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青燕 《公关世界》2009,(6):8-11
捷克作家米兰·昆德拉在其最负盛名的小说《生命不能承受之轻》中表达了对人生中“轻’’与‘‘重”问题的深刻思考:许多看似“轻”的东西(如爱情)事实上却成为生命中的不能承受之重。对于企业发展来讲,这同样是一个绕不开的难题,究竟什么才是企业发展中的不能承受之轻呢?  相似文献   

Lethe 《女性大世界》2004,(12):138-141
在布拉格的街上游走,经过圆石铺就的马路、哥特式的建筑.弯弯曲曲的小巷,每一处都有许多故事。穿行在深街幽巷之中,我们似乎能感受到《生命中不能承受之轻》中的那种情调:没有毁灭性的战争和地震似的革命,有的只是淡淡的哀伤和无奈。  相似文献   

一、生命之轻的首当其冲者 为摆脱饥寒而苦苦挣扎,乃生命不能承受之重。而温饱问题一朝解决,百无聊赖,堪称生命不能承受之轻。一个社会中多数人解决了温饱,遭遇生命不能承受之轻,在人类历史上,乃至生物的历史上,是前所未有的。而一个社会中的一小撮人率先解决了温饱问题,则在人类文明的发端时期已经出现,那便是历史上的贵族们。他们是“生命不能承受之轻”的首当其冲者。他们的经验与教训值得今天正全面遭遇这一问题的当代人借鉴和反省。  相似文献   

重读《不能承受的生命之轻》,我再次感受到了米兰·昆德拉敏锐的洞察力,和蓬勃在其精神世界中那强健的生命力,尤其他关于人生“选择”的问题,值得我反复的细细的咀嚼、品味。  相似文献   

《生命不能承受之轻》中的两位女性角色——特蕾莎与萨宾娜.虽然有不少交集,但二人的生存状态呈现出不同的发展路向。萨宾娜是叛逆的代名词,她反对一切服从,追求无压力的轻快生活。在各层面均显示出“去父”的倾向,最终虽至“轻”的境界,却陷入了无处可走的困境。而特蕾莎向往灵与肉的统一,视爱人托马斯如父亲般存在.希望与之共同终老,在“寻父”过程中不惜承担肉体与精神的重负,但即使这样,也难免悲剧命运,反倒应和了昆德拉关于偶然性的认识。  相似文献   

生命中不能承受之重─—来自打拐解救第一线的报告之二文、图/本刊记者北夫金丽萍是陇南康县人。山大沟深的自然环境和22岁的如花年龄都让金丽萍有些憋闷,体外的世界和山外的世界越来越膨胀成强大的诱惑,直令金丽萍依栏发怔,把茫然的目光消失在茫然的远山里。这时有...  相似文献   

第六次全国人口普查主要数据显示,目前,我国60岁以上人口已达到1.78亿,占全国人口总数的13.26%,比2000年第五次人口普查上升2.93个百分点,其中,65岁及以上人口占8.87%,比2000年人口普查上升1.91个百分点,我国老龄化进程逐步加快。养老已经成为一个不能回避的社会问题,过去我们常说养儿防老,  相似文献   

本文以广东FB村为案例,从制度供给是否超过实际制度需求、外生性制度是否对内生性制度造成挤压这两个分析向度出发,通过对国家层面、地方政府以及村级组织村民自治制度建设情况的考察,分析认为制度过密化是村民自治制度建设的一种实然状态,已成为影响村民自治健康发展的不能承受之重,并进一步分析了造成村民自治制度过密化的原因,防止村民自治陷入更为严重的制度过密化陷阱。  相似文献   

生命中,有无数不可承受之轻,婚姻也是如此。但如果一纸昔日的情爱记录,也能让婚姻轻易破裂的话.这样的婚姻,在漫漫岁月中还能经得起什么?  相似文献   

冈子 《职业时空》2005,(7):16-17
人在职场,有着太多的身不由己.相信没有哪个人喜欢总被别人批评,但职场如战场,如果没有抗战能力,麻烦总是自动找上门,似乎注定了你是别人的"出气筒".其实,很多时候做"出气筒"并非你本意,也并非你不够努力,只是有许多Office里的门道你还没弄懂摸熟,无意间冲撞到了禁区,变成了被挑刺找茬的出气目标.面对向你撒气的上司、同事……你的忍耐性有多大?如果他们语言过激、行为过分,达到你不能承受之痛时,你必须翻身反击.  相似文献   

Selling drugs     
Doctors might not be crazy about the idea, but patients are walking into their offices asking for specific drugs. They have heard about them on TV or read about them in magazines.  相似文献   


China, one of the world’s most clandestine states, is currently engaged in moves to make state secrecy a matter of public policy, even inaugurating a ‘National Security Education Day’ in 2016. This article explores some recent campaigns about spy-catching to show how the state is using crowdsourcing, content marketing, and prosumerist gambits to sell an emergent social space of civic duty that I term the cryptosphere. Inciting civic participation is a particularly deft tool for propaganda work of this kind, which pivots on performative ideology. The ostensible purpose of these campaigns is to enlist the Chinese people in the securitization of the state, but in practice this is a highly disingenuous move given that the realm of the classified in China is so vast that ‘keeping secrets’ can only be perfunctory for almost all of its citizens. So far, commentators outside China have either been amused by the state’s new forays into infographics and mash-up videos, or critical of their xenophobic messaging. But the state’s apparently light-hearted drive to remind the Chinese people of the need to track spies is only peripherally about foreigners. It is occurring at a time when the government is also trialling a vast algorithmic grab on its own citizens’ personal data via the social credit system; operating a CCTV surveillance regime of more than one million cameras; and conducting mandatory biometric profiling in Xinjiang using DNA, blood types, iris scans, and fingerprints. These policies, I argue, constitute the exoskeleton of the cryptosphere. But this new sphere also needs its soft padding. Propaganda campaigns which school subjects on how to perform the role of loyal ‘informants’ – at the very moment that their own information is increasingly being expropriated by the state – are providing just this kind of thought work cushion.  相似文献   

