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Summary Two types of the citrus red mite,Panonychus citri (M.) occur in some pear orchards in the intermediate latitudal areas in Japan during a certain period of the year (Takafuji andMorimoto, 1983): one is a diapausing type (DP) and the other a non-diapausing type (C). These two types are incompatible: no adult females are produced from the crosses between them (Takafuji andFujimoto, 1985). In the present study, females of each type were doubly crossed, first with a male of the other type, and then with a male of the same type, to examine the effectiveness of the second mating. In the females of the DP type, the second mating with a male of the same type was almost totally ineffective. In contrast, for the females of the C type the effectiveness of the second mating depended on the durations of the first and second matings: the famles produced female offspring only when the duration of the first copulation with a male of the DP type was brief and the second copulation with a male of the C type lasted relatively long. The results suggested that if the two types coexist, the intercrossing between them will favour the C type over the DP type.  相似文献   

Summary Reproductive compatibility was studied among populations of different types of the citrus red mite,Panonychus citri (McGregor), i.e., the diapausing type from pear (DP), the non-diapausing type from citrus (C) and that from pear (NP). Copulation was also observed between mates of different types (DP and C). Only in crosses between C ♀ and DP ♂, was copulation occasionally broken off prematurely; duration of copulation varied considerably between pairs and the average duration was much shorter than that between DP ♀ and C ♂ and than that in crosses between mates of the same types. No F1 adult females were produced at all from crosses between DP and C, showing that there was a complete reproductive isolation between the two types. There was a significant reciprocal difference in the egg hatchability and survival rate of immatures in the F1 progeny; mortality in the eggs and that in the immature stage were significantly higher in crosses between DP ♀ and C ♂, as compared to those in the reciprocal cross. This suggested that fertilization may have occurred in the former cross, whereas it seemed that eggs were not fertilized in crosses between the C ♀ and DP ♂. The NP was compatible with the C, whereas it was completely incompatible with the DP. Thus, there was a complete reproductive incompatibility between the diapausing and non-diapausing type ofP. citri. This work was supported in part by Grant-in-Aid No. 60560049 from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan.  相似文献   

Summary Populations of the two-spotted spider mite,Tetranychus urticae Koch collected from various localities and from various host plants in Japan showed wide variations in diapause attribute. Diapause percentages at 18°C/9L15D varied from nearly 100% in the north to 0% in the south-west. At intermediate latitudes the mites showed wide inter-population variations. Populations on herbaceous hosts in vinyl- or glass-houses gave significantly lower incidence of diapause than those on roses and deciduous fruit trees. Presence of winter hosts and better host quality under protected environments seemed to favour non-diapausing mites. The temperature threshold for diapause expression also varied widely among local populations. Northern populations consistently had higher and less variable thresholds than populations at intermediate latitudes with thresholds between 15 and 18°C. Inbred lines derived from a population in Kyoto exhibited a wide variation in diapause percentage at 18°C. These results show that diapause inT. urticae is a quantitative threshold trait and that populations in central Japan consist of a variety of genotypes with different diapause traits. This might provide a genetic source for adaptation to local and temporal variations in environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Summary The life cycle of a non-diapausingT. urticae population was studied in a pear orchard in the southern part of Okayama Prefecture, western Honsh?, Japan. The mites overwintered only on biennial weeds in the orchard without entering diapause, started to increase in number in early spring on them and then moved to other weeds as they emerged. The occurrence of the mites on pear began in early May several weeks after the unfolding of pear leaves and the population on pear was initiated by the migrants from the weeds around the base of pear trees. The population on pear showed two distinct peak occurrences, one in June and the other in mid-autumn. After pear leaves dropped in late autumn, the mites returned to biennial weeds for overwintering. This work was supported in part by Grant-in-Aid No. 00556033 from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan.  相似文献   

Summary I sampledTetranychus urticae Koch (Acarina: Tetranychidae) regularly from four rose gardens in Kyoto and Nara Prefectures in 1988–1990. When mite density was low,T. urticae showed an uneven vertical distribution, being more abundant in the lower third and absent from the upper third of the plants. Mite density was less variable within than between plants, suggesting that a sampling plan which includes more leaves from different plants rather than from different levels of a plant is favourable. Spatial distribution ofT. urticae was nonrandom and followed the negative binomial distribution. In addition, both the Taylor’s power law and the Iwao’s patchiness regression described the distribution well. An empty-sample method for estimating mite density from the proportion of empty sampling units was developed. Sampling plans for determining the sample size required to reach a predetermined precision level, based on this method and by directly counting the mites, were designed. The counting method was more accurate than the empty-sample method. However, when the time factor was taken into account, the latter was more favourable, because it was faster than the former at a density range of 1.5–300 mites leaf−1, which was most commonly encountered in the field.  相似文献   

