3) convergence vs divergence in corporate governance; and (4) domestic vs overseas corporate social responsibility. For each debate, the history is tracked and the emerging tension highlighted. By introducing both sides of four lively and timely debates, the paper provides an innovative way of reviewing the literature and helping to advance the field. It is argued that an underlying theme connecting these four diverse debates is the institution-based view of global strategy.  相似文献   

Most cited articles and authors in global strategy research   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recent reviews of global strategy research have documented a number of top contributors based on the number of their publications. However, no citation analysis has been conducted to ascertain the impact and influence of this research. In response, we have conducted the first ever citation analysis of 393 global strategy articles in nine leading journals published during the 1990s. Our findings identify the 25 most cited articles in the nine journals, the top 40 authors who publish these most cited articles, and the most cited articles in each of the 16 categories (subfields) of global strategy research. We also find that there is relatively little correlation between the set of 30 most prolific authors identified by Lu [Lu, J.W., 2003. The evolving contributions in international strategic management research. Journal of International Management, 9, 193–213.] and our set of 40 most cited authors. Among the 30 most prolific contributors, only eight (27%) have authored one of the top 25 most cited articles. Conversely, 32 (80%) of the 40 authors who publish the top 25 most cited articles are not on the list of most prolific authors. The eight leading authors who excel in both volume and influence of their research—Paul Beamish, John Hagedoorn, Jean-Francois Hennart, W. Chan Kim, Anoop Madhok, Arvind Parkhe, Mike Peng, and Aimin Yan—are surveyed to offer their insights on how to craft high impact research.  相似文献   

在供应商产能有限的背景下,研究供应商的最优分配策略和双渠道分销的问题。根据期望利润最大化建立供应商渠道分配模型,依据纳什均衡确定供应商的最优定价、最优产能和最优分销策略。结果表明,在双渠道策略的情况下,供应商应该优先满足销售企业的销售量。若供应链的销售量恰好得到满足,供应商应该按最优产能生产。供应商的渠道选择与供应商产能、供应链各节点的盈利能力和生产成本有关。  相似文献   

全球营销战略模型的检验指标创建及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在继承国外学者有关全球营销战略的理论模型基础上,开发和创建了测度该模型的一整套指标体系,用以对60家全球型跨国公司(均为“财富全球500强”)在中国市场上实施的全球营销战略从内外部驱动力、战略表现和经营业绩方面进行相关性检验,对在华跨国公司全球营销战略的基本模式和运作特点作出评价,据此对中国企业参与全球竞争、发展跨国经营战略提出有针对性的管理建议  相似文献   

在继承国外学者有关全球营销战略的理论模型基础上,开发和创建了测度该模型的一整套指标体系,用以对60家全球型跨国公司(均为"财富全球500强")在中国市场上实施的全球营销战略从内外部驱动力、战略表现和经营业绩方面进行相关性检验,对在华跨国公司全球营销战略的基本模式和运作特点作出评价,据此对中国企业参与全球竞争、发展跨国经营战略提出有针对性的管理建议.  相似文献   

同步技术是保证复制移动数据库系统一致性的一项关键技术,鉴于目前移动复制同步技术存在通讯数据量大、存储空间消耗多,尤其是在网络带宽下降时,不能及时更新客户端的数据,导致移动事务执行失败等缺陷。通过UTLRSP(Union Transaction-Level Result-Set Propagation,关联事务结果集)复制同步模型结合数据广播技术,并利用基于优先级的增量更新算法实现客户端与中心数据库服务器的数据同步处理。实验结果表明:与两级复制机制相比,UTLRSP模型将事务作相关联处理,且只保存事务结果,有效降低了存贮空间的消耗,减小了同步过程中通讯数据量;基于优先级的增量更新算法根据数据新鲜度排列优先级,保证在无线网络带宽下降时新鲜度最高的数据先传输,提高数据的传输效率、动态新鲜度以及客户端的可扩展性。  相似文献   

