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This article explores the implications of the World Trade Organization's General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) for social security. It examines what bearing the GATS has, or will have, on social security policy and administration and what the effects might be. These questions are explored through a review of legal, political and policy issues relating to the status of social security within the GATS and the consequences of applying the Agreement's provisions to social security. The discussion distinguishes between the supply of social security services on the one hand and access to and use of social security services on the other hand. It also distinguishes between substantive questions regarding the scope of the GATS and procedural issues regarding governments' scheduling practices. I argue that although the GATS does not yet have a direct material bearing on social security policy and provision, it may do so in the future. However, it is too early to ascertain what the nature or magnitude of the effects might be. More generally, the discussion highlights the difficulties of securing multilateral cooperation among countries with different levels of "development", strategic interests and priorities, and social security systems.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to provide a critical analysis of the impact of the privatisation of social security on Chile's economy and society. The paper also includes a brief discussion of Chile's current economic problems, and suggestions for integrating the social security system into the future development of the country. Its central argument is that social security should be able to provide adequate benefits not only to a privileged group of people, but to the entire society. In the case of Chile, the privatised system has created new sources of inequities, reduced the population coverage, and it has had a limited impact on economic development.  相似文献   

A brief overview of essential choices facing the transition countries of central Europe with regard to social security policy precedes the discussion of some selected issues related to their entry into the European Union (EU). While not much weight is given to the idea of these countries bringing in yet another social model, the problem of social dumping is considered more seriously, particularly in view of the continuing impact of neoliberal ideology. The central issue of maintaining equilibrium between economic and social development is then examined in the context of current preparations for accession, and attention is drawn to the inherent weakness of the present EU policy, which deals with economic aspects of social protection only and fails to give the populations concerned a clear vision of attainable social goals for the future.  相似文献   

“空巢”是中国科技与社会发展、独生子女政策落实的必然。日益增长的“空巢老人”为国家福利、代际和谐和社区照顾带来了严峻挑战。本文从社会保障的视角,采用健康自测量表(SRHMS),从生理、心理和社会健康的维度,对昆明市10所养老机构和18个社区的289位空巢老人和212名非空巢老人进行了比较分析,发现空巢老人社会健康与心理支持令人担忧。文章就构建“空巢老人”长期照顾网络作了讨论和建议。  相似文献   

There is increasing concern that social security creates dependence. The contingencies of most interest are unemployment, lone parenthood and disability. The relationships between each of these contingencies and the level of social security benefits are analysed cross-nationally; in no case is there a systematic relationship. The paper then examines other factors that determine dependence on social security.  相似文献   

In Asia and the Pacific, as in other developing regions, the continuing growth of the aged population has a great impact on social security programmes generally and, in particular, on the income security of older persons. In societies where traditional support systems are breaking up, their need for social security protection is increasingly important. A system of social security for the elderly population exists in most countries of the region. Many are provident fund schemes, which are basically saving schemes, and their coverage is low. Where social insurance pension schemes exist, the levels of benefits provided are also low. The focus for future development, therefore, lies in converting the savings schemes into multitiered pension schemes, extending their coverage and raising the level of benefits. In this context the critical question concerns the role of the State and the type of schemes used. The need for public pension schemes is great in Asia and the Pacific, where the level of poverty is comparatively high. Building pension schemes, whether public or private, involves a set of issues that need to be addressed. This article considers the systems currently in place and the challenges and limitations faced when considering the future development of social security in this area.  相似文献   

农民的社会保障近年来备受关注,但观念层面的讨论却很少出现在学术视野当中。保障观的研究有助于自下而上地理解农民作为底层群体的生存及发展状况,有利于加强社会保障政策的针对性和实效性。本文从农民立场出发,透过农民个体的生命历程及家庭中重大事件,分析农民“浸润”在日常生活中的对于保障的看法,从中探究作为农民“生存之道”的保障观的形成及意义,使社会保障研究和决策真正了解到他们的需要,真正有利于农民生存状态的改善。  相似文献   

社会保障水平是衡量社会发展水平的重要指标之一。合理的社会保障水平不仅是社会文明进步的标志,同时也促进社会经济的良性发展。本文针对北京市经济发展水平和社会保障水平现状,通过国际比较提出了在保障水平和保障范围等方面与发达国家70年代还有一定差距。在此基础上,对如何完善北京市的社会保障制度的建设提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