Summary The frequency distributions in sex ratios of offspring from 4 fieldTetranychus kanzawai populations were examined. No significant difference was observed between average sex ratios of the 4 populations, although there was a great variability within each population, especially in the population fromPueraia lobata. Using the population fromP. lobata, inbred lines with high (H) and low (L) sex ratios were selected. Crossing experiments between H and L showed that sex ratio is determined by the genotype of mothers. It seemed that sex ratio is cointrolled by several genes, with no cytoplasmic factor involved.  相似文献   

Summary We compared the removal by solution, the represented count-area method and the beating, for the purpose of estimating the number of the Cryptomeria red mite. Among them the solution procedure provided the smallest standard error as per cent of the mean. 0.25 per cent unheated solution of sodium hydroxide is used for the summer generation, and also 0.25 per cent boiling one for the winter eggs. The mean proportion removed±standard error for the summer eggs and the winter eggs were 0.8770±0.0316 and 0.7920±0.0281 respectively, while 0.9894±0.0050 for the mites.  相似文献   

Natural hybridization among wingless carabid beetles of the subgenusOhomopterus (Carabidae, genusCarabus) is reviewed, and its significance in the evolution of this subgenus discussed. Natural hybridization occurs between parapatric species of similar size. Two case studies of natural hybridization suggest that natural hybridization could have affected the evolution of this subgenus in different ways. When there is a large difference in genital morphology between hybridizing species, interspecific copulation often results in genital injuries that causes mortality of copulating individuals, and hence reduces the fitness of hybridizing individuals greatly. In such a case, hybridization may be effective in maintaining the parapatric distribution of the two species, and in the long term, may promote reinforcement selection for traits which are effective in prezygotic reproductive isolation. When the morphological difference in genitalia is not so large as to cause genital injury, a hybrid population may be established at the intermediate zone between two parental species, provided that the immigration rates of the two species into the intermediate zone are small. Thus, natural hybridization may have contributed to both divergence and reticulate evolution in this subgenus.  相似文献   

Summary A model simulating the movement and oviposition of monarch butterflies over a female's life time is presented. The model's predictions compare favourably with observed data and suggest that females who lay eggs in an optimal fashion should have low directionalities in areas with high host plant density (patches and single plants) and high directionalities in areas with low host plant density. The model also provides one means of combining individual animal processes and spatial heterogeneity into population dynamics.  相似文献   

Summary Effects of starvation on the suryival period and the respiratory rate in adults of a wolf spider,Pardosa astrigera (L. Koch), were investigated. The spiders used were divided into four groups: well-fed, starved and two limited food groups; in the latter two, each spider was supplied with one leafhopper every second or third day. Adult males and females ofP. astrigera could survive for a long time; 28.8±2.7 days and 54.4±18.9 days, respectively, without any food. The longevities shown here were 73.8% for males and 78.6% for females of those of well-fed spiders, indicating thatP. astrigera adults have a strong tolerance to starvation. The respiratory rate of well-fed adults showed no tendency to increase or decrease with their aging; the mean respiratory rates were 4.86×10−4 mg CO2/mg f.w. (fresh body weight)/hr for males and 3.80×10−4 mg CO2/mg f.w./hr for females. The respiratory rates of starved spiders increased during the first two days of starvation but decreased markedly from the third to the twelfth day, and thereafter retained an almost constant level for each sex. The mean respiratory rates after the twelfth day of starvation were 2.49×10−4 mg CO2/mg f.w./hr for males and 2.76×10−4 mg CO2/mg f.w./hr for females; these values were respectively 48.4% and 63.0% of those prior to starvation. The fresh body weight of starved spiders decreased linearly with time but the rate was small. The respiratory rates of the limited food groups tended to decline with time and thereby their weight losses were minimized. The decrease in the respiratory rate under starvation was considered not to be due to spider exhaustion or senescence but due to an intrinsic change in behaviour and/or metabolism, because when the spiders were supplied with ample food for five days after starvation, the respiratory rate and the body weight rapidly recovered to near the levels prior to starvation. It is suggested that starved spiders use a higher ratio of fat as catabolic substrate than normally fed or satiated ones. Feeding strategies of poikilo-therm predators are discussed. This work was partially supported by the Nippon Life Insurance Foundation Research Fund and Grant-in-Aid (No. 56480039) from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan.  相似文献   