Social marketers use the tools of selling to promote good nutrition, regular checkups, and other positive behavior. Instead of preaching, they try to understand and change the complex motivations that lie behind risky activities like smoking and unsafe sex. AIDS prevention is the vanguard of social marketing in the U.S., but the practice is likely to spread for a simple reason: it works.  相似文献   

This paper explores the dynamic interaction that occurs between large-scale social processes, urban development and the production of artistic expression and meaning through an analysis of art and urban change in the West Chelsea district of New York City. I begin my analysis with a discussion of specific works of art and expand to the local and global context to which these works respond and help to construct. Both urban space and artistic production, consumption and the social meaning attached to art by artists, critics, audiences and other art world actors have felt the impact of the turn to free market policies and ideology that have attended global economic restructuring and the rapid pace of globalisation. At the same time, art's new role as an engine of urban commerce and the accompanying expansion of the art market have helped to shape city districts like West Chelsea and have left their mark on the work that is exhibited and sold there. My analysis integrates a close study of two works of art exhibited in West Chelsea, interviews and other ethnographic data and recent literature on the arts and urban restructuring and the perspective of critical theory. I also provide photographic documentation of social interaction and the built environment of West Chelsea as it evolved in response to the expansion of the art worlds there. A secondary aim of this research is to contribute to a larger discussion about the social role and critical capacities of art in today's social, economic and political climate.  相似文献   


The present study investigated whether clerks in retail establishments that sell tobacco products can accurately estimate the age of a minor. Two Caucasian females, aged 16-years-old, participated as Field Agents in the present study. One Field Agent entered 49 retail establishments and the other Field Agent entered a different group of 51 retail establishments to conduct a tobacco compliance check. Later in the same day, each Field Agent entered the retail establishments that they had not previously sampled, and asked the clerk to estimate their age. Thirty-four percent of clerks rated the Field Agent as 18 years of age or older. This finding indicates that merchants are not accurate in assessing whether customers who are minors are of legal age to purchase tobacco.  相似文献   

VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations - This paper explores a network of organizations and their perspectives on the social enterprise commodity. Based on...  相似文献   


This paper discusses the deceptive practices of unqualified immigration counselors and the prospects for community-based organizing and peer education as a means of steering potential victims away from such practices. Although legislators have recently begun to pay attention to the potential for unqualified counselors to exploit the vulnerability of immigrants, non-citizens continue to fall prey to the inviting and perceived cultural legitimacy of their solicitation practices. Action research in the Chicago metropolitan area reveals the challenges faced by community-based organizations in providing a viable alternative to such practices.  相似文献   

The nature of, and course toward, retirement are perennial issues that the financial services industry bids to define. We used a sample of print advertisements for retirement financial planning from 1997 to 1998 to examine how advertisers create structures of meaning for retirement. The model customer was an individual, conscientious and self-reliant, typically male, and financially sophisticated. Worthy traits notwithstanding, ads suggested to readers that saving for retirement is a difficult and anxious task, the complexity of which the companies stood ready to manage. The savings goal — retirement itself — was depicted in only a minority of ads, underscoring its life-course givenness and desirability. Ads with an image of retirement showed an emancipatory life stage of active leisure underwritten by necessary financial security. The ultimate commodity for sale here was rationality of a remote and near kind — an eventual retirement that is controllable, and a financial path to that state that is routine and orderly.  相似文献   

Sleeplessness is an ancient and cross‐cultural phenomenon that is socially structured and restructured against a backdrop of ideology and inequality. In an effort to make sense of sleeplessness, some scholars have invoked the medicalization framework, which highlights consumerism, managed care, biotechnology, and physicians as key “engines” that foster the transformation of this formerly “normal” condition to one that people view as a medical problem. However, this burgeoning literature has not answered the call of medical sociologists to situate the medicalization process in a political economic context. In this article, we employ the case study of sleeplessness and the creation of the “Sleep Industrial Complex” to expand the medicalization framework and illustrate how American neoliberalism creates an ideal environment for the primary engines of medicalization. We identify three critical features of American neoliberalism—enhancement culture, commodification of health, and a “productivity imperative”—that act in concert with the driving engines to foster an environment wherein medicalization not only survives but also thrives.  相似文献   

Qualify Management is striving to perform to standard work processes that will achieve the results customers are seeking. EAPs do just that by focusing their performance early in the healthcare delivery process to help insure a healthy and productive workforce. Selling Quality is educating employers, who are wrestling to maintain employee benefits at reasonable costs, to the fact that Quality Management of behavioral healthcare works. Promoting health and wellness at the workplace, intervening early and professionally, and managing care to healthy outcomes is what EAPs and managed care programs are doing today, and convincing employers through their performance that Quality Management works.  相似文献   

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