资金时间价值因素对延迟策略选择的影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究资金时间价值和不同的产品价值构成对延迟策略选择的影响问题. 首先定义了资金 时间价值的概念, 并按产品价值构成划分了产品的类型, 明确了延迟策略的种类. 然后建立了 不同延迟策略下, 在考虑资金时间价值因素和不考虑资金时间价值因素时的产品成本模型. 在 此基础上, 针对不同价值构成的产品, 分析其最优的延迟策略, 说明了资金时间价值因素对延 迟策略选择的影响. 从而为企业更好地利用延迟策略降低成本, 增强竞争力提供了理论基础.  相似文献   

耐用品的耐用性会抑制了新一代耐用品的销售,企业通常会采用以旧换新政策来激励新一代耐用品的销售。企业有两种产品设计架构策略:一体化架构策略与模块化架构策略,同时企业也有两种定价策略:静态定价策略和动态定价策略。在这种情况下,企业该如何确定产品设计架构和定价策略?在假定两期内消费者是短视情形下,论文建立了消费者与企业博弈模型分析和比较了三种情况。研究发现,无论是静态定价还是动态定价,无论是模块化架构还是一体化架构,购买了第一代产品的消费者都会整体更换成第二代产品;随着第二代核心系统的质量提升,以旧换新促使企业产品架构选择从一体化架构转变为选择模块化架构;当采用动态定价、第二代核心系统质量提升适中和折扣因子高时,企业会选择模块化架构;当企业采用模块化架构时,以旧换新政策会降低模块化产品第二代核心子系统和基础子系统之间的兼容性;如果两代产品之间的质量差距比较大,企业将会选择动态定价策略,反之会选择静态定价策略。  相似文献   

本文分析了一个包含单个供应商和单个制造商的供应链,研究了关于供应商的产品质量和市场需求的信息质量改进的战略联盟策略的设计,分析了成本共担策略能提高供应链绩效的条件及其对供应链的影响和价值.在供应链联盟中制造商参与到供应商的质量改进活动中,使供应商具有改进质量水平的激励,相应的使市场需求均值增加或使需求信息精度提高,供应商的期望收益比分散决策的供应链中的收益增加,当质量成本共担参数满足某些条件时,制造商也将获得比无战略联盟情况中更高的收益.  相似文献   

This article examines the proposition that MNCs from a particular country are likely to exhibit profile similarities that are distinct from those of MNCs emanating from another country due to differences in home country factors. We call this “country of origin effect” (COE). A generalized framework is presented briefly explaining the nature of relationships among various COE elements that influence MNC strategy. A number of research propositions are offered that postulate the presumed effect of COE elements on MNC strategy and competitive behavior. Finally, suggestions are made as to the implications of this avenue of enquiry for further research as well as guide for management action.  相似文献   

具有双边市场特征的产业中厂商定价策略研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
具有双边市场特征的产业不仅涵盖了传统产业,如房产中介,而且还包括新兴产业,如电子支付产业.以一类具有双边市场特征的企业为研究对象,它提供的产品不能被消费者独立消费,必须寄生于商品交易中.通过两阶段模型对平台企业的间接定价策略展开研究,研究表明:在双边市场同时具有初始规模优势,并且在双边市场同时具有较高品牌价值评价的平台企业将设定更加倾斜的价格结构(交换费),并且通过这种倾斜价格结构的强化机制削弱竞争对手.但是,当双边市场的交叉网络外部性比较弱的时候,弱势平台企业可以不断提高双边市场用户的价值评价来获得更多的市场.  相似文献   

