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Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods provide an important means to simulate from almost any probability density. To approximate non-standard discrete distributions, the equation-solving MCMC estimator was developed as an alternative to the classical frequency estimator. The used simulation scheme is the Metropolis–Hastings (M–H) algorithm. Recently, this estimator has been extended to the specific context of 2-step Metropolis-Hastings with delayed rejection (MHDR) algorithm, which allowed a considerable reduction in asymptotic variance. In this paper, we propose an adaptation of equation-solving estimator to the case of general n-step MHDR sampler. The aim is to further improve the precision. An application to a Bayesian hypothesis test problem shows the high performance, in terms of accuracy, of the equation-solving estimator, based on a MHDR algorithm with more than two stages.  相似文献   

The authors describe Bayesian estimation for the parameters of the bivariate gamma distribution due to Kibble (1941). The density of this distribution can be written as a mixture, which allows for a simple data augmentation scheme. The authors propose a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm to facilitate estimation. They show that the resulting chain is geometrically ergodic, and thus a regenerative sampling procedure is applicable, which allows for estimation of the standard errors of the ergodic means. They develop Bayesian hypothesis testing procedures to test both the dependence hypothesis of the two variables and the hypothesis of equal means. They also propose a reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm to carry out the model selection problem. Finally, they use sets of real and simulated data to illustrate their methodology.  相似文献   

Modeling spatial patterns and processes to assess the spatial variations of data over a study region is an important issue in many fields. In this paper, we focus on investigating the spatial variations of earthquake risks after a main shock. Although earthquake risks have been extensively studied in the literatures, to our knowledge, there does not exist a suitable spatial model for assessing the problem. Therefore, we propose a joint modeling approach based on spatial hierarchical Bayesian models and spatial conditional autoregressive models to describe the spatial variations in earthquake risks over the study region during two periods. A family of stochastic algorithms based on a Markov chain Monte Carlo technique is then performed for posterior computations. The probabilistic issue for the changes of earthquake risks after a main shock is also discussed. Finally, the proposed method is applied to the earthquake records for Taiwan before and after the Chi-Chi earthquake.  相似文献   

In recent years analyses of dependence structures using copulas have become more popular than the standard correlation analysis. Starting from Aas et al. ( 2009 ) regular vine pair‐copula constructions (PCCs) are considered the most flexible class of multivariate copulas. PCCs are involved objects but (conditional) independence present in data can simplify and reduce them significantly. In this paper the authors detect (conditional) independence in a particular vine PCC model based on bivariate t copulas by deriving and implementing a reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm. However, the methodology is general and can be extended to any regular vine PCC and to all known bivariate copula families. The proposed approach considers model selection and estimation problems for PCCs simultaneously. The effectiveness of the developed algorithm is shown in simulations and its usefulness is illustrated in two real data applications. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 39: 239–258; 2011 © 2011 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

The authors propose a procedure for determining the unknown number of components in mixtures by generalizing a Bayesian testing method proposed by Mengersen & Robert (1996). The testing criterion they propose involves a Kullback‐Leibler distance, which may be weighted or not. They give explicit formulas for the weighted distance for a number of mixture distributions and propose a stepwise testing procedure to select the minimum number of components adequate for the data. Their procedure, which is implemented using the BUGS software, exploits a fast collapsing approach which accelerates the search for the minimum number of components by avoiding full refitting at each step. The performance of their method is compared, using both distances, to the Bayes factor approach.  相似文献   

The authors examine several aspects of cross‐validation for Bayesian models. In particular, they propose a computational scheme which does not require a separate posterior sample for each training sample.  相似文献   

A stochastic epidemic model with several kinds of susceptible is used to analyse temporal disease outbreak data from a Bayesian perspective. Prior distributions are used to model uncertainty in the actual numbers of susceptibles initially present. The posterior distribution of the parameters of the model is explored via Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. The methods are illustrated using two datasets, and the results are compared where possible to results obtained by previous analyses.  相似文献   

