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A national drive to encourage men to join in the white ribbon campaign, the world's largest effort to end men's violence against women, was launched in Beijing recently. Sponsored by the United Nations Development Fund for Women(UNIFEM) and the All-China Women's Federation, it aims to enhance public awareness, especially in men, of violence against women and how to eliminate it. Initial activities in the drive focus on training and advising men on appropriate behavior.  相似文献   

Becently a survey was conducted among 2,055 urban women from 18 to 40 years old in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu and Shenyang. According to them, independence and equality between men and women are the striking features of women in the new century. 63.2 percent were willing to compete with men in the workplace. In terms of the best family mode, 42.2 percent of them partially agree that a perfect woman needs to  相似文献   

In general, I really admire your magazine. I've become addicted and I read your magazine every month. I think it is an essential read for anyone interested in gender equality and (anyone who) supports win-win progress for both men and women. I would like to see more debate on family and cultural issues, though, and read more about the secret to China's economic growth. Many thanks to the Embassy of China, in Eritrea, for distributing the magazine.  相似文献   

Chinese Women's Forumon Employment Opens in Beijing中国妇女就业论坛在北京召开The Chinese Women's Forum on Employment was held on December 15, 2002 in Beijing. It was sponsored by the All-China Women's Federation and Chinese Women's Research Society. About 300 leaders, experts and scholars attended the forum. They discussed how to promote women's employment and the need to draft and improve policies regarding gender equality in the workforce.Discussions focused on ways of expanding employment opportunities for women, promoting professional development programs for both men and women, and ways of ensuring pay and benefits equity between men and women.  相似文献   

THE definition of sexual harassment has been a subject for discussion in recent years in China. As society deepens its acceptance and understanding of the principles of equality between men and women, this kind of infringement of women's rights becomes ever more disturbing. People are also increasingly aware of the negative social influences of sexual harassment, and the psychological  相似文献   

IT is said that: because men took the dominant position in most areas and ages during the developing process of human kind, it is tolerable to men if women dress in men's clothes. Men thought  相似文献   

THE changes in collars, sleeves and lace of women's clothing should be regarded as changes in form. But the early 20th century also saw changes in the ideology of and attitudes towards women's fashions. The first striking change was that women began to adopt men's fashions. Some women who struggled for emancipation chose to dress as men in order to change the image of women as delicate and frail. Around 1903, Qiu Jin, a famous woman fighter of the Chinese democratic revolution, lived in Beijing. A Japanese friend was deeply impressed by  相似文献   

IN any society, the degree to which women receive education is always linked with their social status. Up to the first half of the 20th century Chinese women were still not able to attend school. In the old China, 90 percent of women were illiterate, and the enrollment rate for girls was only 20 percent. After the People's Republic of China was founded in 1949, the government established that women legally enjoyed equal rights with men in politics, the economy and education. After 45 years, women have considerably improved  相似文献   

IN the early years of the Republic of China (1912-1949), a great upsurge to promote industry and commerce spread across the country. Women, who were used to doing spinning and weaving, became involved in this industrialization. In early 1912 women intellectuals wrote newspaper editorials advocating women to initiate industrial and commercial enterprises. They said that women were not suited to work in industries such as the railways, mines, and navigation, but were suited for work in spinning and textile mills, breeding silkworms, raising tea, and working in handicrafts factories. They hoped that women would pool their funds to set up business organizations, improve their lives and become economically independent.  相似文献   

Development of Rural Women STUDY and discussion on the development of rural women have centered on several areas: to improve rural women's abilities through greater access to education and training which will enable them to participate in social activity; to manage and make policy; to have better jobs to overcome their poverty; and to learn how to make use of legal protections. At present the main problem is that the low level of education and training restricts the development of rural women. Currently the reality in the countryside is that men go out to find jobs and women stay at home to tend the fields. Sixty to seventy percent of the agricultural labor force is women. The feminization of agriculture brings opportunity to women but also increases their  相似文献   

SINCE the policy of reform and opening was implemented in China, the Chinese farmers who toiled in the fields for thousands of years have been awakened. They have surged into large and medium-sized towns and developed areas. Now they earn more money than ever and have a chance to see the world. Many of these people are women. A new trend is quietly emerging among young women from farming communities who have traveled to the  相似文献   