基于基差角度的中国铜期货动态套保策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基差的非对称性对于套期保值策略选择具有十分重要的理论和实践意义.本文提出把基差分解为正、负基差项引入DCC-BGARCH模型研究非对称效应,并同时考虑正基差与负基差对期现货收益、波动及相关性的影响.实证结果显示:1)基差仅对期货收益有显著影响,说明期货与现货的短期偏离主要是通过期货市场进行调整;基差对期货收益具有非对称效应,负基差比正基差影响显著.2)基差对期货与现货价格波动及相关性的影响具有非对称效应,负基差的影响明显大于正基差.3)考虑基差非对称效应的动态套保策略比其他模型有更好的套保效果.研究结论对套期保值者在面临基差变动时选择最佳套保策略具有一定的指导意义.  相似文献   

董岗  朱道立 《管理科学》2013,16(5):83-94
针对承担货运和客运且通过不同辖区的港口集疏运通道,每个腹地区域独立进行所辖通道的投资规模决策和拥挤收费策略,基于多车型换算系数构建港口集疏运通道的客货运输均衡和腹地区域福利模型,并采用逆向归纳法进行两阶段非合作博弈分析. 研究发现: 实施差别拥挤收费策略对港口货运收费最高,而统一拥挤收费策略对腹地客运收费最高; 实施各种拥 挤收费策略后港口集疏运通道的投资规模均呈下降趋势,且只对货运车辆实施拥挤收费策略时通道投资的规模最低. 通过数值算例并以拥挤收费前作为参照,对比分析港口集疏运通道客货运结构对均衡投资规模和拥挤收费以及腹地区域福利和通道总福利的影响.  相似文献   

通过建立环境规制中地方规制部门与排污企业的演化博弈模型,研究了博弈双方的决策演化规律,着重分析了地方规制部门环境执法的影响因素,并采用结构方程模型对理论分析结果进行了实证检验。研究结果表明:地方规制部门与排污企业的决策演化规律一共包含12种情形,对方策略既定条件下治污和执法策略的相对净支付决定了博弈主体策略选择。加大中央(上级)环保部门对地方规制部门的奖惩力度、提高环境规制标准,能够促使地方规制部门提高环境执法力度,而且加大奖惩力度的促进作用要大于提高环境规制标准。对环境执法产生负面影响的主要因素是地方政府干扰,其次是环境执法成本。污染削减技术创新既可能提高、也可能降低环境执法力度,实证结果表明其降低了环境执法力度。企业污染物产生量越大,地方规制部门越倾向提高环境执法力度。地方规制部门的环境执法特征是现有政治、经济和环保体制下多方互动的均衡结果。  相似文献   

We expand the eclectic paradigm into a model of global strategic management and apply the latter to the analysis of the impact of the Sep. 11th terrorist attacks on the MNEs' performance to investigate the effect of exogenous shocks on the global strategies of firms. First, we integrate MNE resources and capabilities, strategy, and structure with the eclectic paradigm. Then we focus specifically on location attractiveness to examine how MNEs adjust internal factors with the exogenous distortions caused by an extreme environmental shock. We suggest that this adjustment is carried out at four levels: resources and capabilities, strategy, structure, and choice of location which jointly determine MNEs' performance. Although we restrict the application of this model of global strategic management to the post-Sep. 11th, our model may be applied to other extreme events that change, at least partly, the worldwide, or regional, economic order.  相似文献   

With the collapse of the bi-polar world, we live in an increasingly integrated global economy, which includes economic, political, and cultural dimensions. We argue that there is a need for a global ethic commensurate with a global economy, based upon the claims of interdependence, economic insecurity, multiculturalism, and shared problems. The need to identify some common cross-cultural ethical norms is asserted as an important component of a global ethic and various sources and means for such identification are proposed. Finally, we propose reasons why global corporations ought to embrace cross-cultural ethical norms within their own corporate ethics.A version of this paper was first delivered at a joint business faculty seminar co-sponsored by Anadolu University and Baldwin-Wallace College, held at Anadolu University, Eskischir, Turkey, in December 1992. I express deep gratitude to my losts from Aanadolu University and special thanks to Professor Selva Herekman, who painstakingly translated my English text into Turkish.  相似文献   

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