Rivest Wells (2001) showed that in situations where the dependence between a lifetime and a censoring variable can be modeled by a given Archimedean copula, the copula‐graphic estimator of Zheng Klein (1995) has an explicit form. The authors extend this work to the fixed design regression case. They show that the copula‐graphic estimator then has an asymptotic representation and a Gaussian limit. They also assess the influence of a misspecified copula function on the performance of the estimator. Their developments are illustrated with data on the survival of the Atlantic halibut.  相似文献   

A Bayesian method for making inferences on the degree of dependence for a positively quadrant dependent distribution is developed. This method is based on a parametric model, where the parameter measures the degree of association. The parametric model is a natural simplification of the original one: it is a mixture of the two extreme cases corresponding to independence and positive extremal dependence.  相似文献   

Summary.  The paper considers high dimensional Metropolis and Langevin algorithms in their initial transient phase. In stationarity, these algorithms are well understood and it is now well known how to scale their proposal distribution variances. For the random-walk Metropolis algorithm, convergence during the transient phase is extremely regular—to the extent that the algo-rithm's sample path actually resembles a deterministic trajectory. In contrast, the Langevin algorithm with variance scaled to be optimal for stationarity performs rather erratically. We give weak convergence results which explain both of these types of behaviour and practical guidance on implementation based on our theory.  相似文献   

Ghoudi, Khoudraji & Rivest [The Canadian Journal of Statistics 1998;26:187–197] showed how to test whether the dependence structure of a pair of continuous random variables is characterized by an extreme‐value copula. The test is based on a U‐statistic whose finite‐ and large‐sample variance are determined by the present authors. They propose estimates of this variance which they compare to the jackknife estimate of Ghoudi, Khoudraji & Rivest ( 1998 ) through simulations. They study the finite‐sample and asymptotic power of the test under various alternatives. They illustrate their approach using financial and geological data. The Canadian Journal of Statistics © 2009 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

Summary.  We propose new Metropolis–Hastings algorithms for sampling from multimodal dis- tributions on ℜ n . Tjelmeland and Hegstad have obtained direct mode jumping proposals by optimization within Metropolis–Hastings updates and different proposals for 'forward' and 'backward' steps. We generalize their scheme by allowing the probability distribution for forward and backward kernels to depend on the current state. We use the new setting to combine mode jumping proposals and proposals from a prior approximation. We obtain that the frequency of proposals from the different proposal kernels is automatically adjusted to their quality. Mode jumping proposals include local optimizations. When combining this with a prior approximation it is tempting to use local optimization results not only for mode jumping proposals but also to improve the prior approximation. We show how this idea can be implemented. The resulting algorithm is adaptive but has a Markov structure. We evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms in two simulation examples.  相似文献   

In the study of earthquakes, several aspects of the underlying physical process, such as the time non-stationarity of the process, are not yet well understood, because we lack clear indications about its evolution in time. Taking as our point of departure the theory that the seismic process evolves in phases with different activity patterns, we have attempted to identify these phases through the variations in the interevent time probability distribution within the framework of the multiple-changepoint problem. In a nonparametric Bayesian setting, the distribution under examination has been considered a random realization from a mixture of Dirichlet processes, the parameter of which is proportional to a generalized gamma distribution. In this way we could avoid making precise assumptions about the functional form of the distribution. The number and location in time of the phases are unknown and are estimated at the same time as the interevent time distributions. We have analysed the sequence of main shocks that occurred in Irpinia, a particularly active area in southern Italy: the method consistently identifies changepoints at times when strong stress releases were recorded. The estimation problem can be solved by stochastic simulation methods based on Markov chains, the implementation of which is improved, in this case, by the good analytical properties of the Dirichlet process.  相似文献   

This work extends the integrated nested Laplace approximation (INLA) method to latent models outside the scope of latent Gaussian models, where independent components of the latent field can have a near‐Gaussian distribution. The proposed methodology is an essential component of a bigger project that aims to extend the R package INLA in order to allow the user to add flexibility and challenge the Gaussian assumptions of some of the model components in a straightforward and intuitive way. Our approach is applied to two examples, and the results are compared with that obtained by Markov chain Monte Carlo, showing similar accuracy with only a small fraction of computational time. Implementation of the proposed extension is available in the R‐INLA package.  相似文献   