Summary A marked variation exists in the numbers and distribution of East African red legged millipedeMetiche tanganyciense Kraus on the surface and in the lower layer (15 cm) of the soils. Stadia 5 cm and lesser in length are found in the lower layer and those 5 cm and above on the surface soil. Adults are common in varying numbers in both the habitats. It is suggested that after becoming surface active during March–August, and mating, adults migrate to lower layer during September to oviposit. Eggs and early developmental stages are passed here, and when they are 5 cm in length, the stadia move to the surfface soil to complete their development. In keeping with this behaviour, spatial distribution of the adults may change from non-aggregation on surface soil to aggregation in the lower layer. The simulataneous presence of adults and developing stadia in the two habitats suggests and overlapping of generations. This investigation was done while I was in the Department of Entomology, University of Nairobi.  相似文献   

Reproductive behaviors related to habitat utilization were studied in males of the damsefly,Mnais nawai, which has two male forms, territorial orange-winged males (nawai) and non-territorial pale-orange-winged males (sahoi), at the upper part of a mountain stream where they partiallycoexist with a related species,Mnais pruinosa, which also has two male forms, territorial orange-winged males (esakii) and non-territorial hyaline-winged males (strigata). These two species showed parapatric distribution; the lower part of the stream was occupied byM. nawai, and the upper part byM. pruinosa. In the present study, cross-matings occurred between bothMnais species, although normal intraspecific matings occurred more frequently than cross-matings. Territorial males of both species copulated with conspecific females that entered their territory and guarded the ovipositing females, probably to avoid sperm displacement resulting from subsequent copulations. Severe competition for oviposition sites by territorial males even occurred between the two species. On the other hand, non-territorial males of both species have alternative mating strategies (including several tactics such as sneaking, takeover and interception). The possible benefits from conflict among territorial males of both species is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The functional response parameters of the parasitoid,Anisopteromalus calandrae (Howard) to the third instar, the fourth instar and the pupae ofCallosobruchus maculatus (F.) were estimated from the Random Parasitoid Equation. By modifying this equation for a two host situation and using the parameters estimated above, a no switch model could be obtained. This model was then used to test for switching. In the preference experiments where two stages of the host were presented to the female parasitoid, a definite preference for the fourth instar followed by the pupa and the third instar, respectively was shown. There was, however, no evidence of switching. There was also no evidence that the data fitted the no switch models which suggests that when the parasitoid is searching in an environment with two or more hosts, its searching behaviour is more complex.  相似文献   

The antLasius niger was observed collecting honeydew and preying on the two aphid speciesLachnus tropicalis andMyzocallis kuricola on the chestnut treesCastanea crenata. Observation determined how the antL. niger controlled their predation on the aphids in response to the density and honeydew-productivity of the aphids.Lachnus tropicalis was a better honeydew source thanM. kuricola forL. niger in terms of the amount of honeydew collected per unit time by the ants. The number of foraging workers on a tree increased with the number ofL. tropicalis on the tree, but not with the number ofM. kuricola. The density ofL. tropicalis perL. niger worker on a tree had a positive effect on the predation activity ofL. niger on both aphids, whereas the density ofM. kuricola per ant did not have any significant effect. The predation pressure by the ant which increased withL. tropicalis density, however, directed toM. kuricola rather than toL. tropicalis. These facts suggest (1) thatL. niger control their predation activities on aphids with regards to the densities of the attended aphids per worker, and (2) that the ants prey on the aphid species producing less honeydew. The effects of the ant predation on aphids and the importance of these predation effect in antaphids interactions were discussed.  相似文献   

The inner bark of Japanese cedar,Cryptomeria japonica D. Don., is the main food of the sugi bark borer,Semanotus japonicus Lacordaire, but may also be involved in resistance to attack by the borer. I used newly hatched larvae to inoculate cedar logs that had been cut 2-weeks to 12-months earlier, and undamaged living cedar trees. On living trees, all larvae were killed by resin flow from the traumatic resin canals between the outer- and inner bark or between the inner bark and cambium. In logs that were cut more than 4 months prior to inoculation, larvae were unable to complete development. In logs cut 2 weeks prior to inoculation, almost all larvae were able to reach the adult stage but they were smaller in size than adults from living trees damaged by this borer. These results suggest that poor nutrient conditions in the inner bark of logs affected development and survival of the borer. Because of its nutritional advantage, living cedars provide a better environment for the sugi bark borer. However, all larvae are killed by resin flow, suggesting that this insect is “in between” being primary and secondary with respect to living trees, or a “weak” primary insect. The sugi bark borer seems to develop early in the season so that early instar larvae encounter reduced amounts of resin flow and so that late-instar larvae feed mostly in summer when nutrient levels in the inner bark are at their highest.  相似文献   

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