乔榛 《学术交流》2001,(4):43-45
我国在计划经济体制向社会主义市场经济体制转换过程中建立的社会保障制度,目前尚存在内容不健全、法制化程度低、实施机制脆弱的不足.比较国外较为成熟的传统型、福利型、储蓄型三种社会保障制度模式,我们可以从中吸取经验,受到启发,进而建立具有中国特色的、保障面宽、保障程度适中的社会保障制度.为此目的,我们必须加强社会保障立法,既要健全社会保障法律体系,又要严格社会保障执行的法律监督.  相似文献   

"The main purpose of this article is to outline the relationship between mortality research and policy-making in social security. Reasons are first discussed as to why more information is needed for social security purposes on how and why mortality varies over time periods and across population groups. There follows a synopsis of the correspondence between the type of policy question asked and the kind of research required to answer it. The paper concludes with a discussion of the incorporation of mortality research into policy models." The geographic focus is on the United States.  相似文献   

当前我国农村缺乏完善的现代社会保障服务体系,以及土地天然地提供了一种综合性保障的事实,被一些学者解读为土地具有社会保障功能。他们认为,在当前农村政策政策背景下可以借助土地经营权流转等方式构建农村社会保障体系,这暗含着土地实际肩负着农村的部分社会保障职能和农民进入社会保障门槛需要以放弃土地权利为代价两个观点。土地的天然保障功能与社会保障之间具有异质性,土地流转带来的保障作用与社会保障之间同样具有异质性。应当尽量排除土地因素在农村社会保障建设中的作用,在“去土地化”的路向上似乎更有助于农村社会保障事业的发展。  相似文献   

Indonesian social security in transition: An empirical analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Indonesia is one of the world's largest countries, with a population of some 190 million people. Although considered poor in terms of virtually every economic indicator at the start of the first national development plan some 25 years ago, the nation has consistently improved in performance year by year. This paper argues that the development of social security has been inextricably linked to the remarkable economic growth. The commencement of the second national development plan period (1994-2019) offers a timely opportunity to review Indonesian social security progress to date, to consider the challenges ahead, and to speculate on how social security can best contribute towards national objectives such as the development of human resources and the alleviation and eradication of poverty.  相似文献   

This paper identifies the different funding streams for social science research and the different purposes for which it is carried out. The issue of making research 'useful' and relevant and how this links to different modes of user involvement is discussed. For research users to be involved in research in a real, strong, way requires long-term relationships to be built between users and researchers. A large proportion of research being carried out within the higher education sector is funded by external bodies of some kind, on short-term contracts. The argument is put that little time and energy goes into the management of this contract research. The combination of high staff turnover, little management and the decline of the dual support system have made it increasingly difficult for long-term relationships between researchers and research users to be built up. The paper concludes with a discussion of the role and effect of the Research Assessment Exercise. There are no incentives in the RAE for the creation of the kind of environment within which applied research can flourish—team working, a focus on problems rather than disciplinary issues, support, training and skill development for researchers, and good management.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to analyse the economic and social implications of the privatisation of social security in Chile and to draw some lessons from the Chilean experience. The focus of the analysis is on the costs and benefits of the privatised system and its impact on social equity. Thus, the main section of the article is devoted to the analysis of the 20-year-old Chilean experience. This section is followed by a discussion of privatisation in other Latin American countries and the impact that World Bank's policies have had on the region. The last section looks at the lessons for the United States and argues against the establishment of a partially private plan in the USA.  相似文献   

谢舜  魏万青  周少君 《社会》2012,32(6):86-107
本文利用CGSS2006数据库,对政府转型下的宏观税负、民生财政支出和地区收入差距等与个人主观幸福感的关系进行实证检验后发现:(1)宏观税负对居民主观幸福感有显著负影响;(2)总体而言,政府公共支出增进了居民的主观幸福感;(3)从公共支出结构看,地方政府基建投资对于城镇居民的主观幸福感有显著负效应,政府用于科教文卫和社会保障的支出对居民的主观幸福感有显著正效应;(4)科教文卫支出与社会保障支出对市民与外来人员幸福感的影响存在显著差异。  相似文献   