WOMEN, a powerful force accounting for some 50 percent of world's total population, are deeply involved in social development and are actively joining their male counterparts in promoting the progress of mankind. Nonetheless, people seem to be paying increasingly less attention to the aforementioned facts. Therefore, the following question is meant to call people's attention to the matter. What would happen if women withdraw from economic, political, cultural and family activities? In terms of the economy, it would mean that about one billion people would go on strike due to the fact that some 897 million women across the world are engaged in paid economic activities. The worldwide grain output  相似文献   

IN this new column we will introduce to readers the laws relating to women and children. To understand this is very important if you want to study Chinese women's status and legal rights. In 1982, the principle that women enjoy equal rights with men was written into the Constitution of the People's Republic of China, which was originally promulgated in 1954. In the new Constitution of the PRC that was revised and adopted in 1982,  相似文献   

MODERN science was developed from religious theology but theology excluded women. So only men populated the world of science in ancient times. Perhaps there lived some women inventors in history. But in the Dark Ages they might have been sentenced to death. Even great scientists such as Galileo and Copernicus didn't escape the  相似文献   

WALKING in any city or ruralarea in China today, one will seewomen with confidence andpride, with their own work and lives.There is not much difference between theurban and rural women in dress. Theirfaces portray contentment and happiness.These are significant changes which havebeen brought about by women walking outof the family over the past near 50 years,and getting involved in society, alteringtheir dependence on men and making thempeople of dignity. The government knew clearly that to  相似文献   

SHANDONG Province harbors one of the ten maior families of dishes in China—the Lu-stvle of foed Located next to the Bohai Sea. Shandong Province is filled with many tasty sea treats. There are two branches of Lu-style food, The dishes popnlar in inner Shandong contain mostly poultry. meat and internat organs of animals. The other branch of Lu-style food, popular in the coastal area features seafood Restaurants along coastal cities and villages offer dishes cooked with fresh seafood, crops, fruits and vegetables. Cooked in their own juices, they feature an originat flavor. People in the coastal villages along the Bohai and Huanghai seas lire on fishing with men going to sea while women take care of the household chores and wodk in the fields. Hard-boiled snakeheaded fish's eggs and sea urchin soup are frequently served in the morning before men set out to sea According to folk legend, these dishes are believde to stop storms and give men courage to overcome difficulties The intervals men don't go to sea  相似文献   

I am writing my thesis on microfinance, and how it contributes to the empowerment of women in society. More specifically, it is focused on female entrepreneurs. I would like to focus on China, and I have noticed that you have some articles about the effects of microfinance on women (in China). Could you please offer me more details about the issue?  相似文献   

Dear Readers, This is to say hello to you. In this column, we plan to publish articles written by foreign readers who are interested in our magazine. We would like to hear about your work or life experience in China, and impressions about Chinese women. Views and opinions on any topics you specialize in, which concern China, are also  相似文献   

To Our Readers     
WE, the staff of Women of China would like to wish you a happy new year. Last autumn, the Seventh National Congress of Chinese Women was held in Beijing. It summarized the experience of the women's movement, the kind of work done by women during the reform and opening over the last 15 years, and defined the task for the women's movement in the 1990s. The successes have greatly insoired millions of Chinese women to thrive for the country. Our magazine will report more about all nationalities of women who are involved in the reform and  相似文献   

AS a doctor in the management of maternity and children's hygiene in the Tibet Autonomous Region for nearly 20 years, I would like to present a brief introduction of the situation of Tibetan women and children's health, as well as the related services. Prior the Liberation in Tibet, this region coveting over 1.2 million square kilometers, had few health care facilities for women and children. Such activities were carried out by three Tibetan medical institutions, a small number of folk doctors of Tibetan medicine, and a few private clinics. Under the feudal serf system in Tibet, women who gave birth were discriminated against because it was considered an obscene act. Women could not give birth in their tent homes, but were instead forced to seek shelter in cow stalls or sheepfolds no matter how severe the weather. Women and children at the time had no rights to health care. Countless women and children died of birthing complications or  相似文献   

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