In response surface analysis, a second order polynomial model is often used for inference on the stationary point of the response function. The standard confidence regions for the stationary point are due to Box & Hunter (1954). The authors propose an alternative parametrization, in which the stationary point is the parameter of interest; likelihood techniques and Bayesian analysis are then easier to perform. The authors also suggest an approximate method to get highest posterior density regions for the maximum point (not simply for the stationary point). Furthermore, they study the coverage probabilities of these Bayesian regions through simulations.  相似文献   

In this paper the generalized compound Rayleigh model, exhibiting flexible hazard rate, is high¬lighted. This makes it attractive for modelling survival times of patients showing characteristics of a random hazard rate. The Bayes estimators are derived for the parameters of this model and some survival time parameters from a right censored sample. This is done with respect to conjugate and discrete priors on the parameters of this model, under the squared error loss function, Varian's asymmetric linear-exponential (linex) loss function and a weighted linex loss function. The future survival time of a patient is estimated under these loss functions. A Monte Carlo simu¬lation procedure is used where closed form expressions of the estimators cannot be obtained. An example illustrates the proposed estimators for this model.  相似文献   

Failure to adjust for informative non‐compliance, a common phenomenon in endpoint trials, can lead to a considerably underpowered study. However, standard methods for sample size calculation assume that non‐compliance is non‐informative. One existing method to account for informative non‐compliance, based on a two‐subpopulation model, is limited with respect to the degree of association between the risk of non‐compliance and the risk of a study endpoint that can be modelled, and with respect to the maximum allowable rates of non‐compliance and endpoints. In this paper, we introduce a new method that largely overcomes these limitations. This method is based on a model in which time to non‐compliance and time to endpoint are assumed to follow a bivariate exponential distribution. Parameters of the distribution are obtained by equating them with the study design parameters. The impact of informative non‐compliance is investigated across a wide range of conditions, and the method is illustrated by recalculating the sample size of a published clinical trial. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper compares minimum distance estimation with best linear unbiased estimation to determine which technique provides the most accurate estimates for location and scale parameters as applied to the three parameter Pareto distribution. Two minimum distance estimators are developed for each of the three distance measures used (Kolmogorov, Cramer‐von Mises, and Anderson‐Darling) resulting in six new estimators. For a given sample size 6 or 18 and shape parameter 1(1)4, the location and scale parameters are estimated. A Monte Carlo technique is used to generate the sample sets. The best linear unbiased estimator and the six minimum distance estimators provide parameter estimates based on each sample set. These estimates are compared using mean square error as the evaluation tool. Results show that the best linear unbaised estimator provided more accurate estimates of location and scale than did the minimum estimators tested.  相似文献   

This paper considers a hierarchical Bayesian analysis of regression models using a class of Gaussian scale mixtures. This class provides a robust alternative to the common use of the Gaussian distribution as a prior distribution in particular for estimating the regression function subject to uncertainty about the constraint. For this purpose, we use a family of rectangular screened multivariate scale mixtures of Gaussian distribution as a prior for the regression function, which is flexible enough to reflect the degrees of uncertainty about the functional constraint. Specifically, we propose a hierarchical Bayesian regression model for the constrained regression function with uncertainty on the basis of three stages of a prior hierarchy with Gaussian scale mixtures, referred to as a hierarchical screened scale mixture of Gaussian regression models (HSMGRM). We describe distributional properties of HSMGRM and an efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm for posterior inference, and apply the proposed model to real applications with constrained regression models subject to uncertainty.  相似文献   

Gupta and Kirmani (2008 Gupta, R.C., Kirmani, S.N.U.A. (2008). Characterization based on convex conditional mean function. J. Stat. Plann Inference. 138:964970.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) showed that the convex conditional mean function (CCMF) characterizes the distribution function completely. In this paper, we introduce a consistent estimator of CCMF and call it empirical convex conditional mean function (ECCMF). Then we construct a simple consistent test of fit based on the integrated squared difference between ECCMF and CCMF. The theoretical and asymptotic properties of the estimator ECCMF and the proposed test statistic are studied. The performance of the constructed test is investigated under different distributions using simulations.  相似文献   

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