Designing a social security pension system   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Abstract   This paper looks at potential models of social security pension systems. It refers often to the systems that exist in the United States and Canada (the latter more particularly) to outline the issues involved in attempting to design a "good" social security pension system. Of course, one of the issues is the definition of "good". This paper will use criteria such as poverty alleviation, retirement income adequacy, benefit/contribution sustainability, income equality and wealth distribution. In the course of the discussion, the reader will be exposed to many issues that need to be addressed in the establishment of any social security pension system in the world. This may prove to be helpful in countries where new systems are established (and even for evolving systems). It is also hoped that future students of social security will find this paper helpful in that it is meant to lay out some basic principles consistent with good social security pension design.  相似文献   

In today's globalizing world the nature of relationships between the North and South is changing to account for the closing gap in capacity to carry out research of international standard. The development of a lexicon sophisticated enough to address adequately these changing relationships, however, lags behind and is not supported by the current recourse to the jargon of 'partnership'. In this paper we explore the difficulties of negotiating a productive path through the dynamics of power and control that characterize international research collaborations. We call attention to this issue through recounting the story of the development of two quite different, but related, international research relationships in which we have been involved. We suggest that there is an important difference between those aspects of the relationship that respond to institutional needs and agendas and those aspects that relate more directly to the human relationships upon which the work in the field actually depends. We set out this difference in a tentative framework, where the relationship between researchers is labelled 'partnership' and the institutional relationship 'collaboration'. It is hoped that, by its inclusion in a journal on social policy, this paper may also stimulate discussion on the extent to which these issues are particular to international relationships or are, indeed, generalizable to national-level partnerships and collaborations within the UK and Europe.  相似文献   

For some youth in foster care, the closest family or family‐like relationships are with the foster parents with whom they have lived for extended periods of time. Nonetheless, child welfare agencies often do not explore these relationships and the potential they may hold for youth for legal permanence through adoption or guardianship. Recognizing that social workers often lack resources to help them initiate permanency conversations, Casey Family Services, a direct service child welfare agency in the USA, developed a tool that social workers can use to explore youth's sense of emotional security with their foster parents and foster parents' sense of claiming and attachment with youth in their care. The research literature that suggests that emotional security is a critical component of successful permanence provided the foundation for the development of the Belonging and Emotional Security Tool (BEST). When used with youth and foster parents, the BEST was found to advance meaningful permanency conversations. The authors provide case examples of its use and discuss future directions for using the BEST and broadening its application.  相似文献   

Great hopes have been held out for microfinance and other community development finance institutions (CDFIs) in industrialized countries as an instrument of “financially sustainable welfare provision”, following on from their success in many developing countries. Using interview data drawn from an exploratory sample of 45 clients, this paper examines the social and economic impact of three microfinance institutions in Glasgow, Sheffield and Belfast. The tentative conclusion is that most loans we examined do hit the target of the “financially excluded but bankable”, and exert an impact on poverty and social exclusion through the labour market and through helping to build social networks which reduce interpersonal risk. Our initial estimate is that each loan studied here was responsible for about 0.67 exits from unemployment over the two years 2000–2. If this ratio holds good outside the sample (and we emphasize the limitations of small sample size), this could mean that in the absence of microfinance services, the national unemployment total would be higher by some 2.4 per cent (or 22,000 individuals). The loans we have examined also save about £0.4 million on what would otherwise have been social security payments; grossed up again to all microfinance organizations, this implies an annual saving of about £250 million (1.4 per cent) on the total social security budget. However, to achieve this optimal impact microfinance institutions need to diversify their product: for example by switching from business loans into consumption loans, micro‐insurance, and equity, particularly in the rehabilitation of run‐down council estates.  相似文献   

As a result of demographic, financial and other pressures on social security schemes, governments are increasingly seeking to promote the development of complementary pension schemes and a partnership between the public social security system and private provision through occupational pension schemes or individualized pension arrangements. This paper considers the different aspects of complementary pension schemes which might be subject to some degree of regulation and deals briefly with some of the options available for establishing a satisfactory system of regulation and supervision.  相似文献   

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